Dbd Ghostface - Tumblr Posts

Survivor AU pt.2

Survivor AU Pt.2

Perks I imagine each character would use

Bubba Sawyer (Leatherface): Unbreakable, Soul Guard, Decisive Strike and Power Struggle.

Amanda Young (The Pig): Saboteur, Deliverance, Breakdown and Quick and Quiet.

Freddy Krueger: Adrenaline, Dead Hard, Object of Obsession and Technician.

Jeffery Hawk (The Clown): Pharmacy, Diversion, Flashbang, And Poised

Rin Yamaoko (The Spirit): Prove Thyself, Kindred, Resilience, and Spine Chill.

The Plague (Adiris): Autodidact, Empathy, Self care, and We're Gonna Live Forever.

The Legion all together: Borrowed Time, Botany Knowledge, Prove Thyself and For The People.


Survivor AU (More to Come)
Perks I imagine these survivors would use Evan Macmillan (Trapper): Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Windows Of Opportunity and Unbreakable. Max Th

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1 year ago

realist thing ever. I love this song.

danny "jed olson" johnson enjoyers go listen to mx. sinister by idkhbtfm

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1 year ago
Spooky Season Is Almost There...who You Gonna Call?

Spooky season is almost there...who you gonna call?

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2 years ago

Hey friend, could i ask killers vs a houdini survivor(gender neutral) where everytime the survivor simply disappear mid chase and when they see the survivor from afar, but still can't detect him, also killers like wesker, ghostface, myers, huntress or trickster(twinkster)

Sorry I took so long I was lazy and tired and didn't feel like doing this ask :/ which is not an excuse but just wanted to let you know

DBD killers against survivor who disappears

Hey Friend, Could I Ask Killers Vs A Houdini Survivor(gender Neutral) Where Everytime The Survivor Simply


Girly was chasing you forever and only two gens were left and you were so close to being knocked down

She lifted her ax and was about to swing when you went around the rock

Buy you weren't there and her ax hit the rock making a loud noise

She was confused and frustrated

Where did you go? She just saw you and now your gone?!

*angry confused Huntress noises* whatever she needs more hatchets


He was chasing you down the hall and turned a corner to mind game you but you were completely gone

No scratch marks.

He stormed down the hall and went to the main area of RPD and saw you working on the gen with Jake

He gritted his teeth and was seething with rage

He sprinted over to you guys but you were already leaving

And then you were gone but Jake wasn't so he slammed him hard against the wall making his skull crack and him shout

Danny Johnson

Your just like him fr

Bro is flabbergasted

Where the hell do you keep disappearing to?

He laughs intensely, maybe y'all can play some tricks together? No? That's okay sweetheart 💟

He'll do the same thing to you just for shits and giggles

Does it frustrate him? Yeah, but now he finds it funny

Although it does upset him time to time

Micheal Myers

Augh (or whatever the hell that noise he makes is)

Whenever he does find you expect nothing but the worse

Even Laurie wasn't this hard to find or at least didn't disappear into thin air

He hated when he was in chase in his house and you just disappeared after going into one of the rooms and when he goes outside and looks up at one of the houses he sees you on the roof

How the hell did you even manage that? He might need some lessons from Huntress on his throwing aim

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2 years ago

Dbd ghostface's reaction to survivor that flirts with him? Like anytime they see him they’re like “damn you look fineeee shawty" and just run away after giggling like an idiot ☠️

They're fr me also love this ask sm<3

Ghostface react to flirty survivor

Dbd Ghostface's Reaction To Survivor That Flirts With Him? Like Anytime They See Him Theyre Like Damn

A bit taken aback at first then giggles himself

He enjoys it

He thinks that it's cute

How you say he's fine then run away giggling like a school girl

It's a nice boost of confidence and ego

Like he knows he fine but having a survivor admit it boosts him up

He flirts with you

You run away and he makes it into a game

And when he get you he is gonna tease you and flirt a bit

When he hooks you he's gonna do the same thing to you just for laughs

Danny hooks you "damnnn you lookin fineeee shawty" lips bites (but you can't see obvi) giggles and runs away kicking his feet

