FUCKING LOVE IT - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Heres A Fun Fact! My Psychonauts Timeskip Au Is Over A Year Old As Of March 28th! How Wild Is That!
Heres A Fun Fact! My Psychonauts Timeskip Au Is Over A Year Old As Of March 28th! How Wild Is That!

here’s a fun fact! My psychonauts timeskip au is over a year old as of March 28th! How wild is that!

This wasn’t really made to commemorate that, though the timeline works out pretty well! I just had to strong urge to see if I could get all of my camper designs in a lineup without fretting too much over poses and details and stuff. The answer was apparently yes! My bones hurt! This was so many characters!

had to stop myself from going too far otherwise I was never going to get this posted, but I did do a little collage-ish sketch of whereabouts they all end up in the future

Heres A Fun Fact! My Psychonauts Timeskip Au Is Over A Year Old As Of March 28th! How Wild Is That!
Heres A Fun Fact! My Psychonauts Timeskip Au Is Over A Year Old As Of March 28th! How Wild Is That!

Ok! Ok! Thank you. I’m going to go try and make sure I don’t draw for at least 24 hours to give my hands a rest

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candy discourse, reblog w/ your opinions on

• candy corn • licorice • peanut butter + chocolate • mint + chocolate • sour candies

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3 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Always, All Ways

Chapter 6/7

Summary: “Buck is very dear, Mr Diaz. Not only to me but to the pack. You’ll find that if you treat him with anything less than utmost respect you’ll have a lot of people to answer to.”

Eddie swallowed. It was clear that in the absence of a mate, this omega had found himself a very protective pack. “Understood, sir.”

Or: Buck’s the only omega in the 118. He’s got secrets, and walls a mile high.

Eddie’s the alpha determined to knock them down.

read from chapter one

read chapter six (15,000 words)

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1 year ago

In Heat! 4/7

They're in heat, and you smell so hot...

Warning: 18+ smut, noncon, hybrid!bts, snake-hybrid!jimin x human!reader, dark yandere, Jimin is a stalker, and kinda a psycho, corruption, somnophilia, biting, paralysis, technically its not tentacles but I meannnn 👀 lemme just warn you in advance YOU CAN'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU, Jimin has two penises because snake???

In Heat! 4/7

Slithering, he moves closer.

The snake watches as you sleep, inching towards your bed. He lifts his head up, tilting it curiously towards your outstretched arm, your hand lying over the edge of your bed as you sleep peacefully. The snake hybrid moves closer, slithering back and forth, left and right until he's wrapped himself around your slender fingers, closer, closer, around your wrist, forked tongue licking the faint outline of the vein in your arm, he's so tempted to pierce his fangs into you.

He slithers under your blanket, into your sheets, moving across your body as you shift in your slumber.

His cold snake form enjoys the warmth of your bed, of your heat. He moves across your thighs, curiously exploring his surroundings, over and under, until he settles himself right under your night shirt, in between your breasts, resting his head on your clavicle.

As you breath in, he moves slowly across your chest, until he's comfortably wrapped around you and satisfied.

The snake hybrid has done this every night since he first met you, getting comfortable with your body.

It is your luck, or perhaps your unluck that he's patient and enjoys the slow exploration into your world.


"Hey Jimin."

"Hey, y/n." Your neighbor smiles wide, holding the door to your apartment building open. "Let me help."

"Oh! Thank you!" you stumble into him as he lifts the heavy weight in your hands, taking your grocery bags.

You stutter out your apologies as your body knocks into his frame clumsily. Jimin laughs heartily, only making you fluster even more.

Ever since you've moved into this area, your new neighbor has been so helpful and kind to you. Yet however many times it's been now, his attention continues to make your legs buckle.

What is it about your next door neighbor Jimin that makes you a stuttering mess? Is it his charming smile? His silky voice? His beautiful features? The way he steadies you with the softest touch while he manages to hold your bags easily?

He's just so...perfect.

"You okay?" He looks towards you, a smile curling up at the way you stare at him entranced.

"Huh? What? Yes, right, I'm f-fine," you stutter, jumping into action and rushing towards the elevator.

You stand in awkward silence as the elevator doors close. "Let me help," you felt bad having Jimin carry all your groceries. You try to grab at least a couple bags to lessen his load, but Jimin moves gracefully to the side and out of your reach, tsking.

