Game Of Thrones Jon - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 2:

“Our IronBorn and Dornish allies were attacked on route to Dorne '' Daenerys says as we enter the chamber of the painted tables. “As you know of course” she turns to offer me a chair which I refuse. “Two or three ships escaped. The rest sunk or were captured.Same could be said about Ellaria and the Greyjoys.”

“So with the unsullied taking over an abandoned place. Greyjoys and Ellaria’s support are gone, what are you planning to do?”

“The unsullied will return and with the dothroaki we still have enough men to take over King's Landing” I nod. I get up excusing myself and make my way to the sand. Above a cliff I watch as my people train.

“I don’t mean to disturbed you” I turn around coming face to face with Jon. I give Malakho, my personal dothraki a nod. It was okay for him to leave, I can protect myself.

“What can I do for you-” I didn’t know if to refer to him as your grace or lord. He responded to both in the throne room “Your grace?”

“Jon is fine” he moves beside me looking ashore. “Back home, have you ever seen a place like this before?”

“We have our shores but no, nothing like this before.” I turned to Jon and we both locked eyes. “What can I do for you Jon?” I always thought our eyes and hair were the darks it could ever get but when I looked at Jon this close I stood corrected. His eyes were black, filled with so much pain and responsibilities yet the slight hint of a child is all I can focus on.

“I came out here to brood over my failure to predict the Greyjoy attack. You two are making it difficult.” Our gaze moved to Tyrion walking up to us. “I am sorry if I interrupted princess” he looks over to Jon “Jon” I couldn’t help but smile at his antics

“You’re not interrupting Tyrion” I smile turning my eyes to the shore again

“I'm a prisoner on this island.” Jon quickly remarked

“I wouldn't say you're a prisoner on this island. You're free to walk the castle, the beaches, to go wherever you want.”

“Except for my ship. They took my ship.”

“I wouldn't say we took your ship.”

“I'm not playing word games with you. The dead are coming for us all.”

“Why don't you figure out what to do about my missing fleet and murdered allies, and I'll figure out what to do about your walking dead men.

“ It's hard for me to fathom. It really is. If someone told me about the White Walkers and the Night King–” I turn to look at him. Stress as he pushes his hair back shaking his head. “How do I convince people who don't know me that an enemey they don't believe in is coming to kill them all?”

“Good question.” Tyrions responds

I know it's a good question. I'm looking for an answer”

“People's minds aren't made for problems that large. White Walkers, the Night King, Army of the Dead, it's almost a relief to confront a familiar monster like my sister.”

“I need to help prepare my people for what's coming. I can't help them from here. I'd like to leave.”

“It seems unlikely that you became King in the North by giving up that easily.” Jon turns towards me now. “A man I heard about in the North doesn’t add up”

“Everyone told me to learn from my father's mistakes. Don't go south. Don't answer a summons from the Mad King's daughter, a foreign invader. And here I am. A northern fool.”

“We are not our fathers. Thankfully” I look at Tyrion with a smile as he only nods his head in agreement. “Daenerys could have sailed for Westeros long ago but she didn't. Instead she saved many people from horrible fates, some of whom are on this island with us right now.” My people “While you're our guest here you might consider asking them what they think of the Mad King's daughter. She protects people from monsters, just as you do. That's why she came here. In this time her priority is the queen, she is not to head north to fight an enemy she's never seen on a word of a man she doesn't know after a single meeting”

“She is right. So King in the North, is there something we can do to help?” Jon looks towards Tyrion and nods. On hearing his request we move towards the chambers again.

“So.” My mind was somewhere else as we waited for Daenerys to show up. “Princess?” I could see a faint smirk on his face. I sat across from him as Tyrion and Varys were speaking at the other end of the table. I didn’t say anything. Just sat there staring back at him. “I heard stories about you too. A warrior leading their people across the sea with the mother of dragons. The daughter of the Great Khal is it?”


“Is that the reason that makes you a princess? Khal is some sort of King?”

“No” I responded planly. In his expression I knew he was waiting for more but I just stood my ground.

“Okay. So you said you were from the unknown lands but Dothrakis have their own lands. Omnis right?”

“Yes” I was holding back a smile as was he.

“I can only guess you didn’t grow up with Khal, You were taking in by a family or maybe you are married which somehow-”

“No” he was thinking too much. But then again he didn’t have all the information.

“Dragonglass?” We turn as the doors open.

“Yes. Volcanic glass, obsidian. He says you have a tremendous amount of it here.” Tyrion responds waiting for Daenerys to take a seat.

“Why are we talking about glass? We just lost two of our allies.”

“Which is why I was speaking to Jon Snow, a potential ally.”

“And what does the King in the North want with Dragonglass?” The same question is running in my head.

“Apparently it can be turned into weapons that kill White Walkers and their foot soldiers, or stop them, destroy them. I'm unsure of the nomenclature.”

“And what do you think of this Army of the Dead and White Walkers and Night Kings?”

“I'd very much like to believe that Jon Snow is wrong, but a wise man once said that you should never believe a thing simply because you want to believe it.”

“Which wise man said this?”

“I don't remember.”

“Are you trying to present your own statements as ancient wisdom?”

“I wouldn’t doubt that but if or not that truly is an uncertainty” I stand up making my way to her. “He has every reasonnot to come here. As probably advised by his people, but we don’t lose anything by letting him mine what he finds''

“Let him mine the Dragonglass. If he's wrong it's worthless. You didn't even know it was here. It's nothing to you. Give him something by giving him nothing. Take a step toward a more productive relationship with a possible ally. Keep him occupied while we focus on the task at hand. Casterly Rock.” Tyrion whispers quietly.

“Very well. Lead the way Y/N.” I nod moving towards the door while Jon stays closely behind.

“This way your grace” Malakho walks ahead for him to follow.

“Thank you princess” I rolled my eyes making our way down to the shore. A long path guides the way to a cave. The sun can be seen coming down along with the wind. These are the cleanest winds I have felt.

“Gather yatholat alikh chomak. Kisha tikh zigereo eyak” I tell Malakho. He hands Jon the torch and turns to leave. I sent him to get more men to start mining.

“So are you going to tell me how you came to be a princess?” We walk into the cave taking in the walls and continue on looking for the so-called Dragonglass.

“Khal is my father but not the one who raised me. We moved to the unknown lands and that is where I grew up. My father is ruler of Omnis”

“So you are a basterd?” I look at him noticing the horror in his face “I apologise. I shouldn’t have said it that way?” I laugh shaking my head

“There is no such thing as a bastard in my land. That doesn’t change the fact that it feels wrong becoming one of them”

“Is that why you choose to lead your people with Daenerys?” I shake my head “So why are you here?”

“You asked too many questions now it's my turn” I stop and turn towards him. I could see a slight glimer on one of the walls. So if we got closer we would get distracted and I wanted to know more about the King in the North first. “How did you become King, yout grace?”

“My father was beheaded. Lady Stark and my older brother Robb were ambushed at my uncle's wedding. With the help of wilding and the night watch we took over my home, Winterfell, which was being ruled by the Boltons. Another family” he explains. To many names and too many things have happened already. “The houses of the north came together and voted me as king”

“But you don’t want that title” He shakes his head. “Why not?”

“Because in this land a bastard means somthing. I am not a Stark. Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa”

“Yet I believe this has more to do with the word bastard than what other people think” I look at him. “The word bastard has been what you were branded as and you seem to take that to heart. You fight for your family, would die for your family, hell travel all this way for your family and continue fighting for them yet you think you are still not worthy” I move close catching his gaze. “And I most certainly feel like your sister Sansa and any relative you may have left love you as a real brother, a nephew, a son, a cousin, and for that a King” I see all thoughts, mainly doubts in his mind. “Should we continue?” He clears his throat, moving to look behind me.

“Yes'' He moves past me and I follow. He moved the torch towards the wall, right to left. The so-called Dragonglass glimering with the light. “We are going to need a lot of men, '' I nod. He continued on his own as I stayed by the entrance waiting for the men to show up.

“Did he find what he was looking for?” Daenerys says walking down the path.

“He found more than he was looking for '' I motioned for her in. Jon appears and tells her to follow.Messandei and I stayed behind outside the cave waiting until they showed up again.

“You like him” I look at her and see a slight smile on her face. “You and him share a kind of stare that can hide millions of emotions. But I swear I saw a light glimer in your eyes when you look at him” I roll my eyes shaking my head.

“That is crazy. I just met the guy, I don’t even know anything about him” Another roll of eyes but this time from her.

“Have you ever heard of love at first sight?” Now that I laughed too. There is no way I am interested in him and there is no way she can tell. I mean yes he has some characteristics that I admire in a person and he didn’t look bad but come on, love? Of course not. “Deny it all you want but I know love, and even if you don’t release it now, you will soon enough” I shake my head. I was about to make a reference to a grey worm when Tyrion catches my eye.

“Where is our queen?”

“With Jon,” Messandei responded. I catch his worry.

“We took Casterly Rock” I let out a sigh. I would say happy news but I have a feeling there is more to that. “They knew we were coming” I tell Messandei to call Daenerys up, she is not going to like the news.

“Where are you going?”

“To prepare the Dothraki, I have a feeling we are closer to another fight” And I was right. Fully prepared to go to a fight, Daenerys sends us to meet up with the queens brothers in the fields of kings landing.

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2 years ago
lolitastories - Lola


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 3:

We come up to the royal guards trailing behind and making sure every crop and gold gets to kingslanding. “Don’t let another wagon move an inch!” I scream to the Dothraki. The horses rush fastly towards the soldier standing now guard with their spears and shields. The army’s in line as we make contact with them. Daenerys can be heard above with Drogon. His fiery breath fires from above down to her enemies. All you can hear now is our screams while we take care of the soilders and the soilders scream as the fire burns them to dust. Men on both sides are being slaughtered. A second wave of Dothraki Screamers ride in. They switch from a seated position to standing atop their saddles shooting bow and arrow. While fighting a soilder I notice Daenerys being shot at. “Malakho! Get rid of him” I scream in Dothraki and motion to the crossbow that was being used. I moved behind him taking care of the soldiers that tried getting in his way.

“Aren’t you something?” His sword swings over my head and when he comes around I stop him with my arakh. Push him back, regaining my balance. I aimed towards him with force as he did the same but his only fault was that he wasn’t fast enough. I look over to find Drogon on the ground. I run towards him but the flames throw me to the ground. I stand up feeling a sting on my ribs. Darn.

“Need to get you back” Lasdar on my people tows a horse my way and helps me on. “I will make sure the queens get back safely” I trust him. He hushers my horse to move. I didn’t notice that the soldier made contact with me. I closed my eyes once or twice and I can’t remember now where I was headed. Everything was a blurr. Maybe it was because of the loss of blood or because the night was falling and I had no way to see. I fell apart when the horse finally came to a halt.

“Couldn’t go without any drama could you?” a faint smile crossed my face until blackness overtook me.

“Why didn’t you go? They would have never happened!”

“Oh come on, she is old enough to take care of herself. Look! She made it back in one piece”

“Yeah and a cut that might have cut her in two!”

“Can yall both shut up” I groan feeling the wrap around my waist. “What did they say? Am I going to die?” I sit up and notice my siblings staring at me. “What?”

“You are an idoit. Why did you have to go into the fight when you knew it was 10 against 1. You weren’t needed there” I grab the first thing I could find and throw it at my brother's head.


“No! You will listen to us, if father finds out you almost died-”

“I almost didn't die! It's not like this hasn’t happened before. And he knows that there is that risk that I might not return home”

“Yeah well he made us promise to make sure nothing happened if we could stop it” of course he did. Of course he would be the one to make them promise to make sure if anyone had to die first it would be them. “So don’t put yourself in this situation if you can help it or next time take us with you!” Our attention moves to the knock on the door. “Come in”

“I wanted to see how you were doing” Daenerys comes in as Tyrion trails behind her. Joia and Grisill excuse themselves out.

“Much better” the wound hurts but how can it not. I have lived through this pain before. “But I am sure that wasn’t the only reason you stopped by.” Don’t get me wrong I understand she likes me but she has more serious things she needs to worry about other than me.

“You saved me from Dothraki rebels and fought alongside me to take back my throne overseas. The Unsullied and Dothraki are more your people than mine. They follow your lead. I need your help with something. Jon got a message from Winterfell and the so-called Night king and his army are marching towards Eastwatch.”

“Jon has agreed to bring one along for us and Cersei to see a real night walker. I will be going to King's Landing to make that agreement with my brother Jaime” I am waiting for Tyrion to continue or Daenerys to get to the point on how she needs my help. “Davos is coming with me and Jorah is going with Jon.” They both look at each other and somehow agree on Daenerys to tell me what the request is.

“I need you to travel back with Jon and the unsullied. Not one of our people will travel north of the wall but if he is speaking the truth and soon he becomes an allie we will atleast cast trust on the northerners”

“What if the queen denies the request and attacks dragonstone when we are not here?”

“You will see a dragon flying above and bring back the unsullied” This is a horrible plan. She was the first one to not want to do anything but give the dragonstone to Jon if he wasn’t going to bend the knee. Now she wants to send an army to protect the north from the undead. “You don't have to to cross the wall with them, just stay in the castle and wait for them to come back’’

‘‘Go to Winterfell. Keep a lookout for a dragon flying around. Wait for Jon to show back up and hope Cercesi accepts to meet, what can go wrong?’’ They both nod. The pain is bearable. I put on my clothes and pack to leave. I don’t tell my siblings anything again knowing damn well if I do they would fall behind me.

‘‘I heard you got hurt’’ I turned to look back, seeing Jon walking up to me. The men can be seen packing up the ship. Food and most importantly dragonglass.

‘‘Yes, one of the queen's soldiers got to me’’

‘‘You are going to need more than those clothes to keep you warm‘’ I look down at my clothes letting a chuckle escape

‘‘Don’t worry about me, I have experience in the cold’’ he walks closer to me taking hold of my hands.

‘‘I don’t have experience or know anything about your land but I can assure you, nothing will be colder than the winters in Winterfell and you run warm’’ right now i am running warm. I hope he can’t see the pink shade in my cheeks, what is happening? I mean i am not stupid but there is no way this guy has made me feel more things than the man i fell in love with 5 years ago when I was 15.

‘‘Well I hope that the King of Winterfell is kind enough to lend me some warmth’’ My eyes move from our hands to his eyes. ‘‘I meant clothes’’ I smile feeling nervous start to raise

‘‘Of course Princess’’

‘‘Begging your pardon, Your Grace. Princess’’ Our hands move away hearing Davos' voice. He is alongside a young man.

‘‘You survived King's Landing.’’ Jon answers. I step back but don’t move far as there’s a hold on belt. I look down noticing Jon’s hand.

‘‘Yet again’’ Davos laughs. ‘‘Your Grace, this is—’’ The young man steps forward in front of Davos extending his hand

‘‘It's Gendry, Your Grace. I'm Robert Baratheon's son. Bastard son.’’ Jon shakes his hand as I just smile awkwardly just standing a little back from Jon

‘‘We was meant to keep that to himself.’’ Davos tried to add but I new that didn’t matter when he mention that part

‘‘Our fathers trusted each other. Why shouldn't we?’’ I felt as the young man Gentry was talking it was something I wasn’t supposed to be here for

‘‘I saw your father once at Winterfell.’’ Jon keeps a straight face. I moved my hand towards his yanking my belt away but that only got him to get a hold of my hand.

‘‘I met yours in my shop.’’

‘‘You're a lot leaner.’’

‘‘You're a lot shorter.’’Jon stops smiling and pauses a moment. Then he chuckles.

‘‘I grew up on stories about them.’’ It made my heart feel nice to hear Jon speak about something other than hurt about his life. I wonder if he had more nice stories to tell

‘‘All I ever knew was they fought together and won. Ser Davos told me where you're going, Your Grace, and why. Let me come with you.’’ Jon looks back at me seeing my expression. This was his move. This man was asking to join him, it wouldn’t affect me in any way.

‘‘Don't be a fool. You're not a soldier.’’ Davos butts in

‘‘No, but I'm a fighter. And he won't be needing a smith with a sword like that.’’

‘‘Do you know how to use one?’’ The young man shakes his head ‘‘Well, that's a problem.’’

‘‘I prefer a hammer.’’ Jon smiles at him, agreeing to have him join as a blacksmith and if he wishes,a soldier soon enough. They both walk away to the ship leaving Jon and I alone again. I take this opportunity as he stays frozen looking at the castle to move closer. I don’t press myself against his back but close enough to hear his breathing.

‘‘Is there a reason you keep holding my hand?’’ My head now reaches up to whisper in his ear. I couldn’t help but grin. I see his eyes close pushing his head back a little and taking a deep breath

‘‘I had to keep you close to make sure the new guy wasn’t a threat’’ I laugh a little. ‘The mother of dragons allowed one of her advisers to come along with me, I have to do my job and keep you safe’’ He turns around enterwining our hands. My breathing was unsteady now and his eyes have never looked more beautiful.

‘‘You should go hold Jorah's hand too then, I can assure you he needs more protection than me’’ it was his turn to laugh.

‘‘Humor me’’ my smile fades and I back up. I let go of his hand.

“We should get going. The faster we get there the faster we come back” I turn around standing by the boat waiting for the rest to come. Mormont can be seen kissing Daenerys before he departs towards me. Tyrion standing beside her like always. Jon walks forward talking to her.

“Glad to see you in better shape” I smile at Jorah.

