22. I aim to write stories that anybody can see themselves in.
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Lolitastories - Lola - Tumblr Blog

Chapter 19
I can feel it in my bones that it was too early. It should be illegal to wake up this early. Those animals out there should have a shut off button or atleast be gracicious enough to let me sleep until the afternoon. “Javi?” I looked over hoping to snuggle into him for some warmth but his side of the bed was cold. The bathroom door is wide open with the lights turned off. I look over to the balcony and find him leaning against the railings and of course, with a cigarette in hand. I get up throwing on my clothes quickly on knowing it was colder in the mornings. “Have you ever tried quitting?” He turns with a smile and a shake of his head follows.
“Goodmorning sunshine” He pulls me against him giving me a side hug. I snuggle up against him, wrapping my arms around his waist. “Does it bother you?” He simply asks after placing a kiss on my head.
“Yes. It's a love and hate thing. Everytime I smell it, it reminds me of my father or the fairs in my childhood” It probably wasn’t good inhaling or loving the smell but whatever. “He never smoked infront of us but the smell always lingered, even after a shower” I feel Javiers tighten. “Although I wouldn’t see it I knew he would smoke atleast 2 everyday and so sometimes hearing my mother argue about how it wasn’t good for your health well,” That meant I could have a short time with my father. “I couldn’t say anything to him, thankfully he is still alive and well” I didn’t see Javier dispose of the cigarette but I knew he didn’t have it in hand when both hands moved to cup my face.
“This will be my last one” He places a small kiss on my lips.
“Javier I didn’t-”
“I know” He gives me another kiss. I couldn’t help but smile a bit. “Mi princesa shouldn’t have to ask” I roll my eyes with a laugh.
“That's so stupid” I hit his chest jokenly.
“It's not stupid” He pulls me closer to my face. “Either way I was planning to quit” His face inches closer, hovering over mine. “You were my incentive”
“Yeah?” I whisper, holding on to his shirt.
“Mhm” He nods. We probably looked stupid with a grin on our face looking at eachother in such a way.
“How about we play a game” I pull my face an inch away so I don’t get tempted to just give into those brown puppy dog eyes. I move my hands and down his chest.
“Listening” He smiles.
“If I smell a cigarette on you,” I pause as one hand makes its way under his shirt. “If I see you with one,” The other hand moves under. “If I see you near one,” I unbuckle his belt. His grasp on my face loosened. “If I hear you snuck one,” His belt loose and his zipper down I sneak my hand in.
“Fuck” He hissed. His head falls against my shoulder. His body twisted a bit to cover my actions from who? I don’t know, it was an empty field with animals. My hand starts to tease his tip already spilling with precum. His hand grip my hips pulling me closer.
“No more fun time” He quiets his moan as my grip lowers. “No more kisses” His whines sounded like he was a teenager getting touched for the first time. Like he didn’t wet his dick less than 12 hours ago. “But if you hold out” My hands come out and I lick my palm going straight back to give him attention.
“y/n” His voice low, barely above a whisper. I cradle his head with my other hand, playing with his hair in the process. My hands moving with speed his pants allowed me to, but it seemed to be enough for Javier.
“You don’t even have to ask for my promission” He grunts. His grip on my hips trying to crush me. I knew I was teasing him but I wasn’t joking. I would allow Javier to do unimaginable things to me whenever he wanted to but that's because I trust him and he would never do anything I wouldn’t be okay with. My hands speed up. His pants against my ear.
“I don’t want to cum in my jeans like a 14 year old kid” He kisses my neck. “I want to know what your tongue feels like choking on my cock” He made my knees buckle in 2 seconds. He continued to kiss me but his breath got caught when I felt him twitch in my hand. “No wait” He groans. I smile, pulling him into a kiss. He desperately held on to me, pouring all his noises into my mouth.
“Javier?” Our bodies move away in a hurry. Thankfully like I said, his body covered our actions. If people were looking up to the balcony they would see just two people kissing with their hands wrapped around eachother. I hear Javier clear his throat and I could start feeling my cheeks turn red. I look over and see an older guy.
“Goodmorning Pops” Javiers looks over to me and smiles. “This is y/n” He says softly. I wave over.
“Nice to meet you” A big smile appears on his face from down below.
“Canijo” The older gentleman whispers, shaking his head. “Nice to meet you mija” He sends a smile before looking over to Javier. “You and I will have a talk later, I taught you better than this” I look over seeing Javier with slump shoulders. “Come have breakfast” He smiled at both of us. “It's his teenage years all over again” It seemed he wanted to keep that to himself as he made his way into the house but we heard that. I turn to look at Javier whose smile disappeared.
“Do you think we have 5 minutes?” I look up hopeful, which I respond with an eyeroll and walk into his room again. “Come on! I am going to die if-” I shook my head and decided to cut him off.
“So what did he mean by, his teenage years all over again?. Were you the one who sneaked girls into his room and paraded them in the mornings?” I was praying for a no. When I didn’t hear an answer I turned to look over at Javier. I raised my brows seeing him only staring back at me.
“Are you jealous?” Of course he would try to turn the conversation to favor him. I roll my eyes once more and turn to finish looking presentable.
“That was years ago, unless you plan on sneaking another girl here-” A hand grips my waist turning me around to be pushed between his dresser and him.
“It wasn’t as many girls you may be picturing” My head twisted a bit wondering if he would continue. He softly exhaled and continued, “It was only one and it wasn’t a one time thing” Now I was beyond intrigued. “She became my fiance at one point” Shocked. It was the only words I could think of to describe my state. “We were young and things got in the way” He spoke like it was instructions on how to cook an egg, quick and simple.
“You can’t just spill something like that and just leave me hanging” I hit his chest. “What was her name? How old were you guys? How did she look?” I see him close his eyes trying to fight himself. “How many times did yall do it on the bed? Wait!, did yall do it in the bathroom?” I gasp jokenly, “Against this dresser?” I pushed myself off but I was against it in a quick second. His grasp on my hip pushed me harsher.
“Her name was Lorraine,” He whispered. I look up, his eyes intensely looking at mine. “I can’t remember where we did it” His tone lowered. “The only thing I remember is you on my bed” His face moves closer but to the side of my face. He places a kiss and another moving lower towards my neck. “How I want to remember you in the shower” I close my eyes. His breath was hot,traveling further down. “On the countertop” He moves my shirt to reveal my shoulder. “On this dresser” Slowly I came back to life. I felt his hand circling my back. His pelvis rubbing against my stomach and his lips which already left marks on my neck was currently leaving some on my shoulder.
“Javi” I pull on his shirt trying to grip something for stability.
“Mi amor?” He pulls back and I groan, already missing his attention. “Years ago my horny teenage self would stop at nothing to have you in his bed” I chuckle.
“I can always count on you being romantic” I laugh, shaking my head. My laugh quiets down as a small smile is on his face.
“I just want you to know that it was the past” He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a hug. “My whole existence is stained with you. My past nor my future matters to me because I am stuck in the present with you” That tugged on my heart strings.
“Javier Pena” I smile looking up. “I don’t care what happened back then” I move my hands to grip his face. “As long as you stay here with me” Before he could answer a soft knock interrupted us.
“Breakfast is ready! Hurry up you two” We looked at eachother and smiled.
“Coming Pops!” Javier answers. He looks down, stealing a kiss before enterwining our hand and making our way out his room to the kitchen. I was always able to control myself, but that was when I was in charge of a minimal situation. This was not the case here. This was huge, I had never met someone's parents. We didn’t even know what we were. I know I'm not a little kid but having been caught in someone's bedroom by their parents as an adult is worse. I have never done such a thing.
“I have coffee and conchitas in that bag” he points out to the table. “Bacon and sausages will be out in a second” I thank him before he heads back into the kitchen. I guess Javier read my body and noticed I was stressing.
“Baby?” I felt a tug on my hand which guided me towards the table to sit down. “Do you feel okay?” I look over trying to calm myself down
“Yeah” I cleared my throat making sure I was okay in the chair. “I just havent’ been in this situation before” It was his turn for his eyebrows to furrow.
“What? Like having breakfast with someone?” I look over and roll my eyes.
“No, I havent met someone's parents or have had breakfast or any kind of meal with one. I have been caught with someone's son in their bedroom! What could he be thinking of me” I looked over freaked out but a stupid grin appeared on his face.
“You’ve never met a boyfriend’s parents before? Never sneaked into their bedrooms?” I give him an, are you stupid look? Do I look like the kind of girl who would? Well now it was a different story, I was older but that still didn’t make it okay.
“I’ve never had a boyfriend before let alone try to do these sort of things” I hear a gasp from Javier.
“So?” I look over to see him scooting closer. “You mean am your-?” His stupid grin was just waiting for my answer to grow bigger. Like a medal of ownership.
“Technically no” Grin disappeared. “You haven’t asked me properly or even taken me on a date” I shrug, turning my attention to the older gentleman who walked with a plate of bacon and sausage.
“So tell me,” He starts to speak as he settles down. “Javier told me about you but I still have questions” I give him a gentle smile. I look over to Javier who looks embarrassed. I held back the big smile, Javier spoke to me to his father.
“What do you want to know Mr. Pena?”
“Please, call me Chucho” He smiles as he passes me a cup of coffee. “So you are mexican?” I nod
“From Veracruz”
“Beautiful place” I agree. After my other grandmother died there was no use to visit
anymore but as a child I remember the bright pink roses in her garden and how wonderful the people were there. “But your family lives here?”
“Yes. I don’t have a huge family so most of them stay in a communal farm made up of a couple houses”
“Pops” Javier shakes his head.
“Right, I am sorry I asked” I gave him a smile. “Javier tells me you have many talents” I heard a sneaker from Javier who covered it with a slight cough. “Do you mind sharing?”
“Not at all” We spoke a while about my job and what I did for college. He embarrassed Javier with stories of his childhood. I enjoyed talking with someone and enjoyed it even more seeing the relationship Javier had with his dad.
“Well I better get started on my day” He stood up grabbing his hat. “Will you be staying for lunch?” I turn to Javier who slightly nods. Under the table he takes hold of my hand reassuring me it was okay.
“I have to go back to town-” I had to tell Javier why I was here and who knows how that is going to end.
“Well we would love to have you.” Chucho smiles as he excuses himself to go outside.
“What's wrong?” Javier makes me nervous hearing him acknowledge my discomfort.
“I am just going to come out and say it” I took a deep breath. “You have been called into the embassy” Javier nods
“For an evaluation, I think I can explain it to them so there's nothing to worry about” I shake my head
“It's not an evaluation. The ambassador sent me out to talk to you first.” I didn’t even know what details to give him to make it make sense without hurting his pride. “You are not going to continue with the Escobar case” Jaiver straightens up. His nose flaring trying to take it in.
“I expected that” He simply says leaning back against the chair. I grab his other hand making him look at me again.
“That's not it.” I know how much Escobar’s case took a toll on him, would he be willing to put himself in that situation? “The USA counsel wants to place you on another case”
“What? What case?”
“Once Escobar is captured, which could be any day now, they want you to lead a team to capture the Cali Cartel” His eyes fall to the ground. He was searching for an answer. “Javi?” When he dropped my hands I knew he was having a difficult time taking in the news. I took a chance and decided to invade his space. I got up and moved to sit on his lap which he surprisingly took with open arms. His arms moved slowly around me and I engulfed him in a hug around his shoulders.

“I need you to talk to me about what I am going to tell you next” His head fell against my chest. He nods without looking up from his spot. “I made a deal with the Mexican embassy who helped get to that decision” Now his eyes were plastered on mine. I nervously played with his hair. “As an agreement whether you take the position or not I have to take mine”
“What position?”
“Before I worked for the Embassy directly looking for people I had another job.” How do I even start? “I started off as an intel person. I went into bars, clubs, and even joined girls on the street to get information.” His eyes widened. “I never had to do anything else other than listen” I grab his face hoping to ease the thought that may be forming in his mind. “It got to the point where I was in deep in the Cartel”
“How deep?” He took my hands knowing it was a defense machinism.
“Deep enough to be considered family” Of course that wasn’t the worst part. “I was young so it was easy to lead the guy I was involved with into a trap and when he fell, the rest fell with him”
“So you are going to go undercover again?” Kind of.
“I can’t tell you much about it other than that I will be using an old member to create a new group. That group will infiltrate a cartel,”
“And then?” He spoke harsher
“I don’t know Javi. The goal is to capture or threaten them enough to weaken them”
“What happened to moving to Colombia together?”
“Javi” I cup his face pulling him into a kiss. “I think we are in the right time to do this” It pained me to say but it was the best for us both. “I think you are going to take the job and I have to take mine. Either way I have to do it and I know you wouldn’t move with me because you are a man who can’t stay still and would hate seeing the Cali Cartel winning”
“We made it work before” I smiled knowing that was not true. He took it hasrsher than I did at the time. I opened my mouth to talk but was interrupted with Javiers father walking in. Javiers face was filled with thoughts. Like millions of dots were trying to connect to make it work.
“Javier, I need you to-” Javier suddenly removes me from his lap to stand. He takes hold of my hand and walks over to the door.
“Sorry Pops, I have to do something important first” I tried to hold myself back knowing he wasn’t thinking straight.
“Wha?” Chucho asked as he walked after us. I was asking the same thing, what was Javier doing?
“I need the keys to the truck” Javier stops turning to his father.
“Javier?” I moved infront of him before he took another step. He looked down at me and then at his father.
“I am taking her on a date” He announced. He lifted his arm catching the keys in a quick move. I look over to Chucho who had a smile filled with pride. I didn’t have time to think when Javier pulled me to the truck and into the passenger seat. “Do you have your passport?”
“What do I need-?”
“Answer me woman?” He closes the door pulling my head closer to his through the window. I looked for answers in his eyes since he wasn’t going to tell me anything even if I ask. His eyes were soft. No anger nor confusion. I think about the man infront of me, it was a man I could trust, my Javi.
“Yes” He plants a kiss on my lips before running around the truck to get in. He put the vehicle in drive and we were on our way. I looked over to him and I couldn’t help but smile. “Javi?” I grip his hand to make him aware I wanted to talk. “Are you okay?” A smile appeared as he shook his head. He moved our hands to place a kiss on mine.
“I am taking you on a forever date” I laugh a bit. I have never seen Javier this way. “A date you will definitely say yes too” I looked into his eyes and knew I would definitely say yes to the date.
Chapter 20

Chapter 18
I had everything I needed to find Pena. The address of the house he was staying in and what time he usually leaves and comes back. The name and ages of everyone around him. Rodrigez didn’t mess around when it came to details. I was currently standing outside the house. It was getting dark and I didn’t know if to come now or later but then I saw a figure on a window.
Tall figure leaning on the balcony railings. The only light in view was the faint light of the cigarette in hand. It had to be Javier. I felt like a stalker but I couldn’t help the slight amusement it caused me to sneak up to the door. I carefully hold myself up and start climbing once I see him walk inside. I start to think about what I should say to him. I haven’t spoken to Murphy in about a week and I got news from Rodriguez he probably would have a hard time with. Maybe I should have waited until morning, called him and set a time and place to meet. I look inside once I settle myself on the balcony floor. The faint light from the bathroom lights his tan skin as he walks around taking off his shirt and grabbing some other clothing from his dresser. I wait until he walks into the bathroom before messing around with his door. “Have to show you how to use a lock Pena” I whispered to myself when I realized the door was unlocked. I don’t close it all the way as I make my way inside since it was already making too much noise opening it. I hear the sound of the water running from the sink. A quick cough before footsteps become louder. I stay near a corner hoping the light from outside wouldn’t give me away. I wonder as I see him turn off the bathroom light and fall back to his bed how he became an agent. I waste no time taking quiet steps towards his bed. I could make his figure out. He was spread out in the middle of the bed. Arms under his head and his legs are intertwined with another. His eyes must be closed because his head doesn’t move as I walk around to the other side of the bed. I can call myself a creep now. I loved to watch him like this. The only noise being the faint sound of his breathing. It calmed me down to now he was okay and safe. I lean over his figure and make out his face in the darkness. Unable to hold enough strength to just hoover I place a kiss onto his lips.
“What the he-”
“Javier!” I groan. The first thing I felt was the heavy weight ontop of me. “It's me” I roll him off.
“How did you get in here?!” He turned on his light and my eyes were slow to adjust. I lift my head a bit not really wanting or having the strength to get up. “Shit” Javier's eyes turn to the soft sound of knocking on his bedroom door.
“Javier is everything alright? I heard a loud thump” It was a man's voice.
“Yeah, tripped” He looks over quickly coming to my aid and lifting me up. He places me on my feet, still holding me tight. “Are you okay?” He whispers, removing the hair from my face. A slight smile placed on his face so how can I not be okay?
“Son, I know it was difficult for you today, do you want to talk about it?” It was seeing him in a new light. Here he wasn’t Agent Javier Pena from the DEA chasing around Escobar, he was Javier Pena, somebody’s son. I smile wrapping my arms around his neck.
“Am alright. Can we talk tomorrow?” I carres his face pulling my close but only to move my attention to his jaw and all the way to his neck I leave a trail of kisses.
“Okay, goodnight”
“Good-night” I pull back biting my lip. His response was shaky but I decided not to tease him about it, atleast not yet. “How are you here?” he pulls me close, grabbing onto my cheeks. His eyes scanned my face like he didn't believe it was actually me.
“Had to see you” I tried to pull him into a kiss knowing my body coouldn’t go another second without it but he pulled away from it.
“How did you know I was here?” Guessed?
“Steve” I was unsure if he would believe me. Technically it started with Steve.
“Okay, so you heard” His hands drop and he walks over to sit on his bed. I turn around nodding my head. He goes to speak but I shake my head. I come forward lifting his gaze to mine. I position myself between his legs. I couldn’t tell what he was feeling but I knew he would talk if he wanted to. Then, in a sudden movement, he reaches out and pulls me into a tight hug. I wrap my arms around his head and shoulders, holding him close as he buried his face into my chest. His shoulder slowly drifted down. As I stroke his hair, I try to comfort him with words which I am not the best in.
“I know you had your reasons Javi” I whisper. His grip tightened like if I was a sort of lifeline, an unyielding grip. “I came with some news, if you are up to it” I continued to play with his hair but the moment fell silent. Was it so hard to hold him like this forever? A moment that felt like forever, our own little world was not enough.
“No” His voice was soft. As they spoke, Javier's grip on me relaxed, his body language calming. He looks up, moving my body to turn and make my back lean against his chest. Adjust on his lap he embraces me again.
“Javi?” I grip one hand but the other is loosely trailing up and down my thigh.
“Yes amor?” He looked into my eyes once more and I decided I couldn’t ruin such a night with news that could be the worst thing he could hear or a sigh of relief. I wasn’t going to take the risk tonight.
“I need to know you are okay” I fiddled with his hand. Then I hear a low chuckle. He romoves his hand and grabs my face to pull me close.

“You don’t need to worry, I am okay” My lips part wanting to tell him, how can I not worry I-, my thoughts were cut short as his lips meet mine. It was soft and romantic. His lips moved so in sync with mine. He tightens his hold on my thigh running his fingers closer and closer to my core.
“Javi?” I moan. One hand pulling me forward to rest my forehead on his as the other one continues to roam until it slips into my pants. I close my eyes as it sends shivers down my spine.
"I've missed you so much, mi amor," he whispers, his lips tracing a fiery path up her neck. "I've missed your touch, your taste, your scent..." Is it a surprise my heart starts to race as Javier's kisses grow more insistent, his hands exploring every curve of her body. I feel myself melting into his embrace, my own desire igniting like a flame.
"Javier, we should..." she starts to say, but he silences her with a deep, passionate kiss. At the same time his fingers work my panties to the side and slips in. I moaned against his lip not remembering there was somebody in the house too.
“We should" talk, he whispers, his breath hot against her skin. "But first, I need to take care of something more pressing..." And with that, he deepens the kiss, his hand pulls me closer and without warning the other adds another finger and starts moving. My mind was screaming as my mouth held in the moans and any other noise. “You need to keep quiet baby, don’t want my dad walking in on this” His kiss trails down as I nod. Holding on but not for much longer. One hand goes to grip his neck as the other wraps around his wrist. “Fuck, I love hearing how wet you are” He moans. Fuck you Javier Pena. I throw my head back trying to grab hold of his movement.
“Javi, I can’t” My head falls to his shoulder. I bite the flesh provided and it helps muffle my scream. His fingers, although restricted by my jeans, moved perfectly without any trouble in and out of me.
“Almost there?” He teases. I shake my head, getting all the strength I had to pull away. The last experssesion on his face was shock as I stood up and walked over to turn off his lights. “Corazon?” I smile. I undress as I walk back to his bed. I stood infront of him once again as he tried to help but only roamed my exposed body until I had no clothing left. I snatch his hands away and move to lay against the headboard.
“I want to cum with your dick in me” I demand.
“Yes ma’am” I couldn’t help but giggle hearing his bed creak as he jumped on top of me. He hovers over me as he takes my legs and pulls me down to lay flat on his bed. He starts to leave kisses on my leg and slowly trails up my thigh. It felt nice but I didn’t want any role play.
“Pena if you don’t fuck me I will leave and find someone who will” I whisper scream. Suddenly his dark figure was on me again. With a swift move he pulls my legs apart and settles between them. One arm holding him up while the other moves down to remove his night pants.
“I know everyone in Laredo, If you do I will find them” He leans down to whisper in my ear. “And it won’t be pretty where they end up” Fuck, I didn’t know if it was his words are the fact that he was coating his tip with my juices, but I lost my ability to talk. My body moves against him wanting to come closer.
“My Javi” I moaned unexpectedly. His movement stopped. I can feel his gaze on me.
“Fuck” he groans and in a second he was in me. “Tell me again” He grunt pushed harder against me. “Please me amor? I need to hear your voice as I feel you cum” He whispers. How can I deny such pleas? More when he is fucking me so lovely.
“Javi, my Javi” My hands move to caress his chest until they move around his neck. I wanted him close so I pulled him down until his body was flushed against mine and my legs wrapped around his torso. His hips slow down his pace but the intensity increases. I tighten around him wanting to feel every inch, every vein, everything he was giving me. “My sweet Javi” I groan, feeling my lower stomach tighten. His face fell on the crook of my neck. Heavy breathing and panting against my ear was my new favorite melody. My hand gripped his skin trying to make the moment last. “Mine” I could hold on anylonger. His pace was death but it felt damn good. Sweet kisses on my shoulder as I came around him.

“Mi amor” He grunts as I feel him cumming. His grip tightens as he fucks me throught our orgasms.
“Holy shit! Javi” His hand quickly covers my mouth. My chest lifts, unable to contain the ecstasy feeling. My body was tingling and it continued until Javier slowly slowed down his thrust. With one last kiss on my shoulder he pulls back taking me in his arms. I lay on his chest as my hand traces circles on it. When our breath regulates is when he speaks first.
“If I am yours?,” He whispered, moving to look down at me. “Does that mean you belong to me?”I smile. One of his hands moves intertwined with mine.
“No,” I say quickly. “Not yet, but you do belong to me” I shrug like it was nothing. I was waiting to hear a smart remark but he only nodded.
“I’m okay with that” He grips my jaw and makes me look up. “You are mine in so many other ways, and you may not admit it yet but, I know the most important part is mine” He points at my chest, where my heart is. I laugh quietly.
“So corny” I pushed his hand. I try to leave to clean myself up but he pulls me back into his embrace. “Javi we made a mess” I rub my legs, unable to be comfortable.
“Fine,” he grunt, getting out of the bed. “Hurry because I need som y/n time” He stomps to the bathroom and I let out a quiet chuckle. As I hear him soak a rag I remove the bedsheets.
“Next time can you get better sheets?” I throw the percale fabric to the grown next to me. “Something like polyester or cotton. Heavy and soft” I groaned, putting on the new sheets he threw on the bed. “It's too freaking cold to be sleeping in that” I grunt.
“Yes mi amor” I didn’t notice him kneeling infront of me until he grabbed my hips and turned me to face him. “May I?” With your tongue, yes. He smiles as he guides his hand to clean my inner thigh until he is at my core. “So pretty” He whispers and I can’t help but laugh. “What? She's beautiful” He places a kiss and that was my cue to walk away.
“Can I borrow a shirt?” I continue to set the bed on the other side.
“No” I roll my eyes. I finish the bed by throwing the pillows on top. “Javi!”
“Shh-, lets go to sleep” My hands wrap around his head and start to stroke his hair. Brown and wavy. He was beautiful. He pulled us to settle in the middle of his bed. He covers us and pulls me in tighter once we settle comfortably. I look over to the balcony door that I know is still opened.
“Javi” I remove his hair from his eyes but he doesn’t make a noise to acknowledge me. “Amor” I tried to see his reaction but it was too dark. “Javier” I tried to shake him. “Pena!” I groan really trying to push him away. I know he was awake, truly ignoring me at this point. He held me tighter and his response was to hook himself on my boob. “Javi” I grip on his hair. “Fuck..” I moan trying to move for some friction. “We already broke the rule” It was a stupid rule too. Who would have thought we would last until we had a date? “Stop” I throw my head back pushing my chest closer to his mouth. His tongue moved skillfully across one to the other. Licking and tugging until he latched on and started to suck. “Javi, the door” That was my last attempt before I gave all my strength up. I grip harder and wrap my legs around him. At this point I was grinding, wanting him inside of me once more.
“It's open,” He says, pulling away.
“What the fuck Javier?!” I sit up in horror. How dare he just quit and get out of bed? I know that stupid face has a smirk. His dark figure walks and closes the door and then walks over to lock the bedroom door. He was taking his sweet time. I decide to turn around and close my eyes. How dare he do that? I was angry and upset but of course it was hard when his naked body was flushed against my back. His smooth hands creep around me pulling me close. His warm and beautiful face falling in the crook of my neck.
“Darling?” Oh and his voice. Jesus help me. I close my eyes tight not wanting to give in so quickly. “Are you mad?” No. “Want me to continue?” Yes, you piece of shit. “Are you going to keep acting like a brat?” His hand finds my breasts and starts to massage them, pinching them to finally get a reaction out of me. “Mi nina, I don’t want to go to be angry” He whispers as he places a kiss on my cheek. I move my hand to intertwine them with his.
“You had your chance now it's over” I wasn't angry. I turn my head over to capture his lips for a simple longing kiss. “Tomorrow you can make it up to me” I smile, pushing against him more.
“Yeah?” He groans, settling back behind me.
“If I give you the chance” A faint chuckle comes from him. He and I know deep down that I will surely give him a chance but we also know it won’t come easy for him.
“Am very persistent” Javier Peña sure was.
Chapter 19