You will sit there flabbergasted along with your teammate who was watching waiting to unhook you

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2 years ago

I wanna request Oni,Spirit,Onryo,Wesker,Trickster, and Ghostface reactions to this new survivor. Lemme tell you bout him. First off, bro is 6'10, big as FUCK. Tallest survivor by far, taller than alot of the killers. Despite his size he is CONFUSINGLY AND DECEPTIVELY elusive and slick. No other survivor can dodge like this big motherfucker. Literally impossible to hit, even in a dead zone with 0 pallets, windows, or loops. he got CRAZY footwork for his size. The only time they can hit him is if they are EXTREMELY lucky, like if multiple survivors sandbags him or something; notice how I said multiple, that's how slick he is. One time the killers got him in a corner, should be an easy hit right? since he's such a big target? NOPE. he fakes left and right like 12 times in 4 seconds then when the killer tries to swing they hit air particles. They don't even know where the new guy went until they quickly turn around and see him vault a window.

Killers reaction to tall, big, and slick survivor

I Wanna Request Oni,Spirit,Onryo,Wesker,Trickster, And Ghostface Reactions To This New Survivor. Lemme


A bit intimidated

How are you so tall?!

Lowkey into it 😏

Likes that despite how tall and big you are your quick in your feet and slick asf

Hates how he loses chase with you fast

Thinks you be great to take pictures with


Annoyed he had to look up at you

So he doesn't

He will just stare at your chest(non perverted way)

He thinks looking up at a survivor is weak and he is far from it

He is a god

Although he's impressed that your slick asf when your fucking huge


Taken aback

How is a survivor a little taller than him

He's supposed to be big not a survivor

He grumbles and wacks you

Although it's the only time he was able to

Which pisses him off more

(he angers easily beware)


Does not care

Yes she is short and it sucks trying to hit you but it doesn't matter

She will still do her job no matter what

You could have wings and it would not bother her

But then again she is a dead girl (what s traumatic death yeesh)


*weird Spirit noises*

Um why


Surprised Entity let a big survivor who is good in

But then again she isn't

You kinda intimidate her just a bit

But she's not scared and will still do her job



Absolutely not

He loves how quick and big you are but hates how you eacape him so much

Impressed that you can easily avoid being sandbagged your teammate

Hates that despite your big frame your still able to escape

Like how that shouldn't even be possible

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2 years ago

Description: Ghostface saw you cute slutty Mrs.Claus outfit and decides to fuck you in it

Ghostface x reader

Description: Ghostface Saw You Cute Slutty Mrs.Claus Outfit And Decides To Fuck You In It

Danny peeked around the corner and saw bright red. He looked up and down and noticed it was you in a short skirt. He wish it was the outfit that was tighter but this was better and besides he doesn't want you to freeze.

He loved the way it hugged your curves and it barely covers your ass. He watched you do the gen with Leon. He gripped his knife hard when he saw Jeon checking you out blushing hard.

When the gen finished he sneaked up on you and trapped you between a rock. You shook and turned your head around but he pushed your head back. You whimpered and he shushed you and leaned his head in your neck.

He breathed in your scent and moved his mask to the side. He licked the nape of your neck and left little bites on it. He rub his hard cock against you. He let out a low moan when he heard your little whimpers. He traveled his hands to your boobs. He groped them and rubbed your nipples through the fabric.

He groaned when you rubbed your ass on his crotch. He started to jump your ass "mm Danny no here babe what about the other survivors" you groaned out "Shh who cares your the one who wore this slutty outfit" he whispered in your ear lowly.

He moved his hand slowly to the zipper in your dress. He pulled it down slowly teasingly nipping at your exposed flesh. He traced his name on your back with his tongue. When he stopped a trail of spit connected from your back to his mouth. He pulled down your dress exposing everything to him. He pulled down your panties and grabbed your ass.

"D-danny I -I don't want anyone to see us" you trembled "sh babe no one will see us this area is a dead zone now" you whimpered and nodded, you trusted him to protect you.

