Bracelets - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Made a Schoolbus Graveyard bracelet:3

Made A Schoolbus Graveyard Bracelet:3

This comic totally won't haunt my art and everything else for the next while.

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11 months ago

Hello! I'm new to tumblr!

Anyway, while reorganizing our room I found these little wof bracelets I made a couple of months back

Hello! I'm New To Tumblr!

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9 months ago


Yes , the rumors are true I made stoliz bracelets and I would do it again! What else was I supposed to do? Let the voices consume my entire being??? In these times of endless suffering we've been left to drown in an ocean of angst so I did what I had to in order to survive and I'm NOT SORRY FOR IT !! * gets taken to people-who-are insane-about-their-special-interests jail *

( I'm selling these here , and I also make custom pieces for all the nice people facing the horrors )


( I'm also working on some necklaces that aren't ready yet but here's what I have so far for the Blitzø one anyway )


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11 years ago

I know that red and yellow tend to make people hungry (hence the logo colors of McDonalds and many other fast foods), but... GAH, THESE ARE SCRUMPTIOUS-LOOKIN'. OAO

I think their simplicity adds a lot to their charm! I'd wear them~ X3

Do Not Leave Me With Beads That Look Like Candy Or I Will Make Things Worse.

Do not leave me with beads that look like candy or I will make things worse.

…I know these are really simple and I don’t usually bead, only as a sometimes hobby. But I just- I read about how certain colours sort of trigger your appetite. Then I saw these beads when I was at the marketplace with all the sewing stuff.

I think I might have done a horrible mistake.

(Also those berry thingies are actually tiny cog-like beads. For some reason when you pile them up they fit together, so I made numnum shaped stuff.)

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10 months ago

i think what’s on a person’s nightstand is very telling so reblog this and put in the tags the things you have on your nightstand

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10 months ago
All My Handmade Bracelets I've Made Since February :3

all my handmade bracelets i've made since february :3

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11 months ago
We Made Bracelets For HOURS And Got So Into It We Forgot To Order Dinner. It So Suddenly Became 8pm!
We Made Bracelets For HOURS And Got So Into It We Forgot To Order Dinner. It So Suddenly Became 8pm!

We made bracelets for HOURS and got so into it we forgot to order dinner. It so suddenly became 8pm! We did good though...made over 50 bracelets to trade at the Fall Out Boy show..(tomorrow night!!) ...but I just had to make this Pumpkins one too lol...


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10 years ago
My Art Teacher Taught Us How To Weave In Art With Art Straws, So I Went Home And Made This Bracelet Out

My art teacher taught us how to weave in art with art straws, so I went home and made this bracelet out of strips of paper, I think it turned out really nice and I’m going to make different coloured ones for all my friends

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1 year ago

some friendship bracelets i made last-minute as an accessory for my epel cosplay for otakon!

Some Friendship Bracelets I Made Last-minute As An Accessory For My Epel Cosplay For Otakon!

ace + deuce:

- scarlet/blue/red/navy

- thick stripes

-it took them at least three tries to make (previous attempts ended up in flames)

- there was definitely magic cheating involved


- green/lime/pink

- simple braid

- the pink is for the roses of briar valley

- he thinks braids are more elegant/sophisticated than knotted bracelets


- yellow/brown/cream

- “chinese staircase” pattern

- it’s a more common bracelet style in the shaftlands + sunset savannah

- epel likes it cause it’s savanaclaw colors

vil + rook:

- purple/lavender/gold/black

- thin stripes

- vil saw the first-years making bracelets and wanted to make one for epel too

- rook made the actual bracelet since skill in tying ropes apparently translates to bracelet-making somehow?

yuu + grim (+ ortho):

- white/blue/black

- chevrons

- grim didn’t really do much but insisted it was from him too since yuu is his henchman

- ortho doesn’t have the most dexterous fingers (robot) so he mostly helped keep people on their patterns and measured thread

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8 months ago

Well, I was making bracelets. Idk why, but most of the time, songs by gooseworx were playing and as I'm typing this, there is one playing... anyway here ya go!

Well, I Was Making Bracelets. Idk Why, But Most Of The Time, Songs By Gooseworx Were Playing And As I'm




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6 months ago

Well, hello boys, girls, neithers, boths, and in-betweens! If you can't tell already, I may have a slight hyperfixation on Will Wood, so here!

Well, Hello Boys, Girls, Neithers, Boths, And In-betweens! If You Can't Tell Already, I May Have A Slight


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11 years ago
Hey Guys! I Just Opened An Etsy Shop That Sells All Sorts Of Woven Bracelets With Nerdy And Empowering
Hey Guys! I Just Opened An Etsy Shop That Sells All Sorts Of Woven Bracelets With Nerdy And Empowering
Hey Guys! I Just Opened An Etsy Shop That Sells All Sorts Of Woven Bracelets With Nerdy And Empowering
Hey Guys! I Just Opened An Etsy Shop That Sells All Sorts Of Woven Bracelets With Nerdy And Empowering

Hey guys! I just opened an Etsy shop that sells  all sorts of woven bracelets with nerdy and empowering themes. Stop by and see if any catch your eye!!

Themes used: Bastion, Loki, LGBT+ Pride, Air Nomad

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1 year ago
A Collection Of Pride Bracelets I've Made This Month! Genderqueer, Rainbow & Trans Pride Respectively!
A Collection Of Pride Bracelets I've Made This Month! Genderqueer, Rainbow & Trans Pride Respectively!
A Collection Of Pride Bracelets I've Made This Month! Genderqueer, Rainbow & Trans Pride Respectively!

A collection of pride bracelets I've made this month! Genderqueer, rainbow & trans pride respectively!

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1 year ago
Ace Flag Bracelet For My Roommate!

Ace flag bracelet for my roommate!

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1 year ago
Ace Flag Bracelet For My Roommate!

Ace flag bracelet for my roommate!

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9 years ago

Got these beauties in the mail!

Pictures under the cut.

Got These Beauties In The Mail!
Got These Beauties In The Mail!

Got the Sans for me and the Papyrus for my brother. He loves it! Also got a bonus bracelet too!

Got These Beauties In The Mail!

Bought these from @skeechskeechskeech on Etsy! These bracelets are beautiful and wonderfully crafted! I really love the drawing too, they really made my day. Thank you so much!

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My best friend came by this evening. After I cooked a snack she randomly whipped out two craft bags she'd set behind the couch. Cleaned off the table. Then proceeded to unpack box after box of beads, string, clasps, etc etc

I was feeling crappy but pushed through sitting down and getting situated with crafty stuff. I started feeling better after a while, making a lil bracelet. It's cute! The main charm, I didnt realize until after, glows in the dark. Hehe. Yesssssss.

Then I randomly had the urge to dig into my cabinet for craft twigs. Started making a lil wall-hanging. Each beaded strand representing each member of our friend group, with some neutrals in between.

Gonna be cute as heck when I'm done with it. My hips locked up from sitting so long. It'd have been worse if I hadn't pulled my super cushioned accent chair up to the table to sit in.

She just left a little while ago. I got my kiddos wound down for bed a tad early. Incense and a candle going in my room. All tucked in and cozy. I took my bracelet off but still feel the phantom sensation on my wrist.

So sleepy. So cozy. I love it when she comes over. She's such a soothing, safe bubble of a being and I'm always super relaxed and dozy during/after visits.

Auntie Reindeer, my eldest lovingly, accidentally, called her. (She's Auntie Raven) I lost my train of thought. Like. The entire train, gone xD

Rest well y'all.

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