Fred Weasley Fanfic - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago

The Yule Ball

Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader

Word Count: 1,266

Summary: Can I have a Fred Weasley one where we always fight (not dating) but we only fight because we secretly like each other and when it's the Yule Ball there is this guy who is new and he is a player and he asks me and at the Ball he is really touchy and I don't want it and Fred sees it and fights him and in the end with a lot of fluff and confessing our love.

Warnings: N/A

A/N: Request for @anyfandomimaginex I hope it’s what you wanted! ^_^


“You two! Could you please stop? You’re making too much noise and I’m trying to study over here. Some of us actually want to pass our exams with good grades,” you said in a whisper-shout, folding your arms on your chest and glaring at the offending red-headed boys who were standing in the library, looking up explosive spells and trying them out on small objects. Colourful smoke was drifting up from what had once been flowerpots and old quills and the table was dotted with ash of all colours. No other student was glaring at them because they were all very fond of the twin brothers but you, as a Prefect, felt the need to tell them off as the library was for studying and not experimenting around with strange spells.

One of the two brothers -Fred, you knew, because he was the only one of the two who ever fought with you- stepped forward and fixed you with a harsh glare. “Oh, it’s little miss Prefect again,” he said, rolling his eyes. He was about to say something else when George grabbed his forearm and gathered all their stuff. “Don’t bother, Fred. Let’s go continue at the Common Room,” he told his brother and hurried off. Fred cast one last look at you before following his brother outside. A part of you was disappointed at that, but you had never actually allowed yourself to admit that perhaps you didn’t really dislike him.

You sighed and decided to get back to studying but instead, you found yourself thinking about the Yule Ball the next week. You didn’t have a date for it, and you weren’t planning on getting one, though you and a couple of your girl friends from your house, who also didn’t have anyone to go with had decided to go for fun, not really expecting to be asked to dance with anybody. Still, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and you weren’t going to miss it. That evening, after having mostly finished your homework for almost the whole week, you got up and headed to the Great Hall for dinner. On your way there though, a rather cute brown-haired boy wearing the blue Beauxbatons uniform stopped you. He looked rather confident in himself but his words, in perfectly good, if slightly accented English, were shy.

“Bonsoir, mademoiselle. You’re Y/n, right?” he asked you with a blinding grin on his face, though he was blushing a bit nervously. You nodded in response. “I’m Marc. I’m from Beauxbatons, as you can see. And I wanted to ask you... will you be my date for the Ball? I have seen you around, and I think you are very pretty and smart, and it would be my honour if you said yes,” he said. You found his slight French accent cute, and he was rather handsome as well.

Thinking yourself lucky, you smiled right back at him. “Of course, Marc! I’d love to,” you said and he beamed at you before bidding you a good night and hurrying off to dinner.

You spent the rest of the week talking with your friends about the Ball, laughing with them and smiling at Marc whenever you saw him walking around the corridors. All that kept you busy and, thankfully -or not, you weren’t sure- away from the Weasley brothers, and especially Fred.

The night of the Yule Ball you were excited. You felt particularly beautiful in your long blue dress and you were smiling as you descended the countless staircases and traversed the many corridors to reach the Great Hall, outside of which Marc was waiting, dressed in dark blue wizarding robes.

He offered his elbow at you and you hooked your arm through it, beaming up at him as you entered the Great Hall, which looked absolutely beautiful as it was adorned in winter decorations.

You didn’t have a lot of time to appreciate everything though, as you eventually felt a hand trailing up your arm, touching your shoulders. You turned around to see Marc there and you glared at him, shrugging his hand off. You thought that was a one-time-only thing but, eventually, you felt his hands on you again, this time touching your waist and stomach and arms, and you really didn’t like it. You made it obvious and you tried to push him away, but he wouldn’t budge.

“Hey, mate, don’t,” you heard a familiar voice say and both you and Marc turned to meet the glare of Fred Weasley. A glare, which, for once, wasn’t directed to you but instead to the French boy touching you. He looked quite intimidating but Marc didn’t move an inch.

“She’s my date,” he said with a shrug and you were about to retort that you were your own person and, given the opportunity to reach for your wand, you could hex him into the next century, but Fred spoke first.

“The fact that she’s your date doesn’t mean that you can do whatever you want to her! She’s a wonderful girl, intelligent and talented and amazing, and she’s not an object for you to touch against her will. So back off, before I make you,” he said, retrieving his wand from a pocket of his robes and pointing it squarely at the French boy’s chest. Marc seemed scared off and, when you elbowed him in the ribs, he hurried off, not looking back.

Fred immediately walked up to you and grabbed hold of your hands tenderly. “Are you all right? Did he hurt you or do anything bad to you?” he asked worriedly, his brown eyes locking with yours.

