Subway Bosses - Tumblr Posts
FUCK YOU NIMBASA CITY! if you’re dumb enough to take public transit this weekend, you’re a big enough schmuck to come to the Battle Subway. Joltiks! Pokemon that use Earthquake! No Legendaries! If you think you can win 20 battles at the Battle Subway, you can kiss my ass! It’s our belief that you’re such a stupid motherfucker, that you’ll battle for this bullshit GUARANTEED! If you find a better Battle Facility, shove it up your ugly ass! you heard us right, SHOVE IT UP YOUR UGLY ASS! Bring your team, bring your starter, bring your IV trained Pokemon, WE’LL WIN THEM ALL. That’s right, we’ll win ALL OF THEM! Because at the Battle Subway, you’re fucked six ways from Sunday. Take a hike, to the Battle Subway: home of MULTI TRAINS - that’s right - MULTI TRAINS. How does it work? If you can win 20 battles in a row, and not fuck up, you get to fist-fight us! Don’t wait! Don’t delay! DON’T FUCK WITH US, or we’ll rip your Pokeballs off. Only at the Battle Subway: the only Battle Facility that tells you to FUCK OFF! HURRY UP ASSHOLE! This subway train leaves the minute after you board it, and you better not lose once, or you’re a dead motherfucker. GO TO HELL! Nimbasa City’s Battle Subway. From the most filthy and exclusive the meanest sons-of-bitches in the region of Unova- GUARANTEED!
Today is the is finally time to post submas art for the 1st time here ! BEHOLD !!

Look, look, I've even made pins of them !

I carry them everywhere with me >w< I love them very dearly ! 💖
I hope you like it as well !! Can't wait to show you more !
I have some submas art for you todaaaaay ! First an experimental lil thing

And some traditionnal sketches !

(don't pay attention to the stuff written next to Ingo in the last one, I drew that in class haha)
Those are one of the first bunch of drawings I've ever made of them (so it's from like 6 weeks ago), from now on I will show you the oldest submas art first while I prepare new stuff (mostly for Novembmas hehe).
Have a last bonus one, it was the very first time I tried drawing them digitally

