Frank Morrison Dbd - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Could you do The Legion members reacting to a new survivor? :0

Yes I have a bit of a crush on Frank, b u t he’s charming ok-

Don't even worry about it cause same-

Could You Do The Legion Members Reacting To A New Survivor? :0


He took his mask off and just wanted to chill a bit for this match

His other matches been terrible so he needed a breather

10 matches in a row and he got shit on so he just needed a break, he hasn't even got to go back to killer camp to chill just match after match

A finger tapped his back "E-excuse me?" He heard a quiet voice say

He turned around confused and saw your messy tear streaked face

So new survivor huh?

He smirked "So your a new survivor huh? I'm Frank and honestly you should be avoiding me" he said bending over a little and getting in your face

You looked taken aback and looked at him with wide eyes and your lip quivered "what do y-you mean?" You asked

"I'm a killer" he said and pulled his mask back on his mask

You took off albeit stumbling and tripping, so he chased you manically laughing


She saw you from a distance and started squealing

Eeeeeee new survivor!!!!

So cute!!!

She runs over to you and brings her blade up to stab you and slices your arm

She loves the cute little sounds you make 😍

Will chase you down all match and ignore other survivors

Watches you closely while you whimper in pain on hook <33

She can't help it your just so pretty and intriguing 😇


He was walking through the woods and came across survivor camp

That's when he saw you

You are just sitting there sniffling and shaking

He felt bad for you and hid behind a tree watching you

For some reason he wants to comfort you

He moves his mask to the side to get a better view of you

He thinks your fucking gorgeous and can't wait to get in a match with you<3


New survivor? Who the hell cares

She gives no fucks that your new it's not going to make her show mercy

She will be just as cruel to you as any other

Julie could warm up to you if you play your cards right

I'm sure underneath all that bitch there is some good

She does think that your outfits look good though :)

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2 years ago

Can I request the 4 legion and Danny reacting to a sur Ivor that enjoys/laughs when they're in pain?

Sorry I didn't do all of Legion :( hope this is still good

Killers reaction to a survivor who enjoys pain

Can I Request The 4 Legion And Danny Reacting To A Sur Ivor That Enjoys/laughs When They're In Pain?

Danny Johnson

*pauses and tilts his head* huh? This is interesting

He for sure enjoys this

When he slashed you with his knife for the first time and you let out a loud moan it was an instant boner

He loves to leave you for last every time in the match just so he can play with you

He enjoys trapping you underneath him while he cuts you to hear you make those adorable sounds

He also love the fact that you don't resist you just accept it and crave more

Frank (Legion)

Also instant boner

But instead of chasing you he runs away to clear his mind and get rid of his problem (poor Dwight accidently caught him 💀😭)

Now don't get me wrong he loves the moans and the face you make when you get hit but it's messing with him

He can't keeping having boners evey match your in

So what does he do?

He avoids you unless he really can't

One time though he killed everyone on the team and came after you and downed you, then he had his fun



She giggles and now will target you :>

Of course you'll always be saved for last but if you heal your going to get hit again so she can hear those adorable sounds

So there is never any point of healing, she won't down you til every teammate is dead and as stated she will strike you again if your healed

Your just so adorable with that flushed out face and the sounds of pleasure that leave your mouth

It's like you want to be targeted:)

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2 years ago

do you have headcanons of an emotionless survivor warming up to dwight and frank?

Sorry guys for being slow but I'm really sick and tired so I've haven't had energy to write

Emotionless survivor warming up to Dwight and Frank

Do You Have Headcanons Of An Emotionless Survivor Warming Up To Dwight And Frank?


He would always try to talk to you

He tried to stay hopeful of you warming up to him

He grew less and less hopeful but he didn't quit

He then started to see changes

You still didn't react as much but you didn't completely ignore him

You didn't really seek him out but wouldn't push him away when he wanted to be near you

He was really happy

He would then slowly try to get you to be with the rest of the survivors but wouldn't push it


I had such a hard time trying to come up with hcs *cries*

He goes easier on you

One day he was just tired of trial after trial so he just went to basement and chilled

He heard footsteps walking down the stairs

He turned his head towards the noise

He saw you with the same expression

You saw the cigarette in his hand and asked for one

He shrugged and handed you one

Usually you would just run away when you see him but now your not

He smirks and looks at you

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2 years ago

May I please request all Frank,Julie, Wesker, Ghostface, and Spirit's reactions to a survivor that will LITERALLY go to sleep in the middle of a chase. Like they'd be chasing the survivor, the survivor is giving them a pretty decent chase all of a sudden they would completely stop, lays down and starts snoring. Completely asleep. I tried to choose Killers that I'd think that would be pissed or confused at a survivor actually going to sleeping in the middle of a trial. Even if the killer would hit the survivor while they're on the floor sleep they'd simply just instantly wake up, making a weird noise in the process, Then go back to sleep. Bro does it every trial, even when he gets hooked and unhooked multiple times he goes to sleep RIGHT in the middle of a chase.

