George X Male Reader - Tumblr Posts
❤ Shampoo Shopping
[1200+ words]
(He/him pronouns)
Description: You're running out of Shampoo when someone collapses in the same aisle. Who knew they were going to be pretty? (George x Reader)
[Read the rest under the cut]
You stare at the white bottle, the tiny black words practically blind to you. When was the last time you went shopping? It was an abhorrent thought because ew, social interaction. But sadly, because of your isolation, you've lost all skill at shopping.
You're just standing there,, considering the benefits of a classic Dove shampoo. It's not 2 in 1, so it's probably fine. You throw it in your trolley and head off towards conditioners.
The bottles are all so colourful over here, you noticed almost instantly. You don't have much time to notice, though. Not when a fellow shopper at Tesco's suddenly collapses. Their head bounces off the wall as they start sliding down, trolley bumping into yours.
You blink. "Uh...?" Hesitantly walking over, you poke the man in the arm. They move slightly, to your utter relief. You can't imagine what you would've done if they had just died. That would not have looked good to be caught poking a dead body.
"Sir?" You try, to no result. They are limp, their cart a few feet away from them. Slowly, you reach over and pull their head onto your lap so you can check them over.
There isn't any blood that you can find, sifting your fingers around his scalp. So it's likely just gonna be a heavy headache. You still take a second to brush a finger over the area as a sort of condolence. They shift under your hands, pressing themselves closer to the hand.
Wow. They seem almost as touch starved as you.
You pull your hand away from their fluffy brown hair and consider ways to wake someone. You saw once on the American Office that Dwight held the nose and mouth closed to wake someone up. You also experienced it once when your delightful sister tested it on you.
Maybe not then.
Luckily, or maybe unluckily, you didn't have to think much longer when your sleeping beauty slowly blinked. You almost thought you heard then mumble pretty before your situation registered.
"What the–!" You flinched away as they scrambled back. "Who are you–!"
"Er, Y/N? I'm sorry it's just, you had collapsed and– and, I dunno?" You flailed awkwardly. They nodded along, just as awkwardly. Their pretty eyes were slightly teary as they rubbed at the back of their head. "Are–, you okay?"
"Uh, yeah. I'm just–, well, colourblind so–, uh..." They grimace at their own odd explanation. "My eyes are sensitive and it doesn't usually make me pass out but today was just unlucky."
You wince. You couldn't imagine how hard that must be. Your cousin dealt with minor colourblindness, but never to the extent of passing out. You never even knew it could get that bad.
"Well, I'm glad you're okay, uh–?" You flustered yourself, realizing you don't even know their name. "... mate?"
They blinked at you for a second before bursting into laughter. You couldn't contain your own laugh, feeling oddly charmed by the stranger.
"My name is George." They give you a small grin, which lights up their face. You give a small, flustered squeak to which they thankfully ignore.
"I'm glad you're okay, George."
"Thank you for, well, trying to help," George awkwardly laughed. "Sorry you had to see me like that though."
"Oh no! You're fine. I mean, who wouldn't help?" You fiddled with a loose thread on your sweater.
The pretty brunet shook his head, "Still, thanks."
"I mean," You licked your strangely dry lips. Now wasn't a good time to look half-dead, you realized. "I get that this might be awkward and you can totally say no but—, uh, can I get your nunber?"
George flushed red, turning their face away. "S–sure."
"Are you still thinking about Shampoo Boy?" Your sister asked, leaning against her palm. She was talking on the phone with one of her friend's cousins as she made dinner, but it seems she caught onto your moping.
"I don't know what to say." You bemoaned. Life is so unfair. Why did all your braincells have to die with your social skills. "What did you say to get your boyfriend?"
Your question was towards Sam's phone, which hummed for a second. Sam handed it off to you, excusing herself to grab a cup of water.
"Well, when I realized I liked Jackie I just talked to him. Like a normal person."
"Oh God, you're useless." You cry, hiding your face in your arms. "I can't just talk to him. You don't get it! George is so pretty and– agh—!"
Sam raised an unamused brow, the empty cup still dripping lonely drops of water. "Are you done? Good, you were getting annoying."
"I hate you," You absoloutely mean your words. Sulking to your room, you frowned at your phone. George's contact was saved under "George ❤" and yet you couldn't find the confidence to actually text him anything. Why was existing so hard?
