Gerbo - Tumblr Posts
Gerbo Rant
I love Gerbo. He's referred to as not being very bright, and he believes it. And that's so wrong.
Look at Gerbo! He wanted to build a stone structure and started planning it out in his head. He comforted the Hollow Clown and started thinking about how to help him. He and Joe searched the world for Bugbo, and despite everything, he didn't give up.
Finally, before Bugbo mysteriously escaped from Thomas, Gerbo was about to share his plan to rescue Bugbo. He had a plan.

He's manipulated, and he never notices Bugbo's strange behavior. But he's not stupid.
They’re bugging my brain

currently in Hawaii rn so I made them on the plane

Hey everyone! I hope y’all are doing well!
My apologies for not posting in a hot minute. I’ve been working on the next episode for Wolfe’s Hotel! (Hopefully making its debut this year December 17th!)
Now, I’ve come here to make an announcement. Me and the Hotel Team have been trying to get Bugbo creator @sillyassboy (Also known as Bensilly) to possibly make a cameo as the bug himself in this episode! However, I unfortunately haven’t been able to contact him.
With the help of the hotel team, We created this funny image of the whole Bugbo cast in a room with the words “Did this convince you” written all over the walls as a way to possibly convince Ben into helping us record a couple lines as Bugbo for this small cameo.
If you guys can, Please try to help us contact Ben (please don’t spam or be annoying though of course!! I don’t wanna force him into doing something he might not want to do) and if we are lucky, he might just appear in the next episode! (We plan for the episode to be fully colored and animated as well! So keep your eyes peeled! I’ll be posting frequent updates!!)
Please also check out Ben’s stuff. He’s honestly such a great and funny guy. He deserves so much more love lmao-
And thank you @hootbon (co-director of WH) for drawing this image to (hopefully) get his attention! ^^
UPDATE: He unfortunately cannot record lines for the episode. However, I still have an alternate idea up my little sleeve >:) (thanks again for responding tho Ben <33)

I just realized that I drew bugbo with a different number of fingers in one of these doodles…

He’s so fun to draw!!

I drew all three main bugbo characters and also changed how I draw bugbo and gerbo a bit. I think it looks a lot better than how I first drew them
I drew the bug gang in magma.

Ignore the fact Joe's head looks like a 3D render. I Gradiented to hard.

He's done. (Basically)
I don't have a keychain hook currently so I'm just using a green paper clip. I will get a proper keychain hook don't worry.

Man I sure do love Bugbo, I sure do love insects, Oh Boy, do I sure love Flyswatters, Good Golly I sure do love Rock people, Wowza I definitely love Stone mages, I do fancy a hollow clown every now and again