Killers react to survivor who falls asleep mid chase

May I Please Request All Frank,Julie, Wesker, Ghostface, And Spirit's Reactions To A Survivor That Will


Um what in the fucking hell?!

You were giving him a good chase then you just plopped down and fell asleep?!

Annoyed but not mad

You make it easier to get you hooked

He picked you up and threw you on a hook

Absolutely no remorse

He'll do it again (and he does)


Same as Frank but meaner

She'll tease you about it too

"gonna fall asleep again?" "You make it so easy for me to get you" "your teammates must be so disappointed"

She doesn't care but it first creeped her out when she hit you while you were asleep and you woke with a weird sound then fell asleep

She jumped when you sat up and she actually let out a noise




Why in the world would you fall asleep mid chase and how?!

It's a bit confusing and irritating

To him its like your saying he's boring along with the chase

Which he does not appreciate because he is wasting his time chasing you and you fall asleep

So when he hooks you he slams you down in the hook



He will just stare at you

Head tilt and blank stare

When he saw you drop he was confused and concerned

He'll nudge you with his boot

If you don't budge he will pick you up and and throw you on a hook

He loves (obsesses over) you but he has a good thing going with the Entity and he ain't risking it


Only questions it for a second

Then continues on and hits you

The jump scare you gave her when you sprang up and screamed then fall back to sleep

Annoying little fucker....

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2 years ago

Hey hun love you’re writing ❤️ some of the anons read my mind with the gas mask reader so why don’t I add onto it? How about big and tall GN reader who was a soldier in like ww1? Like they died in the war from sacrificing theirselves for their comrades, like they have really bad chemical burns and everything. Idk my dad was a veteran and it’s just interesting to see his trauma and how he coped. Would they help or stay in their lane during like a ptsd episode (my dad punched me during one on accident 💀🙏) but yeah- Danny, Frank and Myers- I’m good with others though just what my favorite boys 🙌

Hiii, I really don't know what your talking about the gas mask reader. No one requested it or said anything about one but anyways...

Killers react to survivor who was in WW1

Hey Hun Love Youre Writing Some Of The Anons Read My Mind With The Gas Mask Reader So Why Dont I Add


He thinks you look cool

Although imma be honest with you

I do not think he would help you out

when you had an episode he was confused and tried to help, but you bitch slapped him into a tree so he never went near you again when you had another episode

He thinks you look cool in the photos

Chemical burns add flavor ✨ to your coolness

Michael Myers

Does not care

Indifferent asf

You say reader is tall how tall we talking about

If reader is as tall as him he doesn't mind

But if reader is taller than him it irks a bit

Not only are you taller but you could probably do some damage to him during an episode

He will watch you from afar when you have an episode

To make sure your safe (he's not completely emotionless <3)


Giggles and kicks feet in air

Ok ok jokes aside

He thinks your super cool

He literally has an outfit with a gas mask, so you guys can match <3

He thinks it cool you were in WW1

And your burns are super cool

Although if you have an episode he'll watch you closely but keeping a good enough distance so you don't attack him

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2 years ago

Ghostface and Frank with reader who’s a gun collector and knife collector? They have all sorts of guns and knives it’s kinda scary but it’s just their hobby. They sometimes go shooting too :)

Heads up this is before the realm :)

Killers react to you collecting knives and gunss

Ghostface And Frank With Reader Whos A Gun Collector And Knife Collector? They Have All Sorts Of Guns


Admires your collection

Thinks it neat that you collect them

And the size of your collection<3

His little killer heart loves it

If you let him he wants to test the knives out on his victims (but not often since he has a routine that he doesn't like to break)