“Me too” He laughs “You know I met your father before” I give him a questioning look. “I never said anything because he asked me not to.” He turns towards me, almost casting over my body. “I was the one who delivered the message of Khals death to the castle. Khal told me to find you before he died and lead his men with Daenerys after his death”

“How come I never heard about this?” anger started to raise. This would have made things simpler yet I don’t know if it would have. I trust Jorah now but back then he was just a stranger. If he would have told me this I wouldn’t have believed him. It would happen like it did, I came and tried to kill Daenerys until everyone including my own brother advised me against it. She told me how it happened and I choose to believe her and everyone else but yet I can’t help but still not trust her.

“Your father chose it would be best. He said you always had a way with people. You always trust your gut and that somehow everythings always goes your way” I smile

“He likes to say the gods are the only ones who can keep up with me. When I was younger he prayed to the gods to look after me becasue he had a feeling nobody in this lifetime could''

“He mentioned something about your stubbornes” yes. That is what he called all my antics. “I'm glad you chose to help Daenerys. Yes she has three dragons but she needed people like you and Tyrion beside her” There is sadness in his voice. I know things werent as good with him and her but the only thing he wants now is for her to be happy.

“And your Jorah. I know she missed you”

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2 years ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 4:

We arrive on the beach of Eastwatch. Jon advised me to stay behind and continue my way up to Winterfell but I denie his request. The Unsullied will stay guarding the wall in case Jon brings some unwanted guest with them. I follow close behind and a shiver runs down my spine. Jon,Davos,Gendry,Jorah and Greyworm walk infront of me towards the castle. Even with the fur they provided me, I can still feel the cold wind touching every inch of my skin. We enter the castle and Tormund, one of the wildlings Jon mentioned on the way here greets us. We are led to a big table to discuss our stay.

“Isn't it your job to talk him out of stupid fucking ideas like this?” Tormund the redhead giant stares at Davos

“I’ve been failing at that job of late”

“How many queens are there now?” He directs his words towards Jon


“And you need to convince the one with the dragons or the one who fucks her brother?”


“How many men did you bring?”

“Not enough.” Tormund looks around the table shaking his head but with a big smile he asks

“The big woman?” Jon shakes his head and Tormund is not disappointed.

We were hoping some of your men could help.” Jorah adds. I can see the wheel turning in Tormunds head. If what I was told was correct the wildlings lost most of their people in a fight with the dead and I am sure Tormund now is very causions.

“I'll be staying behind. I'm a liability out there as you well know.” Jon nods at Davos’s words.

“You really want to go out there again?” He slightly whispers at Jon as he nods “You're not the only ones. We captured some men trying to make their way north” He walks around the table and out the door and everyone follows except Jon and I. I hold on to his hand before he could follow along

“I will prepare the unsullied to stay guard. Don’t leave without me, and before you say anything you swore to protect me and you can’t do it while being out there” He wanted to say no I could tell but nothing is changing my mind.

“Yes Princess” I let go of his hand, rolling my eyes. I let him continue his way to Tormund and I go find Greyworm. “I know you are not used to the cold weather so you will rotate every 10 men.”

“Daenerys said not to go beyond the wall, why are you going?” I stop turning back to him.

“I need to know what is out there. Can you imagine how beautiful it must be if from here the snow is as white as the clouds.”

“You will die frozen out there” I laugh at his words “What will we do?”

“Greyworm you are free to go back home. If I am not here the next one that follows is my older sister which you have no need to serve her as you are doing me. I trust in myself I will be back but if that is not the case I know you will make the right decision for our people” he only nods taking a look at the floor. “Messandei told me about your plans” his eyes looked in shock. “Don’t worry I have not told another soul. I know you wouldn’t leave now but in my heart if I could, I would make you leave”

“I know princess” There is a slight smile on his face. Easy to miss even if you focus.

“Ten men rotating. Have them moving, the cold won’t stop. When you see a dragon flying above you will march back to Dragon stone to Daenerys.”

“What about you?”

“I will be right behind you if that happens” He nods. We walked up the rest of our people and Greyworm separated them. I watched as they moved at their pace. I always had an interest in watching everything, even if it was an ant walk across the dirt. The sensation that I may be close by but have no idea what they are thinking. I know what they are doing but in a split second they can turn to the right and I wouldn’t know why. Same with other things, I have no clue on their move, so I just sit back and watch.

“You need to meet them on the eastwatch Princess, they are about to depart '' Davos's voice made me jump alittle. “The raiding party has new members, be careful” I look over to the gates opening and see four other men.

“Don’t worry about me.”

“Oh I wasn’t, I was worried about them” I laugh. I give him a smile as goodbye as I join the rest. Jon is to the front with Tormund as he leads the way out. The men following close behind as I stand next to Jorah.

“I’d feel better not leting you come along.” The cold winds are harsher passing the gate somehow. Jon was right, nothing is colder than the real north.

“Am sure you would, but just like you I have a sense of adventure” I hear his laugh. Of course he never wanted things to happen to him. He almost died for his adventures.

“Once this is all over what do you plan to do with your life?” hard question.

“I am not sure. I don’t like to plan ahead”

“You are next in line, is that not some kind of plan?” I shake my head

“I don’t have any plans. I have a vision, a vision that I see myself going wherever the world takes me. Up to now I am serving Daenerys but who knows, in a couple hours I might be serving the night king” The blizzard starts getting worse the further north we walk. It goes like this. Walking through the frozen valley with jagged rocks. The Wildlings pulled along the sled that carried gear and provisions while we continued walking.

“The first time I went north of the wall was with your father” Jon walks beside Jorah while I continue on his other side.

“He was a good man. He deserved a better son. Were you with him at the end?”

“I was a prisoner of the Wildlings, But we avenged him, I want you to know that every mutineer found justice”

“I can't think of a worse way for him to go. The Night's Watch was his life. He would have died to protect every one of those men, and they butchered him.”

“I hate that he died that way. My father was the most honorable man I ever met. He was good all the way through. And he died on the executioner's block.”

“Your father wanted to execute me.”

“I heard.

“He was in the right of course. It didn't make me hate him any less.”

“I'm glad he didn't capture you.”

“Me too.” Jon stops walking and I hear his sword belt coming loose but I keep walking, leaving Jorah and him alone. I start to admire the high mountains in the distance. The snow that was thick but rough to walk on. The air that made it hard to breathe somehow and the way it reminded me of home.

“Princess aye” The tall ginger man came up beside me with his bright smile. “Do you sing and dance in those silk dresses?”

“No. If I sing I will break your eardrum and if I dance I will break your feet” I hear his laugh radiate the whole air. “Don’t you miss this?. Although you may leave and see more places and more people, still that beauty doesn’t compare to your home.”

“I never planned to leave my home. Once this is all over, I am coming back with my people. This is where we belong” Home will always be home. You will always want to come back and stay. Home is a safe place for people “Are you planning to go home?” I shrug

“I love my home, yet it always feels like a cage. I could run and escape from it anytime but the thing keeping me caged is the people.” They need so much of me, atleast that is how it feels. I am not going to lie and say that I don’t like the way I live back home but I will be lying if I said I didn’t want this kind of life too. To travel the world. See people and different places. Have no attachment to anyone or anything.

“If they care for you, they will understand your needs and wants”

“It's not that simple for me. I only want them to be happy and proud of me. Can’t be happy if they aren’t”

“You will be surprised what love can do” I chuckle a bit. Tomund seems like a rough man, yet he speaks of love like he was the word. “Love has different meanings in this life. Love can be a person or maybe a desire of your soul. Eithier way it is always against something. I would say choose love. Love keeps you standing.”

“Sometimes love can be the reason of your falling” He stops overshadowing me with his tall figure

“That is if you choose duty over love. You can’t be foolish enough to mix the two. That can make you bitter and prideful” His eyes move away from me and as he leaves I turn to what he was looking at and see Jon standing there.

“What happened?” Jorah comes my way worried but I only brush it off and continue walking.

“Nothing to worry about. Let's find these things and go back so we can all go home” Walking a while later the weather has improved thankfully. I was left behind by Jorah. The rest of them in the back while Jon led us all.

“Stop” Jon whispered as we walked through the mountainous terrain. I walk up beside him looking over the edge of the cliff. There is a line of undead soldiers walking slowly in silence. The only thing you can hear is the metal clanking. “Where are the rest of them?”

“If we wait long enough we will find out.” As the last few pass us we move to attack. The bortherhood move to ambush them first. Who knew we would be fighting the dead when all we have fought was the living. I slay as much as possible with the weapon Jon provided for me. I look to my right seeing Jorah being choked on the ground. I run over but one undead soldier grabs me. I turn and cut his head off. The group of undead crumbles and falls to the ground. We look at eachother finding it strange as only a single undead soldier stands.

“Jon! Over there” He turns his direction towards the sceen I saw. The strong winter wind is riling up. We hear a distant rumbling, both footfalls and thunder.

“Go back to Eastwatch. Get a raven to Daenerys, tell her what's happened.” He pushes Gendry off. The rest have managed to get the undead soldier tied up. “Come on! Run!” We rush thorugh the ice.

“Stop!” Jorah orders. The ice cracks under his feet.

Tags :
2 years ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 5:

“Let's go!” I scream, continuing to run across the ice. The horde of undead is coming down the valley and I am not dying that way. We rush until we are stuck in the middle of the frozen lake. The horde surrounding us on the shore. The remaining of the ice still standing give way under the pressure of the undead and some fall into the cold water. The undead keep trying to come closer and each second they are closing on us.

“Thoros?” I hear them behind me. Beric calls out to him as he just lays on the ground. “Thoros!” I turn to see him cover Thoros with a cloak.

“I say it's one of the better ways to go.” The tall man says. Sandor. He kneels down taking his flask and drinking what was in it.

“Lord of Light, show us the way. Come to us in our darkness and lead your servant into the light.” Beric speaks. Sandor moves to take another sip but his flask is ripped away from him by Jon.

“We have to burn this body.” Jon pours the remaining liquid on Thoros body..

“And all the clothes behind him. Unless the Lord of Light is kind enough to send us a bit of fire.” We see Beric light his sword. “Come to us in our darkness. For the night is dark and full of terrors.” Thoros body starts to burn. Berics sword moves to another direction and we all turn. He points towards the Night King who sits on his horse at the distance. “We kill him. He turned them all. All of them will fall”

“You don't understand '' Jon moved blocking Berics view.

“The Lord brought you back, he brought me back No one else, just us. Did he do it to watch us freeze to death? I've been waiting for the end for a long time. Maybe the Lord brought me here to find it.”

“Every Lord I've ever met it's been a cunt. Can't see why the Lord of Light should be any different.”Sandor says, pushing him off. The tension lowers and now we are just stuck here. Standing in the middle of the undead, it seems like we are about to become some in a minute. Sandor hits it with a rock. Another rock is thrown and this time the jawless soldier starts to advance.

“Fuckin idiot” I move next to him warning him with my eyes

“Fuck it!” Sandor screams rushing to meet the soldier. I don’t know how long we have been fighting the undead but I know we weren’t close to being done. I slash one man. Push another to sink into the water.

“Fall back! Fall back!” I hear Jon scream

“Come on!” Tormund slashes the undead infront of me, pulling me by my hand. The brotherhood tries to form a line. Pushing back as much as they can but the undead are too much. I turn to see Tormund wrestle the soldier and as he slashes him two more knock him down again.

“Fucking hell” I rush over cutting the arms holding onto his legs trying to pull him into the water.

“NO!” is the last thing I hear when I feel a pull on my leg and the icy warm engulfs me. I can’t see but I start kicking until my leg is free and I gasp for air at the surface. “Did you know it was too cold for a swim?” I roll my eyes at Tormund as he helps me up. “Move to help pull that undead captive” I turn and see Jon moving in further back.

“Jon” Once I reach towards the back to him there is nowhere further to move. We are cornered and all I can do is look around, the amount of soldiers is too much to take on. Our heads turn as we hear a dragon screech. We see Drogon blast the army before us wiht fire. Her other two dragons trailing behind her continued her lead. They melt the ice sinking other soldiers. Drogon lands on the ice island inviting Jon to climb onto the dragon but the dead get to us first. We hear a screech not a pleasant one. An ice spear can be seen pierced into Viserion and he rapidly falls to the ice. “Everybody hurry!” The brotherhood continues moving until they are all in the dragon.

“Get on the dragon Y/N” I turn to Jon and see him trying to hold back as many soldiers. “Y/N! JON!” Jorahs voice screams. Jon runs towards us but is tackled by some undead.

“Daenerys’ leave! Now!” Jons body disappears underwater. I rush over taking care of some soldiers on the way to Jon. I jump into the water trying my best to feel around for him. I open my eyes and see a figure, hoping it was him. I grabbed whatever I could and swam up to the surface. “If you could get weigh less” I get up on the ice but trying to pull him up is hard. I look up seeing the night king back away but as they notice my resurface some of the undead start rushing towards us. I feel a strong pull from my side and Jon is on the ice now. The man drops his hood revealing his face.

“Get him out of here” He helps me mount Jon on his horse then rushes me to mount.

“Who are you?”

“My nephew never spoke of me? How sad” He pushes me up

“We hadn’t had that much time to speak.” I reach out my hand “Come with us”

“Go. I’ve got time” He slaps the horse making it get going. I see from the distance multiple soldiers surround him until I can’t see his figure any longer. The horse rides towards the wall. I check my surroundings making sure no one is around. I stop the dark horse and bring Jon down.

“Come on you can’t die on me” I push on his chest and the next minute he starts coughing. “Thank the gods” my body falls back taking a deep breath. He turns around surprised to see me.

“Did you-?” I roll my eyes helping him up.

“Yeah no, let's go. We are not talking here” We mount the horse and continue towards the wall. “A man with a hood showed up and offered his horse. He said it was your uncle”

“Ben. The last time I saw him was in castle black. Before I swore into the night watch” I heard his sad voice. “The last thing I heard about him was that he was lost and probably dead” well it might be more true now. The ride was silent until we got to the wall. The man up high could be heard screaming about a rider. My head falls back onto Jon. “Are you feeling okay?” I nod lazily. Other than the fact that my body feels warm and my sides burn hotter, I am great.

“Are you?” I can feel myself smile stupidly up at him. His face looks exhausted and I was probably making it worse by leaning onto him.

“Get them down” Davos' voice can be heard from the top of the stairs. My body is removed from the horse and brought to an unknown room. “Let's see what damage you caused to yourself” He removes my clothing enough to see my stomach.

“Am I going to die?” I smile but he is not amused. He removed the only wrap and prepared to clean up my wound. “So. Did Daenerys agree to help?”

“I am pretty sure when she saw it with her two eyes it made her realize the real threat here” That was not my question.

“Even if the queen doesn’t agree to put hold on their war?” I hiss, feeling the cold water touch my sides.

“Let's take a step at a time, we still have to give her the reason on why they shouldn’t go to war yet” I nod my head laying it back down.

“Can I close my eyes for a minute?” I hear his laugh as he continues to wrap me up. When I said a minute I didn’t mean it literally. Greyworm comes in and tells us that the ship is ready to sail back. Once Davos is finished I get up and make my way to the ship. All the way I stay behind while the unsullied and the rest ride in front of me. Jon was taken asleep. He must be exhausted. “When we get to King's landing we will be right in the front lines” I turned to Greyworm who stood next to me in the dock.

“Will there be a fight?” I shake my head

“No.” I hope not. “But we can’t risk anything. My dothraki should already be in King's landing.” He nods then excusing himself. The water became turbulent but not enough to cause me fear.

“You should get some rest” I hear Daenerys' voice to my side. “We have a long way ahead and you need your strength”

“As soon as I am done here” She smiles, chuckling a bit.

“Thinking or looking at the view?”

“Both” I speak plainly. Silence now fills us until she starts to speak again.

“Jon has bent the knee and swore to me” I would be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised. I am guessing Tormund really got to him.

“Good” I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want to come out as sarcastic when I said something like congratulations.

“You should go rest, we will be reaching Kings Landing at dawn” The sun is setting at the edge line of the water. I am sent off with a smile. I walk into the cabin on the ship.

“Y/N?” A voice said while I crossed the slight open door. I walk up pushing it open to see Jon laying there. “Y/N” his voice just above a whisper. I turn to close the door and then walk to stand beside him.

“You don’t look so good, Your Grace” A slight smile on my face. I kneel down beside him and look into his eyes.

“Well princess you might not look as bad as I do but probably feel as exhausted as I am right now” My knees hit the floor and I stretch over leaning against the edge of the bed. I shake my head seeing him try to talk again. I know what he was going to say, his eyes were soft and his gaze was charming.

“You don’t have to say anything.” I move my hands to his face, caressing his features.

The scar he has is close to his eyebrow. Removing the curls that circled his face. His eyes close and I run my fingers through his eyelids paying close attention to his lashes. “I may not trust easily, but somehow I trusted you the moment you walked into Dragonstone.” My hands move to his jaw moving it to turn more towards me. “I trust in what you're fighting for.” His hand moved to caress mine. “I heard you bent the knee” I look down towards our hands as they move away from his face. He nods as he responds. “Seeing what you are facing I am glad. You need Daenerys help if you want to even stand a chance” I feel a tug on my hand. I look up and my body starts moving on its command without him saying anything. I lay beside him as his arms wrapped around me.

“Lets get some sleep Princess” He lets out a sigh covering me with some fur.

“You need to start calling me your Knight in shining armour” I hold in my laugh look up at him. Let's just say he wasn’t amused. “You can be the princess” I see him react to that. He closed his eyes and I moved my focus away, the last thing I saw was his smile.

“You can call me whatever you please” I rolled my eyes pulling in closer to him before letting my exhuastin take over.