You lean back on your bed, teasing your lip between your teeth. Chewing on it as you started drafting a message. Immediately, you deleted it all. And started writing again, and deleted again, and writing again.
Curse stupid, stupid social anxiety. Locking you into a stalemate of not wanting to say too much and not wanting to say too little. You've technically had a mini text already. So that George actually had your number you sent it to him there with your name and a compliment, your sister always said that everyone loved compliments.
He responded back after giving you the goofiest smile. A simple hi but with your own special compliment.
Maybe you could compliment him again. He had good fashion taste, maybe you could compliment his sweater. Or would that be too weird? Agh!
Your solace came from someone you least expected.
George. Your screen bubbled up with "..."s as George started writing something horribly long. You waited, clutching your phone between both hands.
I hope you're not busy but I just wanted to thank you again for helping me ba
Back at the store*
Sent too early
I'm sorry
You pull your phone close to your neck, pressing the top to your lips in a silent panic. How badly you want to kick your feet and squeal like a kid with a crush. Okay, Step 1) Answer him like a normal person. Step 2) ... marriage? Step 3) Profit.
Totally reasonable and not at all made up on the spot.
Youre absoloutely fine
No need to apolgize* not like youre fine fine
Well you are good looking but I wasnt
I'm going to stop now
Thanks I think?
And uhm
You're good looking too
... I'm sorry
No please do not apologize
I think we're just both really awkward
Let me start over
George I think you're really pretty and I would like to ask you out on a date if that's alright with you
If not you can totally block me like I'm so sorry
No you're perfectly good
I would love to go on a date
With you
... I'm sorry
I never thought I'd get this far
Uh cool so I can pick you up at 7 this Saturday
If that's good with you ofc
That's amazing
I'll see you this Saturday
By the way I think I have your shampoo
[I posted this on Wattpad like 2 days ago but Merry Christmas Eve, another post is going to come out soon so bye for now!]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Taglist: @creatorofstars
❤ Travel Pack
Request by @blynxism: “woaaohhh :O wtf bad is so cute 😭 literally everything you do is awesome. wouldnt mind if i had to wait for a part 2” Part 1
[3300+ words]
[He/him pronouns]
Description: You and Cairo decide to continue traveling with the muffinteers. But you never expected to be so soft for them. (Romantic Muffinteers x M!Reader)
[Read more under the cut]
You had woken up bright and early, still hovering around until Cairo had woken up, stretching xyr arms and hitting the tents walls. She started crawling to leave the tent, hair still fluffed up, messy with the signs of xyrs long rest.
You followed after her, doing a small stretch of your own. Tents like those were nice enough but they still left such a crick in the neck. Patting down some of xyrs hair for xyr, she batted your hand away before you both started walking towards Bad and George, who were poking at a fire.
"Good morning," She said mid-way through a yawn.
"Good morning!" Bad smiles widely, straightening his back and tilting his head up to smile at you too.
"Morning," You say back, taking a seat next to George who offers you a small smile but seems too tired to do anything more. Cairo takes the seat next to you, bodily leaning against you with xyr feet propped up on the trunk across from you.
"What's for breakfast," She asks.
Bad shrugs, looking at the food tucked neatly into one bag. "Probably eggs and some berries from the forest. Dream and Sap went foraging maybe 20 minutes ago? They should be back soon."
You gave him a nod as your sister combed down xyr hair with xyrs hand. Cairo blinked over at George, who blinked back. "You're pretty."
George shrugs, "I know."
Cairo nods, turning to talk to Bad. You look over at George, brow raised. The brunet smirks at you, rolling his eyes softly. "I get a lot of compliments. Although I haven't gotten one from you yet."
"Do you want me to tell you something you already know?" You lean closer, until your lips brush past his cheek and your breath heats up his ear. "Sounds likes someone's a little cocky."
When you pulled back, George's cheeks were tinged pink with a deep flush that spread all the way to his ears. You smiled and turned back towards Cairo, who was at Bad's side, poking at the eggs.
"Get away from those before you burn them," You say, nudging her with your foot, even if it was a bit of a stretch. Cairo scoffs, kicking you right back.
"I try doing something nice for you once," She pouts, turning to Bad to get him on xyr side. "I might've burned his tent down but I was trying to be nice for his birthday! It cancels out! Right?"
"Uhm," He looks between the two of you, obviously torn. Slowly, he looks over at George, who offers absoloutely no help, and back at you. Finally, relief bursts over his face. "Dream! Sapnap! You're back!"