Chapter 17
I didn’t have a plan when I got to the airport. I took my passport to the front desk and when the lady spoke I looked up at the plane's boarding and I chose one. Choose the one boarding in 20 minutes. The lady warned me I should hurry so I could catch it or that maybe I could get on the next one going out but I shoke my head. I needed to keep moving. Keep moving so I wouldn’t get a chance to think. I wouldn’t get a chance to sit and start thinking about what I did wrong. What could I have changed? Is this how I really wanted to end things?. Sitting on that plane, I did get a chance to think. I didn’t want to end things like that with my mother. Not when I could die. But it was too late. I knew if I went back I would stay. Stay although my heart belonged to the air. It was blowing as hard as possible and if I stayed it would fill my lungs. Fill it until I explode. I couldn’t go back, not yet. “Mija do you need anything else?” I look up at the vendor and shake my head.
“Thank you” I walk out to the street and make my way down to the hotel I was staying at. It was currently dark out and the weather was not nice. It wasn’t snowing or wind, it was just plain cold and I don’t do cold. December was just next door and I had a feeling it was going to be a long holiday.
“Miss l/n. You got a message” I stopped by the front desk reaching for the small paper in the man's hand. “I couldn’t understand so I just wrote the number down”
“Don’t worry, thank you” I send him a smile and run up to my room. Setting my things down I pick up my phone and dial. “Hello?” I speak first.
“Y/N?” fucking hell.
“Murphy?” How the hell did he get my number?
“I need a favor”
“Give me a minute” I throw the phone on the bed without waiting for a response. I had to prepare myself before hearing what Steve wanted. If he was asking for help then it must be important. I throw my coat on the bed and take out my shoes. Before returning to the phone I took a deep breath and sat down on the small chair beside the window overlooking the town. “Am all ears”
“Okay” I hear him let out a groan before mumbling to himself.
“Murphy” I warn not really wanting to play a game with him. I hate silence.
“You need to hear me out before interrupting me” I nod unconsioulsy. “Y/N?”
“Okay” I whisper, switching the phone to the other hand. “Speak Murphy”
“I don’t know if you have been keeping up with the news but I will give you a summary. The Search Bloc was put in place again with Carrillo leading but it took one wrong tip off for Escbor to place a bullet in him” Right. “Martinez made a pretty good strategy narrowing down on him but somehow Los Pepes was always one step above. They are a group who have let us know that their clear message was killing everyone involved or who helped or is helping Escobar. Escobar’s message back was bombing places with innocent people. Lately his family has been trying to flee to another country but the government hasn’t allowed them and his response is more bombs”
“Where is this going Murphy” Of course I have read the news. It was everywhere. The newspaper, the tv, hell even if you step outside you would hear gossip from your own neighboor,
“You know how this works.” I hear another sigh. “Giving federal information is not exactly a good thing and even worse if you are giving it to other criminals” My mind ran through different scenerios. Was he the person? Was he asking help to cover it up? “The ambassador found out after Judy let out a statement”
“It was Pena wasn’t it?” My heart sank a bit. While I have been away I have barely spoken to him. The difference in time made it difficult to connect. When I told him I would be on my way he told me that it wasn't safe. That he would prefer I stay where I knew I was would be okay. He barely spoke and I had nothing to say so our conversation cut short until it got to the point where it went weeks without talking to him.
“The ambassador took him out of the search and sent him back home” His home?
“Where do I come from in all of this?”
“You told us you were able to take him out of the case, can you put him back?” I closed my eyes, leaning my forehead in my hand. “y/n?. We intercepted his calls with his wife, we are so close to catching him and I think he should be here. He gave up so much and he is most of the reason we are so close” I took in a deep breath and spoke.
“I would want nothing more than to help but I can’t” I let out my breath slowly. I feel my head getting a slight headache.
“Y/N if this is about what I did-”
“No” I quickly blurted out. I don’t want him to think that. “I quit my job Steve and it was for a good reason” Although the reason for me leaving my family was because I wanted it back.
“You don’t have any contacts? Anyone who can go on behalf of Pena and let him explain himself?” I lean back as my head falls tirelessly to rest on the chair.
“I can make some phone calls but I can’t promise it will be quick” Or just in time to catch Escobar.
“Thank you” I remove the phone from my ear and hang up. I push my chair back and take a second looking at the phone as it lays on the table. I wanted nothing more than to call Pena. I don’t know what I would say. Get upset he wasn’t telling me about what happened? Tell him I feel sorry because of it? Then again I wasn’t telling him my side of the story. How I have left my family after an argument with my mother. How I was technically hiding in a hotel. How I have come close to calling the embassy to get my job back. Lately I feel that breathing doesn’t help anymore. I pick up the phone and dial a number that was tattooed in my brain.
“Hello? Senor Rodriguez’s office” Here goes nothing
“Christina, I need to speak with Rodriguez”
“Niña l/n, so nice to hear your voice” I smile. I always liked her. A sweet voice always welcomed me back each time I returned to the embassy.
“I will come see you soon, can you get him on the phone?” She agreed and soon enough I was transferred.
“Calling to beg for your job back?” I hear a soft laugh
“We will see how the conversation goes”
“Y/N” His tone changes. It was slow and steady. I know what followed and somehow I was ready. I spoke to him about Javier Pena. One of the agent who have proritize Escobar over his damn life. How he was supposed to be in the case with Murphy and there when they catch Escobar. But what I heard wasn’t what I wanted. “I can’t make that happen mija” There’s always a but. “But if you were to go down at the american embassy and put a plea-”
“I am not begging to the gringos” I had nothing against them. I just didn’t want to practically beg the new ambassador. I would if it were Noonan. “Or you can take your position back” I say no knowing it wasn’t my latest old job.
“No, atleast not for now. I am still fresh out of their radar, I can’t put my family in danger” Before moving myself to my own operation of searching for missing people I was part of the FBI in Mexico. Helped with kingpins, crooked poloticians, and any criminal you can think of. I was not in any of their nice lists and if you haven’t connected the dots, they are all somehow connected to one another.

“You want Crosby’s job?”
“Rodriguez, help me get Pena back to Colombia and I will return to work for you” Those were the magic words. It could follow a bunch of other rude and ugly words that would describe someone I was pissed with but he wouldn’t take them to heart. I had said what he wanted to hear a long time ago.
“You have made yourself a deal” I hear paper shuffling on his end. “I will buy you a ticket to Texas and as soon as you are done you will have a ticket straight to Mexico”
“What's in Texas?” I hold the phone in the crook of my neck as I walk to pull out my empty suitcase.
“Dear Agent Pena” My hands drop. “I will keep my word and get him back to Colombia, mark my words. You should be there to tell him the news.”
“Okay” That was the last word I said for the rest of the night.
“I will call you with the details as soon as I can. Stay safe Mija” Along with my heart the phone line ended. Now I had to face him. Tell him how I might have gotten his job back. Tell him how I got a job I swore never to take, well technically I didn't. As I watched my uncle die his eyes told me everything. He held onto my hand and choked on his blood before I noticed the last tear rolling down his cheek. I knew the man who caused him such pain, and soon I will come face to face with them once again.
Chapter 18

Chapter 16
I was currently taking my morning walk admiring the place this once was for me. I look down at my watch and pull out my phone. Yesterday I didn’t get a chance to call Javier back. “Hello?”
“Steve?” I was surprised.
“Hey, How are you?” One of the things I took time thinking about was Steve. On the flight I decided not to forget but to forgive him.
“Good. How are you and Connie?”
“We have been better” I could hear a sadness in his voice. “Connie moved back home with Olivia” I felt speechless. “She was having a hard time here,” The only words I was going to say are, I'm sorry, but I know that wouldn’t be enough. “Javier passed out on his desk, we have been working all night”
“I can feel the exhaustion in your voice” I chuckle a bit.
“Good to hear from you, I’ll pass the phone to Javier” I whisper okay. “Javi” I hear a groan from far. A groan I remember lively from that one night. “Your phone” Steve grunts
“Tell them I'm dead” I let out a laugh this time.
“Y/N, he will call-” A loud screech and a stuffled noise cut Steve’s words off.
“You could have started with who was calling!” Then the muffled voice started to sound better. “Hey” He was panting. “Y/N?”
“Good morning Javi” I whisper, taking in a deep breath. It was so nice to hear his voice again.
“Goodmorning angel,Is everything alright?” He still sounded worried. I could hear how he shuts a door behind him and sits Lays? Down somewhere.
“Yes Javi, everything is okay. You were right?” he scoffs laughing at my words.
“See what happens when you listen to me sweetheart?” I smile not wanting to give in more into his cockines
“Yes Javi, you know what's best for me”It was low and seductive. I couldn’t have him getting adjusted to having an upper hand here.
“My god woman” He grunts. “Oh what you do to me?” He speaks it like a prayer.
“Miss me?” I find a spot in the shade and lean against a big tree not far from the house. I could hear a low mm-hmm. “I miss you” I slowly sat down trying to be careful to don’t dirty myself. “More at night. Sometimes I wake up or get to my room hoping you will be waiting for me like you used too”
“You know it was all fun and all when you were here because I could do something about that mouth but since you are far, I won’t hesitate to get on a plane”Javier whispered, his voice low and husky. He could make my heart drop with only his tone and my legs struggle to stay firm.
“Yeah but you won’t” I continue to tease
“Oh yeah?” I bet he could hear the slight chuckle I was trying to hide.
“Yeah, because you are too busy with work. By the way, who was that lady screaming at you yesterday?” The moment was over. The tone was serious but soft.
“Messina. Noonan is gone so the new ambassador assigned us a babysitter” he was angry. Most of his tone was exhaustion, like Steves. “We followed a tip line and it led us to a Bush dummy” Now that I couldn’t help but laugh. “The worst part is they expect us to capture Escobar but before doing anything we have to tell our boss to tell her boss”
“Weird” I say.
“What is?”
“Javier Peña doesn’t like following procedures” He groans
“Not everybody can be a goody two shoes, princesa” Javier said, his tone playful but laced with longing.
“Not even with me?”
“I behave enough with you but thats because I can fuck it out on you” He said it too nonchalant. Without a second thought. Flowed so easily out of his mouth. “And if you were here I could fuck all this frustration out on you too”
“So romantic Javi” I rolled my eyes but a small smile lingered on my face.
“Always aim to please” He laughs. “God it's so hard” He groans louder.
“Everything will be okay, Javi. Capturing a guy like Escobar isn’t easy. But I know you and Steve will find a way”
“That's not what I meant” I could hear a shuffle in his posture. His voice turned lower and somehow animalistic. “It's hard having you far. All I dream and think is you. I could have you home right now so things like last night wouldn’t happen. I wouldn’t be satisfied with sleeping on my desk knowing you were home. I would happily and tirelessly drive home to you.” I let out an unsteady breath. It pained me to hear those words from him. “Get wrapped into your arms so I can forget about this place for atleast a couple hours”
“Javi” My voice is barely audible. I hide my head between my hands. Wanting nothing more than to be there for him right now.
“I never needed anyone like I need you” fuck. “To have you under me. Or riding me” There he is. “I can close my eyes and still hear you screaming,begging, and speaking my name like a prayer” A smile appears again on my face. “ How tight you held me. How sweet you taste and how merciless you can be”
“Keep it in your pants Javi, you are still at work” I whisper looking at the distance to make sure no one was sneaking around.
“You have me so unattended I don’t know what else I can do” I chuckle, shaking my head at the nonsense he says.
“Give me a couple of days?” I asked but of course his sweet responses didn’t make it seem like a sort of question I was hoping he would be okay with.
“I will be waiting here for you”
“Promise?” I am hopeful. Like in any minute he could change his mind and find someone else. I am putting too much hope on someone who I barely know.
“Promise mi amor” But he makes me feel sure, like he is the only one for me. We said our goodbye and soon I was walking into the house to get ready for the day.
“You are never awake this early. I guess being away did some good” I held back rolling my eyes to my mother but I imagined it. “Do you eat breakfast?” I look over to her menu. Coffee. Bread. Fruit. I shake my head leaning against the island. “Who were you on the phone with so early?” I searched for a lie she would fall for. “You have no friends and I know you don’t want to tell the rest of the family about your return too soon so my best guest is, work?” I sit up straight. I was never afraid to tell her the truth, I just wanted to avoid the lectures she always started.
“No. Not directly” She sets her cutting board infront of me and continues to slice fruit up.
“When is your flight?” She didn’t even have to look up at me. I was always the kid to never beat around the bush when wanting to tell her something.
“Haven’t bought a ticket yet” That doesn’t mean she believes me.
“But you are planning to travel?” Everytime I was unsure of something, with her questions she called me a liar. Like I wasn’t telling her the whole truth. Truthfully I avoided the question but never told her a lie.
“Yes” I look down but quickly glance up when I hear her set the knife a little too harshly on the counter.
“Listen” She looks up. “I will never tell you what to do because you are a grown adult” I didn’t like this kind of discussion. She will usually start with telling me something long and loving. “You have always known deep down what you wanted in life” Then it will follow with a blow. “But since you’ve come back and what your grandmother has been telling me, you have been miserable” Then it will contine with even harsher words that got me against the wall. “You decided to leave and go into whatever you called your job and leave us here worrying. You quit and come back but for the love of god can never tell us where you are going next. If you are going to leave tell us again tell us, it's not like we are not used to you being gone” She lets go of a heavy breath. Scooping up the fruit and setting it on their separate bowls.
“You want to know the truth?” Whenever we have a conversation like this it ends with an okay. I say okay, she nods and then we go our separate ways. But not this time.
“You’re scared?” She looks up. My eyes are on the verge of crying but I hold it in. It stings but I blink the tears away and feel nothing more than anger, towards myself.
“No. I’m terrified” It took me a second to look back at her eyes. “I was terrified to leave. I love my job and what I choose but I was terrified to take the leap because it meant leaving everyone behind. I took it because once in my life I wanted to be selfish. You know how I fitted into this family and I hope you know I love you all of you to the point that I cried each night in bed” I see her shoulders fall wanting to interrupt but I didn’t allow her to. “But then I was terrified to return. Terrified to come back and bring my life with me. Terrified to put you all in danger and now that I am done with that part of my life, now I am terrified for me.” It was words spilling out everything. Like I was reaching for fresh air. “I have always loved the idea of being a teacher but not at this age. Not when my heart craves another thing. I want to keep being selfish but I need to know you guys are with me. That there is no hard feeling on me leaving again. Because if I stay am afraid I will be further away than me being in Mexico, or Colombia, or some other place across the world”
“The school-”
“You are not listening mother” I stood up throwing my hand in the air in frustration. “That is not what I want right now and I don’t know if that is where life is going to take me at the end”
“If you go back to your old life it is going to take you to a quicker end!”
“Good!” Fuck. Our breaths were quicken. I could see her eyes full of hate and sadness. My hand itches to punch the nearest wall and for my feet run away until they are exhausted. “I’d rather it do so because then I will die doing what my heart wanted” A slap. She moved quicker than ever before. I didn’t fight it or argued. She had the right to be angry. I look up with a death stare. My hands clenched as she held in her tears.
“You have nothing to go back on. Are you going to plead your last job back? Because if you are, don’t mind coming back this time” She turns to go back to her chopping board.
“I have plenty to go back on and don’t worry, you won’t have to hear about it”
“Y/N” My feet took one step but soon it was placed back. I look at her face, waiting for her next words. “There is no use of searching for him anymore” She might have been right, but I made a promise.
“Goodbye Mother”
It felt easier to leave this time. This time I didn’t cry in bed and slip through the morning dew so I wouldn’t have to face them one last time and regret my decision. This time I slip through every loved one I had with a sympathatic smile so I wouldn’t have to explain that I don’t regret my decision. I took one last glance at my mother and although everyone around us saw us stand tall and proud, we both knew we were broken. Stubborn to admit defeat, even if it meant we both wanted nothing more than to mend our relationship. I let out a sigh and continued walking and walking until my feet finally stopped, allowing my mind to process where I was.
“Ma’am, you need to tighten your seatbelt” I nod at the flight attendant. The sun was setting by the time I got to the plane. I took my glance away from the window so I could get comfortable in my seat. It was going to be a long ride.

Chapter 17

Chapter 15
Every minute and every second was filled with questions and concerns. My grandmother said it was not a good thing to get stuck in my head while making a decision. It's best to make it at the moment because then I start to think about everything that could go wrong and then I get afraid or worried and I back off. That is what is currently happening right now. Since I got on the plane and all the way to Mexico. While in Mexico helping my grandmother pack and now on the plane about to land in the United states. “After many flights, don’t tell me you are afraid of flying?” I narrow my eyes at my grandmother who is calmly sitting beside me. I took in my senses and my body does feel warm. I bet if I touch my forehead there will be some sweat. My leg always shakes but it's like it wants to go on its own. “Wanna hold my hand?” She speaks again
“No” I shake my head, turning it to see the plane preparing for landing. I could hear a slight chuckle but didn’t turn to give it any attention.
“I feel like there is more bothering you than you let on. And I know it's not being jobless because I have not seen such happiness before you left for Argentina” I wanted to blurt out everything. Tell her what was going on but it was a decision I could only make and knowing her, that was exactly what she would tell me.
“You know I hate change and this brings major changes in my life. It's not the uncerntanity but the stress of making the wrong decision from now on” My eyes are still focused on the window as the plane descends on the ground.
“You have always had a good compass guiding you. Whether it's job wise or personal things, I know everything will turn out okay” I nod this time turning to look at her with a smile. Our attention turned when the flight attendant announced we were going to begin our exit. I took a big inhale and calmed down more. As we got out of the plane and walked out the airport I felt more content.
“Where is he?” My grandmother spoke a little irritated. I only smiled while checking my phone for the time.
“There he is,” I pointed at a known vehicle that was pulling up just in time before my grandmother got more annoyed. That is certainly where my mother gets her patience. I took hold of her suitcase as she climbed right into the passenger seat of the truck.
“I’ve missed you too grandma” I laugh helping him put our suitcase in the back. “Prima!” He finally turns and wraps me into a hug.
“Primo” I say really missing the only person my age I grew up with in this family. “How's Holly?”
“Pregnant as ever” He sighs. “I know we planned not to have kids but you took it too seriously, when's your turn?” I rolled my eyes shaking my head
“Once I see how well you adapt I will start thinking about it” He laughs, throwing his head back.
“I wouldn’t relay that on me” Our laughs were quite down. “So glad you are here. I know you are keeping this a secret from the rest but don’t you want to see them atleast for a while?” I looked over to my grandmother who was currently rolling down her window.
“I have been on a plane for hours! Can we get moving?” We both respond with a yes. I look back and nod my head.
“I think it would do me good seeing and interacting with some else for a while” I laugh walking over to get in the car
“For a while?” He raises his eyebrow.
“Do you mind?” I ask before getting into the car.
“Not at all” He smiled, pulling the driver doors open and getting in. “So? Abuela how have you been?” As we are still a way out from our small town they stay talking for a bit.
“Great.” I have not seen my grandmother respond so harshly. Before I could settle the situation down my phone started ringing.
“Hello?” I answer unknowingly because I still have an unmarked phone. There were only a couple people who could contact me and none of whom I wanted to talk to right now.
“Hey” My brows lowered while my heart beat started to rise. I look over to the front and how quiet it got, great. “We haven’t spoken since you left, I wanted to know how things were going” I had lost all my knowledge of the english or spanish language. “Is everything okay?” I could hear on the other side of the phone a chair scraping the floor along with chatter but soon the slam of a door closing. I was punching myself in the gut right now. I mean I have been trained to carry out a negotiation or any type of interrogation and I can’t even make up some words.
“We will be home soon” I look up to my cousin's words. I look past the windshield and notice us turning to a dirt road.
“Who was that?” I didn’t know why my whole body was failing right now. I don’t know if it was the Javier part. Not knowing if to let my family know about him now or the part where I was nervous and on the verge of throwing up because this is the first time in years I would see them again. I shake my head, focusing on what was happening right now.
“Javi” My voice was low and until I spoke I didn't notice my hands shaking. I looked down at my feet trying to focus on the sound of his voice.
“Mi amor?” I took a deep breath knowing I wasn’t prepared to speak freely infront of my family.
“Yeah?” I cleared my throat trying to sound better.
“On your way to see your family?” I unconsciously nod my head. But like always, Javier seemed to know me best and knew what my silence meant. “It will all be okay. They never stopped loving you and would never question your decision because I know without knowing them that they are beyond proud of you” The sting in my nose began as tears welled up my eyes. My mind wanted to scream to him. I couldn't do it but he was one step ahead of me. “You owe them no explanation, don’t be afraid to tell them how much you missed them. Trust me, once you are with them all the nerves and stress would look silly to you” I nod my head again with a small and quiet laugh I couldn’t help but let out. “There’s my girl” My eyes closed as my smile grew bigger. I need to remind myself to go to a priest as soon as I can. Having such a word turn all my senses into wanting, is not normal. My voice was held up now for totally different reasons now. “Feel better?” I could sense a grin on his face. One of those grins I dream about most nights.
“Much” I straighten up in my seat as the truck does another turn.
“Okay” I hear a sigh from his end. “Now are you going to tell me who that male voice belonged to?”
“No” I bet my voice sounded giddy at this point. I couldn’t help it every time I spoke to Javier.
“Do I have to make another trip?”
“You wouldn’t know where to start” I whisper, noticing somehow the ambiance getting quieter.
“I just have to follow one thing”
“Yeah? What is that?”
“My heart” My head falls down as one hand stops what would be an obnoxious laugh to be let out.
“I am going to hang up now” I tease obviously without a single inch of truth in that statement.
“Yeah” He chuckles. “I will reel it in a bit” Another pause. I started to wonder where he was and what he was doing. In Colombia it is early morning so he probably just got to work. “How long?”
“I don’t know” I speak a little louder not wanting to attract the wrong question from my grandmother later on.
“That's okay. Just tell me one thing?” My hand was clammy against my skin as I tried to calm myself down. “I will see you again?” A slight weight had been removed. I don’t think I could take another worry on my shoulder.
“Yes” I hear an okay on the other side.
“Give me a second” I hear him say before speaking to another person who entered the room he was in. “What?” I smile remembering how he was at work. He would walk around with such a stare on his face. Full of thought or just hating the world but I could never tell with him before. “Tell her I will be right there” Her? Maybe Noonan? I try to hear a little closer.
“Messina has asked me to escort you to her office sir” Messina? Not Noonan? Who was this lady? Must be important if she has an office.
“Give me 5 minutes” Javier grunts getting back on the phone. “Mi-” He gets cut off by a slam of the door.
“I am not going to put up with your shit too Peña! I ask for your presence and you will come as soon as I say jump” It probably should make me a little angry hearing someone talk to him like that without reason. But then again I know how Peña acts and am sure he has given her reasons to talk to him like that. A small smile appears on my face. “You should be out there with Murphy and I explaining the sting operation on capturing President Bush!” Bush? Now that made me laugh.
“We are here Prima” I looked up not noticing when the truck came to a full stop as my grandmother was already out the truck.
“I will be right out” He nods, closing the door behind him. I go back to hearing the conversation and it hasn’t turned pretty.
“We don’t need supervision! We were fine without it”
“Really? Remind me how many times you have let Escober escape through your hand?” Bam. “How many times have you made the wrong decisions? Cost us men and made you and your team look like fools?” That was definitely not needed. Who was this lady?. I could hear footsteps getting closer and it was confirmed when I could literally feel like she was on the phone with me. “In my office in 1 minute or I will have you on a plane straight to Miami since something else seems to be more important than your job” I was going to hell for laughing at someone being screamed at. The door slammed and I heard his voice.
“I apologise” I was about to ask when he continued talking. “Such a bitch” He sighs. I hear the door open and his footsteps heavier and heavier. “She comes in here and tries to act like such a-”
“Javi” His words stop. “I need you to be calm and sensisable although that would be foreign for you” I hear a small laugh on the other side. “I will call you later so you can tell me all about who that lady is” It sounded like I was spitting posion.