He shifted his clothes and pulled his cock out. He teasingly moved his cock up and down your wet slit. You both let out a moan at the same time. You gripped the rock to keep you up because your legs were shaking so bad.

He thrusted in hard and which earned a gasp from you. You gripped harder on the rock when he started thrusting. His pace slowly started to pick up the pace. He groaned and tossed his head back. He gripped your hips so tight it was gonna leave a bruise. Gens went off in the distance but who cared.

He leaned in closer to you and left a trail of sloppy kisses on your neck. He moaned loudly in your ear. He nipped on your earlobe and licked it. His thrust were hard and the sound of skin hitting skin was loud.

He moved on of his hands down towards your clit. He started to play with it. He groaned when you arched you back and gasped loudly. You threw your head back and moaned loudly. He continued and loved the way you let out little whimpers and moans. He also loved the way you clenched around him.

He kept on thrusting and soon came and cummed deep inside you. You soon cummed after him and clenched hard sound him. He moved his hand to your hair and gripped it tugging you back. Your eyes were rolled in the back of your head. Your mouth was open slightly so Danny took your mouth with his.

He roughly kissed you and slipped his tongue in, now sloppily kissing you. You pulled back for air panting and eyes lidded. He grinned at the mess he made. He pulled you clothes back on and tapped your ass. " Okay sweet cheeks time to go" Danny said and fixed his mask and clothes and walked away.

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2 years ago

Hey there, could i ask ghostface, wesker, joey and deathslinger when a survivor constatly gets sandbagged and bodyblocked by other survivorw, and do the puppy eyes to see if they spare them?

I love this ask sm <3

Killers when you do puppy eyes at them

Hey There, Could I Ask Ghostface, Wesker, Joey And Deathslinger When A Survivor Constatly Gets Sandbagged


You were getting chased and doing good only 2gens remained

You were hit and bleeding bad but you were still hanging in there

You headed to the shack

YunJin pops outta no where and slams the pallet down on your head

You fell back and groaned, clutching your head

Ghostface stood behind you

He was agitated that YunJin did that fucking ruining the chase

He looked down to see you looking at him with puppy eyes

Instant boner

The way you were on your knees with big teary eyes and lip trembling

He took pity on you and destroyed the pallet and let you free

He killed YunJin and then came after you and then fucked you


He was chasing down the halls of RPD

You are doing good dodging him

You tried to vault a window but YunJin who was working on a gen close by vaulted it in front of you

She was uninjured and you were so she fucked you over

Wesker stood right behind you

He just stared down YunJin

The fucking bitch wasn't even getting chased or even an interest to him

You turned around and looked up at him with wide puppy eyes

He softened a bit and took pity (he loves you <3)

He went after her and slammed her against many walls and then hooked her


You were constantly sandbagged by Meg everytime you were in a match with her

You don't know why, but she just did not like you

Joey has seen this and felt bad

Especially when you made puppy eyes at him when it happens

He always took pity on you (lil softie)

Although he tries to kill Meg, sometimes she wastes him time and he's not able to

But it's the thought that counts <3


You were avoiding his gun and doing good

You went to turn into a building to avoid it

But Meg ran in front of you and blocked the entry way

You tried to push her but it was too late

You screamed when his gun hit you and pulled you back

DeathSlinger saw what happened and it irked him

He looked at you who looked at him with big wide eyes

He sighed and let you go

He then went after Meg

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2 years ago

Hey hun love you’re writing ❤️ some of the anons read my mind with the gas mask reader so why don’t I add onto it? How about big and tall GN reader who was a soldier in like ww1? Like they died in the war from sacrificing theirselves for their comrades, like they have really bad chemical burns and everything. Idk my dad was a veteran and it’s just interesting to see his trauma and how he coped. Would they help or stay in their lane during like a ptsd episode (my dad punched me during one on accident 💀🙏) but yeah- Danny, Frank and Myers- I’m good with others though just what my favorite boys 🙌

Hiii, I really don't know what your talking about the gas mask reader. No one requested it or said anything about one but anyways...