I hope you like it >w<

Event: The Fae Brothers’ Fury 💖
Outfits from the the Magma Sygna Suit Event by @choochooboss and @beastkonohaworld, I ended up adding Cilan to the pair~ It was really fun designing their outfits! I came up with a silly storyline for their outfits.
The boys have been casted in a short play about two fighting princes! They both have a petty fight over the kind servant as the servant is their favorite worker. It is a comedy play as the two brothers bicker then battle. The show is similar to Pokémon contest where they do a combination of moves to create sparkling affects in the play~ I like to think the boys research their roles and really put their all into their performances. Cilan did his best too~
and so it is finally here !! first chapter of split tracks !!
check it out on ao3 if you prefer that!
or read below the cut!
general summary :
recently, emmet has been seeing a reoccurring passenger; one who never talks, who always hands him messages on crumpled slips of paper that are always more cryptic then the last.
slips of paper that have managed to apparently save his brother, made him think, and made him realize something is inevitably wrong.
word count :
emmet sat up with a hum that morning, checking the time on the alarm clock.
5:26 am.
..that stranger yesterday had said whatever ‘tragedy’ would strike would hit in.
four minutes from now.
..he didn’t exactly believe strangers; this one was no exception.
the stranger with blonde hair and eyes, yesterday, who seemed like they knew things he could not comprehend. the stranger, who looked almost shellshocked, seeing him at the end of the doubles line; the one who battled diligently, yes, but had something on his mind, just by the way his eyes kept flickering to him and not his pokemon the entire time.
a look of concern. worry. as if he expected him to fall through the floor or something.
but somehow he felt compelled to believe this time. just a bit.
“ just don’t let your brother go into his office at 5:30. trust me. ”
the little crumpled paper slip was still in his jacket, stashed safely in his pocket, but the handwriting was neat enough to remember without having to grab it.
legs dangling off the bed, the sound of the bathroom sink already confirmed ingo was up before him; something he regularly expected. getting up with a huff, emmet trodded across the hall, peeking into the bathroom doorway.
“ mmmmorning ingo. i think we may have mixed up our paperwork last night. can i check your office for mine? ”
while half muffled by a toothbrush, ingo’s nod of a ‘yes’ was a clear enough indication. emmet nodded back with his ever-so-present smile, ducking his head back out of the doorframe, discreetly heading back to his room to beckon for his pokemon to follow, before striding to ingo’s office.
( while ingo could tell emmet was certainly not looking for paperwork, based on the sight of a familiar electric eel following him across the hall, it was still morning. he was rather tired, and trusted his brother enough to not question his antics. )
emmet had made up that cover-up story on a whim. he hated lying, he really did, but that stranger’s warning made him nervous. just a bit.
closing the door behind him, his eyes shifted towards the clock resting on his brother’s desk, watching the time intently.
..nothing so far.
emmet heaved a sigh of relief; so whatever he had been told yesterday was nothing to worry about, as most things were. the sound of the door handle caught his attention, and ingo soon poked his head through the door, craning his head.
“ did you find what you needed? ”
( ingo would play along with said lie for a bit, just to save whatever sparse amount of dignity emmet was skewing out here. he was aware his brother despised lying, probably more than he hated losing, therefore whatever reason he was doing it for must be a good one. )
while emmet’s mouth did part as he fumbled for a response, the sound of crackling glass caught both of their attention. frankly, emmet was a bit afraid to turn around at the noise. the window behind emmet was breaking, breaking, collapsing in on itself, with some sort of malformed energy spilling out of it in waves.
dread seemed to lock in on emmet’s chest, ( in a similar fashion to the bits and spokes of glass now digging into his back, ) as he quickly moved to make a run for the door, rather missing the narrow gap ingo had created by opening it and ramming in shut instead. eelektross practically sauntered after and curled around the man’s torso, clearly attempting to shield him further from whatever was forming in the jaggedly broken window. silver eyes quickly darted to the clock, still sitting almost like an omen on ingo’s desk.
attempting to put as much space between him and the other wall, emmet pressed himself against the door, gritting his teeth and grabbing for the doorknob.
( clearly ingo was having the same idea, twisting the doorknob on the other side and attempting to shove it open with all his weight. seeing as the two of them were pushing opposite ways with equal force, the door hardly budged, proving both of their attempts futile. perhaps the panic had not given either of them the idea to loosen their holds. )
“ emmet!? emmet, what is going on in there!? ”
( he couldn’t see anything; he could hear the noise of glass shattering and things violently being shoved and thrown around as if a windstorm had been let loose in his office, but the lack of response other than emmet’s hisses of pain and worried chirping from eelektross making their way through the crack in the door was nothing reassuring. )
it was a…like looking at a huge hole in the wall, swirling in the gap of the window frame. devoid of hue; a small void practically eating its way into the room, other than little flecks of color blurring past his vision. reds, blues, greens; he dug the heels of his slippers into the floor, praying he did not slip any closer.
thankfully the door was sturdy, and was capable of taking the force of emmet practically squishing himself against the frame like a startled wild animal, elektross carefully coiled around him to avoid the small specks of blood and glass dug into his back, while the swirling void only seemed to beckon them in, tearing through the room, knocking over papers and shelves, and only inching closer than comfortable.