Tags :
2 years ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 6

Once the ship landed at shore the unsullied was led by Greyworm to move down to the gates of Kings Landing. The Dothraki will join them once I get to them. We are taking a different path to the arena “Princess, your siblings weren’t too happy sailing home” Malakho said in his native tongue, walking alongside me as Jon, Tyrion, Jorah, Missandei and Davos were infront of us. Varys, Theon and Sandor are further back while they are being protected by a few Dothraki guards.

“They should learn to be grateful, I am keeping them safe. Did you make sure they won’t be able to come back?” Malakho nods. I left him an assignment when I left for the north. I told him to make up something to get them on the ship and trick them on going back home. Whatever the turn is in place I don’t want them to be put in harm's way. I need them alive. He nodded at my question. “Good. Get me a horse” He nods, going back.

“Welcome, my lords. Your friends arrived before you did.” A man with a blonde tall lady spoke to Tyrion. Guards trailed behind him. “I've been sent to escort you all to the meeting.” I see the guards part to clear a path for them to walk. I turn to Qhoro, a dothraki soldier I trust other than Malakho. He leads the way and Tyrion follows.

“Stay with them.” I order Malakho as I take the horse. “If anything happens you know who to protect” He nods rushing up to the rest. Before getting on the horse I see Jon walking up to me.

“You should come with us”

“Scared I won’t be there to protect you?” He shakes his head with a smile. “ I need to be with my people.” It is and it should be the only reason I am here.

“I will redeem myself. It's like my manhood has been taken away” He chuckles. I look back at the guards waiting for him to go. I let go of the horse walking closer to him. My hands on his chest looking into his eyes as my body pushes closer and closer to him.

“Your manhood seems pretty intact to me” I push him off and turn to mount my horse. “Scream if you need me Princess” I yelp the horse and ride to the main gate of Kings Landing. I give the signal and the Dothraki come out following me. The screams get the guards attention on the top of the castle walls. Archers are armed and ready. I bet on the other side of the wall they are prepared for a fight too. We ride to the front of the unsullied making sure they see us here. I get out my horse and stand to wait. Wait for this whole thing to go the way Jon and Daenerys want. We stood there waiting. The only thing that happened was Daenerys being seen flying overhead until everything went quiet.

“It has been awhile. We should check up on them” Greyworm says, looking towards the arena.

“Missandei will be okay. She is being protected by dothtraki, and you know Daenerys won’t let anything happen to her” He nods. He takes his stance back. Fully concentrated on the gates. A sigh of relief leaves me when I see Drogon fly over us. “Lets go” I scream to the dothraki and they rush to lead the way back to Dragonstone. The ship sails back faster as the dothraki, unsullied, and I march. The sun was already set burning over us but as we finished our ride the sun was starting to set. Once we arrive to Dragonstone I walk up the step and am greeted by Missandei.

“Everyone is waiting in the map room” I smile leaving her and Greyworm alone. The doors open and all eyes turn towards me.

“We were discussing our way towards Winterfell” thank the gods. I nodd motioning for them to continue as I moved to stand next to Daenerys.

“If we have the Dothraki ride hard on the kingsroad, they'll arrive at Winterfell within the fortnight.” Jon says, looking at me for affirmation and I nod. They do better in the ground

“And the Unsullied?” Daenerys asks

“We can Sail with them to White Harbor and meet the Dothraki her on the kingsroad, then we ride together to Winterfell”

“Perhaps you should fly to Winterfell, Your Grace. You have many enemies in the North. Thousands fell fighting your father. All it takes is one angry man with a crossbow. He'll see your silver hair on the kingsroad and know that one well-placed bolt will make him a hero. The man who killed the conqueror.” Jorah was right to be cautious.

“It's your decision, Your Grace. But if we're going to be allies in this war, it's important for the Northerners to see us as allies. If we sail to White Harbor together, I think it sends a better message.” That right there gets a stare from Jorah but Jon pays no attention to it.

“ I've not come to conquer the North. I'm coming to save the North. We sail together. Have the unsullied prepared to sail and the Dothraki”

“I will ride with the Dothraki” I excuse myself and walk out the meeting.

“You should sail with us.” I turn around seeing Davos and Jon standing there. “The ride will be long and cold” I look over for Jons responds but he says nothing.

“I have rode through worse.” Davos turns to Jon who gives him a look.

“Your Grace, Princess” he bowed his head leaving the throne room.

“Was it hard to convince the queen?”

“She didn’t react happily to the news of the war coming to a stop. She had her doubts to trust us but Tyrion went to talk to her and she agreed”

“You really think she is going to join the cause?” he shakes his head shurgging.

“I don’t know but we can’t stay here and find a way to support our cause somemore. The undead are coming and we have to do something” My eyes move to see a young guy walking through the door and standing there, not wanting to distrupt. I turn to look at Jon and can’t help but smile.

“You have somebody waiting for you” Jon looks back letting out a sigh. “Oh” I turned his attention back to me as he was going to walk towards the young guy. “When we get to Winterfell, care to show me around?” His face tries to hide his smile but miserably fails.

“Of course.” With that I turn and make my way towards the shore. I greet Malakho and Greyworm.

“We are headed to Winterfell. Greyworm and the Unsullied will sail with Daenerys while the Dothraki and I will ride until we meet in the kingsroad” Greyworm nods, turning to walk to his men. Qhoro and Malakho walk up to me with a note.

“The man who calls himself Varys gave this to me” Malakho hands me a piece of paper. Unable to read this tongue, he doesn’t know what caused my heart to break and fill with anger.

“Change of plans'', I scream to Greyworm. “I need two unsullied and two Dothraki, I am sailing to Omnis” I turn to Malakho. “You will ride towards Winterfell and obey the orders of Greyworm. The rebels are back and I intend to get rid of them” With a few men and with the moon touching the sky I sail the narrow sea. We sail north of the Narrown sea and move to enter Omnius from the Harbor. The shivering sea was kind to us but after a couple days I was glad to touch the ground. I send the boat back to meet up with the Iron fleet. We gathered up some horses and rode to the castle.

“You can’t cross the main entrance, they will kill you” One of my long-time friends caught up to me on the way there. We see the street empty, trashed, and dirty. “You just can’t Waltz in there” I know she was right. They could kill me as soon as they laid their eyes on me. But the anger in me was telling me otherwise. The anger was telling me I could ride past them fast enough they wound’t even feel the air pass by.

“Watch me” My horse runs faster. The huge double door entrance opens and I run past all the stairs until I am thrown out of my horse.

“Look who decided to show up” The dirt around me starts to fade. I stand up holding on to my side feeling a pool of blood soak through the bandages. “Why did the princess come all this way without her traitor warrior?” The tall built man starts to circle me. His hair is noticeably long. “You are not strong enough to take back your home. Look what happened to them” He points his weapon high. Two cross high up the wall. The sun gleaming down on my eyes doesn’t allow me to see their face but I recongnize them by the clothing. “Now don’t be a hot head with your decisions. Let's make a deal” He walks up to me until I can feel his breath on me. All his men surrounded us in the main entrance of the castle.

“Why would I even consider listening to you when you didn’t give the same option to them?” I spit out enraged.

“I am a fair man. Although we live such savage lifes doesn’t mean we didn’t try to be reasonable with the king.”

“Where are they?” He brought my mind to what really matters. I turned to look for them but they were nowhere to be found.

“They are safe and well fed. Now back to my deal” He moves closer next to my ear. “Become my wife. The Khalessi to the greatest Khal this land will ever know.” He pushes away talking loud now. “Become my wife and I will allow your family to continue ruling until our child is old enough to rule the entire lands!” His men scream happily to hear his words

“Dothraki don’t choose their next leader, they fight!” This caused a stir. I turn my attention to his men. “The strongest among all becomes the Khal. I propose to figure out who it is among us two.” His fierce eyes turn to me.

“Oh but when you are on the floor I will not let death take you. I will take you. You will be my wife” After the encounter he gets me sent to a locked room. I watch the sun set multiple times until I have no conception of time. Food is brought to me and in the past days I have not even left the room. The windows are too tall to escape from. The castle is surrounded by Dothraki. There is no way someone can come in to save me. I lay down on the bed until I heard noises outside my door. A dothraki comes in and motions me to follow him. I know exactly where he is taking me too. I have walked these walls on the outside of the castle for many years. First couple of years to watch my brother train. Up until I was 5 I was the one going to train. The bright light causes some ache in my eyes. Once they focused I could see expatators around the arena. I turn around to find my father and brother sitting on the royal stands.

“Shall we begin, My soon to be wife?” The man throws my weapons on the ground. “All you have to do is say yes and I won’t have to hurt you '' We start circling eachother as his smirk starts to get bigger.

“Oh don’t hold back on my account, because I won’t” I say, swinging my weapons towards him. I won’t let this kingdom fall to his feet. My mother always told me I was a weed. Can’t get rid of me that easily, or maybe she was saying it because I am the stubbornest person she has ever known.

Tags :
2 years ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 7:

After the fight I stood victorious. I look down at the man and I am kind of glad he face planted right on the floor. I can see and feel the anger from some people around the arena. “I will say this once!.” I look around. “We are not the enemy. For years my family has allowed you to live the savages life you wanted, that is until you came here to attack us in out own home”

“You led our people through the posion water!” one screams

“I didn’t put a knife to their throat!” not like I did this guy on the floor. “They choose to follow me under the loyalty they had to Khal Drogo. And as you can see, I have no problem doing it the Dothraki way to earn yours!” Silence fills the room. I look over to the man who I saw standing next to their old Khal. “I will not ask you to follow me, but I will ask you to leave my home if you decide not to” The man walks slowly to me. He drops his weapon and walks past me. The breath I was holding in release.

“All is fair!” I turn to the man screaming at the Dothraki. “Rones did it his way and most of us didn’t agree. What she says is true. They allowed us to live beyond their walls and now we came and invaded their homes.” He turns to me speaking loud and clear. “You beat the Khal and now as our tradition states you are our new one!” Dothraki scream. I don’t know if it's cheer or if they are unhappy. “I will ride with you. And people who choose to join us will too until our last breath. That is when I heard the Dothraki scream. The scream that I heard years ago when Khal Drogo was made Khal. Up in my room I looked over to the distant lands. The light of their fire could be seen from miles. The loud scream sounded more like a roar. The screams were kept quiet when a real roar caught our ears. In the air you saw Drogon flying over us.

“Stand down!” I screamed as the Dothraki pulled out their weapons to my family's guards. Throught the main entrance came my father walking with my brother walking next to him. The dothralo soldier who pleadge himself to me first stepped aside on my command. My father, tall and proud, stood before me and took out his knife.

“There are many things I could say right now.” My head moves to look down at the floor. “Like how stupid you are for moving across the sea and for trusting these people who not even a day ago were planning to kill us!” That made my eyes shoot up towards him. I move forward only to be met with his knife to my ribs. “How you decide to bleed for them when your family bled when they shouldn’t have because you weren’t here” His sharp knife pierce my clothing and the cold steel touches my skin. He moved his face closer but I know it was hard for him to talk.

“Do it. I will bleed for my mistakes” his hand moved fast and didn’t feel the sting until he had walked away from me.

“Oh dear sister” I lay myself against Grisill. “Let's get you inside” When I made it inside I had two things in my mind. Daenerys and the Dothraki. “I have never seen father this angry,” He says, starting to clean up my wound.

“He has never lost a wife and a daughter before. Its grief.”

“Did you come back to stay?” I hear the hopefulness in his voice.

“I think I should let father be alone and heal without me here” He wasn’t a man with many words but in his eyes I knew he wanted to say many things.

“This wound has been opened plenty of times. You already have bad tissues so how about you let it heal completely this time” I hiss as he pats my cut over the wrap he had just finished.

“Yes sir.” I got up to thank him. “I am leaving before I cause more damage” I open the door and at the end of the hall I see Jon standing there.

“They came and set us free from the dungeons' ' I turned to my brother, shocked. “The mother of dragons and father has been introduced but it wasn’t as pleasant as you think” I laugh knowing he was just being sarcastic.

“Wouldn’t think any different.” My smile fades and it's like I forgot how to let words form.

“They are okay. I sent them once we got the word that the Dothraki were close. We didn’t think it was a civil meeting they wanted.” I nod. I give him a quick hug before saying goodbye. “Come back soon. The wedding can’t start without you!” I wave him off as I catch up to Jon.

“Came here to try to redeem yourself?” I smiled but he was kind of awkward. His long cold gaze could be felt even if I wasn’t looking at him. I kept walking waiting for him to say something but nothing came out of his lips. “We have more Dothraki to take to Winterfell. We have ships so there will be no problem on taking them.” We come to the open common area of the castle and I see the Dothraki, Daenerys, Davos, and Jorah standing there waiting. I turn to Jon who at once glance he is walking down the stairs. I shake my head ignoring his actions. I walk down telling Daenerys everything and we start the departure.

“You had us worried Princess,” Davos says, coming up to me on the ship. I watched the castle disappear into a small spectacle until I couldn’t see it any longer. “When we met up to the Dothraki and didn’t see you there, everyone thought the worst” I look over at his point of view seeing Jon going into his cabin.

“It was short notice. I told Greyworm to inform you on my whereabouts''

“Yes. He spoke to Daenery and she thought it best to not tell anyone but once Jon and I found out we couldn’t just not do something” I see what he was saying but there was no need for that. “Stragic wise, the unsullied and dothraki follow your lead and yes you put Greyworm to command but what if he was killed? Who would they follow then?”

“My people are loyal. They would follow who I follow” I look over to Daenerys at the dock.

“Yes. But do remember the person you follow values your stance here, they would have helped you in your cause” With a smile he walks away. I hate this feeling. Like I was just lecsured by a parent. Like my choices weren’t the right ones. Like if I needed their validation for protection who I love. Like if my death would cause a dark hole in their hearts. I turn myself towards the cabin to walk in without knocking.

“You don’t get to judge me with your eyes! I did what my heart told me. My famil-” I didn’t see Jons shocked face. I was the shock one right now. I didn’t see his dark eyes staring at me fiercely because my eyes were closed. The only sense I was focusing on was touch. The way one of his hands pulled me in close by the waist and the other grasped my neck. The way his fur coat and leather armour felt through my fingers as they grabbed onto his chest. But the thing that I didn’t know would feel like this was his lips. The kiss wasn’t rough but they felt demanding. Not filled with desire but with a soft touch. How can something so simple as just two pairs of lips meeting have a person's mind explode? I pulled back once my head got out of his warmth. I open my eyes and still wrapped in his arms I pull him closer. “I don’t apologise for what I did. You had a war to fight and I knew I could win mine alone” He pulls back from the hug but only enough for us to come face to face again.

“But you are not alone anymore.” I shake my head smiling. I move my hands towards his face and pull him in.

“I know.” but it's not easy. All my life I have been alone. Yes, surrounded by family and friends but alone. Too stubborn to trust someone with my family's safety. Too skeptical to think that if I took the chance to put them in harm's way they would get harmed. I couldn’t let this much mind help me try to save them because they might mess up something, I prefer being the only one responsible for anything if something happened. “Don’t make me promise anything” He closed his eyes with a smile. When he reopened them he pulled me in for a quick kiss. His eyes blew open and stepped back.

“I'm so sorry.” he turned around looking everywhere but me. “I shouldn’t have kissed you. I should have known-I mean I just saw you two together-”

“Should have known what? Saw who together?” I walked up to him, taking a hold of his hand so he would turn to look at me.

“The man you said goodbye” I wanted to laugh so bad but my curiosity won. I wanted to know what he was thinking.

“What about the man?” he looked shock at me

“He said something about a wedding, arent you two to be wed?” I shrug letting him go.

“Not anymore” I kept my blank face not wanting him to catch up on me. “You know back home a kiss is not only a kiss” I turn and take a seat on the end of the bed. “It's an engagement” I look up towards his face. “We are practically married since you took my first kiss” A small smile could have been missed on his face but I knew he was spectacle of my response. He didn’t say anything for a couple of minutes. I let out a sigh. “I am lying, your grace.” I laughed getting up to walk out the door but he grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him.

“You didn’t tell me who the man was” I laugh

“My brother, Grisill.” he let out a small oh. My head moves a little to the right admiring him from upclose again. He was beautiful.

“Was that really your first kiss, or were you lying about that too?” I could feel the heat in my cheek as I nodded.

“Yes. and don’t you dare say anything” I was nervous when he kissed me. I didn’t have any experience before him. I didn’t know if I did it right or not.

“I wasn’t going to” he laughs as I playfully hit his chest. “But you know what I was going to say?” I look up to see a grin on his face. “We can keep practicing”

Tags :
2 years ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 8:

Once we arrive at Winterfell I start to dislike the cold again. I look back to see my people dressed up in clothing they don’t like. This is going to be eventful with them. I dismount my horse once we are inside the gates of Winterfell. People standing around watching us as we walk towards people I guess are people who Jon knows. There is a redhead girl in the middle, her stance and glare strong and tall. The dark headed boy beside her on a wheelchair. Jon goes over and hugs them. “Where's Arya?”

“Lurking somewhere.” The redhead states, no really amused

“Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen. My sister, Sansa Stark, the Lady of Winterfell.” Jon turns his attentio to Daenerys as I take a step back to stand with the Dothraki.

“Thank you for inviting us into your home, Lady Stark. The North is as beautiful as your brother claimed, as are you.” Sansa does look to convinced with that but smiles hesitantly

“Winterfell is yours, Your Grace.” The tension could be cut with a knife geeze

“This is Y/N” Damn. I walk up and stand beside Jon. “Leader of the Dothraki and Unsullied, Princes of the unknown lands” I shake my head with a smile.