Killers react to survivor who was in WW1

Hey Hun Love Youre Writing Some Of The Anons Read My Mind With The Gas Mask Reader So Why Dont I Add


He thinks you look cool

Although imma be honest with you

I do not think he would help you out

when you had an episode he was confused and tried to help, but you bitch slapped him into a tree so he never went near you again when you had another episode

He thinks you look cool in the photos

Chemical burns add flavor ✨ to your coolness

Michael Myers

Does not care

Indifferent asf

You say reader is tall how tall we talking about

If reader is as tall as him he doesn't mind

But if reader is taller than him it irks a bit

Not only are you taller but you could probably do some damage to him during an episode

He will watch you from afar when you have an episode

To make sure your safe (he's not completely emotionless <3)


Giggles and kicks feet in air

Ok ok jokes aside

He thinks your super cool

He literally has an outfit with a gas mask, so you guys can match <3

He thinks it cool you were in WW1

And your burns are super cool

Although if you have an episode he'll watch you closely but keeping a good enough distance so you don't attack him

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2 years ago

Ghostface and Frank with reader who’s a gun collector and knife collector? They have all sorts of guns and knives it’s kinda scary but it’s just their hobby. They sometimes go shooting too :)

Heads up this is before the realm :)

Killers react to you collecting knives and gunss

Ghostface And Frank With Reader Whos A Gun Collector And Knife Collector? They Have All Sorts Of Guns


Admires your collection

Thinks it neat that you collect them

And the size of your collection<3

His little killer heart loves it

If you let him he wants to test the knives out on his victims (but not often since he has a routine that he doesn't like to break)

Keeps his guard up because he doesn't want you stabbing/shooting him


A little jealous

Thinks it's cool

Is not scared or intimidated by it

Like Danny also wants to test out the knives

Will want to go shooting with you

Please let him go with you

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2 years ago

My i ask wesker( i just love this dude) Ghostface, frank and deathslinger watching a survivor(they like the surv) wrestling another survivor for a item that they found on the ground

Killers react to survivors wrestle for a item

My I Ask Wesker( I Just Love This Dude) Ghostface, Frank And Deathslinger Watching A Survivor(they Like


"It's mine you fucker"

He snapped his head towards the direction he heard the voice

He went to see what happened

He paused then laughed

He started recording the whole thing laughing his ass off the whole time

Roots for you obviously

If it looks like your losing he will hit the other survivor


Hears cursing

He makes his way over

His curiosity piqued

See's you and another survivors wrestling

He smirks and finds it very amusing

He will walk over to you

Slam the survivor into a wall and hand you the item, smiling

He's such a good boy ☺️💕


He went into a frenzy and rushed to where the auras (or whatever) were at

He then stopped dead in his tracks

A survivor putting you in a chokehold while you scratch their face and any exposed skin, drawing blood

He is confused why and steps in to get the survivor off you, downing them

When he finds out it's over an item he laughs in disbelief


He was walking around

And stumbled upon you on top of a survivor choking them with some rusty chains

He was alarmed

Where did you get the chains and why are you choking your comrade

After the survivor calls out for mercy you stop and grab a medkit

He legit scratches his head and blinks

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2 years ago

I saw a movie where one of the protagonists kissed a bad guy to get him distracted enough to escape, and I’d like to request the same for Pyramid Head, Ghostface, Oni, Ji-Woon and Wesker. 🤭 If their mouth isn’t available then a kiss where their cheek would be. Whether it worked or not is up to you. 👀

Ooo I like that

Killers react to survivor who kiss them to distract them

I Saw A Movie Where One Of The Protagonists Kissed A Bad Guy To Get Him Distracted Enough To Escape,

Pyramid Head

He gripped you by the neck about to mori you ...

