Friska-freak - Tumblr Posts

11 years ago
Friska-freak Replied To Your Post: So Being The Majestical Creature That I Am, I...

friska-freak replied to your post: So… being the majestical creature that I am, I...

:c Get well soon, Laura-waura, that looks really painful!

D'awww, thank you, kunafu! C':

And it's not... THAT painful. My pointer finger's movement is just limited. I can't make a fist with my right hand. And I'm paranoid with even doing ANYTHING else with my right hand. Meh, at least I've got my movies and stuffs. XD

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11 years ago

I know that red and yellow tend to make people hungry (hence the logo colors of McDonalds and many other fast foods), but... GAH, THESE ARE SCRUMPTIOUS-LOOKIN'. OAO

I think their simplicity adds a lot to their charm! I'd wear them~ X3

Do Not Leave Me With Beads That Look Like Candy Or I Will Make Things Worse.

Do not leave me with beads that look like candy or I will make things worse.

…I know these are really simple and I don’t usually bead, only as a sometimes hobby. But I just- I read about how certain colours sort of trigger your appetite. Then I saw these beads when I was at the marketplace with all the sewing stuff.

I think I might have done a horrible mistake.

(Also those berry thingies are actually tiny cog-like beads. For some reason when you pile them up they fit together, so I made numnum shaped stuff.)

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10 years ago
Friska-freaksaid:Dsghjds It Really Is, He Was Just As Present In Our Childhood. .n.

friska-freak said: Dsghjds it really is, he was just as present in our childhood. .n.

He really was. I don't think I've ever been this sad about a celebrity dying. :c

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9 years ago

Ahhhhhhhhh, this made my night, Frisky!! Thank you so much~ ;//v//;

You are so, so sweet and kind. It’s crazy to think how long we’ve known each other. I know we don’t chat often, but I still consider you on of my closest friends, too!! I wish we could talk more (curse our time zones D: ) and it doesn’t help that I’ll be starting school tomorrow. ; _ ; I hope we get to chat sometime tho!! I’ll try to make an effort to chat with ya more. I really wanna know how you are doing and how you’ve been!! c’:

Heeeey, it's been far too long! ; v ;


1. First impression: Oh my gosh this writer wants to be friends with me. OH MY GOSH THEY’RE FAVORITING MY THINGS. ALSO- apparently they’re two people? WHO AM I TALKING TO?! (you were sharing your old account at the time :’D )Also my first impression of your writing:  oh my gosh this is so sophisticated whatand your art- I don’t know! I think at the time you were more of a writer. ouo”2. Truth is: You are an adorable adorkable dork, and emphasis on the adorable. :’DAnd the funny thing is, for a while, I didn’t know, until you were introduced to Sann, Nanas, Sanna, Robin, and Andi. Then SUDDENLY THERE WAS A WHOLE EXPLOSION OF ZANY UNLOCKED. You have such personality, and you are one of the sweetest, kindest, most helpful people I know, and it makes me so sad that we don’t talk as much as we used to because I still think of you as one of my closest friends. ;u;Your characters are amazing, and it seems I have been missing out on quite a lot because when I went to check my dusty DA I was blown away by how much you’ve improved. Your art is, without exaggeration, AMAZING, and unique. I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it, it’s adorable and flowy and there is something elegant but mischievous about it too. You’re also really, really headstrong and brave, and you’ve had to go through a lot, and you’ve had to work really hard. And when you told me you were studying 3D I was so proud and then you were working I WAS SO FREAKING PROUD AGAIN and you constantly make me proud and feel like I’m like some weird mom. Keep making us proud, and we miss you ;; 3. How old do you look: I think I’ve only seen you a handful of times on skype, and I always think of you being as much younger than you actually are. I still keep thinking of you as 16 or 17, even though I KNOW you’re older and if I see a more recent picture you’d probably look older. |D4. Have you ever made me laugh: Toasty in didneyworl was one. Angrily ruffling Jasper’s hair- actually, anytime we did stupid things with our OCs :’D5. Have you ever made me mad: I think you’re the last person who could ever make me mad, if anything, I’m mad at myself for not talking to you enough. There’s so much I want to talk about but it all poofs away whenever we do end up talking. 8C6. Best feature: You’re so sweet and adorable and incredibly optimistic like holy frick I have no idea how you do it but keep doing it because you’re awesome 7. Have I ever had a crush on you: Once again, nuh, not romantically. I’ve thought of you more as a partner in crime though, and I’ve occasionally had “protective big sister” moments :’D8. You’re my: LAURA WAURA9. Name in my phone: ….YOUR SKYPE ? >_>10. Should you post this too If you want to and if you haven’t! 

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