“Your brother and people here like to use long names but where I come from we dont. You can call me Y/N”

“Y/N, welcome” I nod

“Thank you. And thank you for taking in my people, I know we are a few”

“They have been pulling their weight. Well” she moves her attention to us all. “Welcome. We got a few things we need to discuss” The moves out of the way as she starts to walk up the stairs. Daenerys, Jorah and the rest follow her up. I turn over to the Dothraki.

“Greyworm here will take you to the other Dothraki. Malakho is the man who will lead you.” I walk close to them all. “If there is anyone who has a problem with the rules I set in place, you still have a chance to turn around!” I walk up to Greyworm. “I would want nothing but for them to be peaceful, if you have any trouble you know what to do” Greyworm sends me a nod and turns to the Dothraki. I walk up the stairs and now stand on the balcony unaware of my direction. Stupid castles. That is until I took one step just to be pulled to a little corner.

“We have a meeting in a couple of minutes” I roll my eyes trying to push him off.

“You should be there before it starts” I looked around making sure no one could see us. The walls to the side allowed some barrer to the wind. The fur on him made a pretty good heater. He ignores my words pulling me in. I would be lying to say we didn’t practice all those nights we were on our way here. Sneaking around the others. Not sure why but it was like a compromise we made without using any words. His lips pushed for more and that's what I did. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist were tighter. Once or twice I have felt this sensation in my body. Like it was on fire and the only thing that I think would help is feeling his hands all over my skin. All those times we stopped before anything could happen, mostly because I was unsure on what to do.

“We don’t have time for this” He pulls away, almost hitting his younger brother Bran. “Everyone is waiting for us” I was holding in a laugh as I saw the expression on Jon’s face. He makes his way into the room allowing me to hold the door open. Jon takes a seat in the middle of Sansa and Daenerys. Bran is to the side of Sansa.

“The Night King has your dragon. He's one of them now. The Wall has fallen, the dead march south.” Bran says untouch with the information.”

“As soon as we heard about the Wall, I called all our banners to retreat to Winterfell. Lord Umber, when can we expect your people to arrive?” Sansa turns her head as we do all to the young boy who stands up from the side of the room.

“We need more horses and wagons, if it pleases my lady.”He turns to Jon. “And my lord.” Then to Daenerys “And my queen. Sorry.” He can’t be older than 13. This much power and responsibility can overbear someone.

“You'll have as many as we can spare. Hurry back to Last Hearth and bring your people here.” The young boy bows and walks out the hall as around the room people starts to chatter

We need to send ravens to the Night's Watch as well. There's no sense in manning the castles anymore. We make our stand here.” Jon looks towards a man

“At once, Your Grace.” The older man nods, walking out aswell.

“Your Grace.” A young girl stands and directs her sight to Jon. “But you’re not. Are you? You left Winterfell a king and came back a- I’m not sure what you are now” if the chatter wasn’t heard before, it is now. “A lord? Nothing at all?”

“It's not important” Jon says bluntly

“Not important? We named you King in the North.” the people in the room start chatting his title.

“You did, my lady. It was the honor of my life. I’ll always be grateful for your faith. But when I left Winterfell, I told you we need allies or we will die. I have brought those allies home to fight alongside us. I had a choice, keep my crown or protect the North. I chose the North.”

“If anyone survives the war to come, we'll have Jon Snow to thank. He risked his life to show us the threat is real. Thanks to his courage, we have brought with us the greatest army the world has ever seen. We have brought two full-grown dragons. And soon, the Lannister army will ride north to join our cause.” Tyrions words didn’t sit right with this crowd “I know, I know, our people haven't been friends in the past. But we must fight together now or die.”

“May I ask, how are we meant to feed the greatest army the world has ever seen? While I ensured our stores would last through winter, I didn't account for these many soldiers and two full-grown dragons. What do dragons eat, anyway?” Sansa's stance was clear. She didn’t trust us. She was okay with our stay because they needed people to fight against the dead but nothing else. She could care less about who sits in the iron throne, as long as the north survives.

“Whatever they want.” Daenerys and Sansa stare bluntly at eachother. Thankfully the meeting subsided and ended fairly quickly after that. I took my time to make sure the Unsullied and Dothraki camp outside the wall went without a problem.

“256” Malakho said next to me. I nod. That is nothing compared to the men who crossed the sea the second time.

“I don’t blame them” I smile. “We are not going to cause any trouble. Hunt what you can and bring them into the castle.” I order before walking away back to winterfell. “Don’t touch those” I pointed out to the young girl who was running her fingers on the blade of our curved swords. Before she could point the sword towards me I disarmed her. “You’re Arya” the girl didn’t look surprised. She didn’t show any emotion at all. The face does run in the family.

“You're the girl who leads the savages and” she looks back to the unsullied.

“Those are the Dothraki, the savages you mention and those are the unsullied, not so savages” I walk past her and place the sword back.

“And what are you?” I turn with a grin

“I don’t know.” It was true. I had the Dothraki blood in me. My mother came from the slave cities the unsullied were made in. Yet I was raised by Omnis. “They are all my people.” Before she could speak we were distracted by the dragon flying above us but what really shut us up was the fact that Jon was riding one of them. Why couldn’t I smile for him? It must feel great to mount something as wonderful as a dragon. I wanted to smile but the only thing I got was a frown.

“I heard you came from across the narrow sea and even further east” I nod towards Arya.

“The unknown lands. Omnis” I look back to the young girl. “You look like you have had a long road”

“As do you” I chuckle, shaking my head.

“I wish there were stories to tell but unfortunately I have spent most of my life surrounded by four walls. Until a couple years ago I didn’t know air could feel this refreshing”

“How did a girl like you become the leader of a big army then?”

“I spent my time wisely in those four walls. I learned what I could and fought for what I believed once I was out. My people are not an army to me, they are just that, my people. People who choose to fight alongside me.”

“Will go back to Omnis when this is all over or will you stay here?” My head moves to the right a little.

“I have a duty in Omnis. Whether I take it or not doesn’t mean I won’t be back somehow.” I walk close to her. “As far as westoros goes or if you are meaning Winterfell well, there is always a chance” I smile. “Now if you excuse me, I need to do something” I walk into the gates and make my way to find a secluded place.I grab two candles and walk out the castle. Making sure no one follows me. I come to the edge of the forest. I enter it just enough to where I can still see the castle. I clear out the snow and place the two candles on the ground setting them. I watch as the wax starts melting. The little bit of warmth they radiate is enough comfort I need right now. Tears start to swell my eyes and I can’t longer feel anything other than the constant pounding in my head. The tight feeling of wanting to feel something has me wanting to punch the ground but I only let my knees hit the ground. I am not sure that the quiver in my hands is because of the cold but when I wrapped myself in my arms It was over. Just like the sun has finally gone down, so have the candles. I clean up my tears. I remove the candles out the way and dig a shallow hole enough for the candles to fit. I place the candles inside and fill them in. I covered them up and with a sigh I stood. “Fuck! You scared me” I turn around and see a figure standing there. I turn on my torch again and see him clearly.

“You don’t feel pain anymore” Bran just stares blankly at me. Like if I hadn't just seen my balling my eyes out. “Don’t worry. I didn’t see much” wow. That makes me feel better. “Why don’t you feel pain?”

“Becasue it wasn’t pain what I was feeling. It was just grief. Sadness. I am not going to see them again, sadness can be confused with pain but they are not the same”

“But you don’t feel sad anymore, how?”

“It's in me still, I just choose to ignore it”

“Why?” god this child. Am mostly a child too but still.

“Because crying for someone is not going to bring them back from the dead. Spending countless hours isn’t going to avenge them. Spending all my energy is going to do nothing for them” I turn kicking some snow ontop of the buried candles. “I have let myself mourn. They don’t need to listen to my cries any longer”

“Do you believe in that?’ I give him a questioned look when I turn around to him. “That they are able to hear and see you? People like to tell kids stories so they don’t feel sad, is that what they made you believe?” I let out a scuff of a laugh.

“Yes” I said planly “I used to hear stories, all different about what happens after death. I want to believe the one with a beautiful beginning, middle and end but I still can’t trust it too much” My mother used to tell me my favorite story of the dead. “That we die and our life rewinds infront of our eyes, of course only the happy memories. Then you see your loved ones for the last time. Then finally you rest. That is where my favorite part comes in. They say whenever you need them the most is when they actually show up, of couse not like a ghost but more like a presence”

“And that is what you think happens?”

“I think it's a beautiful bandaid”

Tags :
2 years ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 9

We walk back to Winterfell in silence. He told me he wanted me to meet someone. Something about him being a true fan of stories like me. I don’t know how he got the idea of that, I dread having to read even a message. “This is Samwell. Has read millions of books in his short years of life”

“Nice to meet you Samwell”

“Please just Sam” I smile


“I bet you two will have fun” Bran says as he leaves the room. I turn back to Sam who stares at me with no clue on his face.

“I told him one story and now he thinks we can be bestfriend because we have that in common”

“Well if you came to become bestfriends you’re too late, Jon is my best friend” I laugh at his sarcasm.

“That pains me. Oh well” I take a seat. I grab and take a look at some of the books he has on the table. “So you and Jon are bestfriends?” He nods, taking a seat infront of me with more books.

“He saved me when I arrived at castle black and has been saving me from that day on” Alway trying to save people. “We became brothers of the night watch together. We crossed the wall together. We survived the wall together. We found love together.” He turns to me, lowering his voice. “Her name is Gilly. We have a kid but its a long story. His was a wildling named Ygritte. That is when the night watch didn’t get along with the widling and got into a war. Ygritte got killed.” He sits back closing his book. “At this point Jon has lost his father, lady stark, his first love and two brothers. I don’t know how he keeps standing”

“He still has something to fight for. His two sisters, Bran, and all of the north”

“Yeah. I mean after getting killed by his own man and surviving it. Going to war with a ruthless guy, Bolton. Survivng the dead twice, I don’t know how he keeps on standing” My gaze falls off the books. I look up to Sam.

“When you stop fighting, that is when it's all over. There is always a reason to continue and Jon has plenty of those”


“So, tell me about Gilly. Why is the story long?” I could see his eyes light up at her name. I stayed with him for a while, hearing his story. How they met, to when they moved so he could become maester up to now.

“I want to marry her when this is all over. Live the life she deserves after almost her whole life she was kept by her father-” He stopped when a knock on the door interrupted us. “Come in” And in walked Jon.

“Hey” Before I could answer Sam spoke up.

“Hey! I was just telling her how you are my bestfriend” He goes over and wraps one arm around his shoulder. “And how many times I had to save you” Jon laughs

“Seems like you needing saving is something common” I stand walking past them. “I need to check up on my people. It was nice to meet you Sam'' With a smile I walked out. I didn’t know what it was but I had a weird sensation. Like I couldn’t make myself look at Jons eyes. Maybe it was the Ygritte thing bothering me. His first love. Maybe I am angry at myself for being stupid enough to think I was his like he was mine. Maybe I am being stupid right now to think this is important, that I am important. We haven’t established a set relationship but damn, I knew getting into any of these was not the best idea. I rush towards the gate and see the unsullied and dothraki on guard while some sleep.

“Princess, would you like us to set you up for the night?” I nod at the dothraki offering. I go around the camp, tiring myself out. I couldn’t help but feel a bad feeling. The cold was becoming bearable at the time I laid down. The use of fire wasn’t necessary until we traveled across the sea. I like to admit that the sound of the wood burning while my eyes closed was sort of calming. Like fire making music. Back home there was a water feature in the castle that surrounded and echoed in the walls. The water making music. While traveling towards the sea you could feel the air. The air making music. I am yet to feel the earth make music. Another thing I loved about sleeping to music is hearing the birds sing. In Winterfell the only birds I heard were crows. At first light coming visible I stood and took in a deep breath. I walk into the gates and towards the stairs.

“Goodmorning Y/N” I smile as I see Sansa walking towards me.

“Goodmorning Lady Sansa” I bowed my head a little. We both turn around looking down below at the people working early in the morning.

“We had a room in order for you”

“Thank you, but I prefer sleeping where my people sleep” She nods.

“Can I ask you a question?” I respond with a simple yes. I turn towards her, giving her my full attention. “You don’t seem to trust Daenerys as much as everyone does. My brother seems to trust more in her than the person leading her army” I chuckled.

“Trust doesn’t come easy. I think in this world you can’t give your trust to many people. I am here for loyalty. Yet, your cause is convincing to fight as well. I will say trusting without letting your guard down is advisable. She is here to help your cause. Once this is all over, I think she will be very generous with your idea on what to do with Winterfell.”

“So you're telling me to trust her because she is fighting a war for my cause. Yet this can cause her to lose just as much if Winterfell stood alone” The grin in my face didn’t leave. She was a strong girl. Strong girls in this world are tested every day. But she is more than strong, she is delicate to the touch. Someone who would do anything for her people.

“Yes. Thankfully she understood this can affect her in the future. Now she is here fighting. If you can’t trust the people who choose to fight alongside you, then that is how the otherside might win. The good thing is that when this is all over, Winterfell will only have one queen”

“That is not what I want. I want Winterfell to be independent, people want Jon to be King” Her eyes fall to the ground. Turning her body over the balcony again.

“One thing I have learned about the Starks is that they will do anything for their family. And this family will fight and die for the north. The north sees that and will continue to support whoever supports them”She only gives me a nod. I shake it off. “Now if you will excuse me. I will continue on with my walk” walk? I didn’t even know where I was going. After my departure I enter the common room. Traveled through the dining area. I stopped when I reached a hallway. At the end of it was red eyes staring back at me. I have seen dogs before but nothing like this. The creature stood up on his four legs. Shaking his white fur and taking one step forward. I raise my hand towards him. A low growl came from his end. Backing up was no longer an option as I hit a dead end. I look over to my left, from where I came from but if I made a run for it or scream, the creature would get to me before I could escape. Desperately I moved my hand around to touch the back wall and twisted the handle, got in and closed the door. “Who leaves a huge dog outside like that?” I sigh, pressing my forehead against the door. Now how do I leave?.I turned around and saw that I walked into a bedroom. The fire was on and the bed made. I rushed over towards the window but it was too high for me to climb down. I heard scratching on the otherside of the door and I swear to you that almost made me jump out the window. Maybe the snow will be a nice place to land on. The sun was rising more and more and the scratching continued. The door creaked open, caught my attention and I saw Jon standing beside the creature.

“Are you okay?” I shook my head quickly seeing as he took steps closer the creature wasn’t far behind. “This is Ghost. A direwolf” I give him an uneasy smile.

“Oh hello Ghost” Sarcasm all over my voice. “Did you teach him to corner people?” Moving closer to the wall beside the window. Jon shakes his head with a laugh.

“No. He is harmless.” Really?! I doubt that. “Its okay” he whispers as he takes more steps towards me until he is right infront of me. I grip onto his leather as I hear the direwold growl again.

“Does that sound harmless?!” I close my eyes having seen the direwolf walk closer to me. I could feel his nose smelling me.

“You’re a stranger. He won’t do anything to you” I grip harder pulling myself closer to him now. “Ghost. Sit” Jons arm wraps around me. I felt the vibration of his laugh. “See? Harmless” I look up to him rolling my eyes. “Don’t like wolves much?”

“Not ones that growl at me” There it is again a laugh. “Not funny. He could have easily ripped me to shreds” One of his hand moves to grab my cheek. I look at him and his grin has gone away. I closed my eyes as I felt his lips on mine. My mind goes back to last night. She is not here anymore. I never cared about what people thought about me. This will not stop me from fullfilling anything I set myself to do. The pain that might come as the result of this at the end will not stop me from hearing my heart. When I pulled him even closer is when I heard another growl. Now that will stop me. I looked down at Ghost who was just sitting there, looking at us.

“Ghost” Jon warned. “Come on.” I watched as he opened the door for Ghost. But before he leaves I could sware he gave me a warning with his eyes.

“Ghost doesn’t like me” I hear the door close. I walk over to the fire, trying to warm myself some more. “If he could speak he would tell you he doesn’t like me. I am going to wake up tomorrow to him staring at me, ready to jump on me.” I looked over to Jon who was standing there watching me.

“Sam told me what you two spoke about yesterday”

“There is no need for an explanation.” I wave him off.

“I would feel much better if I did” he walked closer taking both my hands in his. “Ygritte was someone I fell for and will forever love” That felt like a stab. The words I know I didn’t have to say were stuck in my throat. “We were at war and I had to choose.” my eyes move up to meet his. “This is a way of telling you that I don’t want to choose this time”

“You don’t have to.” I didn’t say this because this situation was different than it was with Ygritte and him. We are fighting for the same side. We don’t have to kill eachother. “It's not the perfect timing but whatever you choose, I will accept” I move my hands to hold his face closer.

“I want to be with you, and I want you to be by my side.” a smile creeped on my face. “I don’t mean drop everything for me, or give up on things you believe in because of me, I just want you to be with me. Just-”

“Ok” I give him a quick kiss. “Ok. I want you by my side too. King or no King. Lord Commander or not. Fighting against the dead or against the queen. I don’t care as long as you are with me. Whatever happens will happen, you just have to promise me that it will always be us”

“And Ghost” he quickly added. I laugh, shaking my head.

“And Ghost” I kissed him again. “Your siblings” another kiss. “Mine” another kiss. “But mainly and most importantly, us”

“Us” The next kiss spread fire around my body. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me towards the bed. I was laying under him and his kisses traveled down my neck.