"Yeah?" Dream stretched out, eyeing the demon curiously. He turned to George as he got closer, handing off a bag half-full of sweet berries. "Why do you sound so happy?"
"No reason, none at all!" Bad says with a rapid nod of his head. You snicker a bit, trying to hide a grin behind your hand. Cairo turns to you with the same grin, one that catches George's attention, who rolls his eyes with a smile. He turns back around, cheeks flushed. "I can hear you two."
"Whoops," You shrug, moving to make space for Cairo to sit. She takes the seat happily, a plate of eggs that she had definitely stolen from Bad's pan.
"Wha-!" Bad drops down into his seat by the campfire, pouting. "You're all a bunch of muffinheads."
"Muffinfucks," Sapnap mocks in a high-pitched voice.
"Language!" Bad gasps, snatching the bag of apples out of Sapnap's hand, swatting at his arm. Sapnap takes the seat across from you with a sweet smile, waving quickly before Dream sits down.
The voices are oddly quiet today, even as Dream offers you a polite good morning and his face lights up when Sapnap ropes him into talking over sword strategies. It's weird but you won't look a gift horse in the mouth, wrapping an arm around Cairo's shoulders as xyr takes the opportunity to make fun of George.
You pop a few sweet berries in your mouth and relax. You still have to ask Cairo about traveling with the group but something tells you xyr is going to agree.
After you talked with Cairo and she gladly agreed to travel with the group, it's been interesting to say the least.
Traveling with the "Muffinteers" (their self appointed and very odd name) was nice. Not overly amazing. They managed to rope you into arguments every 5 minutes and Dream still got inbetween you and Sapnap whenever you talked. But it was definitely not your worse experience. It couldn't be that bad with Bad and you bonding over limited medical knowledge and when you teased the group with Cairo's help.
Your voices were a lot quieter around them, which you have yet to decide was good or bad, but they always did agree that the group was good for you. (Also that they were unfairly good looking, which you decidedly agreed with.)
It was almost depressing when you finally arrived at the Antartic Empire, Cairo on Bad's back and George at your side. Sapnap and Dream followed behind you both, carrying most of the luggage after you and George managed to sweet talk them enough. The look on Bad's face when you made a few shameless remarks to Sapnap was enough to make a god laugh.
You set up in a motel for one final night, fixing up the room you had gotten. There was a door connecting you to the Muffinteers room, one that was lockable from both sides (though you were close enough now that it didn't really matter to lock it). Cairo had knocked out on one bed instantly, leaving you on the other, staring at the ceiling in restless focus.
You got up, cringing at how cold the floor was but slowly starting toward the shared door anyway.
When you opened it you came face to face with Bad, who was seemingly just stood in front of the door, contemplating. "Bad?"
He jumped, barely registering that you had opened it. Too lost in thought, apparently. He cleared his throat softly, cheeks flushed an adorable pale white. "Y/N, I didn't know you were awake."
"Couldn't sleep. And you...?"
He clasped his hands together in front of him, hesitating. "I couldn't sleep either. I kinda got used to sleeping near you muffinheads."
Now that he brings it up, you had gotten used to it too. After traveling for weeks together it felt odd not sleeping near at least two other people. Or hearing Sapnap's obnoxious snoring even through the tents. You kept the door propped open, leaning to make room for Bad to walk in. "The bed in my room's pretty big, we could share. Wouldn't do us any good to lose a night's rest, would it."
"True," Bad muttered, face still flushed. Softly you both walked back to your bed, peeling back the blankets. Bad hesitated before lying down, not looking anywhere near your face. "Goodnight."
Shifting your shoulders slightly you melted into the bed. Softly you mutter back, "Goodnight."
"Whose going to wake them?" Someone whispered.
"I'm not doing it!" Another voice harshly chimed in, quietly yelling.
"Geez you guys are cowards," A third voice said. So many voices talked back and forth around you. You groan, pressing your face into your pillow. It's very warm but not super comfortable, you can't find it in you to care, pressing your cheek into the rising surface.
"Move out of the way," The third voice says and finally they fall quiet. With some shuffling, you can rest without the background noise bugging you.
You jerk upwards, pushing off your pillow with no resistance. It feels like whiplash how quickly you turn to face your michevous friends with an ever present scowl. "Wha–!"