You found yourself unable to move away. “Yes. Yes, I’m fine. And no. No, he didn’t hurt me,” you mumbled, though you were still feeling a bit uneasy. He noticed that and worriedly chewed on his lower lip.

“Would you mind if I hugged you?” he asked tentatively and you nodded your assent at that. Gently, he put his arms around you and hugged you close to him. “That idiot will never touch you again. If you see him again you should curse him, hex him, do something!” he whispered in your ear.

You nodded. “Yes, I will. He just caught me off guard this time and I didn’t know how to react,” you explained. “But... why do you care so much? I thought you disliked me,” you added.

He pulled away from the hug and stopped chewing nervously on his lip. “I, uh... Well, no, I don’t dislike you. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. I like you -too much- and when I saw that bloody bastard -pardon my language- touching you like that, I saw red. I couldn’t not do that, I hope you understand,” Fred said. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I’m not expecting that, because I’m definitely not your type and-” You cut him off by grabbing hold of his shoulders and pulling him in for a kiss. It was short and chaste, but it was enough to shut him up.

“What?” he asked rather stupidly, and you giggled.

“I like you too,” you said with a silly grin on your face before leaning closer to him again and capturing his lips with yours in a kiss that was, this time, long and made butterflies flutter in your stomach.

When you pulled away to breathe, he grinned a beautiful smile at you and grabbed your hand, entwining his fingers with yours.

“What do you say we end the night on a high note? Let’s have some fun!”

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3 years ago

preview of my upcoming fic - 'yellow'

this was 0.9k words btw. obviously, this was not proofread yet!!

Periwinkle was the colour of the twin’s swaddling blanket when Molly and Arthur Weasley brought their newborn twins home from the hospital. The bright blue contrasted against the dull maroon of their beaming parents’ outfits. The shade also served as a clear indication of their twins’ gender. The same blue followed them as party decorations that adorned across their warm living room when Molly and Arthur held a sip & see party for their friends and relatives to celebrate their childs’ arrival together. It seemed that the guests had the same idea of wrapping their push presents with the colour blue – because at the end of the day, their dining table were drowned by the various hues of blue thanks to the stacks of presents they received. Unwittingly, the day Fred was born was also the first day that the colour blue was introduced into his life.

Ever since then, Fred had always showed a preference for the colour blue. It was the first colour that Fred has associated himself with, mainly because he was taught to just accept it as a colour that represented him. Molly had decided that the eldest twin would be colour-coded blue while the youngest would be green – just so that the rest won’t have a hard time to differentiate the twins together. That would mean that while Fred’s jumper comes in lapis blue, George’s was basil green. When Fred’s bedsheet was dyed in oxford blue, George’s was in emerald green. Heck, even their undergarments were colour-coded; Fred’s was tinged in a shade of teal while George’s was in forest green.

Even at a young age, Fred has always been known as someone who preferred to live life easily. He was a child who just accepted facts without knowing its rationales, so he could easily say that blue was his favourite colour without questioning himself why. However, as the years passed by and Fred starts to grow a little taller and older, he decided that it was time that he paid more attention to what he likes and dislikes.

Just during the period when Fred was about to start his first year in Hogwarts, Fred silently declared to himself that from then onwards, his favourite colour would be orange. After all, it was the colour of the hair that runs in the entire family, and dare he say, the entirety of his house (Molly would probably deny this if he confronted). Fred doesn’t tell anyone, but he’s convinced that the colour of his blood and the rest of his family members is orange and not red like what his anatomy books had told him.

To further commit to his stance, he made sure that the clothes he bought for the upcoming school year were mostly orange. It can’t be helped that his wardrobe still contained traces of blue, since it was the colour that he grew up with. Furthermore, it’s too wasteful to throw it all away. Also, he’s sure that his mother would nag his ear off if she were to ever find his old clothes lying in the trashcan.

Fred also secretly bought a pot of orange ink to use for school without his parent’s knowledge. He decided to use the money he got from Aunt Muriel who had gifted the cash to him as an early birthday gift. Though honestly, he was unsure if he would ever get a chance to use the bright orange ink in school. Mostly because students are only allowed to use black ink for writing. But hey, Fred made a commitment - and he was going to stick to it.

Unfortunately, Molly found the jar on the day before Fred was supposed to get onto the Hogwarts Express for the first time. Fred was never a neat person. So when Molly came into the twin’s room to help them pack properly for school, she had accidentally kicked something hard under the pile of Fred’s clothing that he had set aside near his trunk. Thinking nothing of it, Molly only wanted to pick up the item that she had accidentally kicked and put it back into place out of respect. Consequently, that led to Molly picking up the jar, and realizing instantly that no one in the family had orange ink in their possessions. Only until when Molly turned the glass over to read the tag under, she yelled out the older twin’s name out of anger and pure shock. At that moment, she simply could not believe that her son Fred Weasley had spent a large amount of money on a small jar of coloured ink under her damn nose. In the end, Molly Weasley did nagged his poor ear off. Literally.