"It'ss okay, I'm stronger than I look," he teases.

"You look strong. I think you look strong! I mean, I don't think you don't look strong..." you laugh.

What is wrong with you? Why do you always have to embarrass yourself in front of Jimin? Why must you always act so stupid in front of your crushes?

Ever since you were a kid it's been like this, you would have hoped with age you would have gained some wisdom on the matter, and you had gotten better at overcoming your awkwardness, but there's something about your neighbor that makes you so jittery, makes your heart race and palms sweat and your body react in the most mortifying ways...

You wipe your forehead, looking away as the elevator rises higher and higher. It's hot in here, isn't it? It's stuffy. You're sweating like you're under the sun when you're only under Jimin's gaze. You fear you might even pass out if he keeps looking at you like that.


You rush forward, pulling out your keys and racing to your apartment door. "Thank y-you-" Jimin walks in, right into the kitchen and sets the bags on the counter. "You don't have to do that!" But Jimin is already opening your fridge and putting away your groceries for you.

"Sssoooo...what are you making for dinner?" he asks.

"Oh! I was thinking pasta?" You grab one of the tomato cans before he puts it away, smiling shyly. Jimin shuffles closer to you, reaching behind you to open the cabinet and putting your coffee away on the highest shelf.

You try to move away to give him space, but you're trapped against his body, trying unsuccessfully to steady your heartrate the closer he moves.

"I looove passta!" he chirps in his soft melodious voice so suited to him, seemingly unaware of the affect of his body pressing up against yours as he moves the pantry food around to better organize your cans.

"I'll make extra and bring you some! If you wanted me to, I mean."

You wait, unable to decide if this sweet torture is worth it. Sure, you have Jimin so close you can smell him, the muscles of his body rubbing against you with each movement, but the ache of his presence was almost too much to bear. For the second time today you fear you might pass out as you pretend not to be wholly besotted by your naïve neighbor.

Once he's done, instead of moving away, Jimin rests his hands on the counter behind you, caging you in and escalating your heartrate even moreso.

"Okay, but this time, you have to eat with me, promise?"

"Eat with you?" you repeat, "Eat dinner together?"

"Yess! Y/n! C'mon, you never eat with me," he whines, moving forward so close you have to lean backward, too shy to get any closer, your head knocking into the cabinet door in the process.

The idea of getting ready to eat dinner with Jimin seems like an impossible feat. The last time you agreed you took so long trying to find the perfect dress, redoing your make up over and over again that dinner time had long passed, and you pathetically packed his food and left it on his doorstep, hiding away in shame.

"Okay, yeah...yes!"

"Promise me."

"I promise!"

He smiles wide and wraps his arms around you, hugging you tightly. "You're the beessst, y/n!"

Dinner with Jimin was perfect, just like him. He came over instead, probably worried you were going to stand him up again, and surprised you with flowers from his favorite garden. It felt like a date, was this a date? It didn't feel real, it felt like a dream.

A dream that turned into a nightmare.


"Y/n? What happened?!" Jimin opened the door, pulling you into his apartment.

You tried to stop crying, but you were a blubbering mess. Yet somehow you were able to explain to him what had happened to you.

There was a snake in your house! The largest snake you've ever seen. You couldn't stop shaking. Snakes terrified you, and to wake up and have one...in your bed...

You were frozen in fright, unable to do anything while it moved and constricted around your body. You don't know how long it had been, the minutes stretched to hours, and you couldn't do anything but lie there while it slithered on top of you! Under your clothes! It tightened around your stomach every time you tried to escape, making you terrified you were going to die if you moved too much.

Jimin held you delicately until you calmed down, then he made some tea for you. "Are you hurt?"

"The snake..." You couldn't explain everything to him, it was too shameful. You just nod, unable to speak, pushing the edge of your left short leg up slightly to show Jimin.

Jimin looked down at the rope-like bruise across your thigh, chest tightening at the sight.

He took a deep breath, calming himself down.

"Do you want to sleep here tonight? And I can check your apartment in the morning."

You nod again, covering your face before tears escape once more. Jimin wouldn't let you sleep on the couch, offering you his bed instead.