Keeps his guard up because he doesn't want you stabbing/shooting him


A little jealous

Thinks it's cool

Is not scared or intimidated by it

Like Danny also wants to test out the knives

Will want to go shooting with you

Please let him go with you

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2 years ago

Hold on for a second... them slap headcannons( are actually really funny lmfao. idk if you do part 2s but if you do can I request Frank's, Julie's, Pig's, Huntress's and Deathslinger's reactions to a survivor that bitch slaps them? bro literally slaps the masks/hats off their faces lol

I can do part two's :>

Killers react to survivor who bitch slaps them, Part 2

Hold On For A Second... Them Slap Headcannons(


He was in his (rush?) And he was about to stab you when you turned around and raised your arm

*slap* you slapped the side of his head and a bit of his mask

It was so hard his mask fell off

You were both stunned and stared at each other

He slowly picked up his mask and downed you


She opened a locker for more hatchets and saw you

You screamed and slapped her

Her mask flew off and landed on the ground

It cracked

She screamed in frustration and picked you up by the throat

She then proceeded to slam you on the hook

She does not like you now


She had you trapped in a corner and about to hit you

*slap slap* her mask slipped and her face was halfway exposed

She cursed and stabbed your shoulder

Don't do that again.


When you slap her she makes a sound that sound like a squeal

He mask just flies off and hits the ground loudly

She glares at you

She picks up her mask putting it on then chases after you


He had you hooked on his gun

You then proceed to turn around and slap him

Your slaps was so strong you slapped his jaw back in place and out of place

Not to mention his hat flew away and took off somewhere

He slams you I'm a hook and does not look at you(he's upset and embarrassed)

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2 years ago

My i ask wesker( i just love this dude) Ghostface, frank and deathslinger watching a survivor(they like the surv) wrestling another survivor for a item that they found on the ground

Killers react to survivors wrestle for a item

My I Ask Wesker( I Just Love This Dude) Ghostface, Frank And Deathslinger Watching A Survivor(they Like


"It's mine you fucker"

He snapped his head towards the direction he heard the voice

He went to see what happened

He paused then laughed

He started recording the whole thing laughing his ass off the whole time

Roots for you obviously

If it looks like your losing he will hit the other survivor


Hears cursing

He makes his way over

His curiosity piqued

See's you and another survivors wrestling

He smirks and finds it very amusing

He will walk over to you

Slam the survivor into a wall and hand you the item, smiling

He's such a good boy ☺️💕


He went into a frenzy and rushed to where the auras (or whatever) were at

He then stopped dead in his tracks

A survivor putting you in a chokehold while you scratch their face and any exposed skin, drawing blood

He is confused why and steps in to get the survivor off you, downing them

When he finds out it's over an item he laughs in disbelief


He was walking around

And stumbled upon you on top of a survivor choking them with some rusty chains

He was alarmed

Where did you get the chains and why are you choking your comrade

After the survivor calls out for mercy you stop and grab a medkit

He legit scratches his head and blinks

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2 years ago

Hmm.. Ghostface and Frank with reader who just can’t move when they see the killer running at them? Like they get so scared they just shut down and won’t move nor talk. It’s like their self-preservation just won’t make them run away 😭 but otherwise they’re really chill and shy ~

Killers react to survivor who freezes when they see them

Hmm.. Ghostface And Frank With Reader Who Just Cant Move When They See The Killer Running At Them? Like


You were doing a gen and you saw Ghostface in the corner of your eye

You froze on the spot

Even when he came charging at you

You stared at him big eyed and stopped moving

Danny was slightly confused but still sliced your arm

But you didn't move

Danny stopped and stared at you

What the fuck..

The is that part where you run...?

Disappointed asf

This was supposed to be fun :(


He was in his frenzy

Charging at you

Knife raised in the air

He striked down on you, plunging his knife in your shoulder

Yet you didn't move

He continued on but was very confused

Why didn't you run away?

He didn't pay much mind but was blinking rapidly behind his mask

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2 years ago

Could you maybe do a dbd where reader and Frank really like each other (frank loves reader) but he is still with Julie {im pretty sure that's her name} some Angst and maybe him and reader getting together?

Please and thank you 💕💕✨✨👍

May or may not have spelling mistakes...sorry :(

Frank x reader

Could You Maybe Do A Dbd Where Reader And Frank Really Like Each Other (frank Loves Reader) But He Is

You and Frank have been close since you first arrived in this hell hole. You always hung out after trials and listened to music together. He had a girlfriend named Juile and she hated you. She hated how close you and Frank were. She was extremely jealous of your relationship. She felt very inscure and tried to seperate you guys as much as she could. It was very hard to do but sometimes she managed to do it. You guys always snuck around and made your bond that much stronger. Over time you started to fall for Frank.