“Jealous?” I laugh
“Not even a little.” I changed the topic real quick knowing he was probably standing outside her door right now. “Be nice. I will call you in an hour”
“Okay. Pray for me mi angel” I laugh again opening the door.
“I always do.” With that we hang up. I close the truck door and I am welcomed with the scene of something I have very much missed. The beige walls. The brown clay roofing. The wind shaped entrances and columns. The sound of the wind running throught the familiar trees. The animals and birds singing, it's like I never left. I walk around the side and notice no one in there through the big windows. I walk around back and from a distance I freeze. My grandmother is surrounded by her family. My family. It stayed the same, like I never left.
Chapter 16

Chapter 14
For the last couple days in Argentina I have been wandering around. Mostly tourist attractions during the day and bars at night. Alone, but that doesn't matter when you are practically tipsy every hour of the day. One time I swore I almost got something mixed in my drink. That and the fact that my visa was expiring, it told me it was time to leave. When I woke up in the hotel after sleeping off my drunkenness I took a look at the clock and it read 10. “Stupid headaches” I’ve always been prone to but that didn’t mean it made it any easier with every hangover. I cradle my head before gaining enough strength to stand up and make my way to a cold shower. Of course that was before I noticed a dark figure in the middle of the room. I pull out my gun aiming it at the unknown figure. “I really don’t feel like dealing with you right now” I groaned. The figure didn’t move or respond. My breathing started to get shaky, it's been a while since I had to harm anyone.
“You’re not going to shoot me, are you, mi amor?” His stupid proud voice sent anger to my body
“What the fuck Javier” I huffed letting the gun fall to my side. I feel his presence get closer as all I can still make out is his figure. There is a light cast of the moon coming through the window onto the bed. He leans forwards to see the papers laying there."Again, you are just leaving without a word? No explanation, no nothing?"
I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "I don’t owe you any explanation Peña.” I come closer, removing the plane ticket from his hand. “It was just a fling, Javier. Don't make it more than it was."His jaw clenched, his voice low and menacing.
"A fling? You think I'd risk everything for a fling?" Suddenly, he pinned me against the wall, his body pressed against mine. "I care for you, damn it. And I won't let you just walk away."His lips crashed onto mine, aggressive and possessive. I tried to push him away, but he held me firm. As we kissed, his hands roamed my body, claiming me as his own. I felt a thrill of excitement mixed with fear. He broke away, his eyes burning with intensity. "You're staying with me. Tonight, and every night after that."With that, he swept me into his arms, carrying me to bed.As we crashed into the bed, Javier's lips devoured mine, his hands roaming my body with a fierce possessiveness. I felt his erection, hard and insistent, and I knew I was done for. his eyes burning with intensity as he tore off his clothes. I followed suit, my heart racing with anticipation.His body covering mine, his lips claiming me as his own. I felt his fingers tracing my curves, his touch setting me ablaze. There was no time to think as his hand moved downwards.He entered me with a fierce cry, his thrusts powerful and demanding. “Tell me this isn’t more than just a fling?” I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him deeper, our bodies moving in perfect sync. The room was a blur of passion and desire,it was intense and all-consuming. Biting my lips to hold on the moans he was causing me. Nails clawing his back. His hands were everywhere, his lips burning my skin.As we reached the peak, Javier's eyes locked onto mine, his gaze burning with possession. "You're mine," he growled, his voice low and husky.
I nodded, my body shuddering with release. "I'm yours," I whispered, my voice barely audible.
As we collapsed, exhausted and spent, Javier's arms wrapped around me, holding me close. "You're not leaving me again," he whispered, his voice filled with a fierce determination as he left a trail of kisses on my neck until he reached my lips again.
I smiled, feeling a sense of belonging. "I'm not going anywhere," I replied, my heart filled with a newfound love, at least that's what it felt like at the moment. As we lay there, the silence between us grew thicker, like a fog that refused to lift. The sex haze had worn off, and reality came crashing back.Javier was the first to break the silence, his voice low and hesitant.
"We need to talk."I nodded, knowing he was right.
"Yeah, we do." He turned to face me, his eyes searching mine.
"What's going on with us? One minute we're at each other's throats, the next...this." I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts.
"I don't know. I just know I can't keep doing this, Javier. The push and pull, the anger and the passion...it's exhausting." Javier's expression softened, his eyes filling with a warmth that made my heart skip a beat.
"I know. Me neither. I want us to work, but we need to find a way to communicate without tearing each other apart."I nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope but it came crashing down just as fast. I took a long breath knowing I had to speak my mind. I shook my head, feeling a pang of sadness.
"Javier, I can't be with you. I have a life, a life where I can't put anyone in harm's way. And your life...it's not exactly safe, is it? And it includes partying, the girls...it's a life I can't be a part of."
Javier's expression darkened, his eyes flashing with frustration. "So you're saying I'm not good enough for you? That my life is too much for you to handle?"I reached out, placing a gentle hand on his arm.
"No, Javier, that's not what I'm saying. It's just...I have responsibilities, people who depend on me. And your lifestyle...it's not compatible with mine." Javier's face twisted in a scowl.
"You're just like all the others, judging me without even trying to understand me.” his arm
slid away from under my head. He sits up running his hands through his hair. "What's really driving you away? Is it me? Something I did?" I sighed, feeling a deep sorrow.
"Javier, that's not fair. I do understand you, and that's why I know we can't be together. You deserve someone who can keep up with your lifestyle, someone who can be a part of your world without worrying about the consequences. Everything you did we made the choice together.” Javier's eyes narrowed, his voice cold.
"So you're saying I'm not capable of change? That I'm stuck in this life forever?" I hesitated, knowing I had to be honest.
"I'm saying that I don't know if you can change,and I don’t want you too Javier. And even if you could, I don't know if I'm the right person to help you.” Javier's eyes flashed with anger.
"You're so quick to judge me, but what about you? You're not exactly perfect, are you? You've got your own issues, your own secrets."I felt a sting from his words, knowing he was right.
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb," Javier sneered. "I know all about your family, how you've cut them out of your life. And it's not just because you want to keep them safe, is it? It's because you've got commitment issues, because you can't bear to let anyone get close to you." That's too stupid. I felt a surge of defensiveness, but deep down, I knew he was right.
"That's not true," I lied.Javier laughed, a harsh sound.
"Don't lie to me. I've seen the way you push people away, the way you refuse to let anyone in. You're afraid of getting hurt, afraid of caring too much."His words hit too close to home, and I felt a lump form in my throat.
"Shut up," I whispered, trying to keep my emotions in check. Javier's expression softened, his eyes filling with a deep sadness. "I'm just telling the truth," he said quietly. "You're so afraid of getting hurt that you're willing to push away anyone who tries to get close to you. Including me." The words he used would usually get a rise out of me and I would end up screaming but his calm tone allowed me to think about what I was going to say.
“I care a lot” His head snaps at me. “I don’t show it because that is my nature, I can’t help it” I pushed my back against the headboard and took a deep breath. “Having my family away due to my work was probably one of the reasons I decided on this field. I wanted to be a teacher” A sad chuckle came out as tears started swelling up my eyes. “I guess it was a way to separate myself from everyone knowing they would be better off.” I turn to look at him. When I got the job opening I wanted to let it go. But that was before someone close to me got killed” Javier grabs a hold of me hand, giving it a slight squeeze. “The only survivor was his young son. Using the power I had in the FBI I placed myself in the search. Soon enough I found him and I couldn’t stop”
“Was it?” I nod my head.
“That family member was a politician in Mexico, you know how quickly they can go” Javier nods. “I felt a pain seeing him lose who he loved so I promised myself that it wouldn’t happen to anybody else I loved or anyone for that matter” I took a deep breath, trying to explain. "Javier, I've seen what happens when people get close to people in our line of work. They get hurt. Family, friends... all can be affected by this job, by the danger that follows it. I can't bear the thought of anything happening to someone close to me.” Javier's expression changed, his eyes filling with understanding and regret.
"Oh, mi amor...I had no idea. I'm so sorry." I shook my head, feeling a lump form in my
"Don't be sorry, Javier. Just understand why I have to push you away." But Javier shook his head, his eyes burning with intensity.
"No, I won't accept that. I care about you, deeply. And I was willing to give up my old life for you, to be with you and only you." My heart skipped a beat at his words.
"What do you mean?" Javier took my hands, his touch sending shivers down my spine.
"I mean that I was ready to leave the partying, the girls...all of it. I wanted to be with you, to build a life with you. But you pushed me away before I could even try." I felt a pang of regret, realizing what I had done. “We always start with a disagreement and then we sleep together than you leave”
"Javier, I...I didn't know." Javier's eyes filled with sadness.
"I know. And now...now I don't know if I can ever go back to that place again." Javier's eyes locked onto mine, his gaze burning with determination. "But I have to go back to Colombia, Pablo Escobar escaped, and I won't rest until he's brought to justice."I nodded, understanding. "But I don't want to do it without you," he said, his voice softening. "You quit the DEA, but I know you still have a passion for the work. And I need you, mi amor. I need your skills, your expertise...and your love." My heart skipped a beat as he took my hands. "Will you come with me? Will you be my partner, in every sense of the word?" I felt a rush of excitement mixed with fear. Going back to Colombia, facing the dangers and uncertainties...it was a daunting prospect.
"I'll go back to Colombia with you, but not to work with the DEA. I'm done with that life." Javier's eyes sparkled with amusement.
"Okay, mi amor. But what do you say about us? What about our relationship?" I took a deep breath, trying to sound calm.
"I want to take things slow. I want to get to know you better, without the danger and adrenaline of our jobs. And...no sex until we've had a proper date." Javier burst out laughing, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
"A date? You want me to take you on a date?" I nodded, feeling a sense of determination.
"Yes, I do. I want to see if we can connect without the intensity of our past encounters." Javier's grin faltered, and he looked at me with a newfound respect.

"Okay, mi amor. I agree. We'll take things slow, and I'll take you on a proper date. But can I at least try to” he hinted with a grin I rolled my eyes, smiling.
"You can try, but I'm not promising anything." Javier chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement.
"Fair enough. But I'm warning you, mi amor...I'm very persuasive." I raised an eyebrow, feeling a thrill of excitement.
"I'm shaking in my boots."Javier turned to me, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Oh yeah? Don't believe me?" he whispered, his voice low and husky.I shook my head, trying to maintain my resolve.
"No, Javier. I mean it. No sex until we've had a proper date."Javier chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. He reached out, his fingers brushing against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.
"Let me show you just how persuasive I can be," he said, his breath hot against my ear.I felt my heart racing, my resolve weakening. But I stood firm, trying to resist his charms.
"No, Javier. I'm serious."Javier sighed, his shoulders sagging in mock defeat.
"Okay, mi amor. I'll behave. For now." He turned to face me, his eyes locking onto mine.
"But don't think you're off the hook that easily. I'll plan the perfect date, and then...we'll see." I smiled, feeling a sense of anticipation.
"I'm looking forward to it." We sat there for a moment, the tension between us palpable. Then Javier spoke up, his voice soft.
"You know, mi amor...I really like you. Not just your body, but you. Your strength, your courage...your determination." My heart skipped a beat at his words. No one had ever looked at me like that before. No one had ever made me feel so seen.
"I like you too, Javier," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. Javier smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
"Good," he said. "Because I'm not going anywhere.”As we sat there, the tension between us dissipated, Javier leaned in, his eyes locked onto mine. I could feel the warmth of his breath on my skin, and my heart skipped a beat in anticipation.His lips brushed against mine, soft and gentle, like a whisper. It was a tender kiss, one that spoke of promise and possibility. I felt my lips respond, opening to his, allowing him to deepen the kiss.But he didn't. Instead, he pulled back, his eyes still locked onto mine. "I promised I'd behave," he whispered, a sly smile spreading across his face.I smiled back, feeling a sense of wonder.
"You're a man of your word," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.Javier nodded, his eyes still sparkling with mischief.
"Always," he said. "Now, let's get some sleep. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." I nodded, feeling a sense of excitement. What did tomorrow hold? And what did the future hold for us? Only time would tell.
I woke up early enough to sneak out the bedroom to finish packing my things. Once I finished packing, and as I zipped up my last bag, Javier walked up to me, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Hey, what's going on?" he mumbled. I cut to the point,
"I need to make a pit stop before heading to Colombia." Javier's eyes narrowed,
"What's going on? You're being secretive again." He walks closer, narrowing his eyes. I sighed, feeling frustrated, and moved him to sit on the couch beside me.
"Javier, listen. My grandmother is in Mexico. She's been alone for a long time, by her own choice. But now that she's getting older, she needs someone to take care of her." Javier's expression softened, but he still looked concerned.
"What does this have to do with us?" I took a deep breath,
"Not us, me. I want to bring her to the United States, to be with the rest of my family. My job is no longer a risk, and I want to give her a better life." She shouldn’t be alone waiting for me to return after every job. And now that I am no longer doing those kinds of jobs, she will be waiting even longer for me to visit. Javier's eyes widened in understanding, but then his face fell,
"And you didn't think to tell me about this? You could’ve asked me for help"I shook
my head,
"I didn't want to burden you with more secrets, Javier. But I promise, this is the last one."
Javier's face fell, his eyes clouding with hurt.
"You didn't think to ask for my help? I'm here, I'm with you, and you didn't think to include me in this?" I reached out, taking his hand.
"Javier, I knew you'd want to get to Colombia as soon as possible, to keep chasing Pablo. I didn't want to hold you back." He shook his head, his voice low.
"That's not the point. The point is, you didn't trust me enough to ask for my help." I sighed,
trying to explain.
"Transporting my grandmother will only take a couple of days, and then I'll meet you in Colombia. I promise." Javier's expression turned skeptical.
"And what if something happens? What if you need my help?" I squeezed his hand.
"I'll be fine, Javier. I promise. And I'll meet you soon." Javier nodded slowly, his eyes still clouded with hurt, but he seemed to understand.
"Okay, mi amor. But next time, ask for my help. I'm here for you." I smiled, feeling a sense of vulnerability.
"Having someone there for me is new, Javier. I've had to take care of myself my whole life. But as we grow together, I'll learn to let you help me." Javier nodded understandingly, his eyes softening.
"I get it, mi amor. I'm patient." I playfully rolled my eyes.
"Good, because we're not even dating, remember?" Javier's face lit up with a mischievous
"Oh, really?” I chuckled, trying to maintain the charade.
"Yeah, I'm just using you for your skills, Javier. You're a means to an end." Javier laughed, pulling me into a gentle embrace.
"Sure, mi amor. Keep telling yourself that." As we hugged, I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and belonging. Maybe, just maybe, I was starting to let him in.
“So does that mean I can talk to other girls?” Javier's question was met with an immediate eye roll from me.
"Ugh, really? You're going to try to push my buttons like that?" I shook my head, laughing.
"No, Javier, that doesn't mean you can talk to other girls. Don't even think about it." Javier chuckled, holding up his hands in mock defense.
"Okay, okay, I get it. No other girls. I'm all yours...even if we're not dating." I playfully hit him on the arm, smiling.
"Shut up, Javier." Javier's eyes sparkled with mischief.
"Hey, you never said we couldn't kiss before our first date. So, how about it?" I feigned innocence, batting my eyelashes.
"Whatever are you talking about, Javier?" Javier chuckled, pulling me closer.
"Don't play coy, mi amor. I know you want to." I giggled, trying to maintain the act.
"I do not! You're just trying to trick me into kissing you." Javier's face was inches from mine, his voice low and persuasive.
"Maybe a little. But come on, just one kiss. It's not like we're committing to marriage." I couldn't resist his charming smile, and eventually, I gave in, leaning in for a soft, sweet kiss. Javier's lips curved into a triumphant smile as he wrapped his arms around me, deepening the kiss. As Javier's arms wrapped around my waist, I felt a rush of excitement. He gently pulled me onto his lap, and I settled in, feeling the warmth of his body beneath me. His hands rested on my hips, and I could feel his fingers tracing gentle patterns on my skin. I leaned into him, my head on his shoulder, and felt a sense of comfort and security. Javier's lips brushed against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "I'm glad we're doing this," he whispered, his breath sending tingles through my body. I smiled, feeling happy and content.
"Me too," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. We sat there for a moment, wrapped in each other's arms, enjoying the warmth and closeness. It felt like time had stood still, and all that mattered was this moment, this feeling. As I sat on Javier's lap, he began to rub my back, his hands moving in gentle circles. His touch was soothing, and I felt my muscles relax, letting go of all the tension and stress. I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling, and let out a soft sigh. Javier's hands moved up to my shoulders, kneading out the knots and kinks.
"Feel good?" he whispered, his breath warm against my ear. I nodded, my eyes still closed, and murmured,
"Mmm-hmm." Javier continued to rub my back, his touch sending waves of relaxation through my body. I felt myself melting into his lap, feeling safe and protected in his arms. As he rubbed, he leaned in closer, his cheek brushing against mine. I could feel his warmth, his presence. Javier's hands paused on my back, and I could sense a subtle tension in his body. I opened my eyes, looking up at him with a playful smile.
"Trying to behave, Javier?" I teased, my voice barely above a whisper. Javier's eyes locked onto mine, and I saw a flicker of desire before he looked away, clearing his throat.
"Trying to be a gentleman," he said, his voice low and husky. I chuckled, leaning in closer.
"I think you're doing a great job," I whispered, my breath brushing against his ear. Javier's hands tightened on my back, and for a moment, I thought he might give in to the tension between us. But then he took a deep breath and gently lifted me off his lap, setting me beside him.
"I think that's enough for now," he said, his voice firm but playful. I grinned, teasing him.
"Spoilsport." As I sat beside Javier, I glanced down at my watch and my heart skipped a beat. I was running late for my flight! I had completely lost track of time, caught up in the moment with Javier."Oh no, I'm late!" I exclaimed, jumping up from the couch. "My flight is supposed to leave in 20 minutes!" Javier's eyes widened in surprise.
"Already? I didn't realize it was so late." I grabbed my bag and started to rush out the door, but Javier caught my arm.
"Wait, mi amor. Let me drive you to the airport." I hesitated for a moment, but then nodded.
"Okay, thank you. I don't have time to argue." Javier smiled and grabbed his keys.
"Let's go. We'll make it." We sped to the airport, Javier's skilled driving getting us there just in the nick of time. As we pulled up to the terminal, I could see the flight attendants preparing to close the doors.
"Thank you, Javier!" I exclaimed, grabbing my bag and jumping out of the car. Javier followed me, his eyes locked on mine.
"Anytime, mi amor. Be safe, okay?" We reached the gate just as they were about to close it. I turned to Javier, my heart racing with excitement and a hint of sadness at leaving him behind. Javier took my face in his hands, his eyes burning with intensity. "I'll miss you," he whispered, his lips brushing against mine in a soft, sweet kiss. I melted into the kiss, feeling a rush of emotions.
"I'll miss you too," I replied, my voice barely audible. With one last look, I turned and
rushed through the gate, making it onto the plane just as the doors closed behind me. I found my seat, buckled in, and gazed out the window, watching as Javier stood there, his eyes fixed on me until the plane took off.
Chapter 15

Chapter 13
After agreeing a set time to meet tonight I turned around to open the door but was pulled back. He convinced me to sit down and talk to him about what was going on. I wasn’t stupid. Not just because he gave me a good time, it doesn’t mean I am willing to open up to him.
“You got assigned another job? Why would you resign? Why-”
“Woah there agent” I hold my hand stopping him mid sentence. “One question at a time.” I fix myself on the chair preparing myself for this conversation. “I can’t tell you every detail but yes” Javier leans back in his seat ready to listen. “Noonan assigned me to Argentina. A form of undercover work”
“For Pablo or another narco organization?”
“No, I don’t know” His eyes shot daggers. It said, No? I don’t know? Then who the hell does? Aren’t you supposed to know before throwing yourself in those kinds of situations? To be honest it was the truth. I didn’t ask questions and it was dangerous but that's how it has always been. But in this case, I couldn’t tell him what it was about. “I don’t get the full run down for my safety”
“Bullshit!” He rolls his eyes. “They don’t give you everything because they don’t want you to say no”
“Javier” He looks back at me. “It's part of my job. I know enough to do it, plus it is my last job with them” It's my turn to relax back on the chair. It finally hit me that I would be able to do whatever I want after this.
“Why?” I shrug trying to get on his nerves and it worked. As he rubs his face he lets out a sigh.
“Noonan broke the agreement and it was a major screw up I couldn’t take lightly” Our heads turned to the door opening and it revealed an agent Murphy.
“Were you two here talking the whole time?” I gave Javier a glare knowing his stupid smirk would follow a snarky response. “Can we talk for a minute?” I find Murphy's eyes.
“No” I shake my head. I stand up grabbing my things.
“Care to put this on hold for Connie?” He whispered as I got closer to the door. I furrowed my brows confused
“She needs someone to talk to and heard you were here so she invited you for lunch” I rolled my eyes but I knew it would be harsh to say no to Connie when she wasn’t involved.
“Fine” With that I push myself out the door.
“I’ll drive you” Murphy lifted his keys. I look back to Javier who was just standing behind him.
“Food? Am coming too” Javier snatched the keys from Steve’s hand, getting a head start towards the car. It was the least amusing situation. We got to the car and I moved straight to the back seat. The driver who I recently got fucked by, was locking eyes with me every other minute in the rear view mirror. But can you blame me? He had pretty eyes. The passenger cost me a job and could’ve cost me a life. He put in jeopardy my work ethic and he had no right to get himself involved like that. The drive down to their house was silent so when Javier put the car in park I was out like a flash. Connie opened the door with a big smile and open arms.
“Hey!” She engulfed me to her side. When I noticed what she was carrying it was too late, it was in my arms now. “Her name is Olivia” She screamed back as she ran back into her house towards the kitchen.
“We are adopting her,” Steve said, moving into the house aswell but not before kissing her forehead hello. I looked down and it was obviously a Colombian baby. Not older than 1. Dark hair and eyes. She was beautiful.
“Come on” I felt a slight push on my lower back and I turned to see Javier there. I slowly move in and hear the door close behind me. The babygirl was wide-eyed looking at my unfamiliar face.
“She’s beautiful” I say walking over to the kitchen to sit on the island chairs. “Her parents-?”
“Yeah” Connie nodded. “She is a pretty little girl who needed a home and I was so happy to be able to give her one” By the middle of that sentence her voice turned mushy and baby-like as she was caressing her face now.
“Being a mom suits you” She whispered a thank you before hurriedly moving to the stove again.
“What are you doing in Bogota?” I turn my head to the boys watching tv but still ear shot away. I stood up, placing Oliva on my hip. I walked over to Connie as she was finishing up the food.
“Came to resign”
“What!” She yelped a little loud for my liking. It made Javier and Steve turn to look at us. “So you are not staying? What are your plans?”
“Yeah, you got the whole parent act down” We chuckle. I look down at Olivia bouncing her as she is starting to get fussy. “Problems at work made me realize it was time for something new”
“So you are thinking of traveling?” She looked over at Olivia and I. “Start a family? Or even settle down?” I shake my head quickly.
“No” I look over and try to find something to settle Oliva down with. “Bottle?” Connie turned and pointed at the cabinet next to the fridge. “I meant a new start to a new career” I pull down a bottle and start making it for Olivia. “Never saw myself as a parent or with someone, atleast not for a couple of years”
“Well I’d say with how easy you are handling an uneasy baby while preparing her bottle without a drop, I think you are ready when you decide to have one of your own” I start shaking her bottle and it's like no one has ever fed this baby before. Her small hands trying to reach for her bottle. Pouting and fussing because the bottle can’t be done soon enough.
“Had a lot of practice. Siblings. Nephews,Nieces, and a lot of family friends kids” I settle Olivia on my lap and handle her strong hands pulling on the bottle.
“You have never mentioned your family?” I look up as she serves the plates.
“Isn’t safe to do so in this line of work” She gives me a sympathetic look coming over to set the food on the table.
“How long has it been?” Since I've seen my grandmother?, a couple days. But the rest of my immediate family?
“6 years”
“Once in a while through a trusted contact” She nods understanding there wasn’t much to say about the topic.
“Food is ready boys!” She didn’t even have to wait another second because they were rushing to the table.
“Thanks honey” Steve kisses her cheek and sits down to start eating. I look down, noticing Olivia still with her eyes open.
“Let me settle her in her crib for her nap” Connie comes over but I wave her off.
“Don’t worry I can do it, eat” I can see the exhaustion in her eyes and how tense she was.
“Okay” she smiled, moving to sit beside Steve. “She doesn’t go down easy!” She screamed as I walked over to Olivia’s room. Her room still needs to be decorated but she has her dresser and crib equipted.
“Ready to go night night?” I put her on my chest and pat her back gently trying to burp her. “You have wonderful parents,” I whisper. “ But they choose this pair just for you” I can feel her stir less and her quiet goo’s slowly respond to me. “I know that they will bring you up wonderfully. Loved and treasured for as long as you let them” she responded with a burp but I wasn’t mad, my hand was getting kind of tired. “Ready to sleep?” I cradle her in my arms and start to sway her. She began to shake her head fighting the sleep that wanted to take over her. Surely over the next five minutes she fought strong but allowed sleep to win once again. “Beauty sleep is important, you know?” I whisper as I move over her crib and settle her down. “I’ll see you soon” With one last glance at her I turn around and head down to the kitchen.
“That was quick,” Steve announced, surprised.
“Always been good with kids. They love me”
“Sounds like the opposite to me. She probably fell asleep because it was better than having you hold her” Javier with a stuffed mouth turned to say. I know he was joking but it earned a punch to his arm.
“Shut up and eat your food. You probably spend more time shoving things in you face than actually working”
“I prefer to shove something else in my face but food will do it for now” I didn’t even want to look at him but his hand slipped to lay on my upper thigh and gave it a squeeze.
“Javier! Not in my house with that foul mouth” I chuckle at the scolding Javier was getting as I enjoyed a fresh meal. “So, Y/n?” I look over to Connie as she starts her question. “Change of career? Like what?”
“Teacher” I say noncholant. Not crazy about the kids but I like the idea of teaching
“College?” I can feel the shocked eyes Steve and Javier were giving me.
“Kindergarden” Now their eyes were popping out their sockets.
“Analyst to agent to accountanted to teacher, are you going to tell us your a doctor too”
“Maybe a lawyer?” Steve chuckles when Javiers reponds to his comment.
“Scared to take the bar. I have a doctorate degree in pyscology, so not technically a medical doctor if that's what you mean” Steve’s jaw fell open.