"What were you muffinheads thinking!" Bad yells next to you. You cringe away, shock flooding your veins before you reel yourself back to the present. Bad looks similarly put off, though he's more focused on scolding the idiotic boys.
Ha the dream team look like pissbabies
Bad's kinda... ya know?
all of us are going to hell
we're already dead dumbass
poor bby sapnap looks like a kicked puppy ;-;
You look over and Cairo is still dead asleep, not rustled one bit. Turning back, George gives you a wicked grin, ignoring Bad. "Welcome back to the land of the living, sleeping beauty."
"Aw you think I'm pretty," You stretch your arms up, mid-yawn. The group is politely looking away from you, faces pink (or in Bad's case, pale). You try to pretend that it's easy pulling away from Bad's oddly magnetic warmth and smile at Sapnap and Dream. "Morning, did you need something?"
"Not really just... wanted to know if you were coming down for hotel breakfast?" Sapnap says, glancing over at the other two for help. When they offered none he just smiled wider at you to cover his nerves. "I mean,, you're a snack but breakfast is the most important meal of the day."
You roll your eyes with a laugh, the dream team shuffling back as you stand. "Yeah yeah, sure. Lemme just wake Cairo."
There is a moment when you're standing at the top of the world, flying through the clouds. it usually comes right before the world remembers you need to follow the laws of gravity, a brief second of flightlessness before you're dragged down.
You've been on top of the world since the voices started quieting down. Cairo's been looking happier in the last few weeks than she had been in months. Everything was good. So good in fact, you forgot there'd have to be a fall.
It started after breakfast, you were being dragged by Cairo to a market stand because they were selling socks and she was insistent on having new ones. If you weren't sure that your family in the city would have a room for you, you would've saved it for restocking food.
While you were haggling for a lower price someone bumped into your back. The crowd is full of people and bumping into people while walking isn't uncommon but it's something about this time that made your skin crawl. Voices pounded your head, overlapping with hundreds of different thoughts until one struck gold.
You whirled around, foot skidding a bit before you catch yourself. The thief pretends not to notice, they must've thought they got away with it.
You take a step forward, hands wrapping around a thin pale wrist. You hold even as they twist, realizing you knew. The voices won't let you let go. They look scared out of their wits for a second, pale blue eyes glimmering with tears.
"Y/N?" The thief says hesitantly. "I didn't..."
They don't look familiar to you but your name from their lips, voice smooth and knowable, knocks sense back into your brain and you let go. They reach up to rub at their wrist, Cairo's pink pouch dangling in his fingers.
You reach out to grab it, fingers skimming the fabric before you're thrown to the ground.
The voices fight in your head, only disorienting you further. Two voices call your name, too muddled in the cacophony that's pounding your ears.
The world is blurry, black dots staining your vision. Your fingers dig into dirt as you get yourself on your hands and knees, heaving.
You drop your arm and roll to the side, narrowly missing a thin silver blade that cracks the ground where your chest once was. The world shifts again and you're a lot less balanced against the ground than you should be.
You lose feeling in your fingers and kick up your feet, you push off against someone's chest and roll to a kneel. People are talking, screaming maybe, you can't tell when the voices in your head scream louder.
There is a stand next to you selling decorative weapons and you pick up a gold sword. It's pretty shabby, wouldn't last long with actual use, but it's enchanted with sharpness 2. You palm the handle a bit, hands sweatier than they've ever been before.
They're a blur of motion and you raise your sword and blunt their attack with a strangled cry. You can hear Cairo and Sapnap yelling for you. They must have lost you in the commotion. The brief distraction let's your attacker slice a thin line into your shoulder and you kick their leg out, stumbling to get back to Cairo.
When the person who attacks you gets to their feet they follow in second. They manage to whirl you around. Your heart stops for a second, stinging with phantom pains. They huff in place, face stony as it looks over yours. Red eyes meet yours with a knee-buckling lack of recognition.
"Technoblade," You mutter to yourself as a last observation before the world tilts to the side and you crash into the weapon stand.
"Who the fuck do you think you are you," A voice, familiar British tilt bristling with venom. They're oddly close, smoothly pressing into raw ears. "You were the one that attacked him in the first place. You think you have the right-!"
"George," Bad cuts in, voice just as stone-cold but softer still. He's so close that the water that's been clogging your ears clear just to listen. "Don't be too loud, you'll wake him."