You tried to rest, but your dreams were consumed with snakes. Horrible slimey snakes.

You dreamed you were in a pit full of them, slithering over you like that snake had done. You woke up crying again.

It had felt so real...

"Well, it's gone now," Jimin sighed after looking through our apartment one last time.

"What if it comes back?" you mutter, eyes tearing up, worried he didn't really believe you, you barely could believe what happened yourself. "Jimin...I'm scared."

"Do you want me to stay with you?"

You sweet next door neighbor Jimin spent the night.

He wouldn't let you sleep on the couch, and you couldn't let him either, so you shared the bed.

Even if your heart was jumping to have him so close to you, it felt comforting to have him in your bedroom, you didn't want to be alone at all. Jimin reached for you in his sleep and you were able to finally shut your eyes, letting his embrace lull you to sleep.

Jimin watched your chest rise and fall as you slept in his arms. His finger ran along your collar bone, trailing down, between your breasts, over your belly button, stopping when his fingertip hit the fabric of your shorts.

He pushed the band down, revealing a bit of your skin, humming delightfully at the sight.

'So soft,' he thinks. He felt bad for you, you were so terrified, even now he could tell you were afraid, he could smell your fear...

Even if your fear smelled sweet, he didn't want you to be afraid...

Jimin dipped his fingers under the band of your shorts, lower and lower until he could feel wetness.

Jimin holds his breath, biting his lip.

He can't help but smile, to feel you so wet.

He resists pressing inside, happy to feel you shudder as he runs his digit left and right across your mound, softly, slowly.

And like always, the slow rubbing heated you from within, until you were gushing, shaking, whimpering from Jimin's touch.


Jimin didn't like when you were gone, but he could explore and learn more about you in your absence. He looked through your photo albums, took note of your favorite music, went through your closet and found the clothes you were too shy to wear yet bought on a whim. He went through your drawers, picked out his favorite panties and placed them on the top of your pile in hopes you would choose to wear the pair for tonight.

He took his time going through every corner of your bedroom, until he heard the door to your apartment open.

You sigh, undoing the buttons of your blouse, pulling the tight fabric off you, and pulling off your bra, heading for the bathroom. Work was stressful today, you need a nice long bath and then you'll invite Jimin over to watch a movie.

Your smiled, thinking of him.

Jimin and you had gotten so close now, and even though you knew he was just being nice, it felt like maybe he was starting to think of you as more than just a neighbor. At least you hoped. It was what you longed for, cuddled into his embrace on nights alone together. And you were hoping tonight maybe his soft touches would become something more. Maybe, maybe, tonight Jimin will kiss you.

You texted him your plans and relaxed into the warm bath. The hot water felt so good on your tired muscles and you felt yourself drifting asleep...

You woke up suddenly.

The water was cold now, your neck ached. You stretched and sat up.

And then you screamed.

Over the edge of the tub, the head of a large snake peered up at you, forked tongue poking out.

You reached for your cell and knocked it over onto the floor as the snake slithered curiously closer.

Should you scream for Jimin? He was right next door, but would he hear you? Was he even home?

You jump up, backed into the farthest corner away when the snake plops itself into the water. But before you can escape it slithers quickly around your ankle and you panic, falling over and banging your head.

You groan as you stir awake. The tub was only half full of water now, and you shivered wet and cold, realizing your predicament.

The snake was wound tightly around the lower half of your body, and tighter around your wrists, your arms stuck under you as you kicked and splashed.

This is not real, this is not real. It's all you could tell yourself, all you could hope for.

You had almost believed the night was a lie, a horrible apparition when it never returned.

Jimin and you had taken turns sleeping over at each other's places until you were comfortable enough to sleep on your own. Yet at that point, Jimin was always over, never leaving your side, so even when you had those bad dreams, you woke to him beside you, and never worried.

But tonight you were all alone, reliving your nightmare.

You began to cry.

The water made it easier for the snake to slither around, it seemed quicker, it seemed rougher.

You trembled, in cold and in fright. You shivered. You wept, unable to lift yourself out of your tub.

You whimpered please, please, please, please, repeating the phrase unable to articulate anything more.

The snake moved up higher around your wet body. It's head was now right above yours and you finally found your voice and screamed.

