Gay Hypnosis - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Man I've been looking at hypnosis posts for a while. I want someone to DM me, take me under and make me feel good and mindless!

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2 years ago

Wanting someone (over 18) to drop me and make me feel good and mindless. Been needing to go deep!

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2 years ago

Still searching for someone to hypnotize me and make me drop so deep. Being brainwashed to become addicted to the gym, constantly working on making my muscles bigger.

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2 years ago

Can't stop thinking about how much I really want someone to use hypnosis to make me into a muscle hungry bodybuilder. Reprogramming my mind only to think about the gym, and build more muscle. Making me become a huge mindless Himbo💪

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2 years ago

Really wanting to be hypnotized today. Been wanting to go under and become a good huge jock. Nothing but muscle has been on my mind the last hour

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2 years ago

Really want a hypnotist to put me into a jerking loop. Make my mind melt as I jerk off over and over and over. Becoming dumber by the second, needing to build more muscle and jerk and jerk and jerk😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

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10 months ago

Nothing feels more good than working out and listening to some dumb jock files. Each rep feeling so nice as I feel my mind slip away and be replaced by pure pleasure as the file forces me down the road in becoming a HUGE DUMB JOCK

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10 months ago

This blog has recently been blowing up lately, if only my muscle mass blew up by 20% each time I see someone followed. I guess the closest thing I can do now is make sure that for every follower, I'll hope my IQ drops down a point so that I become the biggest and dumbest muscle jock that I'm supposed to be

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10 months ago

Been listening to a ton of dumbing down jock files and I'm starting to see the effects. Was trying to log into an account to play a game and the captcha required me to find a few dice that added up to 14 for a few slides. Wasn't able to finish it, spent like 15 minutes trying to do it and failed so I gave up on it. The entire time I felt a brain fog that made me more aroused the more I "tried" to look at numbers that didn't make sense to me. Guess at this point I HAVE to focus solely on working out and gaining size 💪🤤

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9 months ago

Taking the next step in becoming a huge dumb jock. Just bought a chastity cage. Going to stay locked up until I reach a certain weight goal. Going to let the HUGE build up of arousal take over my mind, filling it with unlimited lust for more MUSCLE making me more DUMB and HORNY

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4 years ago

Mischief's First Act:

Hypnotize Dean Winchester

Mischief's First Act:

Dean Winchester entering into Men of Letters bunker. He sighs in relief as he is finally able to finish hunting this spirit down with Sammy who is eating out tonight. He just want to sleep right now.

Suddenly as he walking into the library room, notices a suit man is sitting in a throne that wasn't there before, watching Dean walking in.

"Who are you?! How did you get in?!" Dean quickly demanding this suit man about how he got in since Sammy and he locked this place down before left it. He also wondering what kind of supernatural creature this is.

Suit man smile mischief at Dean as if finding him funny right now which make Dean more angrily. He slowly standing up from his throne and said. "Hello Dean.. It is finally nice to meet you.. My name is Mischief. And I am here for you."

Dean scowls at Mischief before quickly demanding hime once more time and slowly reaching down to his pocket to grab his gun to shoot Mischief.

Mischief chuckles warmly as if finding this situation amusingly. He wave his hand in the air to make Dean's gun disappeared before Dean can use it on him and saying. "Now now now, Dean. There no needs to be violence here. I am not here to hurt you."

Dean scowls more at Mischief as don't believe him. But Mischief keep talking to him to explain about why he is here.

"As I mention this before. I am here for you because I can't help but notice about you lately. You see, I'm a trickster but not that fake trickster you meet before. His name was Loki/Gabriel, right? Well, I am the real trickster who play tricks on everyone. But here a thing that no one know. My favorite hobby is watching over "specials mans" to see if they are worthy for me. And Dean, you are worthy for me."

Mischief smile sweetly at Dean who look very angry right now. But before Dean start to open his mouth to argue about it. He reaching down to his pocket to get his pocket watch out and holding it in the air in front of himself. Then Mischief starts to swing it side to side and whisper softly to Dean.

"Look at this shiny watch, Dean.

Just keep staring at it while listening to my soft voice.