"He's got a point," Dream pipes in, farther away. It makes something in you croon sadly. Soft steps get further away from you before stopping suddenly. "You hurt Y/N. Why would we trust you're being truthful. I mean, cousins? Don't make me laugh."
"I didn't know it was Y/N, I just saw him hurting Tommy and I-"
"Tommy stole from him!" Dream scoffs, voice heavy and loud. It drops suddenly and there are footsteps coming closer until a hand is hovering over yours, hesitating. "You caused this, Blood God."
Things start going fuzzy again and you don't like it. You reach up to Dream's hand and tighten your grip. It's nice, it feels like a tether. Still, you're cold though so you whine. Something to be embarrassed about when you're fully awake, of course. "Co—ld..."
"Aww isn't that adorable," George coos mockingly. His voice gets further away as he walks away, another pair of heavier footsteps seemingly dragged behind him. "Let's go Blood God."
"I'll go get another blanket," Bad says, fixing your two blankets to be tucked around you. You still haven't opened your eyes but you can imagine the look he shoots Dream. "Have fun cuddling."
You can also imagine Dream's response vividly, a roll of those pretty green eyes while his lips tug into a small smile anyway. He doesn't say anything, simply settling in a chair beside you, hand still tight around yours.
"I thought we were gonna cuddle," Your words are a bit loopy as you turn on your side to face him, eyes barely peeking open. The world is a lump of colours and yet you could not see him more clearly.
"Oh come on," Dream scoffs and this time you can see the way he rolls his eyes, freckled cheeks puffing out in embarrassment and exasperation, lips tilted into a thin little smile. You pull your blankets up and gesture to the empty space. He shakes his head but you know he's already broken. With a bit of struggle, he clambers into your bed and retucks the blankets around the both of you.
As he settles into the cozy space, you're both facing each other. Maybe it's the loopiness still messing with your brain but he looks adorable with his hair tousled like this. You can't help yourself from reaching up to touch the fluffy blond strands but Dreams hand reaches for your wrist, holding it gently inches away with flushed cheeks. "What are you doing?"
"You look soft," You mumble and without more preamble reach for his hair again. Miraculously he doesn't stop you this time, a large bridge of blush spread over his nose all the way to his ears. Dream closes his eyes, holding his breathe as you slowly card through his soft hair.
You drag your nails across his scalp lightly and he physically melts, face unfurling with a soft trust like a flower in bloom. You smile, closing your eyes and continuing to run your hand through his hair. You don't remember how, everything feels just a bit disconjointed, but your legs are tangled up with Dream's, one hand resting gently on the back of his neck and the other on his chest. You can feel nothing but warm when he wraps his arms around you, holding you for no reason but he can.
You're still soaking up the touch, lounging across him with a languid body when Sapnap, and Cairo walk in. You peaked your eyes open to see who it was and then went back to resting next to Dream.
"Alright Y/N, we've got you a..." Sapnap's jaw was on the ground, his brain fumbling so hard to remember what he was doing. "Blanket. Got you a blanket."
"Wow Y/N," Cairo says, walking over. You can hear the grin in her voice and so you open your eyes as she steps up to Dream's side of the bed. Xer eyes are puffy and red, cheeks wet with tears. "Never thought I'd see the day you and Dream made up."
Wordlessly you reach out and cup her cheek, cooing at how easily she melts into. Xyr lips tremble softly. Slowly, like she's nervous about speaking, she starts. "Sorry I didn't... You— looked dead. We got there and I thought you..."
"Hey, hey, hey, I'm okay," You shush xyr, brushing soothing lines on xeir cheek. She sniffles heavily, taking a deep breath in. "I'm alive, Cairo. I'll always be here, sweetheart."
"Yeah," She nods after a second. "Sorry just give me a second."
"Sooooo," Sapnap starts in the lull. He lifts the blanket with a bit of effort, showing off the softness. "Blanket or no blanket?"
You roll your eyes, relaxing back into Dreams chest. His arms reflexively tighten and you realize distantly that he's asleep. "Yes, Sapnap. C'mon over."
He seems to bounce over happily, throwing the blanket over the two of you and moving to tuck you guys in.
"Nope," You happily say, grabbing Sapnaps wrist and dragging him over to sit on the bed. You throw a leg over him and his face is already ablaze with a harsh blush. "Cuddle time."
"Wha—dude!" He frowns, looking awfully shy for someone like him. "You're already cuddling with Dream. This bed isn't big enough."