You screamed for Jimin.

The snake wrapped around your neck, silencing you almost instantly.

You couldn't move.

You couldn't scream.

You couldn't call for help.

You could barely breathe, but at least you could still do that.

The snake had you caught. It was wrapped around you like a rope, like it knew exactly where to place it's body so you couldn't escape. And it was tightening around you, around your wrists, around your stomach, around your legs.


Jimin wished you would just love him!

Of course he treasured those moments when you would embrace his human form, of course.

But why couldn't you love all sides of him! The real him!

He had watched you so longingly from his garden when you moved to the city. When you would visit and watch the flowers, he watched you. You were more beautiful to gaze upon, you were like a flower, just bloomed and unfurling in front of him. He picked you, you were going to be his.

But you screamed when you noticed him in the rose bushes, leaving before he even introduced himself!

So he had to find another way, a better way. Something about you, there was something about you that changed...altered something in him, like a chemical reaction. He changed for you, because he loved you. He changed so you could love him.

He found you cute, the way you would react to his human form like a timid mouse.

It delighted him, the way he could entrance you. Jimin was always very skilled in charming his conquests.

When you were asleep, you were such a sweet treat for him, he could gaze upon your whimpering face all night, embrace you in his favorite way, run his whole body along your curves and watch you unfurl again and again, his own beautiful flower, he only wished to pluck your petals until you loved him.

But you loved him not.

Then one night he rested his head against your heart and tightened himself around you, the urge to get closer to you overwhelming him. Jimin had woken you up, and your fear was another overwhelming.

Jimin tried to calm you, do all the things he knew you liked, slowly and steady tickle your body until you were shuddering, until you were tightening your legs around him.

Yet you only looked more horrified after, so Jimin sulked away. But you went to him once again, found comfort in him, and it only confirmed what he already believed, that you were meant for him.

Jimin enjoyed you, pleasured you, treasured his time with you, but he knew it could be better than this. You just needed to accept him.

If you could just love him how he loved you, everything would be perfect, it would be sssssssooo much better.


Your muscles ached, you were starting to feel the coldness travel into your nose, you started to feel sick.

Jimin followed the familar track along your slick body again and again, touching every part of you.

You grunted tiredly. You couldn't do it again.

You knew what this terror seemed to want from you, the way it slithered in between your legs over and over again. The very first time, that night long ago, you had thought it was a freak accident, something so shameful for you to have reacted in such a way, something wrong with you. But no, it was the wish of this monster wrapped around you, controlling you.

You had no way to escape, you had no way to hold it inside, you couldn't ignore the rolling pressure against your most sensitive parts, the rubbing across your clit nonstop and precise, the kneading of your flesh, the way your breasts were pressed together, how it tightened around each one, torturing you until the friction against your core became too much and you writhed along. It kept going, even when you thought you couldn't any longer, you somehow came harder.

But now you really really couldn't, you felt yourself slipping away, exhausted, your temperature dropping.

You whispered meekly, "No more. I can't. Please." Before darkness settled in.


"Jimin?" Your voice was hoarse from the pressure around your throat for so long. You tried to sit up, but you couldn't. Your muscles were too tired, and the way your neighbor had his body wrapped around yours, you couldn't have moved anyways.

Jimin sighed, relaxing more against you. "You're finally awake."

"What...what happened...there was...the snake...help..."

"It'sss okay, don't worry. I'm here now, and I'll never leave you."

You grunt, dizzy, looking around, you notice the familiar bedroom was Jimin's instead.


Jimin sighs lazily.

You're dry now, but your clothes...

And Jimin's clothes, where are his clothes?

Jimin feels you tense in his embrace, he shushes you softly, nose nudging your neck as he kisses your shoulder.

"I don't understand."

You want to cry.

"What's happening?" you ask him.

Jimin lifted his head, staring down at you, at your lips. And he slowly lowered his head again, softly kissing you.

For so long you had wanted this, you had longed for a kiss from your beautiful next door neighbor Jimin.

His lips were just as soft as you imagined, but they were cold.

Jimin deepened the kiss, licking across your mouth and forcing you open. His tongue roamed your mouth, invading inside and stealing your air. It felt like his tongue never ended, filling your mouth and down your throat until you begin to gag.

