Green Link - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

This is literally just how people draw the colors

Just A Silly Little Post Because I Giggled At The Idea That The Colours Are The Same Amount Of Stupid

just a silly little post because I giggled at the idea that the colours are the same amount of stupid but Vio spends the whole time Ghirahim posing dramatically in the background. He thinks that makes him look cool. He is wrong.

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1 year ago

A little comic based on this AU created by @heading-down-to-georgia and also this addition by @2xlee

A Little Comic Based On This AU Created By @heading-down-to-georgia And Also This Addition By @2xlee
A Little Comic Based On This AU Created By @heading-down-to-georgia And Also This Addition By @2xlee
A Little Comic Based On This AU Created By @heading-down-to-georgia And Also This Addition By @2xlee

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1 year ago
The Four Swords Manga Was First Published On September 28th, 2004. Can You Believe These Guys Are 16

The Four Swords manga was first published on September 28th, 2004. Can you believe these guys are 16 years old now?!?

Happy Birthday, Four Swords! Here’s to many, many more :)

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1 year ago

Red you little gremlin, what did you do!? 🤣🤣🤣

Thank you, this was everything I was hoping for! 💕

Can my prompt be the Colours being brothers? Just typical sibling shenanigans? In whatever way your heart desires! ❤️

A crack-bang rings out making the windows shudder in their frames. Green jolts up, the drowsiness of his near nap quickly fleeing the face of an explosion that close to the house.

Footsteps come pounding down the stares, and Vio practically skids into the front room, Red all put slamming face first into his back.

"What was that?" Vi asks.

"No idea!" Green answers, some of the stress leaving at the sight of the two of them. "Wait... where's Blue?"

Red's eyes go wide. "The forge!"

There's a single beat of stillness as the combination of 'someone in the forge' and 'mystery explosion' adds up in all their minds. The result of that bout of mental arithmetic is... not great. Green can see them all come to the same conclusion in sync and they all rush for the front door, tripping over one another in their haste.

The three of them spill out onto the yard and are nearly to the back door of the workshop when it opens, Blue stumbling out with the smoke.

He coughs, wiping the soot off of his face (or really, just trying to, all he's actually managing is to smear it around).

"Are you okay!?" Red asks, crashing into him in an aggressive hug.

"Fine," he wheezes, already trying to push him off.

If he's up to trying to get Red to stop being affectionate, then he probably really is okay. Green sighs as his heart rate starts returning to something more normal.

Vio frowns, narrowing his eyes at the building itself. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!" Blue huffs, finally prying Red off of him and pushing him back even further at the resulting pout. "I was trying to start on the next batch of fucking horseshoes -" They all nod along to the irritation in his voice there. 'Fucking horseshoes,' indeed. "-and when I got the hot ore down on the anvil it just..."

Blue trails off with a confused scowl.

"It... just exploded?" Green asks.


Vio blinks. "What."

"I don't know!"

Green tries again, "Wait the anvil exploded? Or the ore?"

"Yes?" Blue shakes his head. "No? I don't know, there was just a bang and then smoke!"

"That shouldn't have happened," Vio informs them like they all don't already know.

"No shit," Blue growls. "Well, whatever that was, I guess I should just count myself lucky I didn't get any shrapnel to the damn face."

That is true. That is a very, very good thing. Green turns to ask Red if he has any ideas, when it suddenly dawns on him. Red has been really quiet.

...too quiet.

"What the fuck did you do!?"

Red gulps. "It was only supposed to be a little explosion!"

Blue's face flushes with sudden rage, a tint of red under the soot. "Are you kidding me?"

Red blinks.

"You should run," Vio tells him. "I think he's actually mad at you this time."

Red turns on his heels and sprints off, his first step in perfect sync with Blue's lunge towards him.

Vio snorts a small laugh. "Well. Have fun cleaning that up, Green."

"Wait. Hang on." He frowns at Vio's back as his brother leaves him, heading back to the house now that the excitement has come to an end. "Aren't you going to help me?"

No answer, just a backwards wave over Vio's shoulder. Somewhere out of sight, there is a loud squeal of the laughter that means that Red has been caught.

...he'll go get some rags.

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1 year ago
Using The Power Of Teamwork To Steal Blue's Cookies? Noooo...

Using the power of teamwork to steal Blue's cookies? noooo...

The prompt of the week in the four Swords extended server was teamwork and this is the first thing I thought of; I really like them

bonus; no text

Using The Power Of Teamwork To Steal Blue's Cookies? Noooo...

and background images!

Using The Power Of Teamwork To Steal Blue's Cookies? Noooo...

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5 months ago
Happy 20th Anniversary Four Swords Manga!!! Thank You So Much For Such An Amazing Story, And A Wonderful

Happy 20th anniversary Four Swords manga!!! Thank you so much for such an amazing story, and a wonderful community xxx

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2 years ago

Knock-off zelda d&d campaign

alright so like a few years back i was planning a d&d campaign with a few friends and like- i wanted to shove in zelda characters without anybody noticing they all noticed- but i'd just like to show off my fine work-

Victor (totally not Vaati)

main villain of the campaign

certified lonely boi

he's ✨royalty✨

short tempered-

closeted pan sexual

Octavius (totally not Octavo)

neat freak

same colour scheme but he now has ✨short hair✨

generally chill dude

has a book collection

the party disintegrated his couch-

Gerald (totally not the green link)

Oldest of 5 brothers

has a dead wife and now an alcohol addiction-

certified dad

cries during romantic moments

has a cloak with a green gem button thingy hence the nickname green

Violet (totally not vio)

chill dude

basically green's therapist

always get's made fun of for having a girls name

second oldest of the five brothers

he want's to be a travelling scholar

same cloak thing with green but purple this time

Barrett (totally not blue)

another short tempered dude

is twins with our boy red

he's a stickler and won't do anything without getting payment in return

whines like a child

same cloak thing but blue, hence the nickname blue

Ronan (totally not red)

emotional boyo

has a mini flower garden

tries to enjoy blue's presence but it always ends up in a fight

twins with blue

same cloak thingy but red, hence the nickname red

Salem (totally not shadow link)

left him for last but he's kinda like the middle child

he doesn't really have any of the features the rest of the brothers have which basically leads him to think he was adopted but their parents aren't around so no one knows

the brothers legit thought he was dead for the longest time just to find him working for Victor

yeah Salem was dying but Victor saved him but now both their souls are bound to a single object a hair brush

so uuuuh feel free to do with that information as you please-

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3 years ago

Blue: purple (derogatory)

Vio: I'm going to murder you

this is amazing but also consider: Green using longer versions of their colors when lecturing them

Green: BLUE CERULEAN NAVY LINK if you don't get back here THIS INSTANT

Green: Red Crimson Scarlet Link, you were named after my three least favorite colors but thats okay because you made dinner  Green: Violet Lavender Periwinkle Link if you pull another all nighter, I'm knocking you unconscious myself and tucking you into bed 

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5 years ago
So I Got Googly Eyes

So I got googly eyes

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5 years ago

Completely forgot about these dumb things I made like a month ago and extremely completely forgot about how much my girlfriend told me to post em @tiny-derpy-catcat​ ARE YOU HAPPY.

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4 years ago
Would Like To Announce That Drawing The FS On My Bulletin Board Has Taken Over My LifeGay Isle Took An
Would Like To Announce That Drawing The FS On My Bulletin Board Has Taken Over My LifeGay Isle Took An

Would like to announce that drawing the FS on my Bulletin Board has taken over my life Gay Isle took an hour because of all the rainbows and dots and stars and hearts because my kids are VANDALIZING my board with the GAY and I couldn’t be happier

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