“Dr. Agent. Miss, y/l/n” Javier said trying to piece it all together
“Actually, SSA Dr. y/l/n” I look over with now his jaw on the floor. “But it's too technical, don’t worry your pretty head about it honey” I patted his cheek before continuing eating. The whole lunch we spent talking and laughing like friends who come together every weekend to share their lives. In this time I spent it thinking how it would actually feel. When I was younger as a teen I thought of myself married and traveling the world. Buying a home and enjoying my job. Coming home after a long day and talking to my husband. On a gateway weekend or go hiking with friends. It didn’t involve living a made uo life. Not seeing or having anyone that personal you can go and talk too. Can plan for the future because there is no guarantee there will be one.
“Have somewhere to be or can you stay awhile?” Connie asks as we walk towards the living room and leave the boys to clean up the table.
“I can stay awhile” I send a smile towards her.
“I’ll be back” She quickly says, running to Olivias aid.
“Am going to say goodbye then we can leave” Steve tells Javier as he dries his hand and runs behind Connie. I walk over to the book stand they had by the door and scan my eyes through the pictures.
“Ever see yourself in a white dress” I jump a bit hearing Javiers voice hoovering beside me.
“No” I cross my arms trying to not give into the feeling he always causes me whenever he is near.
“What about with a baby?” He moves closer pressing up against me. One hand falls to grip my hip to pull me flat against him while the other hand points at the picture of Steve’s little family.
“No” I grunt. His loose hand grabs my chin and makes my head turn to look at him.
“I do” I swore there was no stopping my next move. I twisted my body, grabbing fist full of his jacket and pulling him in for a kiss. His hands wrap around me settling themselves on my back to give us stability. Mouth fighting for dominance. “You would look so pretty” He pulled away.
“Shut up” I whisper, pulling him back in. He tasted so sweet. His tongue asked for entrance and I gladly gave in.
“We should go Javier” I turned around in embarrassment to fix myself.
“Thank you for the food Connie” Javier smiles before following Steve out the door. I cooled myself down before sitting alongside Connie on the couch.
“I need your opinion” my mind is still in a haze. I tried my darnest to focus on the words coming out of her mouth. “You are the only one who understands english and knows the kind of work my husband is in” She let out a sigh trying to gather words up.
“Connie,” I whisper, taking hold of her hands. “Is everything alright?” She shakes her head and that's when I notice tears rolling down her face.
“I want to leave this godamn place. Steve is stubborn on catching Pablo but I just can’t do this anymore” She sobs, leaning her head against me. “I wanted to leave before Olivia arrived and now with her, it's all I can think about” She wanted her safe. She wanted her whole family safe.
“You just have to talk to Steve about it. Colombia is not a safe place for a DEA agent’s family. Like it or not if it comes down to it, the narcos are willing to kill anybody” I didn’t know what to say, it wasn’t my place to say anything. But I could tell Connie needed it. “The reason I haven’t talked to my family or seen them is because of my job. It's a lonely job but I prefer to keep them safe. It is also the reason why I don’t plan to start a family anytime soon” Connie sits up wiping her nose and tears. “I see how the work falls on Steve and you being here is the only thing keeping sane and not running towards the bullets like a mad man” I smile hearing a slight chuckle coming from her.
“I know he needs me and being here before knowing he was coming home everyday was all I needed too, but now we have Olivia” We spoke more about her worries and discovered she was scared and anxious. This life gets you that way. She decided to have a talk with Steve as things have started to cool down with Escobar in prison. “So how long are you planning to stay down here for?”
“Am leaving tonight” I took a look down at my purse and saw the plane ticket.
Chapter 14
Javier Pena x Reader

Chapter 12
It was the perfect time to head into the office. Mid morning and am sure the ambassador was in. “Carmen is she in?” I ask, walking straight to the secretary's desk.
“Yes but-” She stood up trying to stop me from walking in.
“Thanks” I say, closing the door behind me. I walk towards her desk and throw a file ontop of the map she was looking at. “This is my resignation. After I am finished with the case, it will be the last one”
“L/N!” I heard a stomp as I was already halfway to the door. “You can't just barge in like this. Take a seat outside and I will be right with you to speak about this” I turned around confused and she took my silence as an understanding. “I apologise” She looks back to the men sitting around her. It included Wysession,Murphy,Pena, and a CIA officer who I've only seen around a couple times. I took a deep breath in and decided to take a seat on her office’s couch. Staring at her I calmed down a bit. Everything I wanted to say disappeared, I was trying to be nice. As the conversation ends I stand up saying goodbye to the guys.
“How long are you staying for this time?” My eyes rapidly looked back to Pena who stopped at the door. I walk closer seeing Noonan react to us. He sounded annoyed?
“Not for long.” I say dryly, turning my heel and walking to Noonan’s desk. I push the file forward. “I told you to never come and find me in that place. It was one of the rules and you broke it. After this case is over, so is my agreement”
“I needed to get ahold of you as quick as possible”
“I don’t care. You violated the agreement so I must turn in my resignation” She was shocked. “I made sure to not put this in the file because I know you are having the time of your life searching for Escobar again.”
“I will keep it here until you return. Just to give you time-” I shake my head
“I don’t need time. I had enough time to think about it while I was with my grandmother and on the plane”
“Look, I apologise-”
“I know it's important” I cut her off. “But you know it's not as important as keeping her safe or the people I love. So file it or not, I will not be working for you anymore” I stood up and walked out the door. My body was feeling flames all around. My eye sight narrowed at the exit.
“Y/N?” I didn’t stop until a hand wrapped around my arm to turn me around and pull me towards another room. I look over to find Pena standing there.
“What?” He looked shocked. He walked closer to make sure my eyes were fixed on him too. “First of all I wanted to make sure you were okay. What does it mean you are quitting? And second, I want to know why you left all of a sudden without another word?” Did I seriously have to give him an explanation? Who was he to grab me and demand answers? I wanted to turn around and leave but I stood my ground. It was time to deal with this.
“First of all, I don’t need to be giving you an explanation for either of those things. Second of all, if you decide to do this again I will have your resignation on her desk next”
“You love power don’t you?” I took a step back knowing I couldn’t stop him from pushing back. “To have something hanging over people's head to get your way or just make them scared of you?
“Don’t act like you don’t like it either. When you are integrating people? When you grab an informat and make them scream out information?” I place my hands on his leather jacket. “Don’t tell me it doesn’t feel good?” I rake my hand up until it settles on both his cheeks. “Power is meant to be used. Do you want a refresher?” I push my body against his. My face goes in the crook of his shoulder. I place a kiss and another until his head is thrown back with eyes closed. His hands find my hips pushing us against the wall. “Remember?” I whisper as I remove my hands and unbuckle his pants.
“Mhm” He looks down seeing me slide my hand into his pants and grab his cock. “Baby” He groans as my hold tightens.
“I remember how good and big this is” His eyes quickly flashes towards mine. “How you stretched me out that day” I began to plam him as best I could in his tight pants. “I can still feel you” I was trying to tease him but my legs buckled and that was it. His lips took dominance over mine and his hand pulled mine out his pants to be held behind my back. With one hand holding both of mine hostage behind me and the other forcing my chin to look up as he kisses me desperately. His tongue crosses to the other side exploring every inch. I couldn’t explain how much I needed this but the tear coming out of my eye because of just one kiss could. I struggle to push my hands away wanting nothing more than to pull him closer and deepen the kiss.
“I’ll show you the power you crave and how it might not be as fun for the other person” I groan as he pulls away from my lips. It was quickly replaced with a grunt. He turned my body around, still using my hands as leverage.
“Javi” I whined trying to break loose again but only earning me a slap on the ass.
“The only thing you have to do is say please” He dragged out the last word teasing me. I roll my eyes, shaking my head. “Okay” My arms tightened behind me and a cold metal layed on my wrist. Handcuffs?!. I didn’t give it any reaction knowing it would only encourage him more. “My princessa lost her manners” He straightens up, pushing up against my back. “Have to teach you some manners?” He hummed as he took my face and pulled me into another kiss. Fucking hell, my body starts moving against his clear erection in his pants. The friction easily causes an arisal in my lower body. I wanted to touch him. Pull him closer. Have him underneath me fucking fast and hard like last time, I need him. “Think you can be a good enough girl to keep quiet?”
“No,” I pout. I hear a low chuckle as I look over my shoulder to see his pants on the floor. His big strong hands pulled his boxers down to reveal such a pretty view.
“No?” He teases as his hand wraps around his cock and slowly starts moving up and down. His tip red and precum was smearing. I was like an animal on hit unconsciously backing up my rear trying to get closer. “It's okay,” He whisper. He takes hold of my hair with one hand as the other is still teasing his cock. “I have the power here” Seconds go by of him grinning against me and his groans and grunts are all I can hear in my ear. The pain in my scalp of him pulling me only adds to the explosion I can no longer bear.
“Fuck me” I whisper unable to whine. “Javi, I need you” I close my eyes pushing up harder against him not caring how desprate I look right now.
“All you have to say is a simple word”
“No” I groaned again. He releases my hair and his body is no longer flushed against mine. I was about to cry out what he wanted until my pants were pulled down along with my panties. “Gonna fuck me?” I feel one hand move under my shirt circling my back. My sense was clear to him, teasing my clit with his cock. “Mi amor” I moaned, pushing more to get some pressure release but he continued to tease me.
“So wet” I could hear his breath caught in his throat but I disgared it. All I wanted was him inside of me. “So wet you don’t need any preparation”
“No” I shake my head. “I just need you” I look back at him, his eyes fixed on me.
“Look so pretty like this” I groaned, feeling him lay his chest on my back slowly sliding into me but only the tip. His strong hands groped my hip forbidding me from pushing back all the way. I can feel he needs it too. The way there is already sweat forming on his forehead and how his breathing has quickened. The force on my hips tells me he is desprate to be inside me. One of my hands twisted to lay flat against his front lower half. It caresses his skin, unable to move further down but it would have to do.
“So stubborn my love” I whisper seeing how his eyes shut. “I want this” I wiggle my ass feeling how his cock twiches to some movement. “I need you” I moan as his head falls on my shoulder taking a bit to hold on to his moan. “But fuck do you need this more”
“Fuck this” He grunts straighting up. Gripping my hips with more force and slamming into me. I let out a loud moan.
“Shit” I tried to hold on to something but with my hands restrained I couldn’t. My face is cold against the wall. My body arched to accommodate him. On hand slide up to my chest to pull me against him and the other continues to force my pelvis to be positioned just right as he fucks me.
“I don’t care being wrong as long as I get to be fucking you” He hand moves to my throat and with a tight hold my pussy clenches on to him, not wanting to let go. “To ge to fuck this pussy” I try to say something smart but with the fast pace he is going and the air he is not letting go through my throat, all I can do is let out a moan. “How I missed this” My wrists were surly red by this point as I was tugging for a release as was my pussy. “Now I am going to cum in you to remind you how well this feels” He groans. His hand is removed from my throat to push me down on a desk.

The change of position as he lifts my leg on the desk is what gets me begging. He is going in deeper and deeper, reaching places no one has been able to.
“Javi, please baby” My croaked voice was not sexy but he didn’t seem to mind. “Cum in me” I grunt, tightening against him. “I need your cum in me please” I beg again and it was like a fuel to him as his pace quickens
“Fuck yeah baby. Begging so nicely” Fucking hells. His cock throbs and twitches knowing he was not going to last long. “Now I know how to get you to behave like a good girl” My pussy tighten, fucking him dry as I cum along with him. The sound of bodies slapping against each other slowly fades. The breathing starts to normalise. The heat in our bodies beging to cool down. The mixture of us was running down my leg. The slow caress on my back calms me down. But the slow hip thrust he is still doing is going to make me sore when he pulls out.
“Javi” I whine trying to stand up but with the same hand that is caressing my back he pushes me down. “You need to pull out” I of course didn’t mean it like that, it was too late to test his pull out game.
“I like it here” His low chuckle earns an eye roll from me but I would be lying if I said I wanted him to stop. “I like the view and the warmth you give my cock” I hold in my moan. “Plus you have no option” He was referring to the hand cuffs still around my wrist.
“Javi please” I whine, pulling on the cuffs.
“See what improvement we are making?” He slowly pulls out and my pussy clenches on the feeling of him. “You learned some manners” Still laying on the desk I feel him start to clean our cum up my leg. “I will save this view for later” I feel a kiss on my ass as he stands. “Until I can replace it with your cum dripping out after I feast on you” He pulls me up and removes the hand cuffs. “Legs over my shoulder” He takes my hips and flips me around. “Tongue exploration every undiscovered inch of you” He goes down but only to pull up my panties and pants. “And every inch of my fingers playing and fucking your sweet pussy” The feeling my chest was back. How the hell did he make my want to suck him off right here and let him fuck me again until I am a ragdoll.
“Next time?” Was all I could gather to say to him. His eyes open in surprise to hear those words. At this point I didn’t know what I was saying but the feeling of hope gave me a reason to smile. He buttons up my pants with a nod.
“How’s tonight?”
Chapter 13
Javier Pena x Reader

Chapter 11
“Mija! Someone is here to see you” I get up in a hurry and move my hand to hold on to my gun. I don’t know anyone around and my grandmother isn’t expecting anyone. “This kind gentleman-” I came around to see a tall figure dressed in a suit standing there. “Do you know him?” She was questioning the whole thing too but I couldn’t get her worried.
“Yes. I will be right outside” With a nod she sends me off. “Who sent you?” I continued moving until I knew it was far away for my grandmother to see or hear anything.
“Noonan. You have been assigned a new case” He pulls out a folder and hands it to me. “She wants you on the earliest flight out” I nod.
“Tell her something for me?” The guy nods. “Tell Noonan the next time she sends someone to my grandmother's house, it will be the last time she hears of me” The guy nods again. “You know what?” I examine the file to see the location. “I will go and tell her myself” With a smile I motion for him to go ahead and leave. I make sure he does too.
“Is anything wrong?” I shake my head throwing the file in a drawer. I turn around to see my grandmother standing in the doorway with her arms crossed. I gave an annoyed sigh knowing she wasn’t going to let it go. “There are different ways to get in contact with me and she chose to send someone to your house” She doesn’t seem angry, she never was. It would be hard to read her at first but living with her from the age of 3 made her expressions obvious.
“He was cute” I shake my head with a smile.
“I can get you their number” I say jokenly which earned me a hit on my arm
“I mean’t for you, have to leave some for you right?” I roll my eyes laughing. “But you don’t want any of them do you?” She came closer grabbing onto my hands.
“I am not underestimating their true value but for now, men are useless” I didn’t need a pause on my life
“Honey” We both sit on the edge of the bed. “Building a big farm with a bunch of animals. The beautiful brick house with four pairs of feet running around will not happen with you moping.”
“Yeah, but I don’t need it right now. Plus the men I have met are just not it” I didn’t want to be descriptive but the only men I meet are on my travels and at work. They both have the same priority and that's hook up and disappear. Dine and Ditch. Seduce and then reduce.
“What about the guy from your last trip?”
“Ehh” I try to defer her question, which I have successfully done for a couple of days that I’ve been back. “What's for dinner?” But no good. She grabs my arm and pulls me back when I try to stand up.
“Mija” She says calmly at first but gets louder and annoyed with every word after that. “You are going to turn old and sour and no one will put up with you! You will be the crazy lady on the block and I will die before I get affiliated to that!” I wanted to mumble something along the lines of, You will be dead before that happens anyways, but it will be like passing down the crown. “You’re a good kid. Always so nice even when you have your father's temper and some other qualities that have to be genetics” She chuckles a bit. “Stubborn like your mother but I know I raised you to be better than all of that. I want you to find that someone who is right for you and I know you have to feel ready but you have to put some work into it too” I nod knowing she was right.
“I just haven’t felt the right thing. I want to be right” She nods slowly before getting up. I look up only to be hit on the side of the head. Not hard of course.
“Mija, get off your high horse. Nothing is going to be perfect, you just have to go for it. You don’t find the right person, it just happens and you can’t let fear of them not being the one kill that for you.If you allow it too, you will searching your whole life”
“Yes?” She says sweetly
“I think my problems are all caused by the hits you give me to my head” My grandma shake her head with a smile
“I should have sent you back a long time ago” I hold my laugh. “Let's go eat before it gets cold” The rest of the evening was spent enjoying the food and then it moved outside to see the sun go down behind the mountains. It felt safe staying here. I always thought in a couple of years I would move back for certain. I look over to my grandmother who has no one here most of the time and I think of doing it for her, it makes the decision feel better. But then I try to look past the mountains at what could be.
“You were always an overthinker” I turned to face her again as she was on her rocking chair. “But when things came to a decision point even if it was sudden, you always figure it out”
“Half of the time am praying it's not the wrong one”
“You are always doubting yourself too. You do for the people and you don’t seem to understand how grateful they are for you” I think helping is a normal thing, not something someone should be praised about. Its natural human decency. “You help families come together, have closure.” She stops rocking her chair to turn towards me. “Even if it's not publicized to the whole world, you continue to help the less known. People without a big voice. You just turn around and don’t truly take in what it means to them, you think of yourself as someone who just simply picked up something they dropped.” I look anywhere but her eyes. I didn’t feel like being lectured about another thing. “All I am saying is, you don’t have to change. You are already doing bigger things and becoming a better person. I just want you to be happy” I look over nodding my head.
“I am happy. It's just some rough patches I go through, but I am okay”
“Okay” She nods, leaning back in her chair to continue rocking. I can't help but roll my eyes. “If you continue to roll your eyes it will get stuck” Of course she would know. I swear she actually has eyes in the back of her head. I look back at the scenery and start praying for this time to last. But it didn’t, soon enough I was on my way back to Bogota, Colombia.
Chapter 12
Javier Pena X Reader

Chapter 10
On my way my mind was blank. As Javier spoke I only nodded and smiled. “We are working with the CIA, those son of b-”
“Great you’re here” The ambassador stopped as she was walking across from us. “In my office” I nod. “And you” She points at Javier. “Leave her alone and go find Murphy” I chuckle. I turned the opposite direction and headed into her office.
“Everything you need is on my desk” I look over and a file is there. “Hopefully I don’t get the need to do a personal call again” I laugh a bit, grabbing hold of the file. “You will arrive at the office and from there on recieve instructions from Luna” I nod knowing the obvious spill. “And everytime per the agreement I have to say.” I stood up ready to leave after the obvious second spill. “If you wish to terminate your agreement, you have 2 days to turn in a letter of resignation” I nod.
“Thank you ambassador Noonan” I shake her head.
“You know I could have a spot for you here in the Escobar case. All you have to do is ask” Hell no.
“Is it your spot?” Noonan chuckles, shaking her head.
“I would give it up in a second if I had that option” She sat on her chair pulling it forward. “Of course you have the power to do that” It was my turn to laugh.
“I think I will stick to my job” Another few shared words and a goodbye. I walked out of her office. I turned the corner and found myself infront of my office.
“Y/n?” I turn around and see my old assistant. “How are you?” With a big smile she jumps on me, giving me a hug. “It's been what? Almost 3 months?”
“Yeah, something like that. How have you been?” I always had a hard time focusing when the conversation didn’t interest me one bit. Nora was great but I had only known her for 2 short weeks and although it was spent hearing her talk all day, that didn’t make us close.
“Great! Are you back to work? Why did you disappear all of a sudden? The ambassador said you had to travel back to the states but it sounded too weird considering you had just arrived” I chuckled alongside her. My eyes searched the place trying to think of some way to get out of the conversation.
“When duty calls you have to go” She nods with an even bigger smile.
“So how long are you staying now?”
“Yeah I also would like to know” I jumped a bit, turning around to find Murphy there with a cup of coffee in hand.
“Nora,” I say with a smile. “I need to have a word with agent Murphy alone, we will catch up later”
“Ok” She said cheerfully and turned her heel to walk away. I took this time to grab Murphy's empty hand and pull him to my office. I go around my desk and throw the file on the table. “Why didn’t you tell me?” My emotions didn’t pop up until I saw his face. Murphy's questionable look gave me the go ahead to explain what he obviously forgot. I open the file to the page and move it closer to him to see. “You showed me the picture and you let me assume she was dead” I pointed at the information. Active. When I finish a job I get sent back with paperwork of course. It will tell every detail of the person I was sent out to look for and in my recent search she was finalized as active. She was still alive and in the captor's hands.
“I knew that if you found out you would want to go in search of her and with Escobar look-”
“That wasn’t you call!” I pointed at him slamming my hands on my desk. “I get that you are worried about me and I thank you for helping me these days but you had no right to intervene in my work”
“Oh like you did in mine?!”
“That was different! I didn’t run around behind Escobar or keep information from you”
“I was just trying to keep you safe” Frustrated, I threw his cup to the wall. I didn’t want to be ungrateful because he helped me but it wasn’t his decision to make.
“I am not going to apologise” I say more quietly. “I thank you for lending a hand but not telling me about her was the wrong decision since it was up to you at all” I gather my things and close up the file.
“Where are you going, you can’t go out there-” I turned around coming so close to his face I could see the surprise in his eyes.
“Thank you Murphy” I opened the door, putting some distance on us. “Hope to work with you again. Tell Connie she has been good and I’ll miss her” I shut the door leaving him standing alone in my office. I know what he was thinking. That I was going to pursue the case again but he was wrong. I grab the file tighter, setting the course in my mind. I had a destination and it wasn’t one I could take on foot. Each step I took I couldn’t help but think of the girl's parents. How I have to go back and let them know I haven’t brought her back with me. How I put a hold on her search. I couldn’t let that happen, right?
And that is how I spent my time back in my hometown, Mexico. I got on the plane Noonan had scheduled me for. I did what the protocol is and went straight to the office but I didn’t settle. The first couple of days were talking on the phone with a trusted agent. Told him every detail of the case and with the help of the ambassador, he went out to capture and rescue the girl. It took him a couple of weeks but as I turned in the folder I let my shoulder rest knowing that was the end of that. “As soon as I can I will see you back in the states”
“I think I am going to take a break from the states” I sat down in my apartment's kitchen chair. “Place my focus on helping more people, maybe even-”
“What you need to do is relax. Take a vacation”
“You really did take to heart helping people at the bar didn’t you Diego?” Marcus. He survived and I didn’t feel relieved until I got the news 2 days after arriving in Mexico.
“Am serious” He groans
“As am I. I don’t need a vacation, I need to work”
“Whatever you say. I will contact you if anything happens” I mumble an ok before hanging up. Maybe I should take a vacation, I think I need some piece of what is the closest to being a home. I can’t remember the last time I visited Monterrey. I left after studying criminology and psychology. Moved and started in Quantico but later was transferred to the DEA. In the span of almost a decade I have been on the move, never once looked back. This is not a sad thing. I never dreamed of staying there forever, but now was certainly the time to go back.
Chapter 11
Javier Pena x Reader

Chapter 9
I decided to stay a couple of days in Cumeral. I got a phone to get in contact with Steve to make sure things were okay to come back but it was never good news. In the operation to catch Gacha alive went downhill when Pena gave orders to shoot him. It meant a huge success for Caramillo and his Searchbloc. Then of course after the new presidential candidate chose to back up extradition, Pablo attempted against his life. Causing innocent lifes to be lost in a terrible plane crash. Since then there have been two other bomb attacks around the area of Bogota. Pablo was now seen by the people as a terrorist. I needed to get back now, Pablo and his cartel were busy building the war to focus on me. Of course it still wasn’t safe to just be walking around but Noonan will get the safe place ready at the latest tomorrow. I park the car in Steve’s building but have no way to get in. Thankfully I learned useful skills. I turned around carefully picking on the lock until it opened. I did the same with Pena’s door that almost fell apart from excess pulling. For an agent who could be killed at any second, finding him spread out on the couch without flinching on the slightest move was astonishing. I dropped the keys on the counter and came around to see his eyes closed peacefully. Black casual button up coming half way. The bottom half untucked from his pants that was unzipped too. Shoes off with one leg hanging off the couch. Arms resting under his head probably after he ran it throught his hair. You could see pieces going in different directions. I had a thought run through my mind but I know it wasn’t the best. I know moving closer wasn’t the best. Leaning over him and fixing my eyes to see every detail of his face wasn’t the best. My hands unbuttoning his shirt slowly wasn’t the best. Moving my hands up his chest while my leg moves over to straddle him wasn’t the best. I hear a soft groan coming from his chest and I freeze. Seeing as his arms come loose falling to my lap unconsciously he settles back down in his sleep. His subtle hip movement caused a friction against my panties I couldn’t deny. Thankfull for the skirt I was wearing it was easy to move out the way. I started to grind and I was unable to stop on the force that kept building in my strides. I grip his big hands and place them on my breasts. How stupid do I feel grinding on a man asleep on his couch. Trying to cum solely on the contact of his jeans and as I force an unconscious man to grip my breast for more friction. The answer to that is I don’t, I feel fucking great. “Holy Fuck” I look down seeing Pena stirring awake as he moans. He takes over his hands and does his own teasing himself. I remove my hands to slowly run it up and down his chest putting more pressure on our connecting bodies. “Baby” he whines once he opens his eyes.
“Should I be worried how you so calmly woke up to this?” I hold in a moan as his cold strong hands move under my shirt to grip my skin.
“How can I be angry or deny this?” He pushes himself up removing my shirt to find no bra underneath. “Or this?” fuck. Breath cut off half way as he connects his mouth to one boob. He doesn’t kiss it or licks it, no, Javier Pena attaches himself like a leech and just starts sucking.
“Javi” I grip his head, wanting him to continue forever but of course he is such a dick and pulls away. “What the fuck?” I hit his shoulder. His face filled with that stupid grin he always carries. “Do you tease every girl like this?” he shakes his head. “Right.” I roll my eyes.
“Every girl doesn’t get a chance to wake me up like this” He wraps his arms around my waist, pulsing me closer. “Not every girl would get a chance to manipulate her way to this” I grunt, blocking his words. He removed one arm at a time that was covering my chest from him.
“You probably would let any girl do this to you aslong as you are getting some” I wasn’t angry or upset, I just didn’t want this to get up in his head.
“I remember your scent” He ignores me. He places a kiss on my cheek. “I remember the way your hands feel against mine” He goes down to place another kiss on my neck. “How your soft whines and moans sound” He moves his hand to grip on boob and places a kiss on it. “And how perfect this tits fit in my hand and how fucking great the taste” With those last words he latches on again with more force.
“Oh my god” I squeal, pulling him closer as I wrap my hands, cradling his head. He sucks and I start to grind against him faster and faster each second that goes by. I throw my head back in ecstasy. He gripped my other breast, playing and tugging. “Javi?” I look down, moving his hair out the way to see his eyes. “Can you just fuck me?” I don’t want any more foreplay or words to be exchanged. I only want to feel him against me, inside me, and intimately. He removes himself without another word, only a nod. I move my hand downward and help him remove his pants. I look up seeing his own eyes focused on mine. The sun was going down so the yellow glow on his tan skin made this feel more like a dream. I took him in my hand. His throat letting out a grunt as an impulse thrust caused his tip to rub against my inner thigh.
“No teasing” He whines, placing both hands on my hip.
“I wasn’t planning on it” I raise my hips just enough to position him right under me. I go down slowly feeling every inch go inside me. It hurt me feeling the stretch get wider and wider but what pretty sounds he made that distracted me.
“Querida” He whispers as I settle all the way down. My pussy tigting against him. Molding together, never wanting to let go.
“You feel so good” I grab his face bringing him in for a kiss. A slow dominating kiss. I don’t think I could ever get tired of them. “Are you going to fuck me like one of your girls?” I didn’t mind becoming one more on the list. I already had him here, with me. What use will it be remembering how many more girls he has done this with? Not when I have him here,body and soul, just like he has me.
“You will never come close to one of those girls” He grips my face. “Yes, I’ve had many but not one that holds me as tight as you” Fuck. “Not one that says my name so sweetly” His words were fuel to me. I started moving slowly, up and down. “Not one that could get me on my knees begging if she only asked” I hold in a moan. “Not one that fills all my daydreams and nights fantasies” My hips move up and down at a rapid speed. My head falls back with my eyes closed. I don’t know how I could hear his voice with the moans and whimpers coming out of me or the clapping that we cause everytime I go down. I grab on to his shoulder feeling a sheer coat of sweat. “You’re not like one of those girls” He pushes me against him, starting to kiss my chest. “Far from it” He trails his kisses up to my neck.
“Javi” I hold him closer and my pussy clenches even tighter as I feel the pressure build. “Fucking me so nicely, mi amor” I take the chance to bit into his neck earning a groan. My nails create crescent indents on his back.
“Always imagine you like this when I first saw you” He whispers into my neck and he starts to rub my back. His hips moving at an even faster pace. “Tight skirts and those blouses that you purposely don’t button all the way” Fuck I was so close. “Wondered how easy it would be to bend you over my desk and fuck you”
“Shut up” I cover his mouth slowing down our movement but slamming harder and tighter on his dick. “Baby, I need you” I pushed back, grabbing onto his face. “Inside” I leave a quick kiss on his lips. “Cum inside me” I didn’t say the word please but everybody hearing would know I was begging. He nods, wrapping his arms around my hip thrusting with more force.
“How could I deny you?” He grunts. I hold on to him as his dick goes deeper and somehow it feels tighter. All we hear is the painting of us two. The sound of clapping and my juices by us two. The feeling of us two being the only ones that matter right now.
“Javi” I moan, holding him close as I feel my high. “Fucking hell”
“That's it mi amor. Just keep taking it” I ride out my high as he continue to fuck me. As I come down I feel his cum spill in me. He doesn’t stop.
“Javi!” Insatiable for more I don’t push him away. I like the idea of him using me. His eyes clenched shut. And his hands are leaving bruises on my hip. Soon his movement slows down until we are back to the start, except this time sweaty with a mixture of us sliding down our legs to the couch.
“When?” Breathing heavily I cocked my head to the side. “When are you going to start calling me by my name when we are not alone?” I smile looking down as I trace a figure on his chest.
“If I start,” I pause, moving the trail up to his face. “All I will think about is the times we spent alone”
“That's something I can handle” I laugh pushing his shoulder playfully “Having your mind filled with images of us, like you filled mine doesn’t sound back” I roll my eyes. I didn’t have time to reply as I heard my phone ring. I go to remove myself from Javier but he pulls me down.
“Fucking hell” I groan starting to feel sore from our past actions. I give him a glare. “I need-” I grunt, not really wanting to fight. I leaned down as far as I could and picked up the phone answering it. “Hello?”
“L/N. I know you are back, I need you back in the office”. It was the ambassador. “I will send a car to pick you up-” I smack Javiers hand away as he goes to touch my breast. “Or, I know you are in Murphy's place so I can order Javier to escort you down?” With his antics I wanted the conversation to be over so I just agreed. “I will need a full-” I cover the phone glaring at the little stubborn boy infront of me.
“Can you stop for a quick second?” I groan, placing the phone back in my ear. He shakes his head and I didn’t have to ask why, I could feel it. He was getting hard again. “Okay. I will get to it”
“I will have everything prepared for you then” We say our goodbye and I hang up. I throw the phone behind him and start hiting him.
“That was the ambassador you stupid” I hear a slight laugh. “We need to head into the office”
“She wants you back soon? It's not safe yet” I roll my eyes. I hold on to his shoulder as I get up slowly, feeling like a baby deer.
“I need to go back one day, this job will never be safe” With that I go take a quick shower locking the door behind me so It wouldn’t take longer if he comes in. I leave the bathroom dressed and styled and wait for Javier to do the same. While waiting for him and as he drove me to the office I pictured a new routine. How easy this feels and it's scary. Most people who take this job realize they have nothing to lose or because they have so much to lose that they will die to protect it. Thankfully I am one of the first ones. I always thought the second group of people were stupid. It always caused trouble and heartache. But as I look to my left I realise I am becoming one of those stupid people and I don’t mind. But at the end of the day my mind wins.

