Neverafter? - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

All Rosamund's princely suitors died in the briars, Snow White's prince never showed up and she had to punch her way out of her coffin, Mira's prince didn't love her back - genuinely (Rosamund voice) what is going on with these men???

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1 year ago

everyone is addicted to my Fun and Flirty personality. lives have been destroyed ...

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1 year ago
Day 6 - Pib And Pinocchio From Neverafter

Day 6 - Pib and Pinocchio from Neverafter

The scamps! And my favorite set of besties in the D20 canon. 🖤

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1 year ago
Day 26 - Little Red Riding Hood From Neverafter

Day 26 - Little Red Riding Hood from Neverafter

I designed her to fit in a composition with my previous Pinocchio and Pib piece. Hoping to get the whole Neverafter party down so I can knit them together for Halloween!

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Death wants me to live.

Death Wants Me To Live.

(I always feel so embarrassed doing self-promotion but if you want to support the artist I do have a shop and some of my most recent collages will be up in that shop this weekend 😅)

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Rapunzel neverafter vibes.

"totally hair Barbie" by jacob andrews.

Rapunzel Neverafter Vibes.

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10 months ago

Not gonna lie, I genuinely did not expect the Emily sweep. I thought it would be a little more balanced at least. But hey, on with the questions.

(It's not necessarily which would have the least chemistry or who would lose first, just which team would have the most trouble getting along)

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2 years ago
Its Him, Its Our Boy , His Wife Loves Him Everything Is Fine

Its him, its our boy , his wife loves him everything is fine 

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1 year ago

anyway. i think its so cool that the stepmother has become a primordial manifestation of autocannibalism - a righteous anger to destroy and consume the world that doomed her. and its soo cool that the princess coalition are leading a charge for the ultimate freedom that can only exist in death, freeing themselves from the shackles of their world by destroying themselves with it. and its sooo so so cool that the only difference between heroism and villainy is aesthetics

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1 year ago

It’s Ylfa who finds him.

She sits beside Gerard, hands in front of her on the floor, back in her wolf-form and back to herself. “Where is the Princess Elody?” she asks.

Gerard sighs, but sensing Ylfa flinch beside him, he tries to cover it by clearing his throat. “She needed a moment to herself.”

“But just a moment, right? She’s coming back?”

Gerard shifts his head to look at Ylfa, and notices the shift in her as well. She is no longer a meddling preteen, ready to give him a makeover and plan a grand gesture based on a limited understanding of love. In fact, Gerard wonders if that was ever a fair assessment. Ylfa knows love, perhaps better than Gerard ever has, and understands the power of its loss. He sees the same thing in her eyes that he saw in Elody’s when she spoke of finding his body—not sadness, exactly, but an emptiness that a preteen should still be too optimistic to feel.

“It’s not fair, Gerard,” she says, quiet, and Gerard realizes too late that he was too slow to respond. “No one came looking for you, but you went looking for Elody, and you’re still going to be alone. I can fight Death for you, but I can’t fight this.”

“First of all,” Gerard says, speaking faster than his thoughts to not give Ylfa’s the chance to fill in the blanks. “I am not alone. I would not choose anyone else to travel and fight alongside—though, you need to know that you are not responsible for fighting anything for me. You are a protector, much like Elody.”

“I’m like the princess?”

“Most certainly, and while that’s admirable, it’s also too much weight to put on your shoulders. Strong as they are.”

Ylfa flexes, and Gerard laughs, relieved. “The truth is,” he continues. “I left Elody long before she left me. We’d sit together the way you and I are sitting now, but we would not talk the way we’re talking now. And that was my fault.”

“But she’s still your family,” Ylfa says. “You just made a mistake.”

Gerard understands what’s behind this conversation now, and wishes he’d recognized it the moment Ylfa sat down. Elody would have. “When you marry someone,” Gerard says. “You make vows to each other; it’s a partnership. I didn’t make a mistake; I made decisions that broke the promises I’d made to Elody. That is my fault.”

“When you have a child,” Gerard continues, before Ylfa can interrupt. “Of course, I have not had one, but as I understand it—you make a commitment to them. You love them unconditionally, no matter what mistakes or decisions they make. If a parent does not fulfill that, that is not the child’s fault.”

“Gerard, I’m sorry if this is disrespectful, but I don’t know if I believe that.”

“Honestly Red, I don’t know if I do either. That doesn’t mean it’s not true.”

Not for the first time, Gerard is aware of his role as an adult, despite not having the chance to properly grow into one. “Or,” he says. “How about this? I know that I am not your mother or father, or your grandmother, but as long as I am alive, I promise that we can sit and talk like this. And if we end up in different stories, I’ll look for you. You will always have a home with me, even if it’s just a bonfire in the woods.”

“I can light a match for us.”

“I know that you can.”

Gerard extends his webbed equivalent of a pinky finger, and Ylfa wraps a claw around it.

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