You didnt even relize it at first, but when your heart started beating rapidly around him you knew. You panicked because he had a crazy girlfriend and he's your best friend. You pulled at your hair and let out a frustrated scream. You were called in a trial and so you took out your frustrations on the survivors. When you got back you sat by the campfire with some of the other killers. "Oo you seem tense" a voice teased, you knew whose voice that belonged to. "Yeah so what if I am?" you said a bit annoyed and turned to face Ghostface. The mask's souless eyes stared into you, you felt another pair of eyes on you. They were burning into your skull and your shivered. "uh-oh I better leave..see you soon sweetheart" he waved then walked away. Footsteps stormed your way and you rolled your head towards them. You looked up and raised an eyebrow. "What?" A furious Julie stood above you her, mask moved to the side of her head.

She grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and yanked you up. She started to yell at you calling you names and curing at you. "You fucking whore! You seduced my man and made him dump me!" She raised a hand to slap you but before she could a hand grabbed her wrist stopping her. "Julie stop being so childish, they had nothing to do with I just dont love you anymore" He glared at her and she looked like she wanted to cry. She turned her face away and glared at me one more time before drpping me and walking muttering "whatever fucking cunt"

The killers around the campfire were all staring at you, completely baffled but some were amused. Frank grab your arm and pulled you up and tugged you into the woods. "c'mon lets get away so these creeps cant see us.." he was acting different but that could be becuase he just broke up with his girlfriend. Once you guys got deep enough you sat down and used a tree as back support. You both sighed and sat in silence for a while. You opened your mouth to speak then closed it not knwing what to say. It was uncormfortable sitting there which bothered you. "Listen Frank if I did anything to influence you to break up wi-" you started but he cut you off "You didnt influnce andything I just dont love her anymore, she changed and besides I fallen inlove with someone else" he stated, you eyes widened and your heart shattered. "oh" was all you said, what could you say?

"They're pretty, kind, smart," your heart ached when he went on to describe them it was too much "They make me feel goof about myself, they even scare the survivors with me" he smiled as he said that and looked at you. Your eyes widened and your breath got caught in your throat. Your heart was racing, was he talking about you? I mean he had to be you couldnt think of anyone else who he would scare survivors with.

Self doubt plauged your mind. Frank grasped your chin with his hand and he tilted it up so you looked at him. "Im talking about you dumbass" he chuckled you blushed and grabbed his hand. Without a single thought you kissed him, his eyes widened and he kissed you back without hesitation. You both wrapped your arms around each other.

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2 years ago

how does ghostface, frank, trickster, and joey react to a survivor with a voice like corpse husband?

3 followers away from 200!!! Lemme know if I should do something special for it!!!

Killers react to survivor who has a voice like Corpse

How Does Ghostface, Frank, Trickster, And Joey React To A Survivor With A Voice Like Corpse Husband?


He has seen you from afar but when he heard your voice he was shocked

And it went to his dick

Man was hard asf

Also like how the fuck is your voice that deep

He loves to hear your voice



He wants your voice

How come you get blessed


Secretly loves to listen to your voice


Such a lovely voice 😍❤️❤️❤️

*hisoka moan* he licks his lips

He can't wait to make you (s)cream :))))

If only he could put your voice int one of his songs :'(



Completely taken aback

How is it that deep

Very curious (and intimidated)

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2 years ago

Hey! So a bit of a weird request, and if your uncomfortable you can ignore this! But I had this idea of what would happen if a new blind survivor appears (I thought this up in the middle of the night and thought it be a terrifying situation.) How would ghostface, and frank if your ok adding him, would treat this survivor and if anything would develop towards them? Especially since they take awhile to accustom to the constant changing trials and where to locate generators, adapting to different killers, etc

Okk soo you didn't specify how blind so I'm just gonna make reader to where everything is really blurry and their eyes can hardly detect light.