“Jon” I sighed, gripping onto his clothes, trying to move it away. He got the message. I could no longer feel leather or fur but his warm skin under my finger tips. He stopped kissing looking down at me as he untied my shirt. “Will you be careful?” His eyes were warm against mine. He didn’t have to answer because I knew he would be. Maybe it was me being under him that made me feel safe. I heard so many times about how this is supposed to be a nervous situation and that it wouldn’t be something as easy as breathing. My breathing was rapid but my head was clear. Everything he was doing, my body was moving in sync with his.

“Anything for you princess” He whispered, coming down to take my lips again. My upper half was naked and I did the same to any other clothing we had on us. My hands moved to grip onto his back and he gripped onto the fur sheets on the side of my head. His kiss traveled down my neck again but I couldn’t hold it any longer.

“Jon” I whine. “Please?” he hovered over me. The disapperation in my face showed. “I need you” My legs wrap around his waist pulling him down.

“Anything for you princess” I closed my eyes, taking in what he was doing. His kiss moves up to claim my lips again. One hand moving inbetween us to place him in the right direction. The warm feeling was there again. He pushes in and my whimper is swallowed by him. The grip around his back grows harder as he keeps pushing in. His thrust goes slow, allowing me to feel every inch of him. The uneasy feeling below was heaven. My head was in ecstasy as the feeling of everything was becoming too much. “You’re doing so good” oh that right there. That right there was the moment my whines and wimpers turned into a moan. The pleasure running up my spine. His thrust continues to speed up.

“Don’t stop,” I pleaded, pulling us closer. I moan as his cock slammed in harder than before.

“So good. Such a pretty view” Jon grunts, grounding his hips into yours even harder and going so fast that you're shaking the bed. The pleasure and pain mixed into one felt too good to come back to reality, to make him stop. Oh and when I felt a weird sensation I lifted my hips towards him and that sensation increased.

“Jon” I moaned, unaware of what this feeling was. It was a fire burning hotter every second in my lower stomach. I felt it when we kissed but not this intense.

“It's okay.” he moaned, his head falling beside mine. “I feel it too”He speaks out breathily, making more grunting sounds. Jon doesn’t stop his movement after the feeling was residing. I grip hard onto him as the burning sensation came. He moves to hover over me again with pulling out of me. “What?” He asked with a stupid smile.

“Do you mind if we keep practicing this?”

Tags :
1 year ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 10

In the middle of a practice session we were interrupted by a knock on the door. “Jon. Are you in there” His hands gripped my hips to keep me from moving. I grinned a little knowing he wanted to keep quiet. When his hands started getting loose I started moving again, this time faster.

“Shit” I pushed him back and gripped his hands so he couldn’t hold me back. I continue to bounce, making it difficult to not let out a moan.

“We have been looking for you all morning!” This time Davos decicide to start knocking on the door again, multiple times. I looked down as he had his eyes closed, biting his lips, close to cumming. “ We are all in the great hall, Jaime Lannister is here and he came alone” None of his words caught my ear. It was only the wimpers Jons lips made as I continued to ride him.

“Alright” I say still on top of him as we both reached our highs. I lean down, taking in his lips. But somehow I couldn’t stop myself. The pressure of riding him even after we both came was soothing.

“Princess you need to stop” my head went to the side of his kissing any skin I could find. My hands move to his hair gripping it while he grips my hip moving it at a slow rhythm.

“Mhmm” I continued kissing him. The knott in my stomach started again. “We do” I whisper in his ear but his hands don’t move. His hips continue to sound of our skin. I heard him grunt and in the next second he was cumming again. I wasn’t too far away from him eitheir.

“I should have waited with the rest” I laughed at the sound of Davos walking away. I remove myself from him hissing at the sensitive feeling. My legs were tingling and I couldn’t find the strength to get dressed.

“Here” I turn to Jon who has put on his pants already. He had my clothes in his hands. He helped me get dressed and any chance he got he kissed any exposed skin until I was fully dressed. “Alright. Let's go see what Lannister wants” He takes my hand but I pull him back shaking my head. I could feel a blush kicking in.

“I will meet you there” A grin appeared on his face. He came closer, placing a kiss on my forehead before walking out the door. After he left it took a couple tries to learn how to walk properly again. With every step I could feel my legs tingle and every other part was sensitive to the touch.

“Princess. The queen gave us orders” Greyworm finds me as I step out the castle gate. I look around seeing traps being set up around the walls. The Unsullied, Dothraki, and the Northerners working all around. Greyworm and I went around making sure everything was going smoothly. The trenches on the front of the gate have been dugged so we needed to continue placing in the wooden big pikes inside. Dragonstone shaped like thorns on a rose were placed on the pikes. As we worked the cold was no longer felt.

“Do we have all the pikes in?” Greyworm nods. “Send some people inside to continue helping.” He nods again. I made my way inside stopping once I saw the view. Never have I seen something like this. Men, women, and children lining up to get some food. Surrounding them were some more pikes in different locations. Soldiers perparing for war. Swords going left to right. Worry and frieght showing in the peoples faces. I reached over to Daenerys who was talking to the maester. He dismissed himself as I walked into the room.

“You weren’t at the great hall this morning” I shake my head sitting down across from her.

“Yes. Got lost” Which was half the truth. They should put signs on the closest exit in this place.

“I spoke to Sansa. Seems like we are on the same page, except for one particular part” My eyebrows lift in confusion. “Winterfell” Daenerys simplys states. “I know she wants the north to be independent, she wants to be queen and not have to bid the rules of the ruler of the seven kingdoms” she looked up to me.

“I don’t think she wants to be queen. She is taking the lead as a queen and will wear the crown but only for the north.”

“Sounds like she doesn’t trust me with the north, I came here to help her and her home yet she still doesn’t trust me enough to believe I am capable on ruling the seven kingdom in peace”

“I think she knows you’re very capable of ruling the seven kingdoms. Yet you have to understand this is here home. She learned from her father and from experience that some things are best to keep at a distance. If you want my opinion, she is a strong person and loyal, if you come to any agreement she will bid her soul to the last word.” Her eyes pierced into mine. I can tell she didn’t like my responses. She was probably waiting for me to tell her she was right. The is the true heir of the seven kingdoms and as such, that includes the north.

“Are the traps set up outside the gate?” I nod. “Good. Have the soldiers well rested and

fed, well, as much as possible” She walks up and I follow her out. I bowed my head leaving her up on the balcony looking down at the common area outside. I help outside as much as possible until Davos comes to me and announces a meeting in the great room. I walk in and see Daenerys, her advisors, Jon and the tall redhead wildling around the table.

“The dead are coming, and they are coming before the next sun comes up” Tormund says around the room. I stand beside Sansa taking in what was around the table.

“They are strong. Our enemy doesn’t tire, stop, or feel” I look up across the room seeing Jon concentrate in finding a strategy. “We can’t beat them in a straight fight”

“So what can we do?” The guy I am guessing is Jaime Lannister speaks up.

“The Night King made them all. They follow his command. If he falls, getting to him may be our best chance.”

“If that's true, he'll never expose himself.”

“Yes, he will.” Everyone in the room turns to Bran. “He'll come for me. He's tried before, many times, with many Three-Eyed Ravens. He wants an endless night. He wants to erase this world, and I am its memory.”

“That's what death is, isn't it? Forgetting. Being forgotten. If we forget where we've been and what we've done, we're not men anymore. Just animals. Your memories don't come from books. Your stories aren't just stories. If I wanted to erase the world of men, I'd start with you.” Sam adds.

“His mark is on me. That is how he will find me.” Bran lifts the cuff og his arm and reveals a red mark. “He always knows where I am.We need to lure him into the open before his army destroys us all. I'll wait for him in the Godswood.”

“You want us to use you as bait?”

“Sansa is right,” I say. “You are leaving yourself wide open for him to take”

“ We're not leaving you alone out there.” Arya adds on. I can see the worry in each Stark kid.

“He won't be. I'll stay with him.” He tells the Starsks. He then turns to Bran. “With the Ironborn. I took this castle from you. Let me defend you now.” Bran nods.

“We'll hold off the rest of them for as long as we can.” I say to Bran.

“When the time comes, Ser Davos and I will be on the walls, to give you the signal to light the trench.” Tyrion says.

“The dragons should give us an edge in the field.” Davos was right. Hopefully the dragons can be of huge advantage. Can certainly even the field with how many undead soldiers they have.

If they're in the field, they're not protecting Bran. We need to be near him. Not too near, or the Night King won't come. But close enough to pursue him when he does.” Jons says. “Let's get some rest.” Around the room they all start walking out.

“Princess” I turn over and see Arya standing there. I don’t know why I was nervous but her presence had me looking around. I see Jon walking out with Daenerys and I bit my tongue. A girl is free to feel jealous right?

“It's just y/n” We start walking together towards the outside of the gate. “If you are into title maybe I should start calling you Lady Stark”

“Am no lady. Certainly don’t dress like one”

“You don’t say” We share a glance, laughing.

“So you are going to be in the front lines?” I nod. “Can I be in the front lines?” I stop in my tracks looking over at her. She was pretty serious about the statement.

“I don’t think you need my permission but since you are asking me,not in the front lines” I shake my head and continue to walk. “Start spreading the dragon glass to everyone” I tell Malakho. We stand beside the carriages seeing the weapons being dispersed.

“I know how to use a sword. I fight better than most of the soldiers around here.” As the lines are running smoothly I start to walk over the Greyworm. The Unsillied pulled on rope causing a large boulder to be thrown into the air by a large trebuchet. I turn over to see other Unsullied cleaning their weapons.

“Princess. Lady Stark” Greyworm bows at us.

“Greyworm” I stand closer to him. “Lady Stark will stand with you in the back line with the Unsullied. You are not to look after her as she is capable of doing that herself.” Greyworm nods. “She will be following straight orders from me, as the Unsullied will follow orders from her”

“Yes, Princess”

“Get them in formation.” Greyworm excuses himself. I turn over to Arya who looks at me in disbelief. “I know you can protect yourself, which is the reason why the Unsullied won’t. They will stand beside you and you as one of them” I walk closer staring into her eyes. “They are not soldiers, they are people. You are to be one of them now and as such, you will fight alongside them.” I straighten myself up. “If the Lady still wishes too”

“I need to take my stance then” She walks off to rush behind Greyworm. I need to find Jon. I rush up the stairs and look at places I know but I didn’t find him. I walk over the ends of the wall. I was thinking there was no way I was going searching into the maze this castle is. I am going to search the outside so I don’t come across Ghost. I made a sharp turn and the first thing I heard was a low Growl. Damn it. I look up and see Jon and Sam looking over the wall. Maybe Ghost knows me now? I didn’t want to disturb their conversation but the Arya thing was important.

“Have you told her yet?”

“No.” I hear Jon responds. I stop, now not really caring about Ghost’s stare.

“Mm-hmm. Being careful? Biding your time. Waiting for the perfect-” Their conversation stopped with a high pitch yelp I let out. Ghost pushed me to the ground and is now circling me.

“Ghost!” I hear Jons voice but it's too late. Ghost has laid down next to me with his head on my stomach. My arms fall to my side in relief.

“I think he likes you” I open my eyes seeing Jon and Sam looking down at me.

“Or he likes to play with his food” I hear them chuckle before Jon has the bright idea to push Ghost off and help me up.

“I need to speak to you about Arya” I clean myself up from the snow and look over to Jon. “She asked me if she could be in the front lines. I would have suggest otherwise but she has this stare, a stubborn stare that wouldn’t go away”

“All the Starks have it,” Sam adds. Jon gives him a glare, making him back away with a laugh. Sam excuses himself and leaves Jon and I alone.

“I can’t tell her what to do. If this is what she wants then I can’t stop her” another rush of relief passes through me

“Good. I placed her with Greyworm in the second stance. She will fight alongside them, if things get rough she will be one of the first ones to fall back into the gates.” At this time the sun has gone down. Now we are only waiting for the night to end. “What did Sam mean?” Jon raises his eyebrow. “He asked if you told her yet? Told who what?” I feel Jon grab my hand.

“I am the son of Rhaegar Targeryen and Lyanna Stark. Sam read it when he was studying to become a maester and Bran verified it” He needed to tell Daenerys.

“Do you think it's a good idea to tell her this? She has suffered for this crown. She will find you as a threat” Jon pulls me closer wrapping me into his arms.

“I have to tell her the truth. Just like it is true I am her brother's son, it's just as true that I don’t want a crown. I am not a threat to her claim to the throne.” I nod my head against him. I close my eyes, inhaling his presence. I chuckle hearing loud and clear Ghost’s growls. “When this is all over you and Ghost need to do one on one bonding”

“Oh yeah. We can go hunting. I hid and he hunted. Or maybe knitting, that fur coat can keep someone warm” That last part didn’t make him happy.

“No fur coats and no human hunting” Jon looks at both of us. Ghost scoffs at me and leaves.

“He doesn’t need all that fur!” I scream but I was grabbed by Jon

“Stop it” he warned with a smile. He had his hands holding my face which he used to pull me closer to him. I don’t know how but he made everything in my head vanish at that point. I pull back looking at him. Even in the shadow of the fire, Jon looked beautiful. “You’re so pretty” I laugh.

“I was just thinking how pretty you are” I removed my hands from around his waist to his face. “I love your hair. Those dark eyes. The way you stare” his furrowed eyebrows almost made me bust out laughing again. “The way you stare at others when you are mad. Your red nose and cheeks in the cold. I love your lips” I give him a quick kiss. My finger moved under his left eye and over the bridge of his nose to his right eyes. “The freckles that run along here” with his eyes closed he grabs hold of my hand and places it on his cheek. His head falls against the palm of my hand and a gentle smile appears. His other hand is already wrapped around my waist keeping close to him.

“Is there anything else you love?”

“Yes” I answer almost too fast. He opened his eyes in a quick second. “I love” I pull his face closer. “I love y-” I drag out the word seeing his eyes follow the movement of my lips. “-our thick eyebrows” I laughed as I felt his shoulders fall. His face made me laugh even harder.

“You know what I love?” He quickly recovered. Grabbing ahold of me. His eyes looked down at me while his arms kept in one place. The laugh so far forgotten. “I love you” oh no. Probably not the best thing to think about after someone confesses they love you but, oh no. What am I scared of? Nothing.

“I love you”

Tags :
1 year ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 11:

“I have to go” Pulling back from Jon I start missing the warmth he radiates. “The sun is close” I look over to the horizon and know soon enough that although it's dark, I can imagine how it looked in the morning, praying to see that again. I look back to Jon and try to take as much of him in. “You hold on tight to that dragon”

“Yes Princess” The only thing holding onto him were my hands. When I removed them I walked towards him pulling him closer as my hands touched his cheeks. Atleast one last kiss. It was a simple one. A simple goodbye. A simple see you soon. A simple stay safe. A simple, don’t do anything stupid because I will be fighting to stay here with you. A simple, I love you. I pulled away, turned around and kept on walking. Love was always the thing that held me together. To be honest I never cared about dying. Never cared about leaving anyone behind. Yes I have people I loved who I would be crushed to see suffer because I am no longer here but at the end of the day they would be fine. Yet I get this overwhelming feeling now, that no matter what happens, I have to stay alive. I can’t not be afraid of death. I need to see what the future holds for me, I have to know. Once I reach the gates I mount my horse and wait for the Dothraki to take their stance behind me.

“Move forward” I yell in Dothraki. The horde rides out in between the unsullied to form themselves up infront of them.

“Lady Y/N” I look down and see a young girl there.

“Am no Lady” I say, mounting off my horse.

“My apologies, Princess” I laugh, shaking my head.

“Just Y/N. What can I do for you Lady Mormont?” She is a strong girl. I shake my head from going deep into a hole thinking about how she got to be a lady in this war.

“My cousin is out there” Jorah. “I-” She shakes her head. Her hands fall to the side as she tries to get her words out.

“I will stand with him, fight alongside him, '' Lady Mormont nods. I give her a smile before mounting on my horse and riding out to find Greyworm. My horse stops as it stands beside Arya. “If anything goes wrong, you are to go behind the gate” I look at both Arya and Greyworm. He nods knowing it was an order towards him to keep Arya safe. “Lead them Arya. Lead them well. They have their orders. Those catapults and trenches are yours to use” She nods. With a final glance I continue on riding. I see a figure coming closer on a horse. The rider's cloak falls back from their face and it's the redhead woman, Mellisandra. I keep on riding until I reach Jorah.

“You brought company” I looked confused as he pointed something behind me. I look back and see Ghost marching up to stand in the middle of us.

“Only because I threatened to make a fur coat of him” His low growl was heard and I only smiled. “Are you ready?” I look down again and see him focus on the darkness.

“I guess that everyone” Jorah jokes. He pulls out his sword as I do mine. My attention moves to the swishing sounds and growls above us. Daenerys and Jon are surveying the area. Their shadows can be seen thanks to the moon shining through the clouds above. I look down and give the signal. The soldiers start yelling and the Dothraki start wailing. I spur my horse forwad knowing the Dothraki was right behind me. The flaming swords allow us to see a bit of the onslaught as the Dothraki pull far away from the rest of the forces. Above us the stone from the catapults are seen behind the throne. The fire helps us with view as we come upon the dead.

The flaming stones crash to the ground in front of us. The snarls of the undead army precede them. We see the ferocious undead emerging from the darkness, massive in size and in numbers. The fire starts to quit and no matter how many we stick our swords in, the double amount shows up. Our forces are getting thinner and thinner by the minute. I look around to see Jorah struggling.