eventually, it abruptly stopped. that.
while the broken window and the mess of furniture and papers remained, the cracks that dug their way into the walls disappeared. the swirling entity was gone in a fraction of a second. emmet did not even see it gradually disappear. he had simply blinked, and it had disappeared faster than it had ever been there.
eventually leaning off the door, he quickly staggered back as it practically flew open, a near horrified ingo flying through the doorway with his xtransceiver clutched in one hand, clearly milliseconds away from calling some sort of authorities, at best.
( ingo had backed up as far as he could down the hall before charging forward with his shoulder at the forefront, practically slamming into the door like a crazed tauros. with emmet relinquishing his end of the door stalemate, it had practically knocked off the hinge, swinging open fast enough it crashed into the adjacent wall. )
emmet was later getting ready than ingo that morning. having to sidetrack his usual routine to clean and patch the entire back of his upper torso, quickly shrugging off the whole scenario with a strained grin. he practically shooed ingo off to work, assuring him he would be fine and to just take the commute alone that morning. he’d catch up.
despite the scrunched-up face ingo made; the one he always made when he was concerned, the one where the corners of his lips would somehow turn even further down, he eventually complied, leaving with a sigh and a light flick on emmet’s forehead. a very clear “you should stay home for today” sort of gesture.
that, and a “we’re going to eventually talk about this” face. that, emmet dreaded, just a bit. mainly because his explanation would sound more like a messy cover-up than the truth, despite it being so.
but emmet was alright. fine, really, just a few scrapes and cuts to clean up and he would be all good. good as new!
( going through the work day with gauze and bandaids layered on and scraping against the fabric of his shirt was agony. never again. )
he did see the stranger, later in the day, on the doubles line again.
perhaps he was still distracted, by the morning happenings, as emmet surprisingly lost to the man, his hands resting behind his back, ( very lightly so, ) as he congratulated the other. the blonde haired man’s response was a light nod with a dip of his hat, and eventually, he fished in his pocket, seemingly holding another piece of paper in his hand, just as crumpled as the last.
emmet stared, quietly so, for a few moments, brows furrowed.
“ i am emmet. how did you know what was going to happen this morning? ”
the man shook his head, a refute of a response, before holding out the paper, an expectant stare resting on emmet’s hands. he wanted him to take it again, presumably.
tentatively, he accepted the note with a cautious gloved hand, attempting to smooth it out, refold it, then pocket it for later. looking back at the stranger, emmet could only stare for a few moments, nothing but the sound of the train itself moving on its way echoing through the cart.
as the stranger moved to walk past, presumably to move onto the next cart, emmet could not help but reach out, lightly grabbing the other man’s sleeve. while not angry, he certainly seemed startled, his head craning over his shoulder to stare back at the man in white.
“ i am emmet. please. at least inform me of your name before you leave, sir. ”
as much as he was supposed to stay stoic, professional; there was an edge of desperation to his tone.
people just don’t. show up and warn you of things like that. he wanted- no, needed, an explanation.
the stranger blinks; once, twice. emmet released his faint grip on the other’s arm, resting his hands behind his back once again in a nervous manner, almost apologetically. eventually, the man did speak up, pulling the worn red scarf down from around his mouth with a sigh.
“ ..volo. ”
“ volo? ”
“ my name is volo. goodbye for now, emmet treyne. ”
and with that, he left.
brows still furrowed, emmet glanced towards the overhead clock, fashioned at the front of the cart.
1:26 pm.
his lunch break was..
…four minutes from now.
he strongly doubted there would be any passengers making it this far in the next four minutes.
so, sitting down on one of the cart seats, he carefully removed the paper note from his pocket, delicately unfolding it to read the contents as the hums and clicks of the train gliding across the tracks filled the silence volo had left.
( not like the man made much noise that mechanical whirs would need to fill, anyways. )
by the time one thirty hit, he had finished reading, the note now stashed with the other in his pocket. he brushed past depot agent cameron perhaps a little too harshly, quickly wrenching around with a sputtered apology before continuing on his way to his office, each stride seeming longer and more rushed than the last.
the door practically swung open, ironically, and he quickly settled down, propping his head up with his elbows resting on his desk. a headache was already building up; a sparking, electrical pain at his temples, and he could not help but rest his head on the desk, hat sliding down and covering his face.
this was too much to palette for one day.
rubbing a thumb against the side of his temple in hopes to alleviate the pain, emmet sat there for a few moments in disoriented silence, occasionally pushing his hat upward to keep an eye on the door in case someone came knocking.
perhaps he should’ve taken ingo’s advice to stay home., that wouldn’t have been a good idea either. he wouldn’t have gotten the second paper tucked away in his pocket, and that was far too much a clue.
( that, and he was far too stubborn to admit he needed to rest, despite the quite obvious fact his body was not happy with him today. )
pain fires off in his head like fireworks, and he clenched a hand in a fistful of hair, shifting his hat to the side.
there was a rumble now reverberating through the office as if it was shaking it; definitely not from the trains, none ran that close to his office. he quickly sat up in alarm, rather roughly so, gritting his teeth at the movement.
