Gerard Of Greenleigh - Tumblr Posts

good morning to people who went out to buy apples for their husbands and ended up in a different town, men who are slowly realising their wife doesn't love them anymore, 18 year old girls who are gonna realise they're lesbian soon, preteens who've been stabbed by their moms, people who's favourite food is grey hot dogs, and kitty cats

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2 years ago

I love that gerard's attempt to find elody failed. yes he (and rosamund) might as well just gone with the others from the get go and they achieved nothing by splitting up. but it still mattered. it mattered because gerard knew it would almost certainly be futile but he still TRIED. there was something important to him, and the route to it was difficult, and he chose to do it anyway. he didn't take the easy or even the sensible way out.

and so it's important that he failed, because if they managed to find elody, this wouldn't be the poignant character moment that it is. it would feel like gerard's gamble had paid off, that he was clever, that he was right. instead he fails, and what we get is a man (frog) who has grown to understand that some things are worth fighting for, even if in the end you don't succeed. even if you know from the start you won't succeed.

because I don't think gerard, for a single second, regrets trying to look for elody. but he had to fail, in order for him (and us) to see: no matter the outcome, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how much it's the wrong thing to do, he will always. ALWAYS. try to find his way back to elody. because some things, and some people, are worth trying for.

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1 year ago
Destiny's Children From Dimension 20's NeverafterStarted This Doodle Lineup A While Ago And Just Got
Destiny's Children From Dimension 20's NeverafterStarted This Doodle Lineup A While Ago And Just Got
Destiny's Children From Dimension 20's NeverafterStarted This Doodle Lineup A While Ago And Just Got
Destiny's Children From Dimension 20's NeverafterStarted This Doodle Lineup A While Ago And Just Got

Destiny's Children from Dimension 20's neverafter Started this doodle lineup a while ago and just got around to finishing. Listed in order, Rosamund Du Prix (Sleeping Beauty), Gerard of Greenleigh (Frog prince), Pinocchio, Puss in Boots, Ylfa Snorgelsson (Little Red Riding Hood), and Mother Timothy Goose. Love the vibes of the season! Some of the best most intriguing stuff in the first three episodes, the rest is kinda a hot mess to me. But I love the concept and theses characters! Enjoy!

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