“Everyone! Back!” I yell in Dothraki. I rush to Jorah off my horse. Pushing the undead back and stabbing it. “We are getting mudered!” I yell. Jorah gets on his horse and rides off. I start running back and alongside me I see Ghost. The sound around me was made of horse whinnies in the darkness followed by the footsteps of retreating Dothraki on foot. We catch up to the unsullied and watch the Dothraki come in. Greyworm’s face twists in anger. I go to say something but Arya beats me to it. Greyworm nods to her command as he places on his helmet.The wind blows stronger. A soft pattern becomes a rumble of running feet as the undead army starts to boil forth the darkness, running at full tilt. Once visible, they come in like a tidal wave.

“Take your stance!” Greyworm shouts. The Unsullied take their braced battle stance, spears pointed forward. I stand back and watch the army of wights crash over them, shrieking and snarling. They stab and slice the Unsullied as they barrel through. I ran up to renforce. I watch as soldiers run from their stance towards the wall. The undead crash into their cadre at full speed and the battle begins. One after the other comes rushing towards us. A blow to the head, another to their spin and the rest wherever my sword catches them.

“Arya gets back into the gate!”Just then, the dragons above shoot forth a wall of flame as they dive past, disintegrating the undead. The dragons continue to do this until a white smoke of winter covers them. Fuck!. I rush towards Arya and pull her back, phishing her towards the gates. “Get back in the castle!” With a straight glance she nods. I am not pushing her away from the war. A war can’t be fought if the leader is dead. After a couple of minutes the archers above the wall start helping. I keep on fighting until the wind is knocked out of me. My sword is the only thing keeping me alive as one undead stays above me. With all my strength I pushed him back but not quick enough to see another coming towards me. I turn over and see Ghost taking care of him as I jab my sword into another. “I might be rethinking the fur coat”

“Fall back! Fall back! Tormund screams. The northman follows the command to retreat.

“Protect the retreat!” I yell in Valaryian. The northman makes it to the gate and the doors open. The undead continue to fight with an unhinged rage.

“Stand your ground!” Greyworm’s voice can be heard. Other than the grunts of the unsullied in the front line you can hear the northman behind us taking their stance. Spears pointed forward as we stood as the undead continued to swarm into us with great force.

“Retreat!” I hear a voice overboard in Valaryian. I can make it out to be Arya. Another soldier from afar yells to retreat. The Unsullied begin to fall back. “Light the trenches!” We watch as the last line of the Unsullied is being crossed. The undead making slow but constant progress against us. I look up seeing Davos wave a torch around.

“Light the trench!” A worried soldier screams out. I look over to Greyworm who continues to pant as he watches the ferocious undead army battle against the last man in the line.

“She can’t see the light, the snow is too strong” I scream over to Greyworm “Light the trenches!” The archers on the wall start shooting flaming torches at the palisade in the trenches. I watch as each arrow burns out each time it reaches its target, some don’t even make it as the harsh winds blow them out. The northenman try to light it with torches but it no use. I walk towards the gate and send out a line of Unsullied to take a stance. The weather gets worse by the second and our exhaustion will soon take over us. The sound of the Unsullied making a passageway catches my attention. Melisandre walks up giving me a quick glance before reaching the trenches. She lifts up her hand and starts chanting in Valaryian.

“Lord of Light, cast your light upon us. Lord of Light, defend us. For the night is dark and full of terrors!” Nothing. The winds keep blowing harder and the undead twice as strong forward. “Lord of Light, cast your light upon us! Lord of Light, defend us! For the night is dark and full of terrors!” Flaming arrows streak down from the ramparts into the darkness beyond the trench. The growls of the undead creep out of the darkness. I run up to help the Unsullied protect her. “Lord of Light, cast your light upon us! Lord of Light, defend us! For the night is dark and full of terrors!” Her chant became louder and in a second the trenches spark into flames. We take a step back watching as the fire consumes the attacking ghoul and those behind it. The trench erupts into a blinding wall of flame, stopping the swarm of undead attackers. They shriek in surprise and pain. For now, Winterfell is protected from the charge. I don’t know how long it has been but I wish it had lasted longer. The undead stood motionless now. One steps calmly forward into the trench falling face first.Then another joins him, and another still. They pile on top of one another at a quickening pace.

“Guard the walls”I pull back, continuing watching as the undead sacrifice themselves, one by one.Other groups of undead tumble into the trench, building other pathways with their bodies. They fall like dominoes until they have spanned the trench. “Man the walls”I scream out a warning again.The first wave of undead forge across the corpse bridge. We move forward to attack. Northernman from inside the walls march out to help with the alarming growing number of undead now crossing the trenches.

“Get behind the wall!” I didn’t turn around until I was running in the same direction as the person pulling me. I look up seeing nothernmen fighting up high in the wall.

“Where is Arya?” Tormund looks around, not being able to find her eithier. I didn’t wait for an answer. I ran along the wall trying to find her and help as much as possible. One after another undead, I come to a corner to see the man they call the Hound. Jon told me about him, and how he helped or tried to help Arya. “Get up! I need you to find Arya!”I stand in alert infront of him making sure the undead doesn’t get to me.

“He's a coward! Afraid of a little fire!” Beric screams over

“Fuck off! We can't beat them. Don't you see that, you stupid whore? We're fighting Death! They can't beat Death” I turn over and see more pileing up into the courtyard.

“Why don’t you tell her that?!” His eyes turn to what I am seeing. Arya rolling down to the ground fighting the undead with such force.

“I found her for you! Now you only have to keep her alive”There is a grunt from his direction but he gets up and makes his way towards her and Beric. I turn over, slashing an undead with my sword. My vision clears off the distance to see Daenerys in the middle of the field. I make my way through the undead but stop in my tracks seeing Jon running into Winterfell. His eyes fell on me and we shared a sigh of relief. He wanted to say something but I shook my head. “Go” I whisper, grasping his hand really quickly before making my way towards Daenerys. Just in time I pulled her away. Drogon flies up shaking the undead who start to mount him. They now turn their direction towards us and charge.

“Let's go!” Jorah takes hold of Daenerys as we try to make our way to safer ground.HE leads her through the burning wreckage of the battlefield outside the walls of Winterfell as I follow close behind. I slash two more until we come to a halt. The undead surrounding us from all sides. I hear a grunt to my side and stab the undead who stabbed Jorah in the side.

“We need to keep going!” I tell them. I look around but there is no end to this. We just have to continue fighting. Jorah takes his stance again. I turn and rage towards the ones coming forward. A slash in my arm causes my sword to fall. I trip over and grab another one on the ground and stab it on the undeads back before turning and slashing another.

“NO!’ Daenerys cries as a sword penetrates Jorahs heart. She takes a sword and stabs the undead in return. I rush over but fall as an undead grabs my ankle. I cut his wrist and gathered myself up. Daenerys cradles Jorah but I have to time to look any longer. I take another sword in my hand and protect them. I gained a slash in my right arm again, one in my shoulder and another in the other arm.

“Y/N!” I turned early enough to slash the undead behind me but not quick enough that blocked him from creating a line across my stomach. The pain became unbearable. My vision was cloudy. Far away I could see the horizon again as the sun kissed the sky. As the undead went down, so did I.

Tags :
1 year ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 12:

When I was able to open my eyes I let out a deep sigh. I checked every limb I had. Stretching them out to verify I was somehow intact. I removed the covers down and noticed my whole chest bandanged up. “You shouldn’t do that” I turned my head to the chair right infront of the fireplace. “The maester said the cuts weren’t too deep. You will have some scarring to remember the battle of Winterfell '' I give her a quick nod before tearing the rest of the covers off. She gets up and helps me with my clothes.

“What are you doing up here?” I can tell she probably hasn’t been elsewhere since her clothes show how hard she fought the white walkers. I usher her away as I finish tying my shirt.

“I put a dagger in the night king” I looked up in shock. Well not shocked that I didn’t think she wasn’t capable but shocked at the fact I was standing infront of the person who ended it all. “Please don’t say what everyone has been telling me. '' She falls back into the bed and closes her eyes.

“I won’t” I laugh a little. The noise outside caught my attention as I moved towards the window,a crowd came to view. My gaze casted down below as the bodies on a funeral pyre were burning. I scan acrossed every emotion in people's faces. Daenerys' sad expression over Jorahs departure but nothing close to the one Sansa had on. The bodies continue to burn as I rip my eyes away from that sight. I grab my coat and open the door to walk out but stop in my tracks. I knelt down and couldn’t help but smile.

“He has been outside the door waiting to come in all day long” His expression turns that of a teenager who's annoyed by their parents. I go back up turning to Arya.

“I'm going out.” She sits up on the bed. Her mouth opens to speak but I shake my head. “I will be alright” I continue on walking until I am out and standing infront of the gates.

“Do you need a horse?” A guard asked but I just shook my head. I look over and see Ghost has followed me since the bedroom. “Open the gates!” The guard backs up and winter winds meet my face. The result of the war still outside these walls causes a halt to my step. My vision starts to get blurry and I forget how to swallow. Nothing will get you ready for this type of battle. A battle where hundreds of people lost their lifes for. Thousands wishing they would survive, and many more knowing that was their last breath. Ghost walks infront of me far enough to give me the courage to continue. Every step a dizzy thought came to mind. I didn’t stop walking until we met with the trees.

“Where I am from the trees never keep the green in winter” We walked through the trees admiring the beauty of simply just being there. “I think it just might be my favorite combination” I whisper to him, settling myself on the ground. The contrast with earth tones such as green and brown made such a view with the white of the snow. Ghost lays down and shuffles to place his head in my lap. “Why are you acting so nice?” I laugh petting his fur coat. “Don’t act so nice, Am supposed to make a fur coat out of you” I continued to run my fingers throught his fur but soon enough I felt my eyelids get heavier. The after noon sun soon became a sunset. Now that the dead are dead for good, we have to deal with Cersei. It all feels like a puzzle, this battle was another piece to it. Yet I can’t pull back and see the full picture, I don’t know what the ending of this will be. “Lets get inside, it's getting colder by the second '' Ghost groans, getting up and shaking the snow off him. “Am tired. How about carrying me back?” I laugh hearing another growl from him only this time his focus was somewhere else. I could see the Winterfell from here but we were still surrounded by trees. His growls got louder and his body was pressed onto me circling around.

“It's just me” Ghost was about to pounce when he saw Jon walking out from behind the trees. I let out a sigh rolling my eyes at his attempt to do whatever he was trying to do.

“Let's go Ghost” He happily turned around and followed me.

“You to are bestfriends now?” His body moved to block my way to Winterfell. I looked down at Ghost who kept on walking ignoring us both.

“No. We just tolerate eachother more now” I looked at Jons face and I have no clue why I began to walk away from him. This is the first time since our interaction in the battle that I can be with him. I move forward wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss. Truth be told this wasn’t a sad or happy kiss, it was a contempt kiss. One that I was happy to take right now. “Hey” I whisper as our heads rest against eachother.

“Hey” I could feel his smile with my eyes closed. After a couple of minutes there were no words spoken after that. Not even as we walked hand and hand into Winterfell. Or when I turn to see him close his bedroom door behind him. Or when his gaze became heavy as it fell with each item of clothing falling to the floor. His kiss was gentle as we made our way to the bed. I smile feeling the warmth radiating from him as he hovers over me. His hands caressed my body and I didn’t think it could get any hotter but when he parted my legs further apart I almost fell apart.

“Jon” I signed. I took hold of his face pulling him up. He knew what I wanted, with just the call of his name he knew I needed him, just him. His eyes never moved away from mine as we both groaned feeling eachother become one again. That alone made my breath act up. Taking deep breath eveytime his rocked his hip forward slow and deep. His lips met mine as he continued going slow. It was torture but it felt amazing. I didn’t need him to do this because of our injurys but it was an unspoken consexual agreement. I wrap my legs around him pulling him closer. A groan escaped my lips still pressed against his. The knot in my stomach was becoming stronger. My fingers dug into his back trying to hold on to something. He applies more pressure to his thrust and just seconds later we are both cumming together. He brushes the hair out of my face. My body twitches underneath him and with a simple push of his hand he holds me still.

“Honey,” He whisper in my ear. He was still inside me and I would be lying if I said I didn’t want him again, but this time a little harder. He pulls me closer to him and he covers us up. My head falls to his chest, still sweaty but I don’t mind. “Why were you out there?”

“I needed the ambience of the cold, needed to take a deep breath-” I needed to distance myself for a while. A yawn overtakes me and I pull myself closer to him. Jon didn’t speak after that, or maybe I fell asleep before he could say anything. I felt contempt at this moment, that was until I was woken up in a hurry. The scratches on the door made it difficult to ignore Ghost.

“Where are you going?” Jon grabs my wrist but I remove it quickly. I grabbed my clothes and placed them on in a hurry.

“Ghost is scratching up the door” I say pointing at the obvious noise. By his reaction I knew it wasn’t typical for Ghost to do so but he was calm maybe hoping it was something that could wait. The sun was still down, perhaps we only slept 4 or 5 hours?. Jon goes to open the door as I finish putting on my shoes.

“What's wrong?” Jon asks outside the door. I get up rushing to him and Ghost's head switches over to me. I remove the piece in his mouth. “What is that?”

“My mothers crown” I placed it inside my bag and grabbed my fur coat. “Show me” I didn’t even take a look back at Jon who was yelling at me to wait for him. I rush behind Ghost. I don’t know how far it was but I know I wanted to get there quickly so I grabbed a horse. I passed through the Dothraki and Unsullied outside. “Malakho!” Him and three other men mounted their horses and followed behind. It was hard to distinguish Ghost and the snow but thankfully the light of the moon helped a bit. “This could be a trap so I need you to stand back” I scream at them and they vanish. I continued to follow Ghost until it was a terrain I could no longer follow him riding a horse. I tripped a couple of times but once we reached a rock wall and the other side there they were. A fire all burned out. “Hey! Don’t” I stand infront of Ghost to block him from my brother's sharp end sword.

“Y/N!” I feel my younger sister's arm wrap around me. “How did you find us?” I ignored her for a bit looking back into the small cave they were in.

“He found mothers crown I think you might have dropped” I pulled it out of my bag and handed it over. She peels off of me, giving me the chance to walk closer into the cave. “Are you okay?” I watch her nod.

“I told her it was too risky to travel in her conditions' ' My brother gace falls to the bundle in her arms.

“We had to leave, it would be more risky to stay with your father” I watch Gemma, now the mother of my nephew lays there. She had given birth on this cold night, with only my brother's help.

“Let's get you somewhere warm” I stand up, giving the Dothraki the signal. I watch Malakho and the three men walk out from the trees. Before I could speak I saw another figure show up.

“You just couldn’t wait for me, huh?” I didn’t have time for this. I know he wasn’t mad yet it bothered me a little.

“We need to get her to Winterfell, she just gave birth and we can’t risk another hour in this cold” I ordered Malakho and with the help of my brother, Gemma and the baby were safely on a horse. “Get them to Winterfell, we will follow close by” Malakho nods and off they go.

“Why are they here?” I shrug and help my younger sister get on the horse.

“Grisill said we needed to leave to give father some privacy to deal with mothers and Joia’s death” I look up, giving her a smile.

“Stella this is Jon” I pointed towards him as she bows at him. “Jon this is my younger sister”

“Nice to meet you princess” He bows his head and at this time it was good to laugh a little.

“Let's go. The faster we get there the faster I get some answers” Jon nods, getting on his horse as I ride with Stella. The sun was beginning to show as we stepped foot inside the walls of Winterfell. I got off my horse and made sure Gemma was being taken well care of before I left to get Stella situated.

“When are we going back? I don’t like the cold” She goes into the bed and I cover her up so she doesn’t feel so cold.

“Soon. I don’t like the cold eitheir but give it a couple days and I am sure you will find something around here you will like”

“Seems like you did” I frown not knowing what she was talking about but once I saw her little smirk I got the hint.

“Oh shut up. You’re 13, you know nothing!” I laugh getting up from the bed. “No get some sleep, you will need it”

Tags :
1 year ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 13:

I rush over to the Maesters' den, opening the door to see Gemma peacefully sleeping. I let out a sigh of relief. I turn to where my brother was and see him carrying his son. “I will be back with some food and to check up on her again in an hour”

“Thank you Maester Wolkan” I wait to hear the door close before walking closer to the two. “I understand if you want to enjoy this mome-”

“I am, but we need to speak about father” He stood up placing his son next to Gemma. “Father has gone rogue. He plans to execute every Dothraki in the city, no matter if they are involved or not with the Dothraki on the other side of the wall.”

“We can’t allow that to happen, we also can’t take him out the throne, our people

wouldn’t understand”

“We have no other choice unless we allow him to move forward and let the people see he has gone mad and then intervene”

“I won’t let innocent people die just to prove a point, not even if it's the easiest route” I care about my people and I am sure they will fight to keep their king but I am not going to let Dothraki die to show them their kings true colors right now. A knock on the door interrupts us.

“We are all meeting in the war room” I turn my direction away from Sansa to my brother.

“I will think about it and let you know” Sansa walks alongside me.

“Is there something wrong in Omnis?” her thoughtful tone almost made me angry. How could he possibly do this? This was his idea. Be a city where everyone is welcome. No stupid rules such as killing for no reason. No heachry as long as the ruler is appointed by the people. No such things as labels. No women was allowed to be known as whores and they would be looked down upon if they had kids with no husband. No child was known as basterd and no men was above anyone unless they earn it.

“I would be lying if I said no. My father is causing a disturbance back home, threatening to kill innocent people” I took her silence as an apology for his actions, like when you feel sorry for someone. “I have to find a way to not let that happen” Sounds so simple yet my head is hurting, aching to find the solution. We walk into the room and I see Missandei,Daenerys,Varys,Greyworm,Tyrion,Jon,Arya,Sansa,Qhono,Sam,Bran,Davos and Brienne all standing around the map table of Westeros. As we all settle Greyworm moves to pick a handful of Winterfell markers.

