FTGFTF - Tumblr Posts
This would be my fic :)
Absolutely thrilled that people have been enjoying it even a little bit - there's still LOADS more of it in the works, so stay tuned folks!!
Enjoy the Megaman ZX fandom? Well then, Advent fans, you’ll enjoy this!

A work in progress I might not finish but I really like how Vent came out :) the OG ZX hero of justice!
Plus a bonus closeup of his face. Yes I do draw him with stubble, I feel like it works for him!
New chapter of For the Glory, For the Fame is FINALLY out!!
This chapter covers the events of the Arctic Ice Floe, though as usual I've taken some liberties with canon.
Shoutout to @tyrantchimera for giving me the ideas on how to make this chapter more fun because it was a SLOG to write, and @dumpsterfirepropaganda for keeping my motivation with it going!
Read on and I hope you enjoy, guys!
me: I'm not going to make ZX OCS, I want to really flesh out the canon characters!
also me: accidentally makes a character to tie into Siarnaq's backstory
also also me: ...I've drawn Siarnaq, I can't not add Riquis now
anyways. Riquis, man with the hat. Let it be known I cannot draw cowboy hats, so here he is with and without!

When the wind is slow, and the fire's hot
The vulture waits to see what rots
Oh how pretty, all the scenery
This is nature's sacrifice
Finally, finally after forever, the next part of FTGFTF is done. Sorry if the pacing is a bit janky, I may go back and fix it up, but I hope you enjoy the long-awaited Atlas fight and I hope it delivers. Put a lot of work into the actual fight itself.
Shout out to @dumpsterfirepropaganda for keeping me going and hyping this one up, and to @copper-sands , who despite knowing nothing about MMZX, has still been cheering me on!
Headcanons and other things I like to keep consistent in any interpretations, AUs or otherwise of the ZX/A crew, just for fun:
• For all intents and purposes, Girouette IS Vent and Aile's dad, adoptive or otherwise, no ifs, ands, or buts.
• Girouette is both a master baker and a total prankster.
• Girouette Express actually started out as a cake delivery business, which Giro inherited from his own adoptive father that named it in his honour.
• Vent and Aile are twins. Neither is sure who the oldest actually is, but it's Vent.
• Vent's favourite food is barbeque pork buns, which I took from the manga.
• Aile takes her coffee black but will also indulge in hot chocolate every so often. We're talking very, VERY fancy hot choc.
• Vent is a bonafide fashion disaster when he's not in uniform, and Aile prefers to dress androgynous. The two will often share accessories and jackets. Aile buys hers several sizes too big A: for aesthetic, B: so her tank of a twin can borrow them.
• Sho from the manga inevitably ends up running Girouette Express when the twins are indisposed.
• The source material never actually states that PnP are twins (and believe me I've scoured the ZX/A scripts), but I always treat them as such, with Prometheus as the older twin.
• Prometheus will always, without fail, end up in a death-related job no matter what universe I write him in. This is inspired by his status in canon proper as the Grim Reaper.
• Pandora is naturally glamourous but always puts effort into her appearance. Prometheus is vain as a peacock and unfortunately is NOT naturally glamourous at all.
• Pandora is weirdly perceptive of everyone's emotions but her own. Prometheus sucks at social interactions but doesn't come across that way due to immense vanity and overconfidence.
• Pandora is usually the first of the twins to spike her drinks with some sort of alcohol. Prometheus, bizarrely enough, recognises this to be an unhealthy coping mechanism more than she does and doesn't drink as often. His preference is chilli hot chocolate, she likes matcha lattes.
• Aeolus has some experience in working as a lawyer, no matter what universe I write him in.
• Aeolus is classically trained in ballet and has dabbled in both kendo and iajitsu.
• Aeolus is albino and partially blind.
• Siarnaq is fluent in sign language. Aeolus and Pandora are the only other two Megamen able to have a full conversation with him in it as they are also fluent. The rest are still learing.
• Siarnaq is a terrible, awful cook who will burn his RICE without fail. Bizarrely enough however the only thing he is ANY good at preparing is pufferfish.
• Thetis grew up around religious influences which partly influenced his whole "cleanse the world" pholisophy, and also has a criminal record from being involved in graffiting and protests.
• Thetis loves tacky formalwear and anything with fish on it. I can see an older Thetis wearing fish-patterned ties.
• Atlas is the best cook out of the Big Four as she actually uses spices. Oftentimes, TOO many spices for their tastes, barring Siarnaq. Her spiciness tolerance is very high.
• Partly taken from what I've seen of the ZXA manga, but Grey LOVES his sweets and trying new foods. Ashe has not helped in this as what she drinks can barely even be considered coffee given the amount of syrups she puts in it.
• Ashe is a FANTASTIC dancer. Vent dances like a dad at a disco. Both are inevitably the first to join in if something like the Macarena or Nutbush are played. (Great, now I want to animate them doing the Nutbush.)
Any other headcanons I give away will spoil some very minor plot points of FTGFTF, but spoil them nonetheless, haha.
Feel free to reblog and add what you like to keep consistent about these characters!! Curious to see how interpretations differ :)
So I put together a playlist for For The Glory, For The Fame on YouTube since Spotify is missing the ZX/A Tunes versions of the songs:
So if you ever wanted the "soundtrack" to the fic, in essence, here it is!
It's in a pretty specific order; I would say the first few songs are the end of ZX and some interim pieces, some songs chosen specifically for characters, and the rest... well. I had boss themes in mind for a reason!
