From Dusk Til Dawn: The Series - Tumblr Posts
wip wednesday woot woot
ok so @alwaysupatnight and @sentientdroids tagged me a million years ago but hey everything works out cause today is wednesday! here is a fic i’m working on - the beginning of a sethkate fic from from dusk till dawn the series. also to anyone who is curious, i am still working on memories of the west lmao
She knew Seth saw heaven as a beach, as a place you could buy your way into, but she saw it differently. Maybe not pearly white gates and sunbeams and streets of gold - not anymore. But it was still a holy place, and Kate had never felt further from it.
Seth was close, his breath angry and quick against her face. It wasn’t the first time he’d tried to back her down like this, but it was the first time she felt close to breaking.
“You want out?” he said. The inside of the car was dark, but his eyes were clear and terrible. “Get the fuck out then.”
Kate chewed down her own words, kept herself breathing. Behind her was the open door. Freedom. The only thing she’d prayed for after she’d first met Seth, in that RV, with his batshit brother and her dad barely holding on and Scott with his stupid gun and homicidal hatred for lacrosse players.
Seth was all around her now, too close to think, so she shut her eyes for a moment, imagined getting out of the car, telling him something that might cut him to the bone. Cut through all the layers of his bullshit and heroin haze.
Kate took one big, deep breath and yanked the passenger door shut. She opened her eyes, met his. “Just drive,” she said.
i’m tagging @galadrieljones and @shallow-gravy if y’all haven’t already done this for the week!