You then bended over and kissed the tip of his helmet

He didn't even freeze he still continued to mori you

What did you think would happen? He's a being soly created to punish people


He had you cornered

You grabbed him by the neck and pulled him close

You pressed a big kiss on his mask leaving a lipstick mark(sorry if you don't wear lipstick)

He was stunned at first then grinned as you were able to slip away

He soon was able to catch up with you to have some fun time;)


You did not know how you ended up like this

He had his hand wrapped around your throat choking you

You had an idea that would most likely fail

You quickly kissed the nose of his mask

He froze and his grip loosened

You got away(for now)


He grabbed you when you tried to vault

You yelped and you're eyes widened

You spun around and without thinking you kissed him. Hard

He was taken aback for a split second before grinning

Of course you kissed him! He knows he too irresistible

Who wouldn't want to kiss him? He just so handsome and perfect 🥰

You did not get away only because he wanted to mori you <3(how romantic) it would have worked if he didn't have a mori


He had you pinned up on a wall by his tentacles (uroboros)

You tried squirming out but the grip got tighter

So you did the only thing logical.

You gripped his face and kissed his roughly

He backed up, letting you go

Face flushed

He just stands there broken asf

You do get away but a the end of the match he gets you (what happens is up to you ;) )

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2 years ago

how does ghostface, frank, trickster, and joey react to a survivor with a voice like corpse husband?

3 followers away from 200!!! Lemme know if I should do something special for it!!!

Killers react to survivor who has a voice like Corpse

How Does Ghostface, Frank, Trickster, And Joey React To A Survivor With A Voice Like Corpse Husband?


He has seen you from afar but when he heard your voice he was shocked

And it went to his dick

Man was hard asf

Also like how the fuck is your voice that deep

He loves to hear your voice



He wants your voice

How come you get blessed


Secretly loves to listen to your voice


Such a lovely voice 😍❤️❤️❤️

*hisoka moan* he licks his lips

He can't wait to make you (s)cream :))))

If only he could put your voice int one of his songs :'(



Completely taken aback

How is it that deep

Very curious (and intimidated)

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2 years ago

Is it possible for you to write ghostface with a reader who is a dbd killer rather than a survivor? If yes, how about reader is kind of a yandere to ghostface? Like anytime any survivors get close to him and manage to escape after, the reader immediately just kills them right after because they thought ghostface let them go because “he liked them”. I wanna see how you’d think he’d react to that! ;0 And sorry for the long request lol

I can write for killer! reader lolol

Ghostface with a yandere reader

Is It Possible For You To Write Ghostface With A Reader Who Is A Dbd Killer Rather Than A Survivor? If

You gritted your teeth when you heard that Kate survived against Danny. She got to close to him and was definitely into him. It pissed you off that some whore was trying to steal your man. You would show that bitch not to mess with him.

Before you went into a trial you begged the Entity to bring Kate. Your promised lots of blood and suffering. The Entity heard your pleas and granted your wish. You grinned when you saw the blonde bitch working on a gen.

You full on sprinted at her and brought your weapon down on her. She screamed and ran off. A wicked grin spread on your face and you chased after her. She looped you but you managed to get her down. You hit her once again and kicked her in the side. "Your a stupid fucking bitch if you thought I was going to let you get away with flirting with my man" you looked down at her with a dark gaze.

She coughed up blood and whimpered, she looked up at you with wide eyes. You grabbed a fistful of her hair and dragged her to a hook. You threw her on there and grinned at her screams. You hit her again and again and again. You spat at her and left looking for other survivors.

You found one and chased after them. Kate was unhooked so you went to find her. You found her trying to heal at a boon. You snuck up on her and slammed your weapon onto her head. You then left her there to bleed. You found the other survivors and hooked them.

You threw them all in basement and you grinned. You walked around the map looking for Kate. You hummed a random tune and then you heard hatch. You saw Kate crawling to it. You cackled which alerted Kate, her eyes widened and she panicked. She started to crawl faster, tears fell down her face. You were closer and as she touched the edge of hatch you slammed it down.

She let out a pained scream, her fingers were caught. She was sobbing and shaking her head. "Please I wasn't flirting with Ghostface I swear!!" She pleaded

You scoffed and your boot hit her head you kept kicking it. Blood oozed out of it and her cries were louder. You brought your weapon down on her hand severing it off. Your eyes widened and you laughed. You dragged the bloody weapon against her back, cutting her flesh. More blood gushed out and her cries got quieter and her head slumped against the ground. You the stabbed her in her neck ending her pathetic life.