Chapter 10
Javier Pena x Reader

Chapter 8
I spent most of my day just like yesterday. Talking with Elisa and binge eating, normal things a girl does with their girlfriends. Except Elisa wasn’t a girlfriend, she was an informat. Part of the communist groups fighting for another cause. Taking her in puts at risk the job of Pena and Murphy. A girl who I am pretty sure slept with the guy I couldn’t stop thinking about. Now that it comes up in my brain I can’t stop picturing those two together. Wrapped up in his bed or even this couch. He has been inside her. His amazing tongue and I can only imagine his dick. Moaning and sweating. Great, now I am pissed. Couldn’t be angry long when a knock is heard. “It's Steve” I felt relieved.
“Hey” I furrowed my eyebrows to see Connie aswell coming through the door.
“Pena got your documents. You will be travling to Cumaral.” Elisa knew this was happening so she had her bag prepared. Steve turns over to me trying not to look so stressed but ever since I’ve known him, stress is part of his everyday look. “I got the information you needed” He lifts up a folder but quickly yanks it away. “First I need you to tell me what it is about. I didn’t look at them because I trust you but I can’t continue putting my job at risk for anyone else '' He took a quick glance down before focusing back on me. I know it was stressful worrying about Pablo and how at any second he could be a target. But having to risk his job for some information and risk being fired or seen as a traitor, well that's tough.
“Okay” I nod. He hands over the files and I motion him to follow me into the kitchen. I watch Elisa get out of the spare room but Connie calls her over. “I am part of the DEA but from Mexico. Came over to the states following a trail and it landed me in the ambassador's office. The job I was doing left me for dead so I was no longer an issue for the cartels. So we used it to our advantage.” I open up the file and see the said documents and pictures.
“So you act like some sort of ghost going in and out of undercover missions?” I nod
“Something like that. Everything from birth up to my credentials have been erased or deactivated.” I look at a confused Steve. “I don’t believe that we will ever put a stop to cartels and drugs in this world. We can capture or kill the leaders but there's always another one that follows, atleast I can save innocent people or give some families closure” I pull out a picture of girls lined up. “Melissa. 16 year old” I pointed at a girl with short black hair. “I know the rest by heart” I shake my head putting the picture back in the file. “Escobar might not had anything to do with it but his partners did”
“I think we are making a difference. Saving people aswell.” I chuckle a bit.
“Of course Steve, but you are following a rope with no end”
“So if you work as a search and rescue team” I roll my eyes knowing he was teasing. “Back then in the office you said-”
“I say a million things. Some are true and some are not. That part of the story, I don’t need to share it with you”
“She’s ready” Connie comes between us, putting a hold on the conversation because Steve’s stare wasn’t telling me we were done just yet.
“I’ll put the bag in the car” Connie nods. We walk over to Elisa who is pacing the floor by now.
“Try to stay calm. Pena got you a valid Id and soon you will be safe in Cumaral” Elisa nods, stopping her tracks and taking a deep breath.
“Thank you Connie”
“Of course,” She smiles.
“There is a recorder in the vehicle. So that means Wysession is not far behind” Steve starts pacing now.
“What are we going to do?” Steve stops and looks over at me and Connie. He takes my hand and leads me to the door.
“I know you are trying to stay low but I need your help with this and I don’t want to put Connie at risk”
“Of course. What do I have to do?” I was cursing at myself every mile that went by. Steve had the idea to trick Wysession, making him think he was traveling with Elisa but the truth was I was driving Elisa on a different route. He let me know Pena was with Carillo catching Gacha so he couldn’t help Elisa get to his contact who will keep her hidden.
“Thank you. I know this puts you at risk too” I turn over with a smile.
“Its does but I owed Steve one”
“And you care for Pena too” I shake my head ignoring her comment. “How long have you two been together or?”
“We used to work together. Acquaintance and nothing else” I say nervously fixing myself in the seat.
“Oh I just thought-, He speaks about you all the time so-, never mind” She shakes her head and turns to look outside. I didn’t want to add any more questions because it would turn into a statement and I don’t want to start an argument. Like, Didn’t you fuck him? Why would you think we were something if he messed around with you? You slept with him so you must know he doesn’t care much about womens feelings or in general after he sleeps with them. “I mean the first day I stayed over I tried to you know-” That got me twisting my neck so quickly towards her. “But he told me it was strictly information he wanted and walked back into his room locking the door” Her laugh makes me chuckle a bit. “Of course I am not begging so I didn’t make any more advancement but as we started talking he always mentioned you” Shocked was an understatement and I had mixed feelings about it.
“So you two didn’t sleep together?” Elisa laughs, shaking her head. Why didn’t he deny it when I mentioned it?
“Is that what he told you?” I shake my head.
“Well let me tell you one thing” She shifts towards me. “A guy like Javier doesn’t act obsessed with a girl but if you look up what that word mean it describes him perfectly when it comes to you” I roll my eyes shaking my head once again.
“There are plenty of guys like Javier in this world. Those bachlors who can’t hear the word no so they don’t stop until they get what they want. It's not obsessed more than it is pride. But that doesn’t stop them from jumping on the first moving things that get in their way.” I speak of him like I was spitting poison. It was what every girl in the office who slept with him described him as, who could blame them? Javier isn’t a man of one girl and I understood that when I decided to let him kiss me. When I decided to let him make me cum in his mouth. When my own body decided that if I don’t have him I can continue. It goes on beyond my morals but I prefer being dead than being one of those girls. It's just pure lust surrounding what we have, after getting it out of my system things will go back to the way they were, him working in Colombia and me in Mexico.
“Maybe, but don’t you believe in change?” I chuckle an, are you serious?. I shake my head.
“I don’t either. From experience.” She laughs. “But if you asked me, a guy who doesn’t stop talking about a girl and hasn’t brought women home or took advantage of one living there, well I’d say that's a change” Maybe but that is a big stretch for Agent Javier Pena.
Chapter 9
Javier Pena x Reader

Chapter 7
The first thing I noticed was a calm and soft feeling in my hair. I groan, turning the opposite way. “Even half asleep you have an attitude”
“That's because I spent all night in bed with a guy and he didn’t touch me” I hear a slight chuckle while covering myself with the blanket.
“I was being a gentleman” The bed dips as I hear him get off the bed. I was frustrated so I groaned, lifting the blanket off and standing up on the bed.
“So what does that mean? You won’t touch me anymore until what? A date?” I was joking with him. Who would ever catch Javier Pena on a date? It would become national news.
“Y/N” He looks up, coming to the edge of the bed. I saw his eyes soften. Both hands come out of his pockets, falling to his side. He woke up a while ago and got changed? I turn to the door peaking open and a slight scent of breakfast? I look back to a smiling agent. “I wanted-” Without thinking I removed his shirtthat I had on and threw it over his face. Only in panties, I put both hands on my hips. Breathing started to speed up as his eyes were once again focused on me. “Fucking hell” It was different this time, he wasn’t on top of me. It was the morning sun’s light, not a yellow street light pole shining onto us. No need to kick him out in secret. I start moving my hands up my body stopping to cup my breast before letting them fall. “Mi amor” His hands turned into a fist and his eyes fixed on my hand moving down. My fingers start to play with the elastic of my panties.
“Are you going to be a gentleman and help me get undressed?” He nods quickly replacing my hands only to remove it just as quickly.
“I have work” He whines. He turns around. I was thinking he was walking out the door but he shuts it banging his head once on it. “Y/N” He turns around with a stern voice. He tries his darnest to look at my eyes only but that wasn’t working for me. I slowly shimmy out my panties and throw it to the side.
“Hardworking and a gentleman” I smile slowly, running my hands through my body. “Words that I wouldn’t use to describe the Javier Pena I know”
“Which version did you get?” He takes slow steps towards me.
“The girls from the office describe you as insatiable and rude” I meet him on the edge of the bed. “And in bed, that's a good way to be described as” He takes my hands and kisses both of them before placing them on his head.
“Please don’t tell me to stop” His hands hook to the back of my thigh pulling me closer. Massaging the skin as his lips meet my clit.
“Javi,” I moaned. I pull on his hair trying to catch my balance and it becomes worse as he lifts one leg and sets it over his shoulder. First it was a kiss but now his tongue is tracing every inch of me, inside and out. “Javi, Mi amor” I whimper, feeling the tightness in my stomach become stronger. He uses his other hand to push my hips forward in a rhythm to fuck me with his tongue and oh god, have I just seen heaven. Licking, sucking and fucking me with only his tongue and I am gone. “Please?” I’ve never begged before but for his sweet mouth of him I would get on my knees for aswell. I try to pull his head back but he doesn’t budge. “Javier, please” I am a wreck. Unable to function when he is coming in and out of me. “Fucking hell” Those were the last words before my orgasmed took and my legs gave up. Strong arms catch me before falling to the floor. Holding on to me like a fetal baby in his arms. I reach up, grabbing my face and kissing him. I got a taste of him and I needed more. I reach around his neck and help myself straddle him.
“You like how you taste?” He asked me as he pulled my head back. I look into his eyes feeling the heat come back.
“I think I would prefer how you taste?” My hips start moving, humping him as his pants are in the way.
“Wasn’t that enough?” He grins wrapping his arms around my waist to encourage me to move faster. I shake my head enjoying the feeling his jeans give off. “What does the princess need?” I throw my head back moaning. The friction becomes stronger. “Looked so pretty coming” He whispers, kissing on my neck. “Came so quickly, I didn’t even get a chance to use my fingers” I groaned, coming up to hide my face in his neck. “Looked so pretty, can’t wait to see you come on my cock” The second time in the matter of minutes I was coming down from my high.
“This is not fair” I whine with my face still buried in his neck.
“You are the one who brought this on yourself” I sigh, pulling back to look into his eyes. They were back to soft. Caressing my sides with his big warm hands. His face smeared with my juices and his pants stained with more. I could see the outline of his dick but I know for a fact he didn’t come. I move my hand up tracing my lips.
“Aren’t you going to fuck me? You are already late for work” I smile innocently as I continue to focus on outlining his lips. How pretty his teeth look and god bless his tongue. His hands stop and put force on my hips.
“No” I whined quickly, catching his eyes. “I already did you a favor by giving you two orgasms” I ignored what he was saying as my hands traveled down his chest.
“Mhm” I nod. It finally reached his belt.
“You made me already late and you expect me to treat you?” I look up through my eyelashes and start to unbutton his pants.
“You don’t want to” I move forward plaving a kiss on his chin.
“You’re acting like a child” I shrug, not caring. I was to focus on sliding my hand under his pants to scan my hand over his cock.
“I am not a child” I caught his eyes. “I know exactly what i'm doing” With another kiss and my hand wrapping tightly around him, his chokes on his breath. “Do you want me to stop?” I ask as I start to move my hand up and down with some force. He closes his eyes, shaking his head. I move my other hand to grab on to his chin to make him look down. “But look at me, Mi amor” I whisper. I take the same hand and slide my tongue all the way up and replace it with the one in his pants. Stroking his dick I began to notice how his skin felt. The veins, I could only imagine how it would be like to trace them with my tongue. The perfume I use to help me slide smoother, how good it would taste.“Don’t you look so pretty”. I give him a kiss only to catch his bottom lips in between my teeth.
“Y/N!” I pull my hand away as we both look back towards the door.
“What the hell is Connie doing here so early?” I groan getting up.
“It’s 9:37” Pena chuckles. Too early for me. I groan, putting on my now clean dress and fixing my hair.
“Might want to change your pants” I point out unlocking the door.
“Is Javier here? Steve has been trying to call him” I nod my head. I was embarrassed but she didn’t get me a chance to try and talk myself out of what she might be thinking right now.“Tell him to get to work, I am already late myself.” With a goodbye she turns around and walks out.
“You heard the lady, hurry up and get to work” I smirk walking out in a hurry with him following close behind. I stop in my tracks seeing breakfast on the island. “You made breakfast?” I turn around looking at him confused.
“For you” It was a shy smile. He got up early and made us breakfast.
“And Connie had me thinking you couldn’t cook” I chuckled as I turned around grabbing a piece of bacon. I pick on a couple of things as I watch him grab his briefcase and keys. “You aren’t going to eat anything?” I ask. My arms fall to my side as he takes long steps to be right infront of me. Lowering his face he gave me a quick peck.
“I already had my breakfast” I wanted to punch him or throw him something as he walked out the door but I just stood there. Red cheeks and shaky hand with jaw opened.
Chapter 8
Javier Pena x Reader

Chapter 6
I am going to call it as it is and it's weird. It was the afternoon, I am guessing not really wanting to take a look at a clock. I was on the couch watching the news with a bowl of cereal infront of me. That is not what's weird, it's the company. Currently chatting and even laughing with Elisa. I don’t hate the lady, it was just a bad judgement and attitude. “Why would a Mexican help an American bring aid to Colombia? Don’t you have your own problems?” I chuckle, nodding my head.
“It is all part of a plan. Honestly my heart yearns for seeing new things so this place is just a pitstop” It was the truth. I got a chance to come down here and I took it. It was about work but I took it as a chance to finally breathe without any pressure.
“What's going to happen when you’ve seen everything?”
“A lifetime will never be enough to see everything” I turn over to her. “And if I do, I would do it all again” This world is too pretty just to see it once. Our conversation was cut short as a knock on the door was heard.
“It's Connie” The stress on my shoulder went away and I opened the door. “I got some food because I know Pena doesn’t have anything in this place” I took one bag out of her hands and she walked in to set the rest of the bags on the island.
“Thank god. I thought I would have to eat cereal tonight too” I smiled, opening the bags to see what she got. “Connie,” I groaned, pulling out a bag of rice.
“I thought it would be nice to cook a meal. I can’t remember the last time I hung out with a couple of girl” I sympathize with her knowing Murphy and Pena were always together and she had to tag along at times.
“Fine, as long as you know that I can’t cook” It was her turn to groan.
“You can’t cook?” Elisa joins. “Not even an egg?” I roll my eyes not remembering why I choose to only talk to friends instead of hanging out with them.
“If I really try” I join with a smile. I look at the rest of the ingredients and wonder what Connie was thinking of making with these. “Connie? A cucumber?”
“I thought I could contribute with a salad?” I turn over to Elisa who grins, shaking her head.
“We will help you make authentic food. And we can try your salad too” Elisa starts grabbing the ingredients and placing them out the bags. It took us 1 hour to decide what to make. Another hour to decide who makes what, which was truly between me and Elisa because Connie was only in charge of the salad. Then we decided to start late dinner since none of us were hungry and once we were, the sun had gone down already.
“Everything looks so good” Connie smiled as she arranged the plates of food on the island since Pena didn’t have a proper dining table.
“All we need is music,” Elisa says, making her way over to choose a tape.
“And wine” I whisper, finishing my second cup. I waited for them to pick a song and as they were chatting the fiddle of some keys got my attention. Connie and Elisa were so focused on finding the right music that they didn’t notice me walking towards the door with my gun. The door knob rattle a bit but soon enough it turned and the door opened.
“I know you need to be cautious but no need for two weapons' ' He motions my pocket knife that is out aswell.
“And I know you need a new door knob because it sounds like someone is trying to break in and I have only been here a couple hours” I roll my eyes making my way to the kitchen again.
“You are really taking my fantasies to a new level” I don’t need to turn around to know he has a stupid grin on his face.
“I didn’t make it so don’t get too excited” I turned around coming face to face with him.
“Where’s Steve?” I couldn’t help but chuckle as he turned around surprised.
“Connie?” I slide out the middle of him and the counter to watch them talk. “Steve went home”
“Of course. He must have forgotten” She groans walking straight out the door. The Music interupts the weird tension building between us three. Pena, Elisa and I standing around the island waiting for Steve and Connie to join us.
“Any new information?” I spit, wanting nothing more than the silence to run away. Pena looks over, shaking his head. He sends me a signal and I understand he doesn’t want to say anything infront of Elisa. But why not? Hasn’t he been fucking her? Now it's back to weird again. I push off the counter and start preparing a plate for Connie and Steve. “Where are your nice plates?” I say taking out an old plate. Pena rolls his eyes walking up to stand beside me.
“El Navegante is meeting with us tomorrow” He takes the plate from my hand and continues to serve food. We hear the door open. We say our hellos and focus back to our conversation while Elisa is busy too.
“About Gacha? Why would he give up information about him?” Pena shrugs, placing the plate down. I look over to see how stressed he is.
“I will figure that out. We need a good outcome here.” He makes sure to not speak louder than need be. “They have Father Sobrino and if he connects us with Elisa we won’t get a chance too”
“Padre Sobrino is part of it?” It wasn’t a question. I was trying to collect information. “As long as they are truthful about fighting against injustice,poverty and financial greed. Can’t even trust a pastor” I shake my head.
“We need this hit and with Elisa’s help we will connect Pablo to the palace of justice too”
“Seems so close to the end but you have to play your cards right” Pena nods.
“Are we ready to eat?” We hear Steve say coming up behind us. We nod, taking the plates to the island. “Can we put in a request for an actual table for next time?” Steve laughs as the rest of them share a chuckle.
“I will add it to my shopping list” I smile a little as we all start eating.
“The rice came out good,” Connie comments. “Glad to try authentic mexican rice” I feel eyes on me and I only nod a thanks.
“And you had us believing you couldn’t cook” Another stare
“I can’t. Thankfully my mother taught me a couple things. She always found a way to make things work out”
“Well thank you mrs. l/n” Connie smiles.
“The salad is good, I have to get the dressing recipe” We spent the time mostly talking. I would put my input here and there but I felt dead. I couldn’t remember the last time I had people around the table sharing a meal with me. But I can remember the last time I cooked for someone, it was 6 years ago. I looked down feeling a wave of sadness coming.
“I will see you tomorrow, Goodnight Connie” Pena closes the door behind them walking into the kitchen again. “So?”
“I am going to bed. Thanks” Elisa smiles walking towards the guest room.
“Guess that she has made herself at home” I lean against the counter drying my hands as I finish washing the dishes. I see Pena walking closer. “You know what I was thinking? Until the ambassa-” Pena’s lips cut me off. His hands were planted on the counter, caging me. It was slow and was causing a haze in my brain. I wanted to touch him but I knew it would escalate too quickly. I liked having him like this. I could smell his cologne. I could focus on the way his soft lips move and how experienced he is. It was sweet.
“The ambassador thinks it's best for you to stay here” He whispers looking softly into my eye yet I see the slight smile on his face.
“Did she now?” I move my hand up holding on to his tie. “Well I guess I have no other choice than to take over your bed” I smile, pulling him closer. He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath in. “Want to go to bed?” I whisper, letting go of his tie and wrapping my arms around his neck.
“Mhm '' He nods, wrapping his arms around me gently and placing his head inbetween my shoulder and neck. He started swaying us and walking us until we were inside his room.
“I borrowed a shirt” I took a shower after he left and it had nothing to do with him, atleast that's what I will keep telling myself. I didn’t have anything else to wear so I borrowed a shirt.
“I noticed” He pulled away from me. I take the chance to see on the edge of the bed and watch him get undressed. First his tie. Blazer. White button up. Shoes along with his belt and finally his pants. They were scattered around the floor leaving him in his boxers. “Care to give it back?” I smile, shaking my head. I crawl back slowly until I am resting against the headboard.
“I like it” I pout looking down at it. It was a soft material. “Don’t you like it?” I sit up on my knees showing him how the shirt looks on me.
“I love it,” he whispers. I fall back as he crawls towards me. I could sense tiredness in his voice since he came in. His eyes fall to my lips and with one lingerie kiss he places himself ontop of me. His head resting on my chest. His arms around my body and his legs intertwined with mine.
“Javi?” I whisper trying to get his attention. I hear a groan. I moved his hair out the way to see his eyes but they were shut. “Am cold” I whined, kicking my feet a bit.In one second he managed to get us under the covers and end up in the same position. I smile. I move my hands to start playing with his hair. It was soft, it had been a long day and he still smelled like he just got freshed out of the shower.
“I'm tired,” He whispers.
“Then go to sleep” I chuckle quietly.
“This feels nice but I wanted to sleep with you” He groans
“Unless you have another bed somewhere or you are taking the couch, then that means I am sleeping here” Another groan
“I mean’t I wanted to fall asleep inside you” Fuck. I closed my eyes trying to forget he was right ontop of me and could just easily slip in. “Fall asleep warm and tight inside you”
“Go to sleep Pena” I groan, trying to keep my mind busy by playing with his hair again.
“Next time I will be inside you” He whispered. I have a feeling he doesn’t know what he is saying right now.
“Okay” I smile looking up at the ceiling. It took time calming down but when I focused on his breathing it became easy. It was no time to act like a horny teenager. Fucking Javier Pena. I wish I was fucking Javier Pena. “Stupid thougths” I hit my forehead taking a deep breath and relaxing until sleep took over me.
Chapter 7
Javier Pena x Reader

Chapter 5
The person who met me was Connie. I knocked on the door and she answered, pulling me in. “Are you okay?” I nod. “They attacked the supreme court” She says as she closes the door.
“Yeah. I guess those 2 millions worked. I need to go back to the office” I start to turn but Connie stops me.
“You need to stay here, they are probably looking for you right now” I know she was right but now more than ever we need everybody on the case. “Listen” She grabs my hand to look at me. “You are safe. No need to worry about anybody outside. You will be back to working, just give it an hour or two before thinking about work” I let out a sigh knowing she was right. She continues to hold my hand as she walks us down and stops infront of a door knocking. “I have to go to work, you will be okay here. '' Seeing those eyes in the daylight didn’t feel the same, maybe because we havent spoken or seen eachother after what happened.
“Y/N?” Pena cocked his head, opening the door wider. “What-?”
“Steve will be calling. I need to go to work now” She hugged me and continued about her day.
“Are you going to let me in?” he nods, slowly moving aside. I walk in stopping at the entrance hall not knowing where to go.
“What happened? What are you doing here?”
“Javier-” Shit. “Sorry” She gives a quiet smile before walking back to the living room.
“I forgot you had a guest” I say with a little humor but there was none in me. I turn around to lean against the kitchen island. “I don’t want to talk about it right now. Can I use your phone?”
“Dead” He answers quickly walking towards me. “Are you okay?” I finally found the strength to look up to his eyes.
“Am alive” I ignored the gravitational pull I was feeling near him. “Don’t worry, I will be out of your hair in a couple hours”
“Y/N” He whispers but I put up my head walking around him to not be caged up by him.
“Why aren’t you at work? Busy with your guest?” I look over as her eyes are already on me. “I don’t want to bother so pretend I am not here”
“Y/N” he groaned this time not liking my tone of voice.
“It's okay Pena. No need to worry about me. You continue living your life, this is your house anyways” Before he spoke the woman spoke first.
“Javier?” He turns towards her.
“Please not right now” He turns back to me but I only stare at him not giving him anything.
“I need to know-!” I respect that she has a voice. A man curves you like that? I wouldn’t take it eitheir.
“Pretend I am not here” I mouth and that made his vain appear. I like to get under his skin like before. Before I knew how his lips felt. How it felt to hear his groans and moans against my skin and his hands travling to grope and touch, placing me on fire.
“Javi, I need to know what happened” That made my blood boil. A quick glance at the women and I reacted like a child.
“Javi?” I say innocently. That's when he took action. Grabbing on to my hand and pulling me into a room. The last noise from the actual world being the door slamming shut. But now I was in my own little world. The one where Javier doesn’t stop kissing me. Where his arms grab onto me tighter and his moans are louder.