You are getting sleepy.

You can't think or do anything but staring at this watch.

Empty your mind for me, Dean.

Empty your mind.

Empty your mind.

Empty your mind.

Now you are sleep, Dean.

So keep listening to my words while you keep sleeping."

Dean was about to yelling at Mischief more but he suddenly pauses as staring at Mischief's shiny pocket watch that he pull out of his pocket who start swing it side to side.

He keep staring at it while everything around him slowly becomes numb to him, seeing that pocket watch turn into a spiral which show up in Dean's eyes.

Dean feeling his mind become empty until it is fully gone as he is sleeping right now and keep listening to Mischief.

Mischief smirk to himself as seeing that he finally got Dean Winchester where he want him. So he start to keep whispering to Dean.

"Dean, when you wake up from sleeping state you are in.

You would obeys me and be very loyal to me.

You would always obeys my orders and be happy with it.

You would know me as your old friend that you haven't see in long time as Sam came back into your life and I have to stay away from you for couple years to let you two catch up.

You don't care about why we haven't see each other for long time and just be happy that I am back.

You would always be by my side and don't care about what anyone said about it even your brother, Sam/Sammy Winchester.

You are my good boy and I am your good sir. When people are around us, you would called me by my fake name, Jensen.

But when we are alone, you would called me, Sir.

Now it is time to wake up, Dean to greet your "dear old friend, Jensen".

Dean blinks slowly, waking up as if he just been sleeping right now. His eyes went wide as notice Jensen who is standing before him that he haven't see in long time. He shouting happily and walking to Jensen, pulling him into a hug to greet him.

"Jensen! My man, It been long time! Where have you been!?! I have miss you, buddy!"

"Jensen" smirk as he is happy that his hypnotized abilities is working on Dean. So he quickly smile back at Dean and hugging him back. "Dean, It been awhile. And I just been here and there. Then I finally decide to track you down to see how you been. And I also miss you too, my friend."

Dean quickly pulling Jensen out of library room to show Jensen his bedroom where they would be catching up all night since they haven't see each other for long time, chatting happily with Jensen.


Nice, I got Dean Winchester into my collection.

Now then who else should I visit to be collected by me, Mischief the Trickster?"

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4 years ago

Mischief's Second Act:

Hypnotize Doctor Strange

Mischief's Second Act:

Doctor Strange shaking standing up from the floor, just escape from tough battle he was in by going through his portal to Sanctum Sanctorum. He felt so dizzy right now from using too much magic in the battle. But he notice there is someone he don't know is in front of him. It is a suit man who is smirk down at him as if happy that Doctor Strange is very weak right now.

"Who are you!? How did you get into here!?"

Doctor Strange demanding this suit man to answer his questions. But he didn't notice his eyes are changing slowly.

Mischief's Second Act:

Suit man speaking softly as introduced himself to Doctor Strange while smirk mischief to show Doctor Strange that this person is dangerously.

"Hello Doctor Strange. I'm Mischief the Trickster. It is nice to meet you."

Doctor Strange quickly scowls as hearing this. He recently research that tricksters are must be take with seriously and don't fall for any of their tricks too.

"Why are you here, Trickster? What do you want?"

Doctor Strange keep demanding Trickster to answer his questions right now. But slowly he didn't notice his mind slowly becoming empty and his eyes having spiral on them.

Mischief's Second Act:

Mischief keep smirk at Doctor Strange before playing "innocent". He said.

"Wellll, if you really want to know, Strange. I am here to see you, you see? Because I want to see the Famous Doctor Strange that I have been hearing about to see if he is worthy enough.."

Doctor Strange raise his eyebrow at this, suspiciously wondering what Trickster's words meant. He know that he can't use his magic to protect himself right now as he is still weak from the battle he was in.

Which make it much easier to take him down.. Mischief thought to himself while keep listening to Doctor Strange.

"What do you meant I am worthy? Worthy to What exactly? Tell me now."

Mischief smile at Doctor Strange in mischief way before said.

"Doctor Strange, you are worthy because you would become one of my "special mans" collection."