When the trial ended you went immediately went to find Danny. But he was no where to be found. You frowned and let out a frustrated huff.

Danny who was at the edge of the survivor camp was watching them. He saw the survivors in your trial come back. He saw Kate all shaken up, tears stained her cheek. He was curious and tilted his head. Claudette came to comfort her and say her down. Kate explained what happened and was shaking. You were more brutal then any other killer. But it seemed liked her tits and blonde hair couldn't save her this time.

Danny's eyes widened when he heard what all happened. He grinned and headed off to see you. So it seems he's got a little admirer. He licks his lips as fantasies flood his mind.

When he sees you at the camp he calls your name. Your head snaps toward him and your face lights up. Blush coats your face and you grin. He brings a finger up and signals you to come. You immediately get up and follow him. You walk a little into the woods away from the two camps.

"So I've heard you got a little crush on me" he smirks underneath the mask. You jump a bit a the question and stutter. "U-uh yeah.." you look away he brings his hand to your head and make you look at him. "I'm flattered sweetheart, really...it's so nice to know that your obsessed with me..." He pauses "So would you do anything for me..?" Without missing a beat you say "Yes of course! Anything for you Danny!" Your hands shake

"Then get on your knees" his masks eyes stare at you. You immediately drop to your knees and look up at him with a look that sends blood to his dick.

Ok that's it I think you know what about you happen;))) also sorry it's bad :/ but overall Danny would be flattered and excited to have someone so obsessed with him.

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2 years ago

can you please do nsfw alphabet with ghostface? <3

NSFW alphabet with Ghostface/Danny J.

Can You Please Do Nsfw Alphabet With Ghostface?

A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)

No after care. Maybe he clean up the cuts but that's it.

B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)

He loves your chest and thighs. They're just so squishy<3

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)

Loves to cum on your chest, face, in your mouth, anywhere. It doesn't matter as long as it's on/in you

D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

He once watched you masturbate and recorded it while he was also jerking off

E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)

He has plenty of experience and he for sure knows what he is doing

F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)

Doggy style or legs over shoulders.

G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)

Definitely a bit goofy but can be serious

H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)

He is trimmed and it's kept decent.

I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)

J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)

He jerks off, not a lot but still. He'll come to you if he needs to relieve stress or get rid of his boner

K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)

Blood play, bondage, BDSM, knife play. Honestly anything where your tied up, submissive and weak. He loves giving you cuts and marking you as his. He even carved his name on you<3

L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)

Anywhere. But if I had to choose I'd say the woods because he gets off the thrill of anyone seeing you guys.

M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)

Seeing you in revealing outfits, you crying, just bending over for something or you on your knees begging

N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)

Piss kink, scat kink, incest roleplay. He's into some kinky shit but that just gross

O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)

Prefers to receive. He just loves to see your lips wrapped around his cock.

P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)

He's fast and rough. He is never slow and sensual

Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)

He doesn't mind quickies at all. In fact most of the time y'all have them. Especially if your in a trial.

R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)

He's down to take risks. Hell he'll even bend you over a window and take you there while your teammates are close by

S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)

He can last 6-7 rounds

T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)

He owns one and will use it on you

U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)

He loves to tease. It's just so fun to see you squirm and whine

V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)

He groans and moans a lot. He is very loud and not shy

Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)

He has a very high sex drive

X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)

Almost 7inches long and 3 inches thick

W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)

He has a collection of videos of you being fucked or you masturbating. He labeled them all. His bedroom walls are covered by your pictures (mostly graphic but some aren't)

Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)

He doesn't fall asleep very quickly it takes a while

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2 years ago

OKOK! I'm the anon who asked for yandere reader x Ghostface and omg. You write so well, thank you so much !! :) I was wondering if you could make a part two when you can? If you can't and are too busy its okay! :D

Your so welcome anon but I don't plan on making a part 2 sorry. I have no idea what would be part two but if you have an idea tell me and I'll be happy to write it!

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