Gaster Is The One Friend Who Has Probably Committed Crimes And Unethical Experimentation - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Random thought I have on Gaster (even tho we only see him like once in the game) I never really portrayed Gaster as a skeleton or any relative of Sans and Papyrus, and if I do they aren't biologically related and its a platonic sibling bond.

Back on topic, I was drawing Gaster before he got deleted from existance and thought: “What if he’s like that demon/horn monster we see in Snowdin?” and his appearance (Horns & tail) got distorted when becoming a literal pile of black goop.

Random Thought I Have On Gaster (even Tho We Only See Him Like Once In The Game) I Never Really Portrayed
Random Thought I Have On Gaster (even Tho We Only See Him Like Once In The Game) I Never Really Portrayed

So yeah, have some Demon!Gaster content

My headcanons:

Was originally going to lose his horn in the Great War but decided to change it

Gaster is science physics nerd who loves sci-fi movies

Was inspired by Portal and made his own RPG Sci-fi fantasy

Either gets NO work done or disappears into the True Lab for a couple of days working on whatever nerd project he’s building.

Sans is his co-worker/best friend

Papyrus is Sans little brother who Gaster sometimes kidnaps brings to the lab to show him a cool puzzle or project he’s working on (Sans doesn't mind as long Gaster brings Paps home by 7:30pm which is Paps bedtime)

Lost part of his horn after Sans dared him to do a backflip testing the vents in Hotland

Tends to be blunt and straightforward so most people see him as rude, or cold-hearted (is really just being honest and thinks logically about things)

Struggles with Empathy (but not apathetic)

Claims his favorite childhood movie was Treasure Planet but it was really Robots by Blue Sky Studios

Gets a random idea at 3:00am and drags Sans with him (The reason Sans takes frequent naps)

Is introverted and hates social events

Has no arms but can summon multiple hands at will with his magic

Is an Albino Demon Monster, which is why Gaster is a pale white instead of red (idk what color the demon was)

Nickname: Wings, Ding Ding, G, Gigi, Mr. Has-No— Sense-of-Self-preservation

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