Doctor Strange scowls at Mischief, opening his mouth to keep asking trickster more questions that need to be answer. But Mischief keep talking to let Doctor Strange know about what is happening to himself right now that he haven't notice.

"And well, maybe you haven't notice it but you are slowly being under my control right now since you are still weak from your battle."

Mischief's Second Act:

Doctor Strange finally notice that his mind is almost empty, quickly putting his hands against his head as trying to fighting trickster's mind controls on him. He making painful groans sounds as fighting it with all of his strength that he still have. "Aghhh!"

Finally.. Doctor Strange slowly looking up to Mischief with spiral eyes, he is under trickster's mind control.

Mischief's Second Act:

Mischief smirking as he is happy that Doctor Strange is now his. He walking up to him and stroking his chin as admiringly his handsome face and body, whispering in his sexy voice.

"Finally.. You are under my control, Strange which is always I want. Now then, follow me so we can starts on your "training" right away."

Doctor Strange drool little on his face as his mind is fully gone and start to following Mischief who walking out of this room to somewhere where no one can look for them again.

"...Yes Sir..."

Doctor Strange is now in my collection, finally!

He is my favorite Marvel Hero and Actor of all time.

Now then who else should I visit to be collected by me, Mischief the Trickster?"

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4 years ago

Mischief's Third Act:

Hypnotize Loki Laufeyson

Mischief's Third Act:

Loki frowns behind his gag mask, watching Idiot Thor giving his goodbyes to pathetic mortals heros except Anthony Stark/Tony Stark as Ironman who is smart bravely mortal hero. But Loki would never tell anyone about it.

Suddenly, Loki blinks as everything is frozen in time, wondering who did this. He notice there a suit man entering into the room, wearing a green glowing stone as necklace which is Time Infinity Stone he recognized right away. He wondering how this mortal got it and how to steal it from him too.

Mischief smirk at Loki as if reading his mind and said.

"Hello Loki. It is finally nice to meet another trickster like myself. You may already know me by this name, Mischief."

Loki's eyes went wide as right away knowing who this mortal.. trickster is. He had heard rumors about this trickster and his tricks. Recently, he heard this rumor about Mischief starts to steal "special mans" from their universe to be in his collection as they are worthy of it. His forehead start to sweaty little as he start to feeling bit nervous, knowing why Mischief is here. Loki know Mischief can be very dangerous than Thanos when he want to be..

Mischief smirking more as knowing what is going on in Loki's mind right now. He know he doesn't have to explains to Loki about who he is. He can see that he is making a reputation for himself while collecting his "special mans" around.

"Well then, it look like I don't have to explain to you about who I am since you already heard about me."

" Let get to the point, Loki. I am here for you to be collected in my collection as you are worthy for it."

Loki shaking his head since he can't talk as wearing this gag mask to preventing him from using his sliver tongue to escape, as he wouldn't go anywhere with Mischief at all.

"Like I am giving you a choice, Loki."

Mischief said while reaching into his pocket to pull out another Infinity Stone which he totally recognized which is Mind Stone he just used that was given to him by Thanos. He hold it up into the air which staring to glowing.

Mischief start whispering softly to Loki who is trying to move away from him but can't as Mischief's magic is holding him in place.


..............Empty your mind............

...........Empty your mind.........

........Empty your mind......

Mischief's Third Act:

Loki's eyes start to change slowly as he becoming under Mischief's control. But he is still fighting him. But he didn't know that Mischief using one of secret ability Mind Stone have that is much stronger as spiral appears in his green eyes instead of glowing blue eyes color.

Mischief keep whispering while walking up to Loki, grabbing his chin in his other hand that is not holding Mind Stone to force Loki staring into Mind Stone much closer.


..................You are under my control.................

................You would obeys me..................

..............You would always be by my side............

............You would do whatever I said..............

Mischief smirk as seeing his control over Loki is getting much stronger as he keep hypnotized Loki.

Loki keep fighting Mischief's control with all of his strength. But it is still not enough to beat him and he know it. Loki just hate that this is happening to him. He just escape Thanos' mind control and now he is under Mischief's mind control.