You cried against his lips.


Jimin cradled the back of your head, he in didn't want to do this, but it was the only way. Eventually, you'll learn to accept him. This time, to make things easier, he will indulge, since it's been so long since he's used his fangs anyways.

They were part of him, meant to be used, so you should accept them too!

You whimpered as he opened his mouth wide and you saw the length of his teeth. Jimin mouth clamped down on your throat, right under your ear, fangs piercing deep into your skin. The pain was quick and then it was gone, you felt no pain as his venom coursed through you. You felt nothing at all, you couldn't move.

Jimin's venom had paralyzed you.

Your breathing slowed down, you were no longer hyperventilating.

Jimin smile brightened, his fangs now showing, his long forked tongue darting in and out reminding you of...

No no no no!

"Oh y/n, you're so beautiful." He pulls the sheet away from your body to admire your curves, the marks of his constricting love across your skin.

Jimin wanted to claim all of you, and in his human form he could do even more to you.

He pulled your leg open, frowning when he touched your center. You were usually wet. He smirked as he moved your leg open wider. This time, he wanted to try something new just for you.

Jimin settled between your legs, pulling you to his mouth.

You felt his slippery tongue enter you, going deeper than even his fingers. You let out a shuddering breath. Jimin hummed happily, lapping your growing wetness up. You couldn't tighten around him, but that was okay, his venom would began to wear off eventually, and you would be able to clench around his tongue soon enough, you would be able to moan out his name.

Jimin had been too eager and given you too much venom, now he knew and could give you the appropriate amount to calm you down just enough next time. For now he could enjoy you as much as he wanted, Jimin had all the time in the world and the patience of a saint.

The patience of a saint, and the tongue of a devil. What kind of twisted nirvana had you found yourself in?

This was a different kind of torture, Jimin putting you right on the precipice of orgasm and you unable to climax. Tears began to fill your eyes as he continued to wiggle his tongue around your insides for hours, massaging you until you were begging, screaming in your mind to come. Jimin happily continued as you gushed more wetness for him to lick up, until finally your muscles deep inside started to tense as the pressure built.

You let out a quiet broken moan as you clenched over and over around Jimin's tongue.

Jimin's tongue slithered out of you, and you finally met his gaze, his face glistening with your wetness and his eyes sparkling down at you.

"Oh, you're sssssoooo fucking perfect." Jimin groaned as he slipped in easily.

You inhaled sharply when you felt another pressure further down, against your second hole, because you suddenly realized the snake hybrid had a second cock.

You tried to plead with him with your eyes, but he looked back excitedly, ecstatic to feel your body wrapped around him another way. He smiled wickedly, features shinning so beautifully your mind reeled and you wished to cry out in frustration.

Your slick helped as his other cock pierced into you, Jimin now inside both your holes. He kissed you, tongue prodding to make a point, that you were his inside and out.

He was so long you didn't believe he could fit himself all the way in, but Jimin was determined to mold you to him, and you couldn't voice your grievances, his venom thankfully dulling the pain at the very least.

"Yesssssss, fuck yesssssssss." Jimin was lost inside you, feeling the most euphoria he's ever felt in his human form. "Ssssssoo fucking good."

Jimin hugged you tight, pistoning into your heat, faster and faster, growing thicker and thicker until he burst. You eyes rolled back, you were fuller than you've felt before, the tightness was overwhelming. He used you, fucked you and made sure to stay secure and suffocatingly tight around you as his long cocks throbbed and filled your cunt and ass full of his cum.

You were still paralyzed when he dismounted, kissed you and transformed back.

You were still paralyzed when he wrapped his snake form around your neck and shoulders and fell asleep across your chest.

Thankfully, you were still paralyzed, because who knows what Jimin would have done if you had started screaming.

this took such a turn IDK WHAT HAPPENED I mean I hope you liked it, hopefully I left the appropriate amount of warnings cause a whole lotta shit went down t-t KNJ | KSJ | MYG | JHS | PJM | KTH | JJK | BTS

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3 years ago
Oh My Goodness Looks At Him!

Oh my goodness looks at him!

He's so cute and the bees are adorable!!

Has to be my favourite one yet

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1 year ago

Man, the flesh sucks. I'm gonna abandon it for the machine.

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