“Half are gone” I move myself to stand beside him.

“Northmen as well” Jon adds.

“And the Golden Company has arrived in King's Landing, courtesy of the Greyjoy fleet. The balance has grown distressingly even.” We moved a couple more markers away as Varys moved some towards Kings Landing.

“The objective here is to remove Cersei without destroying King's Landing.” Tyrion adds

“Thankfully, she's losing allies by the day. Yara Greyjoy has retaken the Iron Islands in her queen's name. The new Prince of Dorne pledges his support.” Varys responds. All my thoughts fade. I just wanted to close my eyes and fade with them. I could go back to Omnis and take father away from his crown and place Grisill in his place. That will leave me to figure a way around the guards and if they find out about my moves they will just get father back in the throne on his orders. I can’t take the Unsullied or Dothraki to help but maybe I can find people in town to help me. Very few people but we might be able to do it.

“Princess?” I look over to Tyrion who looks worried. “I was saying, if we all are in agreement Jon and Ser Davos will ride down the Kingsroad with the Northern troops and the bulk of the remaining Dothraki and Unsullied.”

“Of course,” I nod. Focusing back on the conversation.

“A smaller group of us will ride to White Harbor, and sail from there to Dragonstone with our queen and her dragons accompanying us from above. Ser Jaime has chosen to remain here, as a guest of the Lady of Winterfell.”

“We have won the Great War. Now we will win the Last War. In all Seven Kingdoms, men will live without fear and cruelty under their rightful queen.” Daenerys has the last word before dismissing everyone as she follows last. I need to speak to her about my plans.

“Y/N, wait” I turn around seeing the Stark siblings looking at me. “I told Arya and Jon about your father”

“I already knew” I ignored Bran’s words and looked back at Sansa. I walk forward trying to figure out a way to tell them.

“I need to go back to Omnius. My father is broken and has threatened to take it out on the people who he thinks caused that.”

“Are you planning to just go alone? Take your father's place?” I shake my head towards Arya.

“I will be leaving the Dothraki and Unsullied under Daenerys' command. I will go back with my brother and place him in the throne if I don’t come to an agreement with my father”

“You are not alone anymore. We can help” Jon walks towards me, taking my hands in his. I can feel the other Strak kids stare but Jons eyes are so intriguing.

“I would have left the second Grisill told me the news but I learned from my mistakes.” I turn to the rest still holding on to Jons hands. “I am not taking anyone else because I don’t want my people and especially my father to feel cornered.”

“We understand, we just wanted to make sure you were aware we were here for anything you may need” I smiled at Sansa’s words.

“Especially since you made our brother here so happy” I looked over to Jon who was probably the same shade of red as I was right now.

“Don’t you have to go practice or something?”

“I am better at the sword and any other tactics then you” A laugh escaped my lip hearing the siblings argue before Sansa walked Arya out and Bran followed soon enough. Our laughs quiet down. His arms embraced me closer and my eyes shut as I felt calm with it only being the two of us.

“Can I ask you for a favor?” Jons pulls back with a shocked expression in his face.

“The princess is asking for a favor? Must be important” he laughs as I only roll my eyes, setting my head to lead against his chest.

“Can Stella, Emma, and my nephew stay here?” He hummed a yes. “Also. can you promise me no matter what, we will see eachother again?”

“I promise” His hands move up to take hold of my face and he gives me a quick kiss. “Can I tell you something?”

“No” I say planly, but I couldn’t hold in the laugh when I saw his face of disappointment. “Am messing with you” I give him a quick kiss. “I will never stop wanting to hear your voice”

“After this war is over it's just going to be you and I”

“Yeahhh” I say with a smile.

“And then we can go anywhere we want” I lifted my brow unsure of where he was getting at. “For as long as you will take me, I will follow wherever you want to go” I know those words can make any person swoon over the person they love and they did, but I soon felt sadness over them.

“I will be more than happy” I remove his hands from my face and cradle them with mine. “As long as I know you are happy” He looked at me confused. “This is a two person relation, I want you to be happy too, whenever or wherever we go”

“I don’t know where I want to go, I just know it includes you” I laugh

“Well we are in the same boat then buddy, because I don’t know where life is pulling me” I focus on his eyes. “But I am with you, all I want is for it to be always you and I”

“You and I” He whispers. I thought this was a kissing moment but he pulled back. I watch as his fidgets with his hands before taking my hand and walking out the door.

“Jon!” His eyes were focused on his destination. We run through unknown halls, atleast for me until I can finally catch my breath. We stop infront of a red leave tree. The surrounding area was white due to the snow. A small lake was standing a few feet away from the big tree in the middle of it all. “Jon” I caustionlly walk closer to him and he turns to face me. He takes my hands and knels in one knee.

“I was going to do it in that room right there and then but I knew you needed something more special” I look around and somehow with the snow falling from the sky, this has become my favorite place. “I want everything. No matter the place or the time. If it's hot or cold. If we hate eachother or not. As long as it's you and I.” oh. I look down and my insides are panicking.

“Will you marry me?” I don’t know what the world has for us. If the gods he prays too listen to him and make this happen. Or the god I pray to at times has given me this to take care of. Maybe it's a big joke from both of them and maybe they are just waiting to catch us off guard to take it all away. It's too good to be true. Oh how fast this man has come into my life and changed it forever. No matter the reason or result he was right, it's just him and I and that is what I want.


Tags :
1 year ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 14:

After the eventful morning I spent the rest of the day with Stella. “I'm hungry!” she pouted.

“Seriously?” I questioned her. We were on the way to get dinner served and she was whining. I shake my head at her walking a little faster than her.

“Hey! Until I get food in my system you know i'm cranky” I roll my eyes. We take a seat at one of many tables in the room. The food is beautifully presented but I can’t get myself to touch anything.

“I need to take care of something, I will be right back” I didn’t wait for a response as I got up and started to walk towards Daenerys. “I need to have a word with you” She looks up from her seat as everyone else in the long table with her, including Jon.

“Can it wait? We are celebrating.” She stands up with a smile. “We are on our way at first light to take over the seven kingdoms and put an end to Cersei’s reign” The few Dothraki and Unsullied together with northernmen screamed out in celebration. “Once this war is over there will be peace in the lands once again!” I knew I could wait until the end of dinner but that was when I was departing. The boat was ready and Grisill was already waiting for me. I turn and make my way to Stella.

“Are you going to wait?” I shake my head. I already gave the orders to Greyworm. I got Gemma, Stella and the baby situated. It doesn’t matter at the end of the day what Daenerys says, she can be happy or sad about my departure but it isn’t going to change the fact that I am leaving and not helping her with the war against Cersei.

“Princess?” I look to my left and see Jon sitting next to me. He took hold of my hand underneath the table.

“What do we owe the honor of you at our table, your grace?”

“Well since we are to be we-” I cover up his mouth before removing my hands in seconds. At first we didn’t try to keep us a secret but it was an unspoken rule to lay low. Now we don’t care much about the audience and who knows about us but I can’t let his tongue slip out infront of Stella just yet.

“I apologise, your grace.” I point my eyes towards my sister hoping he gets the hint on what I am thinking.

“Ways. Since we are to be ways aparts,-” His eyes were searching for words and his long pause didn’t help his case.

“I understand” I repond. “I know my family will be safe in Winterfell” I go back to my meal not directing any more attention to Jon or Stella.

“Y/N” oh thank you. I turned around relieved someone was going to get me out of this awkward conversation. I stand up following Grisill out to the hall and find Bran there too. “Father has captured most of the Dothraki in Omnius and is planning to move across the wall once he has captured all '' No thank you. I prefer being stuck in the middle of Jon and Stella than to deal with this.

“It's true. You two need to leave as soon as possible.” I give a nod towards Grisill and he moves to get into the ship. “Y/N '' I look over to Bran who comes closer “Stay safe” I could see his mind circling through his eyes. “Um, just be safe, extra safe” I give him a simple smile before rushing back into the room. I hug Stella from behind and give her a kiss on the cheek.

“I will be back before you know it. Keep Gemma and the baby safe” She wraps her arms around mine.

“Of course, out of us two I was always the better fighter” I roll my eyes moving to sit next to Jon but having my back face the rest.

“My father is causing and planning to do more damage in the next few days, I need to leave now” I look up meeting his eyes. “Just you and I?” I whisper.

“You and I” I smile, grabbing his face and pulling him closer.

“I love you” I pulled him in for our last kiss in a long time. I wasn’t scared to show that I cared for this man, because no amount of affection or words can come close to demonstrating the love I have for him. I get up and take a look around the room. Greyworm, Sansa, Arya and even Missandei gave me a nod knowing where I was off too. Daenerys, Torion, Varys, and the rest have a confused look on their faces but I have no time to explain. I give them all a sincier smile before exiting and rushing out the gates. The land disappeared faster than I would have wanted but it meant that I was miles closer to home.

“They are going to be okay” I look over my shoulder and see my brother walking closer. I know they were going to be safe, I just can’t help but worry. “Stella, Gemma and the baby have Winterfell looking out for them.” I look over and he has a smile on his face.

“Aren’t you worried? You just met them a few hours ago” He shurggs turning around to lean against the ships rails.

“Of course I am. But I know you trust them so I know I can trust them too” I nod my head looking over to the direction winterfell is. “I also know he will be okay too” I roll my eyes, turning my head the opposite direction. “I mean come on! Did you hear he survived those things” he paused for a minute. “White walkers? He survived wars with every odd against him, hell he survived death itself” He moves closer to whisper in my ear “He survived you” I push him off and hear his laugh as I walk away to my cabin.

“Get some rest. We have a long way to go!” I close the door, throwing myself on the bed. I close my eyes and let the sleep engulf me. It was the only thing I could do that would allow myself to stop thinking about everything. About Stella, she hates strange places. Gemma and the baby, it must be hard for her to be far away from Gris. I know she has done it before but I'm guessing it's nothing easy to do everytime. I worry about the Starks. Yes Jon has beat every thing coming towards him even death, but that doesn’t mean it will happen again.

“I will go in and I will have someone come find you.” That is a horrible plan but I only gave him a nod. He scurries away in broad daylight passing by the guards walking around the streets of people. There is no way I am standing here and allowing him to go alone. If my gut is right, which it always is, all the people in that castle have bid their loyalty to my father. I follow close behind and try to avoid guards or any other person to see me under my cloak. I got rid of my winter clothes on the ship and switched over to the silk clothes we wear on hot days. Every inch of the castle was surrounded by guards. I watch as Gris gets closer and is captured by two men. They yap a couple minutes before bringing him in. I could use the tunnels that reach the stables but from then you have to pass the armoury. I rush up to the top of a building. You can see the center hall but not the back. I could try to climb the walls but the archers would be able to see me. I catch movement on the outside balcony of the castle, I continue to watch many guards going into a room. I know that room. I rush down the steps and on my way to the tunnels but before I reach the doors I get tackled onto the grounds.

“Shh!” I struggle to be released but I soon stop fighting and allow the person to guide me backwards around the corner. Some guards search around for the noise but after a minute they walk away.

“I saw your brother and I knew you would be close by if he walked through those gates alone” I looked up annoyed. “Oh right” He lets go. “Sorry” I dust myself off and I look around. “Everyone has new orders to go searching for you. The tunnels are guarded” Fuck.

“Do you know another way in?”

“Yes, follow me” The tunnels were hidden on the side of the castle. Many would not stop to look at the tunnels since it seemed like an abandoned building, broken down and dusty, but if you walk far enough and take the right turn you will end up straight in the castle walls. “Not that I have done this before or anything but you can use the servant entrance” I watch him pull out some clothes from his bag. “You are going to have to change. Those clothes will give you straight away.” As we continue to walk I start to change the clothes.

“How do you know my brother?”

“On my rounds I met him. He is the reason I don’t use this entrance anymore” Of course. My brother always wants to help everyone. “I help him escape weeks ago”

“Has it gotten worse since he left?” He stays silent and only nods. We walk up to the woods close enough to see a river flowing straight into the castle. How could I forget this place? I used to spend my time here with my mother, she always said my life couldn’t be surrounded by gold and silver, we needed to get our hands dirty once in a while.

“I will create a distraction and you will join the servants at the river.” I give him a nod. He walks out the woods acting like a drunk. The two guards at the entrance of the river rush to get a hold of him as I rush to stand close to the servants.

“Princess Y/N?” I look to my right and see a familiar maid who was always around me.

“Ida” I smile, grabbing a basket of clothes. “I need to get inside the walls” She nods. She motions for me to follow and I do. We walk directly inside.

“With all the respect, your grace but are you here to free us from your father?” I nod my head finally able to let out the breath I was holding.

“Yes Ida.” I look around and I don’t recongnize the room. It's mostly empty and cold. “I need to get to the cells''

“Oh I can take you!” She said a little to hyped up. I shake my head no. I can’t have her close to me just in case they catch me.

“I can’t put you in harms way”

“Ok well, you can take this hall all the way down until you get to the stairs, then” Then? Then there was darkness. I was so fixed on looking at the door that led to the hall that I didn’t take care of my surroundings. The last thing I could feel was my body hitting the cold floor. The second I open my eyes I could see the ceiling passing by while I started struggling to release my arms and legs.

“Let me go!” The pounding in my head got worse but that didn’t matter, I needed to be set free. I focused on the guard's face but they were none of who I remember in the castle.

“His grace is waiting for you” I crunched up enough to see the guards to the front open a door. “You’re late Princess”

Tags :
1 year ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 15:

I could feel my father’s stare on me from the moment I passed through the doors. The guards placed me and tied me up to the chair right beside Gris. He looked badly beaten up. Once the guards moved I could finally see my fathers face again. Some of his right hand men were beside him. The room was some kind of dungeon except there were windows and we were certainly on the main floor of the castle. I stared directly into my father's eyes trying to get anything out of him, he seemed lost. His beard has grown longer than before. His eyes filled with sadness and pain. A cane present on the hand that never needed one before. He was young but now he could pass as a Walker. He scoffs, directing his eyes away from mine and begins to walk out. “Can’t even stand there and look into my eyes to tell me what the hell you have become?!” I didn’t want to be the first one to talk but he left me no choice. He was going to just walk out? Leave me and his son tied up in a chair while he seems half dead? “The man I admire the most” A lump stuck in my throat but I continued. “The man who taught me everything I know” My mouth is so dry. “The man who built a place people years ago couldn’t imagine just-”

“I AM NOT THAT MAN ANYMORE!” His loud voice pushed me back in my seat. The fire in his eyes got bigger but I knew I couldn’t stop there. He was either going to burn himself down or this whole kingdom down, but I wasn’t going to let either go down. “They took that from me!” I shake my head. The Dothraki did something terrible yes but nothing like he is doing right now. “She made me a better person and you!” he paused, taking a hold of his chest. “You, the one who was supposed to stay here, the one who swore to protect them left!”

“You can’t hold that against me! You taught me to do what I most desire and that's what I did! I got out of here!”

“AND NOW YOUR MOTHER AND SISTER ARE DEAD!” I shake my head. It wasn’t my fault. He is hurt and in pain but it wasn’t my fault. I feel his rough hand grab my chin to look up at him. “You can tell yourself anything you want but It is all your fault. If you hadn’t intervened to save your so-called queen they would have respected the treaty. They wouldn’t have attacked and your mother and sister would be alive” He pushes me away harshly. The tears sting my eyes wanting to be let out.

“What they were doing was wrong and you know that. You know I had a right to fulfill in Dothraki. I don’t regret what I did” He struts to me, landing a hand on my cheek and then the other.

“You had an obligation here! You always had and never did you take such pleasure in fulfilling that obligation like you did for the Dothraki” I look up not fazed by his words. He always knew I was no one to fill his shoes. He told me to run and do what I wanted as long as I always came back to see them. To not live an unhappy life doing things just because people expect things from me. To never promise when in my heart there was an obvious choice. “You never stepped up to accept your responsibility or own up to it. You always did what you liked and never apologized for your actions. Those are some things you never took up from your mother”

“I am not her!” That one stinged. “I was never and will never be her. No matter how many times people say I am her. No matter if all I did was follow her around until the day I left. I WILL NEVER BE HER. As for me being selfish you are so wrong. All I ever did was try to make you happy. Maybe I wasn’t as happy about it but I was there. I was there going to consuels with you. Taking a trip to the people to hear their complaints. I took a class about what every ruler should know. I STEPPED UP!. I didn’t want to but I was there. I never did one thing from me until I left. I know I had my doubts but up until the point I got the news about Drogo and you told me to follow what I believe in. That it was finally my time to live. I thought you were okay with it, because until then I was going to accept the crown. For you and for everyone, I was doing it for everyone else but me! So who is the selfish one?” He comes closer taking out his knife and slowly running it down my face.

“You will never be her. You will never suffice anyone. No matter what words you try to use to explain yourself you know deep down you will never be good enough for nothing” My eyes stare blankly at him as the blade continues to trace down until it reaches the end. With that he stands up straight and walks out as do the rest of the people in the room. When the door closed I rapidly tried to wake Gris up. “Come on, we need to get out of here!” I whisper yell knowing there were guards outside the door. Damnit. The rope around my wrist was painful but I pulled and pulled until I finally released myself. I drained my body from most of my energy. My bones ached and my eyelids felt heavier than it ever did before. I look out the window and see the sun coming down. I hurry to untie my legs and continue on with Gris but stop mid untying. He can barely move, he is better off staying here. I look around only to see a torch. I guess that has to work. “Can I get some water?!” I hid behind the door and as the first one came in I knocked him out and that the other one out with a hit in the throat. I tie their hands together and gag them before continuing down the hall. It was a secluded hall. A hall we were not welcomed to go into and now I can see why. I make my way down to the cells and see an image I wish to erase from my memory. Dothraki all piled up. The smell came from some who were surrounded by their own blood.

