Fun Submas Animation In The Works... - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Hey You!! Yes, You!

Hey you!! Yes, you!

Now that I've got your attention!: This isn't Sept-Ingo related, but I was wondering if any kind soul(s) out there would be willing to give me some art advice!

Interested? More under the cut

I'm currently working on an animation project starring the lovely smiley choo-choo man himself, Emmet! I don't want to share more since I'd like it to be a surprise, but I'm looking forward to pushing myself to learn After Effects while doing this.

However, still being an art noob of sorts here, I am feeling some indecision about how to do things, lol. Mainly, I am trying to figure out what kind of placement/composition to go for...I'm horribly indecisive, so an outside opinion from more seasoned artists than me would be wonderful!

I have a few options here. You can see my mockups in the Imgur link here (as silly as it sounds, I don't want my cruddy sketches here to clog up my blog feed):

I suppose I will have to spill some beans on what I'm planning here: I want to make flowers bloom onto the trees as Emmet's expression changes. I'm stuck on whether I want to put more attention on his face or the trees (i.e., should Emmet be the focus and ergo, bigger...or smaller as we want to focus on the trees?). I also don't know if his placement looks awkward or not (following the rule of thirds or something idk???).

I'm leaning toward making his face the focus, but I would like to hear what others have to say! Thank you!!

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