Gale X Tav - Tumblr Posts

I still struggle drawing more than one person in a pose ngl but also I'm trying.
Bit of a self-indulgent, vent-ish drawing

Based off of this pose

WIP of stellarweave dancing :)) (kinda not really)
(I just really like how Gale looks here and wanted to share it)

You get the full body now!! Wip thursday of Stellarweave dancing (not really)
I'll try to color them but for now enjoy!
Also gnome proportions are hard to draw next to someone else, y'all......

I took a break from Stellarweave by drawing..... Stellarweave.

Dancing among the stars

Based off of this blurry reference picture I've been using of Terra Jolé and Sasha Farber 🫠
Whew anyways time for a break

Happy Anniversary to BG3!!!
Because of BG3, I now have these two constantly spinning in my head

Based off of this ask (thank you anon)
Also if anyone knows how to find and add bass-boosted microwave sound effects to this that'd be swell-
Actually, speaking of the anniversary, here's the Stormweave doodle that started the Gale brainrot:

Here's what propelled the tee-dohrnii blog:

And here's my current fave and more recent doodle!

And before BG3, I've been pretty down on my art and not very motivated to draw, but then Gale happened!! It's been very fun since then :)

Calliope finally unlocked Gale kisses!!! She's gonna keep asking for smooches now
Also something clicked and I finally know how to draw Gale?? So uh I feel powerful

Gale doodles pt. 4
No seriously guys I unlocked it. I finally understand. Do you see these Gales? I feel like I finally get him,,,
Galemancers, please accept these Gales

The culprit (1/2) of the shojo Gale drawings in my Gale doodles posts

These ones
I finally finished Bridgerton season 3
"How lucky I am to stand by your side and soak up even a little bit of your light."
To my Oath of the Ancients ("Be The Light") Cleric of Lathander (Morninglord) gnome Stelle?
Who has experienced loss and heartbreak and took up the Oath to protect the light in others that she herself found was lacking in hers?
To have someone bask in that little bit of light that she held left and revel in it like it's sunlight?
Yeah I'm gnawing at the bars of my enclosure trying NOT to draw the Bridgerton poll results rn
What's Stelle's and Gale's favourite trait of one another? i adore stelle btw
Oh thank you!! Stelle's my favorite child for sure (don't tell the others)
Stelle -
Physical trait: Gale's eyes. Not just cause they're baby cow eyes, but because Gale's eyes convey so much. They're expressive and honest. She may end up hearing and understanding his words differently, but when she looks at his eyes, she'll know what he actually meant.
"I love you" - but does he really? One look in his eyes and it's a clear answer: yes, he does.
Non-physical trait: Gale's willingness and eagerness to just be present. Stelle craves security so much. She's experienced loss, she's experienced grief, and she tends to push herself more than she needs to in order to protect the light, protect the people, protect nature - but is there anyone there for her?
And before meeting Gale, she was completely alone, with only nature and her duty to her oath and the Morninglord as her comfort, which was fine at the time, but once she experienced Gale's love and care? She just broke. To know that someone wants to be there and to stay when she's lost loved ones and left behind by others? It still makes her cry thinking about it.
Gale -
Physical trait: He probably also likes her eyes, but more than that, I think it might actually be Stelle's scar on her face. I like to imagine he probably likes to touch her face and feel the texture of it. It's a testament to what she's been through, a reminder her strength and resilience that he loves. It reminds him to make sure to shower this woman with love, making sure she knows that every flaw, every imperfection, everything about her is loved by him.
And it reminds him that she's imperfect and mortal. It's not like Mystra's perfect projection, her godly mystique, but it's real, and it's perfectly Stelle.
Non-physical trait: Her warmth. She may stumble sometimes when trying to do the right thing, but she always wants and always tries to be kind to people, even if they have different backgrounds or beliefs. She wants to make sure people feel loved and cared for, though often forgetting to give that same love and care for herself, so he enjoys stepping into that role of giving her that same love and warmth in return.
When you put two nerds who have an eagerness to please and show love to others while neglecting themselves, you get Gale and Stelle basically
I hope this was a good answer! And that I made sense 🫠

Unnamed half-gnome daughter of Gale and my tav Stelle

That heatwave prompt for Galemancer summer

Growing feelings
Question for my galemancers: when did YOUR Gale catch feelings?

Wizard and Paladin
Yeah, that protecting each other with shields and counterspells post of mine is still in my head.
I saw this post and it got me thinking (because I can't write and I take too long to draw so gonna put this out there)
Gale x Stelle (my tav) of course because they're all I think about
"Until we wake, my love."
Modern AU. Gale is a professor. He's going through the motions of life. He's... content (he thinks), he's fulfilled, but he doesn't exactly feel whole in a sense. There's a presence he always finds in his dreams. Someone he longs for but doesn't even know. Someone who makes his heart race, ache, full and empty, and he has no clue why. Someone who only exists in his dreams, and yet the feelings overwhelm him.
But then some random stranger in the street. A bump, a glance, a noise - whatever caught his attention, and suddenly, his heart is beating. All it took was a simple touch, or the sound of her voice, or a color he associated with her - something so small set his heart beating as if his heart had only just learned how to beat.
Suddenly, it felt like all of his life, he's been asleep, and in this moment, he finally woke up.
Because finally, they met again.
"Until we wake, my love."
Until We Wake - WIP

Will I finish this? I mean, I hope so. I'll switch between digital and traditional to get the ideas out - depending on which works best for me for certain scenes :)
(Also I did the text digitally)
Based on this post of mine

Thank you kiss
Not sure if canon, but wanted to draw Stelle giving Gale a kiss on the cheek as thanks before they were even a couple - it was super effective! Gale is now paralyzed!

Gale hugs