Ghggggff These Arent Much But Ey Oh Well Im Just Passing Thru - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

mmmm thinking of potential MegOp fankids…

Current brainstormed kiddies: (lol most of them are just names that randomly popped into my head <]])

-Callisto (post! T.F.P not R.I.D2015)

-Embers (post/canon divergent(??)! T.F.A)

-Orion Spark (T.F.P)

-‘Rocky’/Coldstar (IDW/M.T.M.T.E comics)

-Hyacinth (post! T.F.P or T.F.A)

-Artemis (post! T.F.P or T.F.A)

-Aster (idk???)

-Mercury (post maybe????! T.F.P)

-Perseus (T.F.P)

-Apollo (post! T.F.P or T.F.A)

-‘Apex’/‘Rogue’/Fighter (post/canon divergent! Bayverse)

-Nari (canon divergent! Beast Wars)

-Thyorllæ/‘Shadowquake’ (post??/canon divergent (basically an A.U)! G1 & Beast Wars) (they don’t rlly count as a MegOp fankid bc B.W! Meg’s is a separate character + Optimus Primal is a descendant but I digress :7)

-Tarnished (Unicron trilogy (tho mostly Armada))

-‘Scout’/Lawlight (Unicron trilogy (tho mostly Energon))

-‘Hera’/Temporal (Unicron trilogy (just Cybertron))

-Caine (R.I.D2001)

-Ariadne (original continuity)

-Nebula (G1)

-‘Casey’/Cassowary (R.I.D2001)

-Sonia/Selene (canon divergent! Bayverse)

-Ashwell (ffffhgg idk what that name is 🫠) (original continuity/soft body)

-Woven (canon divergent! T.F.A)

-Pollux (R.I.D2001)

-Lilac (post/canon divergent! G1)

-‘Low’/Hestia (original continuity/soft body)

-Cether (canon divergent! IDW)

-Isodaetes (original continuity)

-‘Flow’/Flowstone (original continuity/soft body (kinda??))

-Prometheus (canon divergent! T.F.P)

aaaaaaaand that’s all I got rn :D

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