Mischief's Third Act:

Mischief put more power into Mind Stone to keep it up for little bit more while keep whispering to Loki.


.....................You are fully under my control............

.....................Submit to me now...................

.....................You are my good boy..................

.................Obeys your sir...................

.................Obeys me................

...........You are my Slave...............

Mischief's Third Act:

Mischief keep whispering as seeing he almost got Loki under his control. Mind Stone is glowing more brighter as seconds passing by.

Suddenly, there were brightly this room they are in for few moments before slowly, it starts to fading out.

Finally, Loki is under his control. Mischief start to smile happily before whispering for last time.


...........................When you wake up..................

......................You would submit to me.................

.......................Wait for your orders.....................

Mischief's Third Act:

Mischief turn Mind Stone's ability power off before put it into his pocket to keep it safe. He smirk at Loki before said. "Loki wake up."

Loki slowly blinking as if been sleeping and felt his mind is empty except thoughts of wanting to obeys his sir. He staring back at Mischief, drooling little behind his gag mask and try to said. "MMmMm-Sir-mMmMM."

"Hello Loki. It is time to go home. Follow me."

Mischief turn around and start to walking out of the room with Loki who can move again, following behind. But he quickly pause to looking at Loki again to checking at something.

"You know? I think I would leave your gag mask on for awhile, Loki. It look and is very hot to see it silence your famous silver tongue."

Mischief smirk at Loki while licking his lip before quickly focusing on his task. He then walking out of the room with Loki as they walk into a portal he make to go somewhere no one can find them ever again.

Mischief smirk even more to himself as he turn Time Stone off that he got from Doctor Strange. They hearing those mortal heros start to shouting alarms about Loki escaping with Mind Stone behind them as Time start to moving forward again before he closed the portal behind them.

But Mischief can't help himself but wondering if he should come back to Marvel Universe again soon to get few more "special mans" it have for his collection.

Loki, the sexy Marvel villain of all is finally mine to collect as he is now in my collection!

He also my favorite Marvel Villain and Actor of all time too.

Now then who else should I visit to be collected by me, Mischief the Trickster?"

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4 years ago

Mischief's Fourth Act:

Hypnotize Elliot Stabler

Mischief's Fourth Act:

Elliot Stabler sigh tiredly, sitting down in his seat to relax as he have a hard day today.


Elliot sigh once more before sitting up straight ans picking up his phone to answer it. He said while don't recognize the phone number.

"Hello, who is this?"


Elliot frown as hearing no one is answering him and there seen to be no sounds coming from the phone too. So he ask once more time.

"Hello, is anyone there? Do you need any help? Please speak now. Or else I will hang up if I think this is a prank call."

He give it few seconds to see if anyone can speak right now but they didn't.


Elliot sighs while rubbing his face with his other hand tiredly before said.

"Well since anyone is not answering. I will be hang up now."

He about to hang up his phone before suddenly heard a sound coming from the phone. He quickly put his phone next to his ear to see if he is imaginary it or not.


Elliot shivers in fear as heard someone is saying his name. He quickly use his voice, demanding who this is and why they are calling him.

"Who is this? What do you want? Speak now or else."

Elliot waiting for few seconds to let whoever speaking on his phone to speak right now and he is right.


"..............Listen to this Message............."

Elliot doesn't want to listening to this phone call as this is creeping him out and want to hang it up right away. But for some reason, he don't want to and keep listening to this voice.

"...............Elliot.........You are my good boy.............."

".....................As my good boy................"

"............You must empty your mind.............."

"..........Empty your mind........."

" .........Empty your mind......."

"...........Empty your mind........."

Mischief's Fourth Act:

Elliot slowly staring out of space while listening to this voice and emptying his mind to become this voice's good boy. He start to drooling little as his mind is fully gone and he is a good boy.

"........When you done empty your mind........"

"........You are now my good boy........."

"...As my good boy, you must come to see me..."

".....Go to this address.... ####### Street..."

".......Before you go to this address, you must change yourself first so you can look good for me......."

".......See you soon, my good boy....."

Elliot hear his sir hang up on him, put his phone down before standing up from his sit. He walking out of the room without anyone noticing what is going on.

