Freegan - Tumblr Posts
Instead of "hipster" say:
Alt - Alternative lifestyles, fashion, hobbies -- that's what we're talking about right? It's an easy, catchall word for describing all sorts of activities and styles (see below). Let's call a spade a spade already.
Bohemian - For over 200 years, artists, musicians, writers, etc. have lived in concentrated areas embracing creative, independent culture and sacrificing for their art. Labels have changed, but the passion's the same. Maker - Picklers, crafters, tinkerers, these people are leading a new American industrial revolution called the Maker Movement (look it up. It's awesome). Freegan - Anti-consumers who salvage and repurpose mass society's waste. They embrace "community, generosity, social concern, freedom, cooperation, and sharing". How wonderful is that?
Asshole - We don't need an h' word that awkwardly lumps in alt types with douches and snobs. If you have to say you don't like someone, we already have more than enough words to choose from.