Ghostface and Frank react to survivor who's blind

Hey! So A Bit Of A Weird Request, And If Your Uncomfortable You Can Ignore This! But I Had This Idea


He see's a new survivor and is immediately intrigued

When he stalks you he see's that your having a hard time moving around

You bump into things and fall over

Constantly putting your hands in front of you swiping the air

He's confused at first then it clicks that you could be blind

He giggles and is even more interested in you now

He sneaks up behind you and grabs you by the waist

When you jump in surprise he laughs hard

"Woah hey! Calm down let me help you, I'm going to bring you to your fellow survivors so they can explain and help you"

He would explain to you but he doesn't want a headache

He keeps ad eye out for you

Even if you now realize he's a killer he still helps you out here and there, even if you don't want it and try to run away

I think feelings could possibly develop but at the early stages it's just him being intrigued by your disability


He frenzy's your way and when he sees you try to run but stumble over and bush and fall he can't help but laugh

He's very confused but finds it extremely hilarious

You get up but then stumble and trip over every little thing

He is dumbfounded

How are you so clumsy

But after a couple of trials with you he realizes that your blind

He feels a little bad

So he avoids using his frenzy on you

He also sometimes may give you hatch

He gives you a bit of an advantage

He may have caught feelings

Don't tell Julie though

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2 years ago

frank from dead by daylight pleasee!!!!

NSFW alphabet with Frank(Legion)

Frank From Dead By Daylight Pleasee!!!!

A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)

Little no aftercare. He just lays next to you and asks how you are.

B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)

His favorite body part is his dick. He loves your boobs, they're just so squishy.

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)

Loves to cum all over you especially your chest. It makes him feel so good seeing you covered in him.

D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

He has recorded you guys fucking and sometimes he puts on his headphones and plays it to hear your cute moans.

E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)

He has experience he's not like a sex god but he knows what he's doing most of the time.

F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)

Missionary. He just loves to see your flushes, fucked out face.

G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)

He can be goofy but leans more serious. It's just who he is.

H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)

Oh boy. He is messy down there, it's not really trimmed or groomed. He hardy takes care of his bush. He doesn't feel the need to unless the hairs get to itchy against his boxers. I'm sure if you asked nicely and offered something he would trim it.

I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)

He is hardly romantic but he can be but will fail.

J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)

He jacks off a lot. He comes to you sometimes, available or not.

K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)

BDSM, he loves Gags and restraints, he also loves to degrade you <3

L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)

His room. It's easier to tie you down to the bed or have access to certain things.

M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)

Seeing you all dressed up in tight clothing that barely covers anything. You also looking weak and submissive.

N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)

Cuckolding he doesn't want anyone else fucking you.

O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)

He prefers to receive. He sometimes will give but it will be sloppy and messy. He mainly does it for his pleasure but you are considered.

P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)

He is fast and rough he will almost never go slow.

Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)

Loves quickies <3 when you guys are in a trial together there is always a quickie (If your a survivor ofc).

R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)

He takes a bunch of risks. He loves to try new things. He also loves to risk you guys getting caught fucking. He just loves the adrenaline rush he gets.

S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)

He can go for a good 5 rounds depending on how long they are. Since he fucks hard he uses a lot of energy.

T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)

He doesn't own toys but is down to use them.

U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)

He loves to tease. Just seeing you squirm underneath him fills him with glee.

V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)

It depends but he mostly groans a lot and when he's close he practically whimpers in your ear.

W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)

He totally has fingered you while people were in the room.

X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)

He's really thick about 4 inches so it takes a while for you to be comfortable. He's about 6 inches long.

Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)

He has a high sex drive. He horny all the damn time.

Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)

He doesn't fall asleep to quickly but once he's done he lays down next to you. You always fall asleep first. He holds you close and makes sure your okay.

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2 years ago

hi! can I ask for The Legion reacting to meeting their female soulmate for the first time mid trial? tysm!

Legion meeting their soulmate mid trial

Hi! Can I Ask For The Legion Reacting To Meeting Their Female Soulmate For The First Time Mid Trial?


When he first was you he was a bit taken aback but shook it off

But when he went to dig his knife into you..

He couldn't

He paused and let you get away

He was left standing there trying to figure out why he couldn't kill you

Sure you are soulmates it was evident you both had the same mark on your face

But he had a job to do

Once outside of trials he watches you and he may approach you

Fuck Julie


She pauses

She didn't want to believe it

She was happy with Frank(it's a fucking trainwreck of a relationship)

She targets you and tries to get rid of you

She just can't handle this and wants you gone

If you find out that your soulmates with her and try to talk with her she'll deny it

She has a hard time accepting but once she does she'll be nicer and probably ditch Frank


She giggles and squeals

Jumps up and down and chases you

She traps you into a corner and rambles about being soulmates

She proves it by taking off her mask and showing her mark

She will never hurt you and once out of a trial she will cling to you

She also wants to show you off to the rest of the Legion


His eyes widen and he is in disbelief

He really has a soulmate?