“You can’t be saying my name like that '' He stops leaving us in the middle of what I am guessing is his room. “I dream of you at night” He buries his head in my neck breathing in. “I can hear you saying my name and fuck..” Fuck exactly. I smile as I feel him humping on me like a horny teenager. I move my hands to run my finger throught his hair. “You don’t know how many nights I couldn’t finish because all I want is to do it inside of you” He is beating my better judgement here. “This little dress' ' It was tight on the upper half but loose on the bottom, it was a simple dress. “When I saw you standing in my kitchen I thought of you there in different scenarios' ' He starts to take a step forward leading me back. Trails of kisses start to travel up. “Coming home and bending you over” I am a feminist but I would want nothing more than to have his fantasies come true. “See you preparing me a plate and as I eat, you ride me slowly taking my stress away '' We fall back crawling up until we hit the headboard. “And we would continue until you are unable to move”
“Javi,” I moaned, pulling him up for a kiss. I wrap my legs around him pulling him forward.
“Yes? Mi amor?”
“In your fantasies?” he hummed for me to continue as he pulled down the upper half of my dress to reveal my breast.
“JAVIER!” I would have ignored it if it were the women out there but it wasn’t.
“Fucking hell!” He whispered. He looked at the door and down at me again and I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“You don’t want to know what I think of your fantasies?” I know I should get up but when I see him sitting up infront of me. Messy hair. Swollen lips. Desire radiating from us both, I just can’t help myself. My hands move up tugging on his shirt. “Javi?” I unbutton his shirt one at a time ignoring the knocks on the door. His eyes slam shut as he rests his forehead against mine.
“It would only take a second to kill him” I smile as my hand moves under his shirt. Tracing an imaginary trail all the way up to his neck.
“Escobar took over the supreme court” Fuck. We both gave a knowing look. We rush to get changed.
“I was in the bathroom this whole time!” I pointed at him trying not to give explanations so soon to someone. I shut the door and heard him open his room door.
“Where’s Y/N?” I try to fix my hair and face as best I can. Then again I was almost killed and ran down the streets in flats, who wouldn’t look bad? “Everything was lost. She was right, they were working with the M19” Steve was pacing back and forth unable to keep his hands still.
“2 Million is a pretty incentive” I walk out taking a seat directly on the bed. “If I could only get-”
“No” Pena was quick to answer.
“You didn’t even know what I was going to say” I groaned, rolling my eyes.
“I can take a quick guess and bet on it that I would be correct” I stood up throw my hands in the sky in frustration.
“I could do it at night. My point wasn’t to dig or get involved in Pablo so much that it would draw attention but now that I am out-”
“No” He said again ignoring me before I finished my sentence.
“He is right. We need to get you back in protective custody. Pablo will send someone to look out for you and they will be searching your office first” I roll my eyes taking a seat on the bed again but this time laying back. As they continued talking I thought to myself and realized they were nobody.
“You two dimwhits will not be telling me what to do” I stood up walking inbetween the two. “I will admit it is stupid to go back to the office. I have a protocol to follow when things like these happen so I will not be going into protective custody. I will stay here until things calm down”
“They will be looking for you! The best-” I hold my hand up stopping the trail of words from Steve’s mouth.
“Have you two ever tried to look into me?” I look at both ignoring the slight smirk on Pena’s face. “You didn’t find anything right?” Steve shakes his head. “That's because I never had a file.” They both look shocked. “Don’t get too excited. I will explain everything eventually but for now I will stay here until I arrange something better. Which reminds me, I need you to take a message to the ambassador”
“Tell Javier, your new host. I need to go back to the office and you better be there soon'' Steve pushs Pena’s shoulder. “We are at our necks with this whole thing” He motions outside.
“Alright” He waits until he hears the door close to slam his room door again.
“Why did you think it was a good idea to house an informat like her?” I didn’t mean it to come out with poison but it did.
“Connie dropped her off! Like some kind of package” He looked exhausted at the fact.
“Well she might have gotten confused. Normal labeled packages to the certain address” I stood up. “Women, Pena” and I am one of those women.
“Do you have something against her?”
“No” I say quietly nonchalantly. Pena takes this chance to walk towards me until he is able to pull me closer
“Then why the pout?” I fix my posture and push him away. I took a quick look at him.
“Both times I was exhausted. That is not happening” I pointed between us. “Things will go back to normal as soon as I get out of this mess, plus I don’t want to get in the way of you and your guest”
“Jealousy much?” I roll my eyes, turning around.
“Of a manwhore? Or the whore?” I spoke quietly so the women wouldn’t hear. “Maybe you are what eachother needs and at the end, she will be nothing, like you will be to her” He walks closer pushing me against the wall.
“I will be back in a couple hours. When I come back you will fix that attitude” He grabs ahold of my chin forcing me to look up. “I don’t like that kind of energy in my room” He lets go but only to move to my hair. Tugging it until my head is pulled back a bit. “My room is secured. I don’t let just anyone spend the night, that's why I have the spare room” His other hand moved up. I thought it would stay on my hip but it grabs a fistful of one breast. “Guess who will be sleeping next to me?” He starts massaging it and I try not to moan but as he starts kissing my neck my body reacts. It moves forward wanting him closer.
“Empty space?” I smile, taking his arm away. “Tell the ambassador I need the place cleaned out urgently.” I fix my dress on the way to the door, opening it wide. “Have a good day, Honey” I say the nickname last as he walks through the door of his bedroom. “I’ll be waiting for you to come back home” I say sweetly before slamming his own door in his face. Thankfully he didn’t open the door and burst inside because I couldn’t handle myself and I would allow him this time to burst inside me.
Chapter 6
Javier Pena x Reader

Chapter 4
The day I got into the vehicle with those guys I thought it was my last day on earth. It was stupid to have Pena waiting incase they took me to some remote place to drop my body. I bang my head thinking about it in the car. Thankfully I was actually going back to my work place. I set up the phone I was speaking with a trusted member of the cartel. They told me Escobar would be traveling back to Colombia from Panama. To move some money around because they would have to pay people. I connected the dots knowing well enough that they would be coming back for war.
“He wouldn’t start a war now” Diego cleans his glasses and refills my cups. “He missed home, to soon to start something”
“Tell that to the money he is moving around. That is not the strategy of someone who is going to relax when he sets foot back home” I shake my head trying to figure out and put pieces together. “He is going to want to keep pushing extradication off.”
“They already denied their request. The ambassador and the military are focused on the police and military and some communist” He groans not hiding his dislike.
“Who gives a fuck about any of them” I roll my eyes wishing this shot was actually straight tequila. “Tell me something good”
“Murphy and Pena have an unknown informant and might lose their job for it” Now that is news. Before he could continue I got a notification on my phone. This is even greater news. “Haven’t seen that smile in a long time”
“You’re about to see more of it” I put my phone away downing the shot of water. “They siezed their accounts.”
“So you get to go home too” I shake my head. This will never be home but I am still happy to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
“I will be here tomorrow. Things are going to go down fast and I need more intel. Get a hold of Pena and tell him to meet me in the back. Escobar will have a plan by tonight” And I was right. Later that night Colombians hope was shot dead. A couple bullets below his bulletproof vest and in a couple minutes he was dead. The crowd mourned him and as they held a funeral his second hand fell into power. Galan promised to get rid of the narcos but Gaviria had another look in his eyes. I am not saying he is crooked but who knows nowadays.
“Going home late again?” One of my colleagues stopped at my desk. “You have been killing yourself these past weeks. Why don’t you come out with us friday?” I shake my head.
“Can’t” I motion to all the files I had to go through. It wasn’t for that certain client but for me. I need to find connections with the people I am looking for.
“Think about it. You have my number” She smiled, putting on her coat and walking out. As soon as she left I got back to work. Numbers don’t add up on the certain date I was looking at but what difference was that? None of them added up. That's why Pablo bought his people, so they would make it make sense. I should have been here at the beginning but I was following the wrong lead. Now I am doubting myself about Pablo, what if he has nothing to do with it? I close up the books and say goodbye to the rest who are working. It was sunset as I walked into the bar.
“Early tonight?” I smile at Miguel.
“Tomorrow is friday, I thought I would celebrate early” I thank him sitting in my regular spot with my drink already prepared.
“So not working late tomorrow?” Who knows. “Becuase I was thinking I could take the night off and-”
“Lola! You’re early today” Diego came from the back giving me a signal. “I am taking my break” He nudges Miguel with a small laugh then extends his hand towards me. “I need your help on my finance real quick”
“Thankfully I haven’t started drinking” I laugh along while walking around the bar and into the back.
“He is nice, are you going to accept?” I turned my head weirded out by that question. “What? Just test the waters or a stress reliever!” I shake my head with a smile. We got to the back room and Murphy was standing there.
“Y/N” It was nice to see him again. “Pena couldn’t make it. We are dealing with something” He looks back not wanting to say anything infront of Diego before he walks out.
“Let me guess, your informant” I grin, taking a seat on the couch.
“Yeah” He falls back spreading himself on the couch. “He is going to get us fired and all for a couple of nights of warming the bed”
“He slept with her?” I said it a little too fast causing a look from Steve.
“He hasn’t denied it but his reputation follows him” Of course. “He is getting her fake papers to protect her”
“Listen” I sit up trying to change the subject. “He has got 2 million dollars in a briefcase right now. They already took Galan out and more money like that in there hands they are going to take out many more”
“As you know he stepped back on home soil” I nod. “He sent a note to Gaviria, either leave them alone or go to war”
“Has your informat said anything?”
“She spoke about the M19. Pablo meeting up with him or talking. But she showed up at Connie’s job asking to be hidden. She fight for the people and not the help the narcos”
“Apparently” I whisper, shaking my head.
“Apparently” He repeats with a chuckle. “How are you doing?” I shrugg quickly before groaning. I stood up fixing my clothes.
“Could be better” I laughed before looking back. “I need you to look into something” I grab a paper from my bag and hand it over to him. “Keep it quiet. The ambassador knows about it but no one else should”
“Does this have to do with Pablo?” I shake my head forcefully before closing my eyes.
“I don’t know. That it what I am trying to figure out”
“How bad is it?” who knows.
“Crooked information. New labs overseas. Cartels working together. What's one druglord down if the others learn from their mistakes and become harder to catch?”
“Anything else?” He placed the paper in his pocket. I wanted to tell him what I had in mind. If everything goes down in a couple days or even tonight, there are a lot of ifs and whats and never a sure plan.
“No” I smile before turning around and leaving. Later that night I twist and turn. There wasn’t much to do tomorrow so I decided to call in sick. I needed to talk to Diego again. I walk into the bar and wave at Miguel. “Diego in?”
“In the back” The bar was empty and as I walked confidently towards the back all that went away quickly.
“I need more information than that” The sight wasn’t what I was prepared for this morning. I grab my gun from the holster I hand on my leg hidden by my dress. I pass by fast trying to look around. There seem to be only two men in there. Diego’s hands were tied together and his face bruised up. I looked around making sure no one else was back here. The only way was through the curtains so there was no way to surprise them.
“Diego?” I walk in with a hand behind my back. I act shocked by the men standing there.
“Miss” They were the same guys who stalked me outside my window. “You shouldn’t be here” He sets his gun down and walks forward in motion for me to get out. I wait until he is close enough to grab his hand and with a flip a gun is pointed at his head.
“Put the gun down” The man's eyes showed no mercy. He pulled on the safety but I took the first shot.
“You bitch!” He screamed holding on to his leg.
“You can still walk, untie him” I let go of the man and walked over to remove the guns away from them while pointing at them with mine.
“The boss will be after you when he hears you are working with the DEA agents that came in here” I look over to Diego who was massaging his wrist.
“More are coming. You need to leave” I nod quickly making sure he had the upper hand and ran out of there. I sent Miguel home and just as I was going to walk out I saw another group of men walking in.
“Wait. You need to come with us” One man warns, moving his hands slows towards his back. Two gunshots were heard and I took that as a chance to start running. I go around the corner to an alley and into an abandoned building. I take a moment to think before my feet continue without any direction. I don’t know if they were still following me but I continued on running. My lungs were burning and my legs didn’t feel like my own. I couldn’t be seen walking into the police station or the DEA.
“Fuck!” I scream looking inbetween streets. I don’t know any of these streets. “Can I use your phone?” I say casually walking into a store
“Of course it's in the back” I tell him thanks and move faster to pull the phone. “I need to talk to the ambassador” I tell whoever is on the other side not waiting for their introduction.
“You will need an appointment or-”
“This is Agent L/N. I don’t need an appointment because I will be dead! So if you would be so kind as to get me connected to the Ambassador I would really appreciate it.” I speak urgently.
“As I was saying, the Ambassador is out. You could leave-”
“Connect me to Agent Murphy or Pena!” I wanted to pull my arm through the phone and choke her.
“They are busy-”
“You know what they will be busy with? Finding a new secretary! Get me someone before I get a chance to personally get there and drag you by your stupid-”
“Woah” I hear a man's voice on the other side. “Is that how you say hello?”Murphy laughs
“I need your help Steve. Diego is in trouble and I need you to send someone to the bar” I hear papers fumble on the other side before he is back to the phone
“Are you okay?”
“I don’t know where I am. I need somewhere to hide”
“Wait. Give me a minute” Of course. Fucking hell. I look back hoping those men didn’t continue to follow me. I hear only static on the other side before 5 minutes go by. “Pablo took over the Supreme court with the help of M19. Burned everything we had on them” Another couple curse words follow before he continues talking. “I am going to give you an address. Grab the first taxi and someone will meet you there”
“I will be there as soon as I can” I know that means it would be hours.
Chapter 5
Javier Pena x Reader

Chapter 3
“Hey Lola” I smile and wave at Miguel as I make my way to the bar. “Same as usual?” He was already preparing my drink before I could answer.
“Thank you” I let out a sigh sitting on the corner of the bar. I look over and see Diego coming out. “Hey”
“What's going on?” He asks with a smile coming up and starting to dry the glasses. “Haven’t seen you in awhile” Miguel comes up and lays the drinks infront of me.
“Yeah, I've been busy with work. Its hits always at the same time” Miguel didn’t know to make my drink virgin but thankfully I needed this drink.
“Taxes season right” Miguel laughs before leaving to attend the other guests.
“Anything new?” I shake my head.
“Since he showed up on my doorstep I got a sweet invitation for dinner” I downed the drink. I’ve never been an alcoholic person, never got the point. They said it relaxed you and some other shit and maybe it does but never wanted to test out the waters. “More people have been around so I actually had to start working” I get a laughfrom him. Atleast someone is getting the humor out of all of this.
“That was quick?” Miguel comes over and takes the drink and goes to prepare another one. Diego just shakes his head.
“His movement has been still for a while and aslong as it stays there it means he doesn’t feel pressured. '' I smile as Miguel set another drink infront of me.
“I was wondering something” I lifted my eyebrow waiting for his next words. “Would you like to go out sometime? Maybe here for some drinks?” Stuck in the corner with that one. Miguel was a nice guy, hell with it.
“I would like that but I will let you know when. I’ve been swamped at work so I don’t know when I will get a chance to relax again”
“You know where to find me” He smiles walking away again.
“Look at you,” Diego says with a smile. “This will be your first date, since when?” I roll my eyes, taking my attention back to my drink. “Since never?”
“Shut up”
“Don’t call me that” He knows when I am serious but he also knows just because it upsets me doesn’t mean I won’t get over it.
“Sorry” he lifts his hands up in defense. “I have knowed you since middle school and after that guy, you haven’t given nother guy the time of day” He moved closer making sure nobody heard. “And I know you are only doing this as a cover but it's time you put yourself out there again”
“I will” I shrug finishing me drink
“I can’t remember how many times you got the chance and never took it.” As he places his hands over mine I feel a smooth surface. I turn it to act like I am holding his hand and slip to grab the piece of paper in it.
“I will” I smile getting up.
“No late drinks tonight?” It was 9 and I usually stayed sometime after midnight.
“Not tonight Miguel. Got so much work to finish and I have until the end of this month” I thank them and leave. I carefully move into a spot where it's not suspicious to people who may be watching. I checked the note and intently grew tired. Close the blinds. Hell. As I walk home, well the motel. I drag my feet. This is the fifth night Pena has done this in the span of 3 weeks. He would sneak into the motel and have me close the blinds. Later after we spoke he would sneak out when the men across the street would turn off the lights. This usually happened when my lights were off for a while so it would send Pena out around 1 to 4 in the morning. I got the door acting all normal. I would set my things down and walk into the bathroom doing my usual routine. “I thought I told you to stop coming” I groaned, walking out the bathroom and placing my clothes on a table in the bathroom.
“And I told you I wasn’t until you decided to let us in” I rolled my eyes walking back out frustrated. This is how the night went. I got home and he would be sitting on the toilet. I would take a shower as we start our discussion. After that I would come out and close the blinds. Go into the bathroom and change as Pena moves to the kitchen table. Finally I would ignore him and give him bits and pieces as I try to catch some sleep until morning. He would be out by the time I opened my eyes. Today I was over it. I ignored him as I took a shower and even as I got ready for bed. “You’ve been working overtime and spending time on road trips, what does he have you doing?” I shrug, removing the pillows from the bed and getting into the covers. “Y/N!”
“Shut up” I groaned. It was close to eleven now and all I wanted to do was sleep. I wasn’t tired enough not to stay up. I was tired of the life that I have to live right now. I can’t leave and it's looking like it doesn’t have an end. “Pena” I sigh sitting up. “I don’t have time for your threats or whatever speech you prepared” I say a little too loud.
“You would have to hear it if you would just tell me what's going on” He gets up from the table and walks over. I get up and turn off the lights. I place on my shoes and walk towards the back. “Y/N” he warned. He knew to stay hidden behind the wall as I walked out into the sort of porch outside. I wrap my arms around me as the cool air hits my face.
“I stand out here sometimes. I like to look at the sky and picture myself somewhere else. Usually surrounded by water. Floating and letting the motion of the waves rock me to sleep” I turn my head catching Pena's eyes. “Ironic because I am scared of the open water. I am going to say this as nicely as possible” I turn my body to walk towards the door outline without stepping in, I needed to still feel at peace to not let the frustration out on him. “No matter how much this involves you, you can’t be putting me,you,Murphy, and any other agent on the line. I am not a little girl, all the information I give goes directly to you and the ambassador” Thats when Pena stands up and stops right infront of me. “I can’t have you coming here and risking this operation because of your stubbornness and pride” I say this a little harsher as his presance radiates. It's like I could feel him so much closer than he was. Like he has engulfed me in a tight hug and somehow, that made me feel at peace. “It's not the right thing to do and if I am being honest I feel like everything is slipping off my hands” I hate not having control. Something I should have since it's my damn operation but with him involved it like I can’t get a hold of it.
“Y/N '' I felt his fingers grab my own until he enterwines our hands. “You are stressed”
“No! Pena” I finally let out. “I am scared” That was the last straw. I don’t know what caused it. I don’t know if he hugged me first and tears started falling or he heard my whimper as I cried and wrapped his arms around me. Silence surrounded us both not knowing what to say. The truth came out and I felt vulnerable. I hadn’t felt this way. Losing control wasn’t part of my traits. I was close to losing control and it was making me think of unnecessary feelings I learned to put in the past. “I know what I got myself into. I learned to not take it personally. A great deal of my life I have always been good at keeping my emotions in. To ignore. But-” I look up not knowing what to end with. There is nothing to think about. There is no other choice here, I must finish my operation. I must get back in control. “I'm sorry” I whisper, moving my hands to cup his cheeks. I pulled him closer pinning us against eachother. The kiss was breathtaking. I felt down and sad and having him kiss me felt like a solution. He didn’t seem to mind. It felt like he was desprate to take all the sadness I had in this one kiss. I push him inside, not letting us reach for air just yet. We stumble upon the kitchen table. “Careful” I chuckle, wrapping my arms around him as he slips around my waist. It was a simple long kiss but it was turning into something I craved for.
“Querida” He groaned as we molded together. His back knees hit the bit and it makes him sit down. I dare not let go yet and crawl on to him pushing him even closer for the kiss to never end. I didn’t want to talk. I didn’t want to go back to reality. I only wanted to listen to his moans and groans as I start to slowly grind agains this jean pants. I only wanted to feel his heart beat beating with mine. His smooth finger continued to travel along my back and unclapsing my bra.
“Javi?” It sounded like a question to me but I was begging and he understood that. He took out my shirt and started to leave butterfly kisses starting from my mouth to my collarbone.
“Sounds so sweet when you say my name” I smile. My head falls on his shoulder moving up to kiss beside his ear.
“Javi!” I groaned louder, knowing he was ignoring my plea. Then there was. Not what I needed but it was a start. One head on my breath and his talented mouth on the other. Kissing first and the next licking and sucking like no tomorrow. I throw my head back pushing my chest closer. “Javi!” I screamed. “Fuck” I grab on his head pulling and tugging his hair. I forcefully continue to grind on him wanting nothing more than to get rid of the barrier of clothing between us.
“Mi amor” It was the heat of the moment I told myself. But it made a shiver run down my spin to my core. “Stop, you’re killing me” He groans and I start leaving kisses and hickies on his neck.
“Don’t you want to hear me scream your name some more?” I move up again, nipping on his ear and slowing down my hips but with more force.
“Yes” he whines. His hands grab on to my hips following my rhythm.
“But, we can stop if-” I didn’t get a chance to finish my sentence when he wraps one arm around my waist and the other helps him not fall on top of me as he turns us around and lays me down on the bed. “No?” I try to hold my laugh but it's cut short. His eyes hold seriousness. Still hovering over me he moves on hand to cradle my cheek.
“No” His deep voice sends another shiver down my spine. His thumb slides over my lips and I give him entrance. A simple suck and his eyes shut. “Mi vida” He groans. With his affirmations alone and sweet nicknames I could orgasm faster than if I was doing it myself.
“Wait!” I pushed into the bed, not in the way I wanted. I hold my finger up signaling him to keep quiet. I run to close the back door and the curtains. A quick chatter from outside and shadows that the moon allows to cast make me jump. I see Pena stand up and walk quickly towards me.
“Do you think-” I shushed him quickly. I grab on to his hand and push him into the bathroom. I open the cabinet and take everything from underneath.
“I need you to keep quiet and don’t come out until I let you out” I open a secret compartment. It was a small space fit for one person. “Pena” I turned around and stood up. “If you hear no commotion you let yourself out” I move out the way to let him. That's when a knock is heard on the other side.
“No way in hell-” I grab a fist full of his shirt.
“Don’t give me that shit right now!” Another knock. “You will do what I say. This is my operation and I won’t have you mess it up. I will send for you when I decide. And only then will you show up, understand? I can take care of myself” I ran back to the room and put my shirt on again. “Get in Pena” I hurry him inside and close it. I get the time to put everything in place before rushing back to open the door. “Hello?” I act like they just disturbed my sleep.
“We are sorry to come at this time Miss, but the boss would like a word with you.” Fuck.
“Okay. Give me a minute to change and I will be right out. They nod and I close the door. I can’t tell Peña because he would be right after us. I changed quickly going back to the bathroom and putting my head inside the cabinet knowing he would be able to hear me. “Please don’t do anything stupid and listen for once. I will keep you in the loop but I need you to promise me you will follow what I said before”
“Okay, but Y/N-“ I cut him off quickly
“I don’t have time Pena, I have to go over things with them so it will be awhile. In an hour you walk out the back door” I didn’t wait for his response as I walked to the door and into the car with these men.
Chapter 4