“Princess” One says in their tongue. I turn over, nodding my head. I hurriedly opened up the cells so let them out.

“We need to free the rest and then get out of here” This night can go any which way. I just hope whatever happens, we do the right thing. I watched the Dothraki unlock the rest until there was no cell left locked. “We will take the night to our advantage. We work better with our hands anyways” I speak to them at the bottom of the stairs. “There are guards everywhere guarding every inch of this castle. There are more cells and I will take a group to free the rest of our people and for the rest, you will take care of every guard” I motioned them to follow.

“My name is Iter” A dothraki beside me whispers. “I heard many things about the Drogo Princess”

“Call me Y/N” I smile towards him while avoiding any guards. We get to the cells below and I send men to unlock the cells and to tell them my orders.

“Is it true we traveled the sea?” He was young. Not an adult young, he was still a child. Dothraki grew big and tall and it was hard to tell the different in ages but the way he spoke so unexpericence, he hads to still be child.

“Yes” Calmly I continued along most of the cells without coming in contact with a guard or two. Most of them stayed outside the doors but by using the walls we could get in and out. We used the walls to continue our way to gather weapons. Gris was brough out and once I knew he was out of harm's way we stood outside the gate of the castle. Dothaki men, women and children stood beside me.

“We stand with you Drogo Princess. Lady of the Night. Our Khalessi” I look over to the man beside me. His name was Rohno. I don’t deserve any of those names.

“Y/N” He looked unfazed. He stood up straight looking at the motions on the gates walls. I look over and by the figure thanks to the many nights I sneaked arounded in the castle unable to sleep I can tell it was my father.

“You can try to run but I will continue to chase until all of you are dead!” He screamed from ontop of the walls.

“You got us mistaken, father! We are not running away, we are here to fight!” The Dothraki starts screaming. “Unless you want to talk it through and agree to stop all this tyranny” It hurt my heart to let those words out to my father. The man I once looked up to. I know he is hurting and needs help but he isn’t allowing us to do that. His pain has created a dark hole in him and is trying to fix it with killing innocent people. Not all were Dothraki in the field. They were our people too. People from Omnis.

“I am doing what is right. I was blind a long time ago to think these people could live in peace. It caused me the greatest pain and I am not going to allow them to cause anymore. Call it whatever you want but I will never again rule in peace as long as they are still alive!”

“They are not the problem. They were following their leader, one who they swore their loyalty to!. Sounds familiar? He was the problem, not all of them” I pointed at the Dothraki behind me.

“You are so naive!” I see his figure move away. I look up around as the archers take their stand. “I will avenge your death, my daughter!” I hear his faint voice but I can no longer see him.

“We will stand by you,” Rohno says. The only noise other than our quicken breath is the string in the bows.

“Fire!” I close my eyes, holding my breath.

“We need to move” I open my eyes. I nod, taking hold of my sword and rushing forward. I missed the arrows and now we are running towards the food. Dothraki are screaming behind me, ready to fight for their freedom. We make noise on the door and they open. Not because my father felt kind enough to but because I left men inside for this moment. The doors open and we are met by guards, not enough. I look over and make my way towards the stairs. I need to find my father.

“I want him alive, no one kills him,” Rohno nods, rushing up ahead. I avoid a sword to my head, kneel down and stash it in the guards stomach. The Dothraki moves most of the guards out of the way as my vision is just focused on catching my father. Once the crowd that covered him is cleared he just stands there. No weapon. Not even his cane in hand. His fierce eyes only looked at me.

“You wouldn’t kill me.” He laughs, turning around to walk away. I take out the knife in my belt and throw it towards him. “Oh!” he screams, falling to the ground. He twisted his leg, taking out the knife and throwing it out the way.

“You’re right, I would never. I love you too much”

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1 year ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 16:

“Have you seen him?” I shake my head. Gris was seated on the patio of the balcony. Millions of things are floating in my head unable to take their place. Gris doesn’t want the crown. Father is unable to hold the crown. The people wouldn’t want him or trust him in that position again. The guards are mostly on our side but they still need a ruler. I can’t force Gris to stay here. I need to figure out the correct person to take charge. I need to figure out what to do with my father. I need to go back and get Stella, Gemma and the baby. Where is Stella going to stay? I flinch feeling an arm around my shoulders. “Everything will fall into place, don’t stress your head too much” He pulls away with a smile. “It's already big enough, we don’t want it to explode” I push him off further away.

“Okay. Lets see if you are right” I walked out not even knowing where my legs were taking me. But I can tell you with each step I took breathing was harder. The stone hallways were cold and dark no matter the torches. I came to an end and turned left. A hold in my steps. “What piece of the puzzle are you supposed to fill?” No matter if I was about to break down to my knees, seeing those eyes did give me some hope. “Isn’t it too hot for you here?” I reach to him and kneel down to wrap him up in my arms.


“Ghost!” Gris stops with his hands in the air as Ghost takes a protective stand. “He's okay” I slid my hand against his fur. He scoffs at my brother before turning to back up.

“What is it doing all the way here?” I am asking myself the same question. There is no way Jon is here.

“I don’t know how but I know what I need to do” I continue my walk to the main floor. “Iter” The Dothraki turns around to face me. The rest of the dothraki that stayed were on his orders. “We need to talk” I led him to the map room. “I know our actions weren’t pleasant-” he stood up holding out his hand to stop talking. I don’t take it as a disrespectful gesture as most dothraki don’t eithier.

“I will respect the treaty that has held us together for years. You freed us, as long as we don’t attack eachother there is no need for a war to continue” I smile.

“Very well. You are free to go”

“May life continue Princess” The guard opened the door and closed it behind him.

“I see you got comfortable” I laugh seeing Ghost with silk covering his fur. The warm weather would have killed him if he stayed any longer with protection. “Let's go take care of the rest before anyone gets more ideas” He lazly ets up following me out.

“Your grace” a guard comes up. “People have packed up outside the gates” His eyes were filled with worry.

“Let them in” He seemed unsure but he continued his orders. I walk up to the balcony and see the gates open. Loud with chatter they come up filling the main floor. “I know you all have questions!” I scream but they continue on speaking. “SILENCE!” The hold on the rail became stronger. “I know you all have questions and I will not be able to answer every single one!” I could hear groans. “The King will not take the throne. The Dothraki are to always be welcome. I can’t not bring the injustice to nothing but I will do everything and continue to try to make it right to everyone in the city. I know it's not much but with my actions I hope to become the leader you need and want.” The crowd was silent. Many looking at eachother for answers and others not moving their eyes away from my stand.

“MAY LIFE CONTINUE!” Once one started the rest followed. “MAY LIFE CONTINUE!” They Chatted “MAY LIFE CONTINUE OUR QUEEN!” I felt a sting in my heart but a smile on my face. “OUR QUEEN!” This is the right thing to do. I step away from their eyes.

“Get a ship ready for a month long trip” The guard nods.

“Yes your grace” He bows and leaves.

“Sister!” I stopped abruptly infront of the door as it was pulled open. “I heard congratulations are in order” I shake my head and continue to walk.

“No. Since you are up and walking just fine I need you to sail” I look over to the guards following. “Tell all the council a meeting will be held immediately in the round room”

“Yes your grace”

“Going to dismiss all of them” I roll my eyes at his comment. It is true and not well hidden that I hate the council but politically speaking they have kept Omnis running smoothly until father gave them the impression of power is everything.

“If it comes to it, I will” I move into the stables and see horses being prepared. “Father has truly strong ideas but not the right ones. If they still stand with him I will have no choice but to see them out”

“Can’t they wait until I see what things you do to them?” He takes hold of the reins.

“I need you to bring them home. If they lost the fight, Winterfell is not safe for them.”

“I know you have responsibilities now but don’t you think you need to be there too?” I shake my head.

“This is what I need to do now. It breaks me to not go or not being there to see the result but I know my place now and its here. I feel like if I don’t finish this first I will never know what is next”

“I think you have always known what is next. You know deep down what you want but you have so many things holding you back, you just don’t want to disappoint anyone” He climbed onto his horse.

“I am a very patient person brother”

“Life doesn’t wait for anyone sister” I laugh nodding my head but not in agreement.

“I am not asking life to wait” I bid him goodbyes and safe travels and see him off. Riders behind him I walk back into the castle.

“They are all ready, your grace” The guard opens the door and I see the 3 counselors

standing up as I walk around the table.

“Please sit. Counselor Ols, Counselor Green, and Counselor Crone thank you all for coming in a sharp matter of time”

“Well when a princess calls you must come at command” I gave Ols a gentle laugh although his comment was unnecessary. Yes I have not been crowned and I don’t demand a change of name but I know the only reason he does not refer to me as queen is because he never liked the idea of me. Women to him are just property. He has been longer on my fathers side. He is a character but his advice is one of the most that has pushed us forward.

“You must have important things at hand, let's not prolong this meeting” Although his words cut Ols off and his death stare towards me was trying to be hidden by a weak smile I know he was the one who least hated me and what I did. He was a reasonable man. A man who rolled with the flow.

“Yes. I am quite curious as to why this meeting is being held is such quick notice” Crone was the least miserable of the three. He reminded me so much of my father. Hiding his sadness behind all that fake happiness. Yet I know although the outside world wasn’t aware his life was full of disappointments, we knew the truth.

“Yes of course. Questions will be answered at their given time. Let's make this quick. You all know what my father's plans were. I tried to be reasonable to a man who was in pain but he took no look at my reasons. I am not condoning or agreeing but I understand why he did what he did.” I sit down on what used to be my fathers chair. “Point being, my father will not continue on the throne. I have addressed the people of Omnis and upon their approval I will rule. Dothraki and the set agreement is still in place.”

“They will-” I cut counselor Crone off

“There is no but in that statement. I thank your years of counseling but this will be the way of things until I ask for your opinion. I dare no disrespect but if you choose to leave that is up to you.” Crone sits down. “Questions?” They look between eachother before setting on Green.

“What will happen to your father?”

“He is to stay under watchfull eyes until told otherwise. If you choose an audience that will kindly be provided.”

“Your plan is to stay on the throne but what about the people who vote on pureblood?” he stood his ground. But I knew his tension wasn’t about hatred towards me but truly towards what could happen in the following weeks.

“I will make it clear that I am not here to stay. Never was my aim. At this time Grisill is traveling to return Stella to Omnis. She will shadow me as I did father. She is the true heir to the throne and once she is ready I will step back.”

“What happens if she isn’t voted?” Ols adds.

“We will do what has been done before father. Place the crown on the one who has. Counselor Green.” I turned back to him. “Make arrangements to have me presented on each end. I must visit each land to make sure my words get across with understanding”

“A coronation has always been enough”

“There will be no coronation. The title doesn’t belong to me, I am merely stepping in the short term.”

“Very well” Green stands and so does the other two. “I will stop by once everything is organized.Can I add something to this?” I look up at him and nod. “I spoke to your mother about this once. She always hoped you would sit on the throne and be crowned infront of Omnis. You came up, very young and stood your ground. Said you only wanted to be happy” I don’t remember. “The only way you could be happy is with them. She asked if you cared about her happiness and proceeded to say that she would be the happiest if one day you were crowned queen.” Green turned his whole body over to me and walked closer. “Something died in you that day. At the age of 6 and with a smile on your face you turned around and walked away. Following your father since that day I always knew that little girl would never come back. You were a mold.” My eyes started to sting but I knew I could never show it. He stood up straight and with a sigh he said, “I guess I was wrong. That little girl kept fighting, maybe that's what your father saw in you, even when you plead that you will never be ready. He taught you the best of him and you inherited what he loved in your mother.” I stood up as the guard opened up the doors and they walked out, but there was no time to stop and think my legs ran out as soon as I heard a howl. I look around following the noise. Grabbed the closet horse and rode towards the wood. I could distigusih Ghost fur through the browns, greens and all the summer colors around us.

“Ghost” In the middle of everything he stops. I mount off and run towards him.


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1 year ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 17:

Ghost lays down probably over the whole situation. While my hands were shaking and my head spinning I tried to open my mouth. “My Queen, you need us to arrest this man?” I look back and there were 2 guardsmen there.

“No. Leave us, go back to the castle”

“Yes your grace” My gaze fell to the ground. I took a deep breath breaking down in my minute what I needed to get out before anything else happened.

“Queen?” I turn to him and give him a small shrug.

“Not officially. Just filling in until Stella is old enough.” I walk closer to him. He was close enough that I could feel the warmth radiating from him even in the summer weather. He had gotten rid of his fur but the leather armour is still on. “Or maybe if someone kills me” I let out a chuckle which only covered the tears that were threatening to come out. “Some people will fight it” How can anxiety fill me up so quickly? “ I know for a fact one of the council members will” That's when I feel his hand on my chin and he lifts it up so we are looking eye to eye. “I don’t want any of this and I don’t know what I am trying to prove anymore” Looking into his brown eyes only made me feel vulnerable in his presence. I look away but am pulled back to him.

“You don’t need to have all the answers, just a goal.”

“But what goal is that? Place Stella in the throne? Give Omnis the ruler they deserve? Give into every request to make them happy? You know they want to sentence my father to death?! I can’t do that. I can’t stand infront of everyone especially Gris and Stella and pretend I know what I am doing because I don’t!” My heart was speeding up.

“You are a natural leader. I know it can be sufficating but you have to remember who you are doing this for.” Then it hit me. His words and what Bran told me the day I left. I hadn’t gotten the chance to stop and think about it but the signs were there. It has been a month and nothing. “If anyone can deal under pressure is you” I took a second to just look at him. He was here. How was he here? Well I have an idea on how but, how? And why? What happened at Kings Landing? “Can you get out of that little head of yours?” I playfully hit his chest.

“Shut up. I didn’t know what I want to know first” One hand drops down and wraps around me to pull us closer.

“You know what I want to know?” The other hand moves my hair away and pulls my face closer. “Did you miss me?” I stare blankly at his grin. Of course I missed him. I thought about him all night and day. Whether he had survived Cersei. I know for a fact he would have told Daenerys about his true heritage and she probably didn’t take it lightly. I wished and prayed for him to be saafe and in no harm's way. Hoped for the day I will see him again. Hold him again “Am just going to kiss you already” And what a kiss it was. My arms finally wrapped around him. A part of me was scared that if I touched him he might not have been real. Maybe a part of my imagination. But he was truly here. His lips moved in sync with mine. I tangled my hands in his hair. “So you did miss me?” I roll my eyes pulling backwards towards the trees.

“Can you just kiss me again?” I didn’t wait for an answer and pulled him in. My back hits the tree and a moan leaves my mouth. His lips move over my jaw and down my neck. “It's hot. I think you should get rid of all this leather”

“I agree, it's hot even for this silk” I looked down and my knees buckled seeing the sight of his hand wrapping my clothing in his fist pulling on it.

“I agree.” He pulls me up straight as I gain the strength back on my legs. I pull the clips out and his armour falls. The cotten white undershirt caused another issue for me. I caress his chest slowly untying it. I felt his quicken heart and my movement stopped. “Jon” he picks up his head to look at me. His smile dropped at my whisper tone. “Its no you and I anymore”

“What?” A smile appeared on my face. It was probably a bad time to bring it up but I needed him to know. What if he has other feelings about it? I want to be able to walk away with nothing but his loving memory in Westoros. I wouldn’t bear losing him after I lose myself with him again.

“I’m pregnant” I looked into his eyes for any sign of life but no emotion was there. I realize he wasn’t looking at me but a haze was probably blocking his eyes. I ignored every question and doubt to fill my thoughts. I needed to give him some time to think. I ball my hand and move it away.

“No” He catches my wrist. Pulling my hand gently so it finds his shoulder just like the other and as soon as he lets go he pulls me closer into a hug. “Bran told me to come find you” I hear him whisper. “I wanted to give you time and let time bring us together. Daenerys attacked King's Landing. She did the thing she said she wouldn’t become.” He pulls away, grabbing my cheeks with both hands. “I knew if she was still here she wouldn’t stop fighting for the throne” I gasped. Daenerys is dead?. “I accepted whatever came after my actions. Bran became the protector of the six kingdoms. Sansa, Queen of Winterfell. For my action they exile me to the wall, per the request of the unsullied. Arya brought me over to begin her travels”

“Hey” It was my turn to get his attention. “I know your actions had their reasons. I know it wasn’t something you wanted on your hands”

“I gave my word” His eyes moved down to my stomach. “I must travel to the wall. I know I can wait for you but now,” He looks up to me again “I love you and now Its not longer you and I”

“Everything is going to be okay. We don’t need to have all the answers right now” I smile taking a hold of his hands. “Let's go and get some food for you and figure everything out. It's still you and I, this little person is just going to have to step aside for a bit” He chuckles.

“Hey” He pulls me back holding on to my hand. “Don’t get lost in that mind of yours. This is nothing to think about with this. It's still us” He places both hands on my stomach. “This is us. You and I”

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1 year ago


Chapter 17 is the last part of the story. I will be making cut ends on the stories here and there. You are more than welcome to send me ideas on what you want to see from these characters. Its not my best work but hopefully it will get better as I start writing more. 

Thank you to all the people who have enjoyed it and I hope you continue to read my writing. 

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