He couldn't believe it

He grins and tries to talk to you

But when you run away he understands and sighs

He's the killer but he wants to know his soulmate

He tries to talk to you after trial and show his mark

If you listen and accept him he will be happy but if you don't he understands, soulmates don't mean anything and besides he's a killer

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2 years ago

Pls Wesker, Ghostface, Oni, And Frank reacting when their s/o surprises them during sex and takes the reigns by pushing them on their back and riding them to oblivion

Haha the way you worded it at the end makes me laugh

Killers reaction to s/o taking the reigns

Pls Wesker, Ghostface, Oni, And Frank Reacting When Their S/o Surprises Them During Sex And Takes The

You wrapped you legs around their hips while they thrusted into you. You flipped them over and started to ride them....


Is taken off guard for a moment

He didn't expect that

He would take back control and punish you for doing that

But he doesn't mind not doing all the work for once

Will grab you hips and make you go faster after a while



His eyes widen

He smirks and looks up at you

He didn't think you had it in you

He really enjoys the view


(putting aside that fact you would not be able to flip him over*clears throat* let continue)

What the fuck

He grips the sheets

He so desperately want to take back control

But the way your looking at him makes him not do it and let you enjoy yourself


Hey hey hey

WOAH WOah woah

He's the top not you!


He's gotta admit it's kinda hot to see you like this

Maybe he can let it slide..

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2 years ago

Ok ok so i had this thought for a while now and wanted to share it with you cuz i figured you'd be really good at writing it out! What if there was a survivor that decided to gift a killer a friendship bracelet as a token of affection. And all i can imagine for the interaction is just that one scene (i think it's from bobs burgers-) that just goes:

"I made you this friendship bracelet."

"Ah well I'm not really a jewelry person you know?"

"You dont have to wear it."

"No I'm gonna wear it forever! Back off!"

And now i just really wanna see that interaction with some of the killers, mainly Ghostface, The Trapper(i love Evan), Frank, and honestly anybody else you can think of. Also I wanted to really make sure that your requests were not only opened but also i knew what your requesting limit was. I really hope im not passing it or that your requests are closed.

Also if this has already been done before or something similar, I'm very sorry and you dont have to take this request. Anyways thanks for looking at this and I really hope you have a good day!

So my requests are always open :) I don't have a requesting limit (besides characters) don't be sorry everything is fine :> You have a great day too!

Killers react to reader who gifted them a friendship bracelet

Ok Ok So I Had This Thought For A While Now And Wanted To Share It With You Cuz I Figured You'd Be Really


Raised eyebrow

You shouldn't have sweetheart

He gently takes it out of your hands

He puts it on and teases you to oblivion

He's very flattered


He is stunned

Why are you giving him a bracelet?

Friendship bracelet? You want to be friends with him?

Blushes ever so slightly

He will wear it and smiles evertime he wears it


He will ignore you

When you back off and accept he won't wear it he grabs it out of your hands

He shoves it in his pocket and he looks away

He mumbles something and pats your head

He wears it but tries covers it up with his sleeve

He is to embarrassed to admit but he loves it and looks and admires it all the time


She acts like she hates it

She secretly likes it

No one has ever gotten her something like this so she really appreciates it

She will wear it forever

If you bring up the fact that she is wearing it she will blush and tell you to shut up

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2 years ago

OMG what about Frank with a yandere reader?? love your writing sm

Thank you <33

Frank x yandere! Reader

OMG What About Frank With A Yandere Reader?? Love Your Writing Sm

Frank felt eyes staring into the back of his head. It fet like they were trying to burn agile into the back of his head. He turned around looked into the abyss if the woods. But he saw nothing only darkness.

He grew irritated, who the hell was staring at him? He took another puff from his cigarette, he leaned his head up and blew out. He brought it down on the deck and put it out. He got up and walked towards the snowy trees. The snow crunched under his shoes and left footprints.

He moved his mask over his face to shield him from the cold. He pulled out his knife and got it ready.

Your eyes filled with hearts as you saw your darling walk towards you. Your mouth watered and your heart pounded rapidly in your chest. You've been watching him for a while now.