an all too recently familiar sound of crackling glass echoed through the room, and emmet felt as if his heart had sunk into his chest like a frozen brick of ice, sending chills down his spine.
quickly sourcing the noise as above and not behind him, he half rolled, half fell off his chair, scrambling and scuttling to somewhat crawl underneath his desk, holding his arms over his head as if it was an earthquake.
a “space time distortion,” or whatever the paper had called it. emmet kept himself grounded by holding onto the legs of the desk, which, while slightly scooted around by the swirling winds created by the warp fixated on the ceiling of his office, did not leave the ground.
smaller things and papers were being thrown around wildly, though; he could see them, blurring past his vision alongside the little speckles of color in the brief moments he could catch from his small spot of safety.
there was the sound of something falling on his desk with a thump, then silence.
seeing as the racket had died down, emmet slowly inched his way out from under the desk, surveying the damage with a rattled exhale. grasping the armrests of his desk chair, he gradually hoisted himself up with a few grunts and huffs of effort, slumping into the chair with another deep sigh.
as it slowly spun around from his weight, seeing as he was clearly sitting the wrong way, eventually emmet noticed what had fallen on his desk, and his response was only another deep huff.
( though, now it was merely annoyance of anything. this was just making a mess. )
a scrap or two of black fabric, half buried in a clump of snow now scattered on his desk. and soaking his paperwork! no good at all!
..admittedly he was too tired to be particularly fuming. there were still pops and sparks building behind his eyes, the ones that made his vision blurry and his head feel heavy, so he quickly moved to brush most of the snow off his desk, stashing away the fabric scraps, ( out of mere curiosity, really, ) and slumping down further in his chair.
he was going to hate calling out early, but the further the break went on, the more the idea was entertained. the shallow wounds along his back were still sore, only agitated by all the rolling out of his chair and movement, and his headache was no better.
..arceus, he hated today already.
split tracks chapter two time !! i’m definitely trying to work out an update schedule and so far with my up and down motivation biweekly seems stable enough :]
check it out on ao3 if you prefer that!
or read below the cut!
general summary :
emmet goes home early; both in hopes of solving his headache, and solving the mystery behind the day’s happenings.
word count :
he did, inevitably, check out early at the end of his break, as much as he hated the sentiment. nobody on staff seemed to dare ask why; both of the subway bosses hardly took off time, so any point in which they did take breaks for themselves was not to be questioned.
fumbling for his house keys, emmet slowly unlocked the front door, closing it behind him. hanging his coat and hat on the rack next to it, the man trudged himself straight to his room, pinching the bridge of his nose with a grimace.
putting away all his work things, he also made sure all the latches on his team’s pokeballs were open, so they could come and go as they pleased while he was fixated on what he needed to do, despite the still mounding headache.
quickly getting himself in an outfit more comfortable for around the house leisure, ( or as close to leisure as he could get, ) he picked up his laptop case from his nightstand, which was fondly covered in all sorts of gear station and bug-type stickers, before settling in a cross-legged position on his bed, the notes and fabric scraps carefully held in one hand.
archeops was one of the first to come trodding over out of intrigue, hoisting himself up onto the bed with his feathery claws and sticking his snout underneath emmet’s arm while staring up with wide, curious eyes.
emmet could not help but snort at that, briefly acknowledging the fossil pokemon with a scratch under the chin and a tilt of his head.
“ thank you for checking on me, archeops. i am doing something important right now. i ask you to keep your cab settled. ”
seeing as archeops’ response was to wriggle into a more comfortable position, still resting his head in place, emmet was quite sure the message got across.
opening his laptop with a hum, he unfolded the paper scraps, checking them both over a second time.
‘space-time distortions.’
so he had mixed up the name earlier. not too big of a sweat.
quickly entering the phrase into the search bar, idle hands made their way to scrolling, silver eyes skimming across the screen as emmet silently hoped something, just something , would shed more light on the subject than what paper scraps could.
clicking open one of the links, emmet leaned forward, squinting faintly at the screen. clearly copying the man’s behavior, archeops outstretched his neck, his snout resting on the corner of the keyboard.
something about “ultra wormholes,” now. how they were similar to.. whatever had torn up his and ingo’s offices.
..if this stranger just wanted to give him a worse migraine, goal achieved. at this point, even staring at the laptop screen had begun to hurt, firing off little pops and sparks behind his eyes. emmet pinched the bridge of his nose with a deep inhale, holding said breath, before letting out a sigh.
clicking on the screen reader with a scowl, emmet set the laptop on his nightstand, rolling over on his side and listening begrudgingly as a monotone voice began to drone the article out loud.
archeops snuggled his way up against emmet with a concerned chitter, and the silver-haired man simply responded with a hum.
“ ultra wormholes have been a recorded phenomenon in alola for centuries and still occur in modern time, unlike its ancient sinnohan counterpart, space-time distortions. distinct holes in space that lead to other dimensions entirely; through intensive research, it has been observed how pokemon manage to traverse them with ease, but have proven to have detrimental effects on the human body. ”