Elliot walking toward his car and get in to driving to his place to change his clothes to look good for his sir. When he arrived and entering his place to quickly change right away. Then he walk back to his car and drove toward this address, his sir want him to go to see him.

Mischief's Fourth Act:

Elliot finally arrived at his destination after droving for couple hours. He got out of his car and walking toward abandoned warehouse in middle of no where. Elliot walking into the warehouse and see it is empty except a middle age looking suit man waiting in spotlight, walking up to him and kneel before him.

Mischief smirk as finally see his good boy finally arrived and who look good too. He start to patting his good boy's head to award him and praised him.

"Hello, my good boy. It is nice to see you. You are my good boy since you follow my orders. Now then, Stripping for me, boy."

Elliot purring as his sir patting him which felt so good. He quickly standing up and starting to stripping for his sir.

Mischief's Fourth Act:

Mischief biting his lower lip as his good boy does look really good right now since his boy have sexy body. He would definitely play with his good boy when they arrive home. When his boy finish stripping in front of him, Mischief quickly pull Elliot into a kiss that left both of them breathless.

Mischief's Fourth Act:

Mischief smirk at his boy who is closing his eyes in pleasure and breathing deeply from his kiss, ordering him while open a portal behind him.

"Come on, boy. Let go to your new home"

Then they went into the portal where no one can find them or see Elliot Stabler ever again.

Few months later

New York City

Elliot's old workplace

On every lamp pole in streets are

Missing Posters

Mischief's Fourth Act:

Elliot Stabler is my favorite actor from Law & Order SVU!

Finally, he is mine in my collection!

Now then who else should I visit to be collected by me, Mischief the Trickster?"

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6 months ago
Vin Diesel And Kaa

Vin Diesel and Kaa

Vin Diesel is totally under the control of Kaa the snake.

I have a lot of pics that I'm planning to submit. This is the first one I made.

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6 months ago
Kaa And The Bear Boy

Kaa and the bear boy

Kaa also likes bears. Well, the hypnotic snake likes all kind of guys😏

Under the control of the snake, the boy felt the need to give himself a little pleasure😈

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6 months ago
Chris Pratt And Kaa

Chris Pratt and Kaa

Kaa hypnotized Chris Pratt in the forest and tied him to a tree to have some fun😈

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6 months ago
Kaa And Chris Pratt Playing Golf

Kaa and Chris Pratt playing golf

Kaa took his new slave to play golf, however things got heated. Just when Chris got into position to throw the ball, the snake took the opportunity to immobilize him with its long tail and leave him at the mercy of his perverted ideas.

"Yesss...Thisss time we will play my ssstyle... You'll sssee how later you won't want to play any other way...sss"

Chris, totally hypnotized, couldn't do anything other than enjoy the touch of the reptile's tail going up his butt and then invading his entire body.

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6 months ago
Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) And Kaa

Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) and Kaa

Dwayne couldn't believe what he was seeing. A talking snake! At first he was suspicious, but Kaa used his hypnotic eyes and his alluring words to make the hunk submit to him.

"Yesss...jussst like in me...sssss... be my ssstrong cub..."

Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) And Kaa

"Don't worry...ssss... you don't have to worry..." Kaa whispered in a soft and seductive voice, while his hypnotic eyes intertwined with Dwayne's, trapping him in a deep sleep from which he could not escape. The snake's tail coiled tightly around his body, squeezing precisely, immobilizing him effortlessly. "Jussst relax...trussst'll feel nothing but peaccce..." Kaa continued, his sly smile spreading as each attempt at resistance faded. The entire outside world disappeared for Dwayne, his will trapped in the coils of the serpent, where there was no turning back.

"Ah... a perfect prey...ssss..." Kaa hissed, slowly changing the color of his hypnotic eyes back to their normal state but keeping his tail firmly in place, feeling the man's slow heartbeat beneath his scales. "Sssee how you give in... without ssstrength, without will... everything of yoursss hasss been given to me." The snake slid its head close to the motionless man's face, enjoying the triumph. "No more fighting, just ressst... you are completely mine now."

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