"We'll squeeze in," You say pushing his shoulder down to rest on the bed. When he still doesn't look completely convinced, you pout. "C'mon Sap, you're not really going to tell the injured guy he can't get any cuddles. Please, Sappy."
"Aww okay," He huffs, not looking at your face. "As long as you guys don't mind."
"Just go to bed, Snapmap," Dream groans, turning to hide his face in the back of your neck. You open your arms and Sapnap burrows himself into your chest, mumbling something softly under his breath before he relaxes.
You drift off to sleep again, brain humming in satisfaction.
[I wanted this to be longer but I had to keep the Tumblr line limit in mind ueueueu]
[I spent so long working on this because I procrastinated and hit a major writers block until yesterday. But yes I fit in a bunch of flirting this time, yay, and also managed to fit in the subplot of SBI being your distant family you haven't seen in ages :D.]
[The amount of cuddling in this is because I crave physical contact rn so I'm projecting. Anyway have a great day, have water, eat something, get some good dozing in. I love you all /p!]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Taglist: @creatorofstars
[600+ words]
Description: A nature Fairy sprouted from the dirt...
[Read the rest under the cut]
You had met George in the middle of winter. You were trying to bring a plant back to health, it was a hobby of yours, when he sprouted from the dirt bag you had thrown onto a chair.
He was tiny at first, barely the size of your palm and he looked like a plant himself, with the budding seeds (which had NOT been budding before that) stuck to the top of his head, swaying as he stumbled to hold up the weight. His eyes were empty, with no thoughts behind them.
It was one very week later that he started speaking, in the exact way you did, though he had an airy accent, with the same maturity. His eyes weren't as empty but they still felt dull.
With even more time, he grew. Up to your ankle, up to your knee, barely your waist height, then to your shoulders. It was rapid, sudden, and fascinating. The plants that had been budding since he was (…born?) crawled out of the dirt had started blooming into a blue for-get-me-not. It had been beautiful for the first couple minutes before petals started shedding rapidly every night he grew.
You knew he wasn't human, his ears were pointed and he didn't have pupils, but he felt human. When he started speaking, you knew he was just as intelligent (if not more in certain subjects) as you were.
You couldn't quite say what he was but you both settled on nature fairy, since he fit the bill well enough. But no matter what he was, he stuck to you like glue. Which, as you realize today, is a recipe for disaster.
You were heading to the park today, just to see how he'd react around nature. You had manged to cover his pointy ears with earmuffs and barely convinced him to wear contacts, so you had been in high spirits that today would be calm and peaceful, overall normal. You should've known that nothing about this was normal.
As you pass through the gates George seems overcome by awe, looking around and gathering every pretty rock he sees. He looked like a young child, excited to explore lands unknown. You make sure to keep an eye on him as you walk, just to be safe he doesn't knock his earmuffs off or trip over a root.
But the more you watch him the less worried you become. He seems so at home in the park, surrounded by nature. For a second you wonder if you were selfish not bringing him sooner.
You're so caught up in that train of thought that you don't even notice that George is wandering away before he's gone. The second you do, you start running around the park looking for him.
First further up the trail, just in case he somehow walked faster than you though and outpaced you. Then back around, peeking through the bushes lining the trails. He isn't in any of them, though you didn't really think he was. You just wanted to be sure… Sue you, he's short, okay.
You're already off the trail but you have to keep looking, you can't just abandon him, especially not without a goodbye. You keep walking, there's simply no alternative in your head.
Of course, as you walk you shout. Multitasking, eh. But no one responds, there are just regular park woods noises. You walk a bit deeper, using a rock to mark a trail of trees incase you get lost.
You're deep into the woods now and you start hearing soft snoring. You rush towards the noise, fury lighting beneath you as the though of George sleeping through your panic infuriates you.
You skid to a stop a little way's away from a very badly built wooden tent, with gaps in the wood and a few wooden pieces for what might be a makeshift bed. On that bed, George is snoring away, without a care to the world.
He's about to get one rude wake up call.
[Dude I wrote this really quickly before knocking out. I've gotten 2 hours of sleep and 0 will to live, the quality is only technically my fault but I blame 5am Me for everything.]
[Anyways happy Halloween for most of the world except Sydney, you cucks are already on tommorow. Take care yall!]
[L0v3 k1ng,]
Prompt List
Taglist: @creatorofstars