You don't care how you freeze and that your body goes numb from the cold. All that matters is that you get to see and admire your darling. You let out a shakey breath and a shiver goes down your spine.

"Oh Frank..." You moan out, your face flushed. Frank no stood on the outer edge of the forest. He looked into the forest and his head stopped in your direction. His mask's eyes stared deep into you.

Your breath caught in your throat and it felt like time stopped. You bit your lip as you continued to stare at him. He walked towards you and tightened his grip on his knife.

He was right in front of you now. You had a shakey smile on your face and your face was red. You let out a shaky breath "Who the fuck are you?" He spat. Your knees buckled and you fell to the ground. "Ahh name is (your name) I'm s-so happy..."

Beneath the mask he was confused "Get up you freak why are you acting like this?!" He said. Your eyes widened and you immediately got up. "S-sorry it's just that...I've been watching you for a while I'm able to see you up close..your so handsome.." Frank took a step back "what the fuck.."

He straightened his posture "Listen you stay away from me you hear you fucking creep" he turned around and started to walk away. You face dropped and your fists clenched. Your shoulders shook as you started to laugh. You pulled your hammer out of your hoodie. You sprinted towards Frank, you were silent and fast.

You lifted your weapon up and struck down on his head, knocking him out of consciousness. You breathed heavily and your chest rose up and down. Your hands shook as you dragged him further into the woods. You dragged him until you got to your place.

You laid him on your bed and tied his hands and feet to the bed posts. You gazed at him lovingly you took off his mask and caressed his face. You traced his features and sighed, your heart fluttered. You know he loves you, deep down, he's just confused. You just have to help him realize it and you don't mind waiting.

Ever since you met him at the killers camp you haven't taken your eyes off him. You just have to teach the bitch Julie a lesson and help Frank then you can be together. You giggled and sat down on the bed and cuddled up to him.

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1 year ago

i wanted to kindly request a one shot between emotionless survivor warming up to frank. only if you want to, you don’t have to. if you do, i kindly thank you. -emotionless anon 🎭

Frank x reader

I Wanted To Kindly Request A One Shot Between Emotionless Survivor Warming Up To Frank. Only If You Want

Frank sat down next to you and leaned up on the tree. He blew out his smoke and turned to you "Do you wanna hit?" He asked his mask was exposed enough for his mouth to be free.

You blankly stared at him and looked at the cigarette. You took it out of his hands and brought it to you mouth and inhaled. You held it for a moment before blowing it out. You looked up at the dark cloudy night, a few stars poked through the clouds. The moon wasn't present so it was quite dark out.

You guys continued to smoke and then after letting out a long yawn you lay your head on Frank. You snuggle against him hoping he provided warmth. You closed your eyes and Frank felt his face heating up a bit.

He was flustered since this was the first time you have ever touched him. He was at a loss for words and his a mind raced with thoughts. He put out the cigarette and wrapped an arm around you. You whispered in a tone that was different from your flat tone "G'night Frank..." You dozed off and he heard your light snores.

He was stunned and he looked away from your sleeping state. He cleared hia throat and away up in the night. Oh God what was Julie gonna think...what a pain.

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1 year ago

Could you do a one shot with trickster, ghostface, and frank (separate) with a reader who’s the latest killer brought in by the entity? Please and thank you!

Killer's react to newest killer in the realm

Could You Do A One Shot With Trickster, Ghostface, And Frank (separate) With A Reader Whos The Latest


He will be judging you

If he likes you he will talk to you and getto know you

If he doesn't then he'll ignore you until you pique his interest

Say you do pique his interest then he'll slid next to you and spring his charm onto you

If you shrug him off etc. It will make him move curious and he'll go after you harder

He loves playing hard to get but if you don't give him a little some he'll leave and get bored


Walk right up to you and introduce himself

Will give you tips and tricks

Forces you to be buddies

Tons of photos are taken of you wether you want it or not

Definitely flirting half of the time

Tries to get in your pants cause he's a horny man

But if you make it clear that it will never happen he'll huff a bit but it will be it

He won't force himself on you because he rather not be torn apart


Doesn't really care that much

If your really flamboyant he might throw a glance your way

He'll only acknowledge you if you go up to him or you do something where he feels like he should engage

He'll be a little weary of you at first then may warm up to you and introduce you to the rest of the Legion

If you play your cards right

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