emmet could not help but tense at that, lips pressed shut in a thin line. even if it was a robotic, disembodied voice emitting from his laptop, and not something that could comprehend the bubbling stress and anticipation sitting in the back of his throat, there was still a silent indicator of a “ hurry up, ” practically spilling off the man in waves.
“ in recent influxes, people who have reportedly fallen through these aforementioned wormholes have suffered severe bouts of amnesia; that, at least, seems to have stayed universal between the two variants. in older times, it was rumored that one of ancient sinnoh’s wardens, and even the hero of hisui herself, had fallen from these spatial rifts, never to return to their home time. “
so if either of them had fallen in; emmet thought, with a mounding sort of dread in his throat, they would’ve been plunged to dragons knows where with no recollection. great to know. chills practically rolled down his spine as he shuffled to shut off the laptop; he had heard enough for now, and he was feeling no better
arm falling slack over the side of the bed, the silver-haired man lay still there for a few moments, eventually hoisting the stray limb back onto the bed and under the covers.
archeops had made himself cozy curled up on top of the blanket at emmet’s side, chittering and crooning with an occasional parroted “ safety checks! safety checks! “ in an attempt in echoing ingo’s voice.
he had checked out early.
which meant he would be home alone for the next few hours.
drawing in an inhale, emmet buried his face in the pillow, with a long, exasperated sigh. wouldn’t kill him to take a nap.
unfortunately for emmet, he apparently wasn’t allowed to have nice things anymore.
for one, his so-called ‘nap’ went on way longer than he would’ve preferred; there was no light coming through his bedroom window. considering the light switch was off as well, it was safe to say either ingo or one of his pokemon had shut it off.
two. his entire top half was freezing. and soaked. and there was a small weight on his chest; not a joltik, he would’ve been electrocuted by now. considering the tiny bits of something solid he was able to pick out in the dark, clinging to his hair, skin, shirt; it was snow.
another heap of half-melted snow.
balling his hands into fists, he shoved off the covers, grabbing whatever was rested on him with a loud string of half-coherent expressions of annoyance, storming across the room and flicking the switch on.
yep. more snow.
well, at least whatever distortion thing this time didn’t tear up his room.
now pausing to look at the object rather harshly grasped in his hand, he seemed to fumble with the thing for a few moments, squinting.
it resembled a pokeball, sure, but it seemed more…worn. old. weathered.
it was definitely empty; flicking open the latch, ( not a button, oddly enough, ) emmet was, in fact, able to confirm the thing was vacant. it didn’t have the same plastic and metal hand feel, though. the reddish half seemed slightly more weighted, as if carved from stone or rock, while what would’ve been the white half seemed almost wooden, indicated by texture, coloration, marbling; everything.
it was fascinating, quickly derailing his thoughts to examine such a thing in his hands, yet oh-so frustrating once his train of thought returned to the station. right. his bed was still soaked. so was he.
checking the time on his xtransciever, which was charging on his dresser, it read roughly 8:30.
alright. his head didn’t feel like there was a firework show setting off inside it anymore, so maybe it would be a good idea to report this whole…distortion situation to someone.
according to that article, there was a branch of the interpol that could handle that. the station in nimbasa wasn’t too far away; he considered it walking distance.
quickly changing out of his cold, drenched pajama shirt and bottoms into something more presentable, emmet grabbed his casual coat, pocketing the odd pokeball as well as archeops’ while walking and fitting his arms into the sleeves at the same time, leaving his room and making his way down the stairs.
the feathered pokemon in question, who had hopped his way to his little bed after the distortion had decided to drop a heap of snow into the room, quickly followed, returning to his pokeball once he had caught up with emmet.
( seeing as the kitchen light was on, ingo was likely in there, presumably having his evening tea. the tv was running in the background; some documentary, if he tuned in hard enough. ingo wasn’t much of a documentary person unless it was intriguing; he simply enjoyed the background noise. )
emmet never understood how he enjoyed that stuff.
the tea, that is.
ingo always liked his drinks sweet, so emmet only wrinkled his nose in contempt when he noticed the cup in his hurry down the stairs.
( the silver-haired man looked up from his mug, leaning against the counter with a hum. resting the cup down, he took a few steps in approach, raising a brow. )
“ emmet? where are you going at this hour? it is not exactly late, but i was told by cameron earlier that you were not feeling well, and you were asleep by the time i got home to ask how you were doing. ”
“ i am emmet. i am filing a report to interpol. i will be back in the next hour. i am verrry much fine. ”
emmet’s hand rested on the door handle, briefly, before quickly making his ‘escape’, leaving ingo very little room to question why.
( ingo was not stupid. the other’s rushed departure and lack of clarification was plenty of a clue. emmet did not lie often; he knew he hated doing such a thing, but withholding things masked behind vague words was something he apparently wasn’t opposed to. )
( plus, he had explained nothing about what had happened that morning. asking to check his office, slamming the door shut, and walking out like a hurricane had shredded through the room with bits of glass and debris digging into his skin like nails. )
( emmet was a bad liar, but he was worse at making what he was doing seem insignificant. grabbing his coat, keys, xtransciever, and chandelure’s pokeball, ingo turned to follow; in his pajamas and a trench coat, sure, but clearly not intent on being left in the dark. both literally and figuratively; it was dark outside. )
HI HI!!! @marchy-emmet here with a brand new Submas art event. This time, we get to make tons of AU ideas out of thin air!