Javier Pena x Reader

Chapter 2
“When were you going to tell us?” I turn around freighten at the voice only to see Pena standing infront of the exit door. “Were you even going to tell us that you were this involved?” He walks closer, the only light being the light of the moon coming from the windows.
“Pena,” I warned in a low tone. I look through the window discreetly noticing signs of people on the other side.
“Don’t Pena me! Answer my question” I took the rest of the steps forward to be right infront of him. I slowly roam my hands up his chest and I find his lost eyes narrowed on mine.
“People are watching from the other side. I know you have questions but you can’t come in here and put us in danger like this” His eyebrows relaxed. I don’t know if it was because of the explanation or because by this time my hands were wrapped around his neck and my body pushed against his. “I check the room regularly so it's not bugged but they can see us” I lean my face forward pulling him down towards me to make it seem like we were kissing. “I don’t need to explain anything to you but I will for the sake of you not mess this operation up for all of us” I pull his hair back earning a groan of dislike?. I smirk, pulling away. I go to the window acting as I am happy with company as I close the blinds. I turn around walking into the bathroom to get unready from the hell of the day that I just had. “How did you find me?”
“DEA, remember?” I walk out standing in front of him with my hand on my hip not fooling with his sarcasm.
“I know that stupid.” I rolled my eyes taking out my jewlery as I continued to speak to him. “The only people who know about this would never blabbed” I walk closer looking into his eyes in case he lies. “So either someone went looking into something they shouldn’t or you got really go instincts'' There goes that dumb smirk again
“Thanks for the compliment” He turns around and sits on the bed. I had turned the light on in the bathroom so it cast a light in the room but not enough to make a shadow from the inside.
“That wasn’t a compliment” I say coldly. “If you figure it out somehow, that means anyone from this side can easily look into it.” I was beyond the breakpoint of stress and this made it break somehow even more.
“I was careful. I followed you from a distance then I heard a description of a woman around this side of town.”
“From who?” I ask walking back into the bathroom with a change of clothes.
“Miguel from the bar” Of course. I turn on the water and need a much refreshing shower. “Said you go there every friday and take shots like there is no tomorrow” I smile.
“Water shots that is” I have a guy working in that bar that is not Miguel. That's where I give my daily intel. “What else did he say?”
“Not much” I looked up as I waited for the shower to heat up. I focus on the mirror and see him standing behind me as I remove my makeup. “At first I thought it was just some woman who he seemed to have a fascination with, a hooker” I rolled my eyes again. “But then he told me of a certain tattoo of hers' ' His right hand circles around my waist. His face lay gently on my shoulder to look straight into my eyes using the mirror. His fingers ghost over my shirt until he finally pulls it up to reveal the tattoo on my hip. “There is only one woman with this tattoo” A while ago he spilled coffee on my dress. I knew he did it on purpose but he denies it. He walked in on my change and happened to catch a glimpse of me without a shirt.
“Hate to ruin it for you but it's fake” I hear a quiet hmm. I focus back on him, his eyes are focused on roaming and tracing the tattoo with his finger. I would be lying if I didn’t want to relax against him. Close my eyes and just soak in his presence. I'm making myself believe it's because it's been 2 months without actual human contact. Someone that I don’t have to put my defence up with. It’s a sort of relief from the fake life I am living for god knows how long.
“Either way you choose this tattoo for a reason” He looked up with a smirk playing on his face. Truth was he was right but the tattoo had nothing to do with him. The letter J in a cursive font that fades into a life line and a heart. The only color being the red heart. The whole thing inside a picture frame with selected flowers growing on the borders. I rolled my eyes pushing him away.
“It had to be an over the top ridiculous tattoo that matches my story” I grab a towel and wrap it around my body. “I need to shower” I thought it was obvious what I wanted him to do but what could I expect?. He nods, turning around to sit on the toilet seat.
“And I want to hear more about the story behind the tattoo and your story behind disappearing for 2 months and not telling us about this” I roll my eyes once again letting out a frustrated sigh.
“Fine” I did say I was going to tell him the truth. As I begin speaking I start to undress under the towel. “Pablo is tied together with an investigation I am running. I needed all the evidence but not to take it away from you and Murphy like you accused me of” I threw my final piece of cloth on the ground. “ I can’t tell you what the investigation is about but I can tell you what I am doing here.” Which is plain simple. I get into the shower and close the curtain. I throw the towel out and get under the water. “The ambassador does know about this and thought it would be best to not get you involved. The whole thing with Pablo has taken a hit and we couldn’t risk anything going bad”
“How the hell does that help us? If we are not supposed to know about this, how do we get the information you collect?” The man is not patient enough.
“The random hits you get from locals is how. In the bar there's an intel who spreads the information and he makes sure it gets to you”
“Miguel?” I chuckle, shaking my head.
“No” He would cry with such an easy task. “You don’t need to know who he is.” I finish washing my hair and moving on to my body. The soap here sucks. “I am collecting evidence on Pablo. We couldn’t run on crooked people such as the police to tell us the truth about him. We needed trustworthy information so the ambassador brought me in”
“For how long?” That was the dreaded question I have been asking myself for the past 2 weeks.
“Another month tops” And that is what I have been telling myself for those 2 weeks so I don’t go crazy counting the seconds I have to be here.
“How are you going to get out? Is it just you and the intel? I hope you have a plan because if you are close to Pablo or any of his men you won’t be able to get out easy” I nod my head waiting for him to stop saying things I already knew. I crack the curtain open a bit to grab the towel from the floor. “They will find out and come-”
“I understand” I stand infront of him, making him look up at me. “This isn’t my first rodeo” With that I turnt to walk out of the bathroom.
“So you do have a plan?”
“Yes Pena, I have a plan” I grab my clothes and as soon as he steps out the bathroom I go back inside but stop at the entrance. “But that's none of your business” I closed the door so I could finally be in private. Knowing Pena he is going to make it his business. I need him to mess this up for us. But he is not the only one I am worried about. My undercover story would never justify this. It's not the kind of person I pretend to be. “Pena” I walk out to tell him my idea or to figure out one but now it seems we are running with mine. He probably laid back and sleep took over. I grab a throw blanket and cover him. My plan involved him being here for a couple of hours so having him asleep is perfect. I don’t have to hear him while I do some work.
So as I was currently working at the kitchen table hoping it would make time go by faster but no luck. I closed my computer taking in a deep breath. Pena was currently taking up the bottom half of the bed and I had no strength to move him and I needed to stay awake to make sure I got my plan in place. The ringing of a phone scared me. I ran quickly over and answered it. “Why haven’t you texted me? I know you have been looking for her but-”
“Murphy, I have no time. Pena will explain everything but I need you to promise me something” I look out the window hoping he wouldn’t give me hell right now
“Y/N” he said in a low tone
“This phone call is probably being traced. I need you to listen” I hide behind the blinds again. “Pena will probably want to look into what I am in. I don’t need that. I need you to promise me that neither you or him or anyone else would get involved”
“I don’t understand”
“You don’t have to. Promise me”
“I promise” . With that, I hung up the phone. I like to keep my phone calls under a minute.
“Pena” I shook him carefully. “Pena” I said his name a couple more times, losing hope. I probably needed to say it a little louder but I can’t run that risk. “Pena!” I say in a hush tone. I move to sit on the bed next to his head. I grin a bit as I place one hand covering his mouth and the other pitching his nose. I wait a couple seconds and his eyes pop open. “It's me” I grunt as he got up grabbing my hands and pinned me to the bed.
“You don’t do that” I lost count on the things he had told me I couldn’t do.
“Well you wouldn’t wake up” I moved my wrist with no luck. “Can you let go?” I narrowed my eyes but nothing.
“It's my turn to have some fun” He was currently leaning over me with his legs on the floor. But within a second he crawls up, placing one knee in the middle of my legs and the other on my right side. I tried to push myself up but his free hand pushed my hip into the mattress.
“We already had our fun” I pushed him with all the strength I had and took advantage of his confusion to get up. “They think we had our fun” I point outside. “I think I gave you enough credit. Don’t you think so?” I pick up hit jacket and throw it towards him
“Honey, I can last longer than 2 hours” He stands up with that same grin. I roll my eyes looking back at him.
“I bet you could baby” I say with a seductive voice. Once I am in front of him I run my hand up his chest without looking him in the eyes. “I bet you could make all these people in this motel jealous” I push him back as he grips both hands and kisses my wrists. That act almost made me change the direction I was pushing him towards. “I bet-” I choke on my words as I turn the door knob but not because of that. He gently places his arms around my waist and pulls me with enough strength to take my breath away. “I bet the millions of girls you brought to bed gave you enough practice” That made his smile drop. One thing, the only thing that has kept me away and awake from his charm is the fact that many women have fallen for it. But that's not all, we all know his reputation and know he makes them fall but never catches them. I played the part as I pushed him out the door but not before leaving a kiss on his cheek and smiling as I closed the door. I shake my head not wanting to think about it any longer. I had to get this job done and now with Pena involved I have to get my head in the game and be more careful. I turn off the lights and get into bed. It was 3 in the morning and sleep was the other thing keeping me sane.
Chapter 3
Javier Pena x Reader
I was going to write a series but I get more inspiration just with Javier Pena alone. So this will follow a story line and I hope it makes sense.

Chapter 1:
“Come in” I open the door and make my way inside to the closest desk. The blonde guy acts on his emotions as he is shocked to see me infront of him. “Hello am-”
“Agent Steve Murphy” I brushed off shaking his hand. “Am aware.”
“What do we owe the pleasure of your visit? Or are you even talking to us?” I brush off the annoying voice. Well to explain it better it wasn’t annoying, it was arrogant which is worse.
“I need copies and list of people you have encounter in the Escobar case”
“Aren’t you just an analyst following behind the ambassador like a lost puppy?” I took a quick deep breath before turning around to Agent Pena.
“Something like that” I lower my voice walking over until I am standing over him. He spreads himself into his chair, turning his chair in my direction.
“Then why would you need information on our case? Did the ambassador approve this?” He sits up straight looking up at me. His eyes are so innocent from my point of view. A little smirk playing on his lips, tempting.
“I think it doesn't concern you beyond this point,” I lean forward resting my hands on both of the armrests. “I am not just some analyst. If you decide to utter a single word towards the ambassador both you and your partner will be on the next flight out to the states.” I move my head to the side, getting closer to his face. “I know how important this is to you and him” His dark brown eyes stare deeply into mine without blinking. “And if you still have doubts I will tell you one last thing so you can believe me” I move even closer until I am right beside his ear so only he could hear me. “The ambassador can be right beside you on that flight. That's how much power I hold as just an analyst” With a smile I stood up straight. “Leave them in my office as soon as possible”
“Yes ma’am” . Satisfied I fix my skirt and walk out the room towards the ambassador's office. From afar I could hear a groan or two. Those are men for you. I shake my head as I open the door to see the ambassador talking on the phone.
“Of course, I will” She says her goodbyes. “Have everything you need?” She asked, knowing exactly what I was doing.
“Yes” Just need to brush up on some information but I am practically ready.
“Good” She stands up, making herself a drink. “You picked your people, you have 1 week left” I nod my head understanding how it usually goes. “Pablo is leaving so you will have time to infiltrate without much noise”
“Of course” I give her a smile before walking out to my office. A stack of files already thrown ontop of my desk.
Chapter 2

Chapter 20:
“Are you sure about this?” I shake my head no. I am not sure about this or many other things but when I think of that one thing, it makes everything feel right. “You could always do it here at the ranch. I can tell all the workers to leave for as long as yall need” Rip bumped my shoulder with his and the glare I gave him set him back right again. “Sorry. Have to be careful with your state nowadays”
“Shut up or I am revoking your rights” he lifts his hands in defeat. “Plus it's still not set in stone until Kayce says yes” I turn around noticing Rip wasn’t following beside me anymore.
“So I am doing this for nothing?” I laugh looking at his stupid expression as he holds the last pieces I needed to finish what I had planned for Kayce.
“Your love for me should be enough” I continued walking knowing he would follow eventually. “It's not even that far away either” I roll my eyes looking at the distance. It is far but I wasn’t going to admit it knowing he would offer to ride the horse down to the water.
“You know what I just realized?” I don’t turn or respond knowing he would just continue talking. “Recently you have been letting yourself go” I stop at the remark, turning to look over at him.
“What is that supposed to mean?” My eyebrow rised and a hand on my hip.
“Not in a bad way” My head turns a little to the side still waiting for him to continue. “You came down here with a wardrobe and it has gradually changed and it's good on you” I was still waiting. “You looked great before and it was what you were used to, do you like what it is now? You used to say you would never get used to this and how it wouldn’t look good on you” ah.
“Things changed Rip” I shrug, turning around to continue walking. “I certainly never saw myself staying in a place like this. I was born in the country but my heart always belonged to the city. A place where people don’t sleep. As early as 5 in the morning people are already out and about. You don’t need cars because you turn a corner and everything you need is there. But things change. I was never afraid to get myself dirty. I had boundaries and now it has expanded. Kayce made me love this place even more and settling here is what I crave more than anything now”
“Love changes you” I burst out laughing shaking my head. “Yes, big guy. Love does change you” Beth has certainly done a number on him since they got officially together. Before he could ask I left him with a bigger question in his head. “When are you two going to get hitched?”
“That's personal” I rolled my eyes.
“Aww. Is Rip the big bad wolf getting nervous?” I chuckle setting down what I had on the floor.
“I pick my timing. It's not time yet” He lowered his voice and I nod understandingly. What Beth and Rip has gone through hasn’t been easy and now that they are together, they aren’t rushing it.
“Alright big guy. Last trip.” I smile walking back to the ranch. By the time we reached the ranch it was 10 past 6.
“I will go ahead and take the last thing there and I will be on my way”
“Thanks” I smiled heading to the main house. I walk in seeing Beth, Tate, and John sitting in the living room talking. “Hey” I smile at them before taking a seat.
“I heard you’re doing something special for my little brother” Tate stands in attendance curious when he hears his dad mentioned.
“Something like that” I smile leaning further into the seat. I didn’t tell them what I was doing purposely. “I felt like it was my turn to do something for him. I know I am no romantic but I better up my beat if I don’t want to lose him”
“Trust that boy won’t leave unless he is ripped away from you” We laugh hearing the front door open.
“Can we have a talk in my office for a minute?” I look over at John and nod. We both stand heading to his office. I look back noticing it was Kayce walkingt through the doors. I leave him with a smile before walking into John’s office and closing the door. I turn around and take a seat before eyeing the folder he was sliding across his desk.
“Can you talk to me?” When John found out about Kayce and I, it wasn’t a pretty ride. It took months before he could even turn to look at me. But of course like a true Dutton he came to find me when he needed a lawyer who knew how he liked things done. I didn’t deny him since I owned him for everything I was. I still wasn’t going to stay if he didn't do something bad against me because I am still a person. But since then we have been getting closer and closer. He leans forward resting his elbows on his desk.
“When I saw you on my land years ago I wanted to do what I do with everyone else” Get rid of them one way or another. “I wanted to, but that was until I looked into your eyes. Scared. Alone. Broken. I saw that look constantly in my kids” They have had their share of it. “When I decided to bring you in I was going to make you a cowboy but I knew with those clothes you wouldn’t last a minute” I laughed knowing he was right. “You gave so much prospect to someone who belongs in a place like this.” He stands up reaching around the desk to lean against it infront of me. “And one day when I saw you and Kayce speaking. I saw the conversation unfold and it was like seeing two old people '' I furrowed my brows unsure on where he was going with this. “I didn’t want anyone messing with his future since he left. I wanted him to learn when he decided to leave this land that he wasn’t going to get better.” Tingles in my legs start moving all over my body. “I knew you being here would change his mind” I stood up and was a little dumbfounded.
“So you paid for my schooling to teach Kayce a lesson?” This has to be a cruel skit. I don’t know why I was angry. I believe in things happening in the right time so I wasn’t angry at the missed opportunity to be with Kayce years ago, I was upset that I was part of a lesson.
“You have to understand that back then you were just a little girl who came into our lives. A chess piece” I let out a frustrated chuckle shaking my head. “Since that day I saw the attraction between you two and my eyes were blinded with anger to see Kayce just give up”
“Wasn’t that what you wanted years ago? It would have made him come to his knees and beg you to come back” I sigh letting the upsetness defuse. I go to take a seat again. “What is your point in telling me all of this?” He takes the folder and places it on my lap as he kneels infront of me.
“I wanted you to know everything. You are about to be family although I considered you family for a long time "I look up in disbelief. “I was telling the truth when I told you, you are better than this place. You were already broken and this place would finish breaking you but when I saw how Kayce helped you and how you helped him I realized you two are strong enough for eachother to stay together.” He moves to open the file and reveal papers that needed signatures. “And for it to work properly with no further headaches I need you not to be attached to us professionally.”
“You’re firing me?” I was shocked.
“I need you to make your own choice. If you want to continue with the Dutton Ranch you are more welcome but if you decide not to, you are still part of this family regardless” I smile nodding my head.
“Either way I am here to stay” I close the folder and throw it on the desk. “You will be receiving an updated contract in a couple of days. I can’t let my number 1 client go” I smile standing up.
“Send it to my lawyer” He smiled gently, motioning me to follow him to the door. He stopped me by my arm as soon as I tried to open the door. “Thank you” I only smiled at his words, nodding before I left towards the living room.
“Is everything okay?” I nod going over towards Kayce and wrapping my arms around him.
“Everything is fine.” I look outside seeing the sun setting. “But nothing will be for what I have planned if we don’t leave right now” It was already past 6 so I was running behind schedule.
“You know you can’t get rid of me right?” I nudged him a bit as we walked down the path.
“Not like I have an option now” He furrowed his brows looking confused at my comment. I hold up my hand. “I would have to return the ring and it's too pretty” I smile, grabbing onto his forearm.
“So all it took was a pretty ring” I shrug
“Yeah! You put a ring that sparkles in front of a girl and a man with pretty eyes and they would fall to their knees in a second”
“I didn’t have to put a ring in front of you to get you on your knees those other times” I turned around shocked.
“Shut up” I slap his arm pushing him away. “And for your information I wasn’t as happy those other times” I cross my arms and speed walk to get to the destination faster.
“You seemed pretty eager” I try my best not to chuckle as I feel him wrap his arms around me making us tumble a bit until he caught balance.
“Yeah well, I was pretending. It helps the moment” I look away. I hear his low chuckle and his head falls inbetween my neck. I almost melt to the touch of his lips placing careful kisses.
“Baby,We both know that is a lie but.” He grabs on to my jaw making me look at him. “If you don’t like it, I am more than happy to be the one on my knees all the time” I held on to what I could but my legs were functioning less and less as he pulled me closer.
“If you don’t stop we won’t get to the surprise” I whisper as he hover over my lips. I want him to kiss me. Just like a couple hours ago.
“Alright” He sighs. I cursed at myself. I wanted him to see the surprise I had for him but the feeling for him was stronger. “Ready?” I nodded with my eyes closed trying to take a deep breath in and suddenly those strong feelings slowly started turning to sadness. “Are you okay?” He cups my face as I try my hardest to hold in the tears. “My love, talk to me” I shake my head as I tried to speak but no words came out. I feel his arms pull me into a hug and that is when the tears start to spill. “Whatever it is we promised to talk about it and figure it out together” I feel a kiss on my head before he pulls me in closer. “If you are not up for it can we go back? I won’t be disappointed” I lift up my head to look at him shaking my head no. He goes to remove the hair that was now sticking to my face due to the tears. “You sure?” I worked too hard on this and it was something important to not due today because if I wait any longer I will die.
“Am sure” I grabbed his hand and removed myself from him and continued on walking. “Am okay” I say, feeling his eyes on me. “I don’t understand my emotions right now but I can tell you that showing you your surprise will make me feel much better” I look back sending him a smile and pull him closer so I could wrap myself in his arm.
“Shh” I quickly quieted him seeing the lights lit up. Fairy light hanging around the closest trees. A blanket on the floor with pillows just like he set up for me. But with the exception of something big in the middle of the set up.
“You got me a horse?” I laugh seeing his expression. His small smile with confusion trying to be nice to me. I grab on to his hand and pull him forward. “Baby?-” I roll my eyes walking around the young horse and pull the rag around his neck so Kayce would see it. I lift my eyebrows trying to give him a hint to go on and read what it said. As he walks forward I walk around to move behind him. I wait and I wait for a good 5 minutes.
“Kayce?” The humor in his reaction soon became anxiousness. I was worried to look at what reaction he had to the words. I took a step forward but soon froze as he turned to look at me.
“You are not joking with me right?” I shake my head quickly. “Because if this is a joke, it’s one cruel one” Soon I was on the verge of crying again.
“It's not a joke Kayce” I walk forward taking his hands and placing it on my stomach. “This is real”
“A baby?” A smile finally appeared in his face allowing the stress and fear to slip right off my shoulders.
“Our baby” I smiled bigger, pulling his eyes to look at me.
“Our baby” He connects our lips for a short second before wrapping his arms around me. “You are having our baby” I laugh feeling even happier than when I found out. “A baby,” He whispers, still holding on to me. “Really?” He pushes me back carefully to look at my face.
“Yes Kayce. I confirmed it with the doctors last week”
“You went to the doctor without me?” I roll my eyes laughing at his sadness.
“I just went to confirm there was a baby. I promise, you didn’t miss anything that important. You will be invited to further doctors appointment when it really counts”
“I better be. That's my baby in there.”
“Sure is Cowboy.” I smile grabbing onto his face to pull himin for a kiss but he takes them off but doesn’t let go. He only pulls me around so my back is now leaning against his chest.
“How are you feeling about it?” I sigh. I was content. There was nobody else I would rather do this with. He is caring and respected my wishes to wait until I was ready. Truthfully when the positive test came I forgot how to breathe. Tears came and I fell to the floor crying. It felt like hours before I could stand up and take another test to make sure. Once that one came out positive too, that was when the tears were happy tears. Saying I wanted to have a baby was one thing. Knowing it actually is happening and now it's a reality, it stomps you. “I can’t lie and say I was 100 percent ready. My heart stopped and all the confusion and uncertainty came to mind.” He rubs my hands and arms listening to me. “But then I came to feel happy. I realized that I wouldn’t be doing this alone. This baby is going to have a wonderful father” I look up smiling at Kayce. “A crazy family”
“Yeah they can count on that” I laugh.
“You forgot to mention me!” We looked out to the darkness as now the sun had gone down and the only light was from the fairy lights.
“Tate?! What are you doing out here?” We looked left and right and didn’t see any small figure.
“Oops” I hold in my giggle looking over to Kayce. “Forget I am here!” That was when I lost it.
“He is part of this. I felt it wouldn’t be right without him here” I whisper. “But he was supposed to come way later when the food arrived” Kayce smiles. “You can come out bud” We turn our heads hearing footsteps.
“Did I mess it up?” He came out shyly towards us.
“Of course not” I motioned him to come closer. “Do you want to tell him about that” I point at the horse.
“Yeah!” He takes Kayces hand and starts pulling him. “I picked it all by myself for my baby!” I smiled hearing him call the baby his. Of course I had to tell Tate about the baby. Well truthfully I had no other choice. I was in the bathroom for too long. He came to check on me. He wasn’t oblivious when I told him the test was a thermostat. Since that day he has been calling the baby his baby and I couldn’t be more happy about his reaction. I smiled at Kayce who looked back as Tate ran around the horse telling him how he is going to prepare and train the horse for the baby. As Kayce turns his attention to Tate again I tell myself this is what I needed. I needed someone like Kayce to come into my life. So I could love and be loved and getting Tate is a bonus.


Chapter 20
Chapter 19:
A month has passed since Kayce asked me to marry him and ever since it has been like a new honeymoon phase. Everytime I saw him my heart sped up and I forget how to breath. I blush as every kiss and smile he sends my way like I was 16 years old again. And let me not mention the sex. If people thought we couldn’t keep our hands from eachother, I need to ask them what they think of us now. “Remember they need to be at school before lunch”
“I know Tate. I am on my way to pick them up after this” I smile motioning him away. “Now go, you are already late” I had to drop off Tate this morning to school and I may be 10,15 minutes late. “Love you!” He waved back with a smile, mouth something before heading inside. I reach for my phone and dial the only number I had on speeddial.
“I just picked them up. I am on my way to the office. In 15 minutes you have the meeting with the Townsends”
“Thanks. I am heading that way now. Don’t forget she was supposed to give you a smaller package too”
“Got it” I thanked Jennifer before hanging up the phone. I rush into the office hoping to get enough time to settle in. “Jamie?” I questined surprised to see him standing outside the office.
“Goodmorning, I need your help” he says as I come closer to him. His eyes averted to our surroundings every chance he got.
“Okay” I look around and see no other car other than his and mine. I guess we have a couple minutes before my clients show up. I unlock the doors and walk into my office with Jamie trailing close behind. I heard the door shut so I tooke liberty to start the conversation first. “Does this involve the Duttons?”
“In a way” I furrow my brow letting out a deep sigh. I take a seat pushing it close to my desk so I can lean against my hands. “I have a baby” Well that is a surprise
“How?” I said quickly. And just as quickly I tried to rephrase my question. “I mean I know how but like, how?” I lead back and stare at him. He was fidgeting with his hands as he took a seat infront of me.
“Christine. You remember her right?”
“Yeah. She worked with you when you were running against Reid” I nod now understanding. It was a hard time for Jamie and he departed from her when he went back to the Dutton ranch. But that has been a while back.
“Yes, exactly. I know I don’t have to explain to you how he came to be”
“Right. I know how that happens” I smile hoping to get he awkardness out of the way.
“Yeah well months ago she contacted me and told me about our son. She gave me a decision which will affect whether she allowed me to see him or not” Okay, “She wanted me to leave everything behind and not be involved with the ranch” Smart. “If I didn’t make that choice she would move on and not allow me to see my son”
“So what do you need me for? You want to fight for custody?” He shakes his head quickly.
“I want to ensure his future. Beth has made a promise when she found out and I don’t want anything happening to him”
“So you are thinking of a restraining order?”
“That would alert her. I need you to be my lawyer, My son and Christine need to be protected. She is not going to get to them if I can help it” I nod. There's more than a couple of ways to ensure that and he knows it. Being related to them doesn’t help so I know why he is asking me. I hear the door ring letting me know someone is in the lobby.
“I will make sure of it. I have clients out there but I will keep in contact to let you know every step of the procedure” He stands up walking towards the door.
“Thank you y/n” I sent him a smile. “One last favor” I nod. “Don’t tell Kayce any of this, for now”
“Don’t worry” I walk over to send him off. “Goodmorning Mr.Townsend” I smile leading him into my office. I watched as Jamie got in his car. How the hell am I supposed to keep such a thing from Kayce? I guess if it doesn’t come up I technically wouldn’t be hiding or lying about it right? I finished with my meeting with enough time to get to Tate’s school with the baked goods.
“You were late” Tate says with his arms folded
“Actually” I go down on my heels to meet his eyes. “I am right on the dot” I showed him my watch that marked 11:30.
“According to James’s mom, you are late” He points over to the tall women setting up things around the main table.
“Well she was wrong. The flyer said to be here at this time and I was. Can’t argue with the facts now can we?” Tate smiles, shaking his head.
“No go enjoy the party” His class was having a party to celebrate Valentine's day. Sweets filled two tables. His classroom is decorated with pink and red hearts. Everything on theme including most mom’s outfits. I quickly got Tate’s attention and waved at him as he had fun with his friends.
“So you are Tate’s mother?” I don’t know why Monica and Kayce agreed to change him to this school. I get that education is important and a school where you pay tuition too just has to be the best which it may be but it doesn’t mean the same for the parents.
“Yes I am” I stand up straight reaching out my hand to her. “And you are James’s mother?” I already knew the answer. Tate and James try to be friends but it has its bumps.
“Yes,Amanda” She gives me a small laugh and she takes her hand back to smooth out her dress. “You seem very young to be his mother”
“22” I say looking at her expression in her face made giving her my time worth it. “But unfortunately I am not the one who birthed that angel. Am just the seconded mom” Now that totally got her. I saw her face, she was trying to find something to say.
“Well” She huffed out trying to still be nice. “You seem pretty decent. You can uphold the reputation it takes to be here” My eyebrow lifts up trying to acknowledge her words.
“Right” I fake smile drinking out of the drink Tate got me earlier.
“Can’t say the same about other people” I looked over to see what she was referring to. Monica steps up looking around. She is in her usual outfit. “How is it that they get the good ones?” I wanted to laugh knowing she was now referring to Kayce. “I want to take a ride” I took that chance to wave over to them.
“Hey where is Tate?” Monica asks, still trying to scan the room for the boy.
“I will go look for him but first I would like to introduce you to Amanda, James’s mom.” I give her a slight wink before turning towards Amanda. “Amanda this is Tate’s other mom” She shakes smiles extending her hand to shake Monica’s.
“Oh” She smiles awkwardly. “I didn’t mean anything about my comment” she tries to whisper but I shake my hand.
“Oh don’t worry about it” I fake laugh turning over to Kayce. “This right here is his father. Got the right sperm wouldn’t you agree?” Kayce’s eyes widened a bit. “Would you be in love and find Tate?” A push him on to start walking which he thankfully does.
“So when you meant you were his other mom, you meant he mainly had two moms?” She steps back unknowingly.
“Yes, is that a problem? I thought you meant that it would uphold the reputation of this school?”
“I didn’t mean” She looks around, frightened from the sudden information. “I would need to speak to the principal,” She says holding her head up and walking out the room.
“What was that about?” Monica looks over at me.
“Just trying to set some knowledge about acceptance” I shruggs. I see Tate and Kayce coming over. “Did you know James keeps stealing Tates things? He says he is borrowing it but always seems to lose them when he tries to give them back?”
“I wouldn’t blame the parents but its hard when she acts like that” Monica laughs a little as the boys come closer we stop.
“Mom!” Tate wraps his arms excitedly, grabbing her hand. “I need to show you something”
“Alright kid, am coming” She smiles back at us who stay right in the same spot. When we are alone separated from any kid or adult I feel Kayce leaning in to rest his head on my shoulder and his arms around me.
“So I was the right sperm?” I grin feeling his smile widen.
“Wouldn’t you think? Look at him” I point over to Tate. Truly not really focusing on him since Kayce’s warm breath is all I can focus on right now. “Why do you think I want a kid from you so bad?”
“Just one?” He whispered. It was so hard not to close my eyes and just feel him.
“We can fill a whole classroom if you allow me too” I know it's bad to have the thought I am having right now with kids present so god forgive me but would it be so bad to want him to take me against the wall? Or just lean me against one of these tables? Maybe even just right here. In this spot. He could lift me up with his strong arms and push into me. Over and over and over again. He's a cowboy he can do it standing up, we’ve done it before.
“Honey I would allow you to do unspeakable things to me. Anything your little heart desires. If you can take it?” I smile. I come back to my sense noticing we were feeling eachother up. That went unnoticed it seems like so I stopped before someone could notice us.
“I need to get going. I need to be away from you for a bit” I smile, going up to plant a quick kiss on his lips. “Rememeber to meet me at the ranch at 6” I point back to him grabbing my things
“Yes ma’am” God why are you making it so hard on me? The only things I had the courage to do was turn around and leave. I didn’t trust myself with telling him I love you or giving him a goodbye kiss. God knows I wouldn’t have made it. I would have scarred all those kids forever. I just needed to wait 6 more hours.


