Gay Dl - Tumblr Posts
Hopefully I won't flood the spaceships too much.
ABC 123 maybe these alphagatorz will protect me.
Nice, warm and soggy. Just the way I like them.
SDK are awesome
I Love my Super Dry Kids diapers there so soft and comfy 😍 and Pampers Design from the 90 s 😍
Just some diapered gaming today.
Just a baby driving in a super soggy safari. Wish I had a daddy to change me.
No leaks yet. These safari animals sure do love the sog.
Time to strip down to just a diaper. It's way too hot.
I wonder how much more this can hold. Just did a small messy in it.
Crinklz under my NWU'S, only slightly damp in these pics! :)
Took these the other day, first time being able to wear in a week.
Been wanting to try these Mydiapers, so far I like them! 😃
Wore this all morning while doing yard work. Good thing I had the plastic pants on, I ended up leaking after 2 floodings and 4 smaller wettings.
Recent diaper pics: Cloth diaper with 4 stuffers and blue plastic pants. Princess diapers from the Dotty Diaper Company, they hold quite a bit. Locked underneath as well!
Got some Pride diapers, they're awesome! Still locked of course 😉
Thoroughly soaked, leaky and 🔐