Here's a rundown of the rules:
Please don't post offensive or derogatory content.
Tag posts that may contain sensitive topics [but not too sensitive!] with appropriate TW/CW tags. [Ex. TW body horror; TW injury, etc.]
NO BLANKSHIPPING CONTENT IS ALLOWED. Blankshippers who attempt to participate will not have their posts reblogged.
The prompts can mean anything you want them to! They're vague for a reason -- and all up to your personal interpretation. Don't stress out about whether the AU is fleshed out or not. [AUs THAT ALREADY EXIST ARE ALSO WELCOME]
Of course, you don't have to do all of the prompts!
TAG ALL POSTS WITH "Submas AUber" so I can find them easily!
Have fun!! Can't wait to see what y'all come up with~ [Yes I know the tag is silly esdfghjgfd]
Please reblog this and spread it around to collect participants!

does this make sense outside of my head

go kitty go kitty go!! first part of my submas sketchbook page
reblogs are verrry appreciated!

Thievin', stealin', takin' what's not yours

Hello world!
I’ve been wanting to get back to drawing daily, and having fallen in the SubMas fandom rabbit hole recently, I was excited to learn about the Sept-Ingo challenge! I’m excited to use this as a way to practice, but also to see what areas I could focus on practicing.
I worked hard all Labor Day weekend on this one for the prompt “BATTLE”. It depicts Ingo and Emmet during their time as depot agents. (I suppose it could be a bit more Ingo centric! But it just didn’t feel right without Emmet there!).
Critique is always welcome! I tried to mess around with foreshortening, something I’ve never really tried before (I haven’t practiced anatomy very much either!). I know it needs improvement, but I have to say I am proud of what I’ve accomplished — it’s so nice to create a finished work again!!
(also...sorry for posting so late @monthofingo ..! i draw very slowly ;D;)
More about my inspiration under the cut
I was inspired by @maniacwatchestheworld post about how the brothers’ Klinklangs were most likely their starters! I adore Chandelure and Elektross as much as the next SubMas fan, but I think these two deserve some more love! They represent Ingo and Emmet’s battling synchronicity and bond very well! I like to think they used them a lot in their time as depot agents before they became masters.
I took inspiration from the idea of the two Pokémon having Plus and Minus as abilities! You might notice the two klangs look a little different from each other. ;)
I originally wanted to include a speech bubble with an attack name or cool phrase, but I couldn’t squeeze one in…and I couldn’t think of one. I’d love to hear if you guys have any ideas of what they might be saying. :D (I entertained "Gear Shift!" but technically, only one of them knows that move, lol).
p.s. if anyone has tips on how to draw their silly hats in perspective i would be eternally indebted to you ;D:)

Some kid designs for them :D

Some Submas pen doodles I did of questionable quality

Remember, Hisui is bad for your memory!

Where can I buy these coats I also desire a high collar and long mantle

Haze in my mind, grief in my heart

Love the idea about Emmet having a ton of Joltik bc of breeding

Just something fun cause I haven't used my tablet in a while. I've been too busy playing Pokemon White.
Cause I really wanna see the subway twins- I mean...stop Team Plasma...yes, that.
Now the real question is...which twin fits with what character. I already know the answer tho :3

Not finished but it's midnight and I have work in the morning. But yeah, it's coming along nicely!
I went with Arla dressing in Emmet's outfit and Pim as Ingo. And for a good reason! Despite being older than Pim, Arlana is way more expressive than him. Pim is very polite most of the time and encouraging but if I were to pin one of them as having "manic energy", it'd definitely be her.

Just something fun cause I haven't used my tablet in a while. I've been too busy playing Pokemon White.
Cause I really wanna see the subway twins- I mean...stop Team Plasma...yes, that.
Now the real question is...which twin fits with what character. I already know the answer tho :3

cain instinct