Clearly, Fred Weasley was truly committed to the colour orange.

It became a huge part of his daily life now – the jumper under his robe, his quills that he use for school (somehow, he managed to dye it even), the orange candies that were scattered on his desks, his everything. Yet somehow, there was a tiny part of him that was still unsure if he loves the colour orange. Maybe, if he was feeling bored, he would go with the colour red just to mix it up a bit. The reasons were simple; it was the colours of his house. His tie, his robes, his dorm – red was a colour that was impossible for him to avoid.

Still, Fred wasn’t exactly sick of the colour orange. The word ‘sick’ is too strong of a word to describe such a feeling. He would just say that he was so used to see the colour orange that he got numb to it. He wouldn’t mind living in a world of orange. He was just comfortable, yet never satisfied.

This phase lasted until his fourth year, just when his fifteenth birthday was round the corner.

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1 year ago

Bookshops and Baking

Bookshops And Baking

Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader Summary - Forced onto a muggle trip with his family, Fred finds entertainment in your bookshop. He can’t help but thinking that maybe he likes you more than most muggles.  Warnings - Fred not undertstanding basic text speech, Mentions of alchol Words - 2.2k

A/n - Possible part two ??


Fred was never fond of the muggle world. It was all waiting. Waiting for them to turn on a light switch rather than casting the words of ‘Lumos’. He thought they lived in apathy without the ability to create pranks and joke boxes. To him, most of them went to an office and came back and that was their day. They went through education, settled down with the most practical partner, had kids they were learning to hate and then got buried in the ground. It was ever so simple yet ever so dull.

It wasn’t until his dad dragged him out on a muggle trip, that he met you, and his opinion started to change.

Mr Weasley had taken all the kids on a trip to a city in the North of the Country. The weather could only be described as damp and when it started raining, Fred split from the group. He hadn’t paid much attention to the building he entered, all he cared for was that it had a ceiling that would protect him from the rain. Wasn’t as if he could cast a spell to protect him; strictly no magic in front of muggles and strictly, by his dad’s rules, no magic on muggle trips. He liked to think his kids got the full muggle experience.

Fred opened the shop door, a ping sounded from above his head. At first, he was met with books. Many of them. Shelves of them. A library, he presumed. He barely visited them at Hogwarts, never mind a muggle library where you had to search for the very book you wanted rather than call it into your hands. But it was dry and that’s all he cared for.

“Hi!” A voice called. He turned, facing the till where you were standing, a customer service smile slapped onto your lips. “Welcome,” You grasped a tray from the side of you and offered it to Fred. “Take a brownie, browse, enjoy the plenty of books.” Your smile never faulted.

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2 years ago

𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮

fandom- Harry Potter

pairing(s)- fred weasley

a/n-requests are always open for you my darlings with all the love i can possibly muster, teddy

currently playing- forever favourite

warnings- wave crashin sense of loneliness? enemies to lovers, rain confession, gender neutral and sfw

dating this Weasley would be such a rollercoaster with its ups and downs

honestly, would've hated him at first, i loathe the snark

but the thing is, the charismatic personality would just draw you to that magnet of a man

but it was a bit cute (maybe)

“You’re short enough to have to go onto your tippy toes to kiss me.” “I’m short enough to elbow you directly in the gut, with ease.”

picking fights is just his love language before he realizes you feel the same

so much drama before y'all actually got together

i picture it as how you both would have picked a fight which got you very upset since you've finally come in terms with your feelings and he's here trying to hurt them

it would be rainy day and you'd be making your way back from the green house as quickly as possible as he waits a bit further away

You noticed him, you always notice him first. He had his robe on the grass, and his sleeves rolled.

as you tried to avoid the whole meltdown you realized that his feelings shouldn't be spared and thus starts the argument

from one to another your feelings were in the air, an air full of love and hope

love confessions in the rain>>>

and suddenly how shy you were with a blush plastered on your face wherever he was.

such a shy baby to his thick british accent

i think he's a bit more calmer and steadier than all of you give him credit for

oh but the flirting- give me a break already

he's just the more outgoing and daring type yk

he's the type who would continue to win you over for the rest of your lives after fullingly knowing that he was yours

he'd be so quick w those remarks thats would personally send me of blushing

lets talk about fred's motto: an eye for an eye

it doesn't have to mean anything in a negative sense or even related to you

but if someone was out for you, weasley will be out for them and oh how cruel he could be

he's driven by instict

and if he wants something then he would have it then and there

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