Enjoy the playlist with the fic, and I hope it gives you a taste/hint of what's to come :) especially with some songs I've chosen for certain characters, if you can figure out who I've attributed what to.
(Bits of it may be changed as I go lol)
I finally, finally got my hands on the Zero/ZX Legacy Collection after long last, and have a lot of thoughts on the transition between Girouettes' death and the iconic Double Megamerge scene in the original ZX. It's a pretty well done sequence, hammered home by how cleaned up the cutscene was for the Legacy Collection.
I was originally going to write about the specifics of this scene, namely how it's a powerful reversal of X sacrificing himself/dying during the Omega battle in Z3 with Girouette giving his life and his Biometal to save Vent and Aile, and the emotional implications, but instead I got carried away exploring Girouettes' perspective of how everything plays out.
Ergo, there'll eventually be a companion post to this exploring Vent/Aile's feelings on everything, the contrast between this Double Megamerge and the one in Advent, and how the music mirrors that.
But TL,DR; Even if it was expected for Girouette to die, the lore and concept art of ZX lets you infer that his backstory had to have been similar to Vent and Aile's. Alongside what we see in the game, the emotional implication of the scene and the music really hammer home what a pivotal moment the Double Megamerge is, and how Girouettes' massive sacrifice drives the story forward. He knows that he'll die, but he'd much rather they live. And not not only that - he knows full well the pain, the sorrow and grief caused by his death will give them the fuel and determination to carry on and become "a hero who can protect everyone."
And this is exactly why he goes through with it.
From Girouettes' perspective, with a healthy dose of headcanon thrown in:
You were fairly young when you experienced loss. Your town was devastated by a maverick raid, and your younger siblings perished. Grief and trauma were hard to work through, but you got there, began to establish a life for yourself After. Started working, joined an organisation to prevent others from experiencing this same loss. Made something of yourself.
And not long after, you were given this immense power to wield that seemingly no-one else could - and you don't know why you were chosen for it. There's the borrowed power of an ancient hero singing in your veins and whispering encouragement in your head, teaching you how to use this strength for good. With his guidance as your partner, you slowly become a seasoned, veteran fighter - learn to balance your role as a defender, investigator, protector with that of a fledgling businessman.
A veteran fighter who rescues a traumatised kid in the aftermath of a raid, so very similar to the one you experienced years ago.
This child has no-one left except you, their rescuer.
And so you make the decision.
The decision to stay out of action and care for this traumatised kid.
You hide the fact that you've been a fighter to keep them safe; to keep them from losing family ever again. Your partner is proud of you and - though he misses the action - does what he can to guide you through this, as well.
Together, you do everything in your power to be the best father figure you can to this kid, to help them through the trauma; they slowly become both an employee and like your own child. Despite the war waging on somewhere in the background, it seems like your days of fighting are over.
And then through a series of unfortunate events, you watch as your adopted kid is able to wield the same power as you; bonds with and borrows the power of another of these ancient heroes. Horrified, you realise that no no no, they're about to get dragged into this war, as well, despite how long you've spent hiding that you're part of it from them.
But you think, at least I can be there to protect them. At least I don't have to hide this part of myself anymore. I can guide them like I was guided so they won't have to do this alone.
You watch your adopted kiddo run headfirst into danger in the name of saving people, so no-one loses family the way they once did, the way you did, too. So you think, I'll clear a path for them. I'll go ahead, go keep you safe.
And then you get ambushed.
There's three of them and one of you - your body isn't as strong as it used to be, crippled by an old injury, and through your shock and fighting for your life you dimly register that one of these men is the president of the company that saved our country? He's been lying to us the whole time!
You try your best, you get several good hits in but you simply can't win, no matter how hard you try, and they overpower you.
That's when your employee, your child, arrives; horror and fear twist and stab into your gut like a knife, and you're screaming for them to RUN! but your voice won't respond to your body.
But something else is responding and it's not the ancient hero; his voice has gone quiet, too. Instead it's this horrible, whispering force that takes over your body, and just barely you manage to tell your child, shoot me! before you're locked into your own head. Your feelings of fear, anguish and agony are mirrored on your child's face; you're unable to stop yourself from trying to murder your own child in cold blood, and use whatever little power you have left to restrain yourself from a killing blow.
They manage - miraculously, somehow, they manage to fight you to a standstill, begging you to stop the same way you're begging yourself to do so. Your heart is breaking, shattered into pieces at the tears streaming down their face - barely, just barely, you feel that terrible whisperings' influence ease away.
Moments later you're both struck down - and you know the only thing keeping you alive is the armour encasing your body, the power of that ancient hero on loan flowing through your veins. Said ancient hero's voice is once again echoing in your ears, in your head, telling you to stay put, that you're close to death, that I can't lose my Chosen, you're my partner in crime, Girouette, we'll make it through this. The thing that sets a Zero apart is our inability to stay dead. We're going to make it.
But outside of your head - there they are.
Your child.
Barely clinging to life, the loaned power of an ancient hero flowing through their veins is not enough. They're not strong enough yet, their breathing growing more pained by the second and tears forming in the corner of their eyes.
You can't leave them to die.
And so you make the decision.
To give them your strength - your partner knows what you're asking, why you're asking it.
Makes certain that you're sure.
You know you're going to die; you didn't want to go yet. But it's worth it, to see your child survive, live on, thrive.
The last of your life, the power flowing through your veins to them; the very last gift you'll ever give them.
The power to protect.
And as you slip into the nothingness, your partner whispering his goodbyes to you and your child's screams of anguish echoing in your heart, the very last thing you think is, I'm so very proud of you.
I love you.
And on this mortal plane, you are no more.