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1 year ago
Quick shoutout to the good people at @UniversalPics for trimming the trees that gave our picket line shade right before a 90+ degree week.

— Chris Stephens (@ChrisStephensMD) July 17, 2023
Whoever "trimmed" those trees may have just killed a bunch of trees on city property, that weren't theirs to trim. Get ready for a fine and sanctions.

— Steven Burke (@SteveBurke2000) July 17, 2023
It so needs to be looked into. If they’ve illegally butchered these trees, they will have to replace them. Hoping LA requires trees of similar age and size. I know it’s nothing to the studios. But still.

— pro-union (@daisybug42) July 17, 2023
My city requires similar age and size. I'm sure LA requires it as well. The replacements are going to cost a small fortune.

— Steven Burke (@SteveBurke2000) July 17, 2023
tree law tree law tree law!!! (I love tree law)

— Dear Lustful Medicant (@gfrancie) July 17, 2023
Not only did I complain on LA's 311 about this but I do happen to know an entertainment reporter over at the LA Times. I just contacted her about this. Welcome to my world. I have a very big vast network of people.

— Steven Burke (@SteveBurke2000) July 17, 2023
*Soft, disparate, whispered chanting*

Tree. Law. Tree. Law. Tree. Law.

— Nome (@NomeDaBarbarian) July 17, 2023

— BasiliskOnline 🦎 (@BasiliskOnline) July 17, 2023

— 🏳️‍⚧️ Shivers 🪩 Capital Killed Elysium 💥 (@FemChainsawJack) July 17, 2023

— Josie Brown 𓅓 (@TheOutlawJosie) July 17, 2023

You love to see it. (Not the destruction of trees, obvs, but shitheads meeting their oncoming comeuppance at the hands of trees.)

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