Chapter 19:
Chapter 18:
That moment was filled with just amazement. Truthfully I never imagined myself with a ring on my finger but maybe it was because I hadn’t found the right person yet. And now you have me here. Infront of a man who loves me, all of me. Drinking and laughing. Talking as in the background music plays. It's cheesy but it works. The sun is gone by now and the only light is the torches around.
“If you ever ignore me like that again I won’t be as forgiving as I was today” I say taking a sip of my drink
“I guess I will just have to make you make a wife soon so you won’t have a choice, you wouldn’t even be able to run away” He shurggs looking elsewhere. I throw a small pillow at him with a laugh.
“Am a lawyer, I can find a way” I get up walking towards him. “Not that I would want to” I smile gently getting on his lap. I feel him set him drink down leaning back on both hands. I move my hands upwards and tug a little on his jacket. “But I am serious, you made me feel bad these past couple of days and I don’t want to feel like that again” I whispered but it was loud enough for him to hear me.
“Am sorry” He reaches up to cup my face, laying a gentle kiss on my cheek. “You won’t ever feel like that again if I can help it. If you do, you can always talk to me and even smack me when I am being irrational”
“Promise?” I look up with a slight grin.
“Promise, for as long as you will have me” I get up slightly moving to straddle him.
“We are going to be married. And when we walk out that church it's forever cowboy”
“I like the sound of that miss” I move to wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer.
“Stop. You know I think it's the way you speak that got me wanting to marry you” Slowly my hips started moving against him. Killing me but I enjoyed how his eyes closed and his hands around me tightened. “But it was who you are that's gotten me wanting to give you a baby” Shit that got me going hearing him groan. He pressed his face against my neck holding onto me like I was going to disappear. Slowly getting more speed as his arms helped me move faster. “I love how you are as a daddy of one, how about we make it two?” I whispered, grabbing his face so I could kiss him but I took a moment to watch the sight infront of me. His eyes closed as faint whimpers came out of him. I got down, starting to kiss his neck.
“You can’t do that to me” He complains as he pushes my face back only to smash his lips on mine. I moan filling the tight knot tigethen. I pull on his jacket wanting to hold on to something.
“But I want your baby” I whine, not really knowing what I was saying. But it was true.
“We will have time for it, let me make you feel good before we get there” I groaned, getting a little mad at the fact he was willing to wait. I mean yes I liked to foreplay. Or him going down on me or me on him but I wanted him more. I lift myself up hearing a groan coming from him.
“I want your baby” I say a little louder, going to unbukle his pants. “I need it.” I don’t even take it off, already unbuttoning his pants. “Please?” I look down at him. With his eyes locked I hurriedly try to push his pants down. I stop my hand movements leaning forward to trace a trail of kisses all over his face. “You don’t want to give me a baby?” I feel him nod desperately. “That’s another way to secure I won’t ever leave you” It took him a second to get rid of his pants sliding down and sliding into me.
“We aren’t going to stop until we use all of our time tonight” Fuck. “I didn’t even have to prepare you” I moaned, holding him close. “So open and ready, right?” He asked as he lifts me up and sharply pulled me down again. It wasn’t the stimulation that has me over the edge but the feeling of him with me. How he is going to my husband and forever be mine. How he wants to have a baby and never leave my side. This is love and he is making me feel it all the way to my toes.
“I love you” I whisper as our pace is slow feeling every inch he gives me.
“I love you” He pulls my dress down as I take off his jacket and shirt. Moving against him we look into eachother eyes. “Going to be such a wonderful mommy” I nod my head humming at his words. “So beautiful” He grabs a hold of both breasts moving forward to take one of them in his mouth.
“Fuck, Kayce” I moaned looking up at the sky full of starts.
“So caring, you will have time for me right? You won’t forget that I will need you to survive too, right?” I shake my head, clawing him and pulling on his hair. The emotion was too much. The sensitivity of my breast was making it hard for me not to come quick. I move up and down as he goes on to the next boob.
“Kayce” I whine.
“I know, baby. I want you to remember the night you made me the happiest man” The pace slowed but the friction continued to increase. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer and tighter. He was trying to get as far as he could reach. I felt like he was splitting me into two but I didn’t care, I wanted more. I didn’t want to be able to walk tomorrow morning. “That is until I get you to say yes or when our little one finally decides to come into the world”
“Mphm. So pretty” I moan, pulling him into a kiss. I scratch his back as my stomach tightens. “A sweet baby. Just like you” I whisper, kissing him again.
“Beautiful like you” He says as my hand searches for something more steady to grab as my climax hits. “I love you” I wanted to say it back but the feeling of him cumming in me had been going overboard again.
“More!” I scream, not stopping at his cries. The over stimulation was rough but the want of him over took that.
“Baby” He groaned trying to get a hold of my hip but his hands denied him as a second later they were helping me ride him faster. “Fucking hell” He moans. I could feel our mixture slipping past us making a hell of more noise as our bodies collided.
“So good.” I scream holding onto his shoulder trying to pick up the speed. “Kayce” he looked up at me knowing what I needed. He flips us over and it took him not even a second to pound into me at a faster rate. “Fuck baby” I try to turn but his hands pinned my hips down.
“Don’t try to run so soon” I grabbed onto his wrist, feeling the pleasure increase. “I thought you wanted it faster” That cocking motherfucker. My legs widen and wrap firmly around him.
“I want everything” Not leting him move as he cums in me again and another climax reaches me. He falls onto me, capturing my lips. The hunger is still apparent in his kiss. “How long do we have?” I whisper as we pull apart a few inches.
“All night and as long as you want to stay here” I know he was joking. I wanted to stay here forever but that wasn’t possible. He still had worked at the ranch and John needed him most of the time. I would go crazy if I didn’t have something to do, I would miss my job. Not to mention Tate. He would probably love it here but as a kid he needed to go to school and most importantly be with Monica.
“All night is enough” I smile up at him, caressing his face. “We have forever right?”
“Yes ma’am” I laugh rolling my eyes. And with that ladies and gentlemen we rolled over and continued what we started. I wasn’t going to lose another minute without him in me. Even as we held ourselves tighter together inside the little cabin that was a couple feets from us he stayed in me. Surely enough it was going to be uncomfortable in the morning but it was something I was willing to deal with.

This will be insert of storylines that happens in the future if Yn and Kayce

Chapter 18:
Chapter 17:
Trying to have a baby was difficult if the man you wanted to be the father seemed to be avoiding you at all cost. When Tate was gone with Monica I would come home ready to spend the night with him but he was never home. He would come late and by that time I was already in bed sleeping peacefully. When Tate was here he always wanted him present, which was unusual because when he was over he would send him with John atleast one night. One time I tried going over to his office. A coat robe ready to slip off and available to him but nothing. He had a “Meeting” to get too. I was becoming frustrated but not because I needed all of the pent up feelings to go away but because he is making it seem like he doesn’t want me anymore. “You are being paranoid” I shake my head at the liquor being offered by Beth.
“Stop. That is what they say to women who’s husband are cheating on them” I roll my eyes and start pacing the floor.
“Well it's a good thing he is not your husband then” I look over annoyed at her words. “Kidding. Well not” She smiles getting up to take my arm. “Kayce loves you and you know how busy this world can get you” I hated talking about the ranch. Call me crazy but after leaving the ranch and only taking care of it legally, I didn’t want to be involved with anything else. I hated Kayce was involved but I understood where he was coming from when he told me he couldn’t just leave. We had a huge argument one night when he came beat up so badly it kept him in bed for days. I cried non stop but showed how angry he was with what he was involved with. It took days before I came to terms with it. It took weeks to look at him and finally come up with a solution. He wanted to give up everything so we could be together but I told him it was okay. I knew what I got myself into even before we were together. She pulls me to take a seat.
“It's hard to believe when he doesn’t even kiss me atleast a goodbye!” I stomp my feet seeting back into the couch like a littel girl who is being denied candy.
“How about we go out tonight?” I close my eyes thinking about it. Tate was with Monica until Tuesday and it was currently Saturday. It was enough time to get blasted, like I am sure Beth will try to get me.
“Sure” I threw my hands up in defeat. I will just have to talk with Kayce before I get to the point where I get my frustration out some other way. “I’ll see you at 7?” I get up grabbing my things
“5” I turned over looking at her. We never go out that early. “You need to relax your mind and I know this wonderful place but it's far. '' I shake my head not caring aslong as my mind is not thinking of Kayce for as long as possible. “I will pick you up”
“At the office” I say walking out the door. I was going to spend the rest of the day in the office. Being at home with it being still 11 in the morning wasn’t wise. I would be pacing around the whole house probably eventually crying until I am balled up on the floor. Trying to unlock my door I hear my phone ring. “Hello?” I answer without looking at the caller ID.
“Hey are you busy?” I hear Monica’s voice on the other side of the phone.
“No. I was going into the office to have somthing to do but it can wait. Do you need something?” I pull out my key setting in my purse and put my attention to the phone call.
“Tate has been talking about this restuarant all day when you took him to once. And since it's almost lunch time he was thinking maybe you wanted to join us?” I look over to my office. Being here with only my thoughts might be the same as being stuck at home. Maybe going to lunch with Monica and Tate would be better.
“Of course. I will see you there in 5” We hang up and I go back into my car. I drive up and park waiting for them to show up. “Hey buddy” I smile seeing Tate run up to me and give me a hug.
“He has not stopped talking about this place” She looked up, not really sure about the place.
“It's great!” He pulls away running inside.
“They are good. One of my favorites” I smile waiting for her to walk in behind Tate.
“Welcome” The host smiles as we walk inside. “Table for 3? The gentleman is waiting for you” We turn as we see Tate talking to the waitress already.
“Thank you.” We say walking to the table.
“I will have that in a second” The waitress made sure what Tate had ordered was correct before she left.
“Grandpa said I can come over today for a fishing day!” He said excitily. “Do you want to come too?” How can I tell him no? I don’t mess with horses more than I did the last time I was near one.
“Kid she doesn’t know how to ride a horse” I thank Monica with an uneasy smile.
“But last time you rode with dad. You can ride with me or grandpa this time”
“Thanks buddy but I am not dressed up for the occasion” Yeah a pencil skirt and heels isn’t proper for riding a horse or even fishing.
“Aunt Beth can let you borrow something”
“Okay but if the horse tries anything I will have to skip the fishing trip”
“Deal” He smiles. The food came soon after that.
“So how is the house going?” Monica spoke as we were digging into our food.
“Good. Hard to compermise but it's getting there.”
“Dad doesn’t like the couch” I laugh nodding my head. I didn’t want a leather couch. My parents always had dark brown leather couches in the house but I always liked the large cloth couches.
“And it's a cream color so his fear of keeping it clean is worse” Monica laughs along. “It's not like we have 20 people living at home”
“And what did you have to agree on?” I smile knowing she has been in the same place as me so she knows how annoying it can be to deal with Kayce.
“Having a bathtub” I didn’t like bathtubs. I preferred showers. I wanted a vanity or something more useful in that corner but I agreed to have my couch.
“I love the bathtub!” Tate says with a mouth full.
“That's why I don’t regret the decision. He doesn’t fight taking a bath anymore” Monica turns over with a smile.
“So all it takes is a bathtub to keep you clean?” Tate nods with a big smile. “Have to get one at home because I can’t keep him clean” We were exaggerating but Tate had a difficult time wanting to take a shower but now we have a difficult time getting him out the tub.
“Can you get one with the jets?” He saw the cataloug where we were picking them out and was angry at the fact we didn’t choose one with jets
“I will see” We smiled at Tate who had finished his first plate and went on to the next. Once our food was done we met again in the ranch. Thankfully Rip called Tate over to work on his horse and that took most of the day until I looked down and checked the time.
“It's okay if you have plans, Tate will understand” I looked over to Monica who was standing next to me with a smile.
“No” I shake my head. It was almost 5 and I had texted Beth that I was going to the ranch so she would find me and honestly if she didn’t I don’t really feel like going anywhere right now. “Beth invited me for drinks tonight but I think it's best if I don’t go”
“What?” I look over to her, confused. “I wasn’t going to say anything but you have not been in a good mood for a couple of days.” Gee thanks. “I think you need this,” I was about to say something like no I don’t and going out with Beth will only get me in a worse mood but she wraps her arms around mine and leads me inside the house. “To prove it I will be going too” I smiled a little allowing her to lead me upstairs and into Beth's room. I was forced, which says nothing since I didn’t fight Monica on changing into different clothes. Beth soon came in trying to get ready for the night before she spent getting me ready.
“Alright I think we are ready to go, '' Beth says, looking infront of the mirror before turning to us. “Lets go” We go downstairs and wait in the car so Monica can say goodbye to Tate as she leaves him with Rip until John comes home.
“Come on. We were going to have fun” Monica says from the back seat.
“She is having troubles with my little brother”
“Oh so that's why you have been pissy all day” I look over annoyed.
“I have not!” I argue. I have not, I didn’t even believe myself
“He has been busy and to make it worse she hasn’t gotten some for,? How long has it been” She looks over quickly at me with a grin.
“Shut up” I groan slidding down more into the seat. I fold my arms together looking over to the window. “Almost 2 months” I whisper. I hear them chuckle at my responds.
“I can’t go a week without it,I can’t imagine 2 months” Beth says laughing.
“I am going to throw myself out the car”
“Don’t be pissy. We are going to make you feel better, you will see” Monica said as she laid a gentle hand on my shoulder. I take a deep breath, I don’t know what is going to happen but I need to get this tension out before it drives me crazy. We have been driving for about 10 minutes and I am beginning to think they are going to ditch me in some ditch since I have not stopped frowning since we got in the car. There is nothing 10 minutes away from town that is interesting enough to take this ride.
“Alright we are going off road a little” Beth says turning into a dirt road. Now I truly believe they are going to kill me off somewhere.
“If this is your idea of fun and distracting, I don’t like it” I hear a low chuckle from both of them. I sit up leaning forward when I notice a faint light ahead. The sun was going down on the other side of us so it was dark enough to see light coming from torches? “Are we going there?” I pointed and turned to look at Beth who only nodded. “You know I hate the outside right? If this is supposed to make me feel better than you don’t know me at all” I didn’t have time to take a full glance at what was infront of us since it was still feet away but also because I almost went throught the windshield. Always wear your seatbelts kids!. “What the hell Beth?” I look over as she puts the car in reverse.
“Get out,” She says dryly. “Y/N” She unlocks the car and points outside. “Get out” I roll my eyes a bit. “I need to back up and I don’t want to hear anymore of your whining” It should have pissed me off but it didn’t. Beth was like that. I opened the door and as soon as the door slammed shut she was backing up at a fast pace.
“What the fuck Beth?!” They did ditch me. Not in a ditch dead but ditched me non the less. I will probably be dead before the sun hides away. I gave up looking at the direction they went hoping they would show up. I turn around and walk toward the lights. As I came up you could see torches around the set of multiple pillows and blankets. A middle platter with drinks and what I am guessing is covered up food. “I have totally pissed them off when Beth took her time to do all of this” I lift my hands up in frustration. I have let Kayce’s absence get to me. Usually I didn’t need his attention but lately it was all I was craving. Not sexually but emotionally. I haven’t been attached to someone as I have gotten with him. It's not like I needed him every second of the day but lately since I feel like we have spent less and less time together, I have missed him so much.
“She only did part of this” I looked up frightened at the voice until I saw it was Kayce popping up out of nowhere. It was an open field. It was a field of some sort of grain but it was short so it didn’t even reach my knees.
“What are you doing here?” in the distance you could see a faint building but nothing after that. When did he get here?
“I heard you have been pissy all day?” I see a slight grin on his face as he walks around the pillow and blankets.
“I have not” I roll my eyes not wanting to look at him right now. How dare he show up right now? If he did all of this, what was it for? For the amount of time he has been neglecting me?
“Hey, come back to me” He uses one hand to grab my chin so I have no choice but to look at him, which I didn’t mind. The other wraps around my waist to pull me closer. I guess I was so engulfed in my mind that I didn’t notice the faint music playing until he started swaying. “I need you to stay with me until I finish the speech I have prepared” I furrowed my brow, curious about what he was doing.
“I can do that” I smile, moving my hand up to grab a hold of each side of his face to pull him closer.
“I need to get throught the speech before any of this goes on” I close my eyes, feeling his nose rub against mine before he pulls apart. He puts some space between us holding onto both my hands. “I am not for speeches so don’t give me hell for it” I smile faintly nervous about what is to come. He takes a deep breath before continuing, “Years ago I was so stupid to let you go. I was scared and when I heard about your dreams and goal I knew I couldn’t get inbetween that. Well also back then I didn’t think I deserve someone like you so I held myself back from trying. But the past is the past and now that I have you I will never be that stupid again. I still think I don’t deserve someone like you. So smart and witty. Beautiful and kind to even the ones who don’t deserve it. You accepted me with my whole crazy family but most importantly Tate. He loves you and he was actually the one who pushed me to do this, not that I didn’t want to do it but was procrastinating at the right time.” I wanted to laugh and hug him but his movement stopped me. I always see these in movies. How the guy gets on one knee then he has a hard time finding the ring but finally he extends his hands and opens the little black box and says, “Will you marry me?” I usualy would roll my eyes and smile because even if it was annoying it was their moment. Their piece of heaven and this one was mine.
“Yes” I nod my head wrapping my arms around him once I fall onto my knees. He was my piece of heaven.
This will be insert of storylines that happens in the future if Yn and Kayce

Chapter 17:
Chapter 16: Part 3
I tried to be present for the last weeks but I stood no chance against work. The court date moved on pretty quickly and soon I was standing infront of the judge on the last date. I had Kayce sitting behind me and Tate thankfully wasn’t allowed in court because my mother had made it a strong belief that he should be here. “Your honor” I say approaching her. “It is clearly stated in the paper that is infront of you and plaintiff they are reasoning behind my son not being present” I had not adopted Tate Legal. He still had both parents and I never wanted to over step. We did write a couple papers indicating I am a legal guardian/parent of him and under that paperwork it was written he would not be used or even attend family matters in court. I wanted to protect him and anyone that was born into this family. Kayce has a hard past and so do I, I didn’t want anything affecting kids.
“That cannot be suitable in this case, your honor!” My mother stands and with a rush her lawyer urges her to sit back down.
“If you are not going to let your lawyer talk and with permission I am going to dismiss this case for a further date until you learn how my courtroom handled it” She backs up and takes a seat. “Now continue Miss. Y/N” The judge looks over to me and nods.
“Thank you” I shifted back to my desk. “The paper clearly states he will not be allowed at court for any case unless it's life or death.” I picked up his birth certificate. “This gives it more credibility and the reason the plaintiff does not have any copy or knowledge of it, is because it is not suitable” I look over to my mother and her lawyer before handing it to the judge. She scans over it and quickly straightens up.
“I will need to see you in my office” She says sternly and I nod. “Give us a 5 minute recess and we will be back” She announces as she starts to walk back to her office.
“Everything okay?” I hear Kayce call out to me but not loud enough for everyone to hear. I nod my head.
“I wanted to have something against her but since the agreement is not enough I needed to tell the whole truth even if it won’t knock the smile out of her face” I groaned walking off.
“Couldn’t you have started with the birth certificate?” She shakes her head behind her desk. “Saved you and I much time”
“I know there is a way around everything so not matter how officially the paper may be she would find a way to get what she wants”
“You know what?” She stands up and walks to her fridge. “I have never seen you this stressed” I thank her as I grab the water she handed me.
“It has never involved my kid” I say sitting up straighter. “I guess I prolonged this so I can see her lose something she really wanted, even if it was to get back at me” I shrug and get up. “But I am not going to lose a kid just so I can win this game”
“Couldn’t agree more” She sets her cup down. “I'm glad even after everything you don’t change” I hate change. I was going to say but I only smiled. “Recess is over let's go” I nod, getting out of the room and waiting back in the courtroom for her to appear. We all stand as we hear the doors open. “After hearing and seeing all the evidence I have come up with a decision” The viewers were the only ones to sit down. “When it comes down to the shares and every last of the demands such as last name affiliation or change I grant in favor of the Plantiff” I could see the smile in her face. “When it comes to visitation of Tate I grant favor to the defendant. Case is close”. I know I won. Bickering days back and forth about the company and the name. We stood facing eachother knowing this might be the last time I get to see my mothers face.
“Y/N?” Kayces voice reaped my eyes from following her walking figure. “Everything is done?” I look over before handing the file to Jennifer.
“Yes. Everything is done” I smile. I pull my hand forward to enterwine with mine. “Let's go home, I need a vacation after this” He chuckles walking out of the courtroom. The image I saw was something that made me unable to swallow.
“Think about this” I heard Kayce warn me but my feet had already started walking towards them.
“Y/N” I pull my hands up stopping John from talking.
“Whatever you are saying or trying to do here is not worth it. As stated, I am no longer part of the family so that means you don’t belong in mine”
“No matter what they said he is my blood and the problem was never with him!” She stepps forwards but I don't move an inch. Tate was currently hiding behind John.
“I don’t care!” I took a deep breath not wanting to scare Tate more. “You will never get a chance to hurt me again. And trust me when I say that if you even try, remember I know everything about you and your name”
“You have always been so sensitive” She smiles while fixing her purse.
“You can think anything you want. If you decided to show up again I will make sure I am not the only thing stripped from your last name” I turned around grabbing Tates hand.
“Who was that lady?”I look down, finding a sort of calmness in his eyes.
“She’s my mother,” I say as I get to the truck. I hear the car unlock and help Tate into the back seat.
“Why were you screaming at eachother?” His innocent eyes didn’t compel what was happening.
“Sometimes mothers and daughters fight. Sometimes you need to walk away to give people time to breath”
“Do mothers and sons fight?” I look over with a grin. He smiles knowing the answer. “I guess I have a good mother. She fights for me” I ruffle his hair checking that his belt is secure enough. “But I got really lucky I have two”
“Yes you are bud” I look over and see Kayce and John finally begin to walk towards us. “How about some ice cream? I could definitely use one”
“Yes!” He screams.
“What's happening here?” John says come to my side.
“We decided we need ice cream, will you come with us grandpa?” I turn around leaving them to talk.
“Are you okay?” I look up nodding my head. I move forward wrapping my arms around Kayce. He immediately wraps his arms around me.
“Yes. I just need some ice cream” I smile.
“Yes ma’am” He whispers, pulling my face up and leaving a gentle kiss on my lips. “Guess what?”
“Hmm?” I tried to catch his lips again but was denied.
“I got the stove set up”
“Oh thank god!” I groan, pulling away. “I think I hate every take out in this town” He laughs as I move around the truck to get in.
“Don’t act like you are a great cook either” If I had something to throw at him I wouldn’t think twice.
“Shut up. Now I can practice and you will see” He laughs again pulling his door open. We both get in and turn around to Tate. “Tate, you like the food I make, right?” Tate looked lost. He looked between me and Kayce not knowing what to say.
“Bud, you can tell the truth” I smile nodding my head at Kayces words.
“Well” He stretches his arms trying to come up with his words. “You have only made breakfast and dad has done most of the cooking so I can’t judge” I hear a snicker from Kayce earning him a hit in the arm.
“Thank you buddy.” I smile turning to face forward. “Let's go get ice cream and then we are going to the grocery store. There is a recipe I know you will like”
“You know what that means Tate '' Kayce starts up the truck and looks throught the rear view mirror. I didn’t have to look back knowing he had a smile on his face just like his father.
“Pizza!” At his words I hit Kayce again
“Damn women! I am trying to drive here” He laughs
“You haven’t even put it in drive” I roll my eyes. I feel a presence leaning into me and I turn and see Kayce close. “What?” I groan annoyed
“I love you” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes again but soon enough I smile going in for a kiss.
“I love you too!” Kayce’s face is pushed back to replace the kiss I wanted with a kiss on a cheek.
“I love you too” I say as he takes his seat back.
“Put your seatbelt back on” I turn to see Kayce. “How does staying with grandpa sound?” I laugh moving over to grab Kayce’s hand
“No. I want to stay with you two” Tate say innocently
“Right” Kayce’s groans. He leans in again and starts whispering. “You were right not having a baby just yet. If my only child is cockblocking me right now, imagine a littel one? I wouldn’t even be able to spend the 10 minutes we get alone in a day” I chuckled looking over making sure Tate wasn’t paying attention.
“Really?” I say. I move my hand up to rest on his cheek. “I was thinking we were ready for baby #2”
“Oh now he is really staying in the ranch” He groans, straightening himself in the seat before starting to drive. I know my intention was to tease him but there was some truth behind my words. After all of these I know I have Kayce beside me. Always. There wasn’t anything that could stop me now. Giving him another baby was my promise to him. I wasn’t planning to go anywhere either. I was ready to stay, to stay with him and our family.