Ship Child - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Evie (afterdeath Ship Child )

Evie (afterdeath ship child )

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7 years ago
Erui ( Electric X Yuurei Ship Child)
Erui ( Electric X Yuurei Ship Child)

Erui ( Electric X Yuurei ship child)

Age : 12 years old

Crush : No

Power: (still not decided)

Erui ( Electric X Yuurei Ship Child)
Erui ( Electric X Yuurei Ship Child)

Sythia (Electric x Yuurei shipchild)

Age: 9 years old

Crush : No

Power : (still not decided yet)

Art by @choco-tan

Design by her too -v-'

Gender: meh choose >:b

Lil react of Yuurei and Electric

Erui ( Electric X Yuurei Ship Child)

Electric sans / @mapytheskeleton

Yuurei / @choco-tan

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11 months ago

Affocara week! Child (ren)

Affocara Week! Child (ren)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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8 months ago

Sorry for being dead

Haven't been feeling well


New post

Sorry For Being Dead

Character Information

Name: Helen (ヘレン)

Aliases: Sweet tea (By Barbatos) honey bun (By Beelzebub)

Gender: Female

Species: Demon

Birthday: September 8

Zodiac: Virgo

Devildom Birth Flower: chrysanthemum

Status: alive

Family: Beelzebub and barbatos (parents) Sage(Older brother/my friends oc) The other brothers being her uncles


Likes: Garden and baking

Dislike: Bugs and dirt

Symbolic Animals

Banner: Guinea pig

Battle: dolphins

Her name came from the Greek goddess:

Helen of Troy

She is the daughter of Beelzebub and Barbatos

If you do not like the ship then please move on from this post

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7 months ago
Disgruntled Fathers Who Lowkey Hate Eachother

disgruntled fathers who lowkey hate eachother

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6 years ago
Helloooooo! Sorry For Not Posting Much Here :D Ive Been Active More On UT Amino Lately Thats Why (,,,,)

Helloooooo! Sorry for not posting much here :’D I’ve been active more on UT Amino lately that’s why (´,,•ω•,,)

but hey, I’ll start posting stuff here more starting now. Mostly Undertale stuff since I’m still trashy for it -v-

Look out for doodles, fan characters and stuff in the futuuuurree~

So yeah! Here, have a cutie Bonbon for now ouo ♡

Have a great day everybody ❤️

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6 years ago
I Drew Something! Have A Bonbon!

i drew something! have a bonbon!

it's v messy but i like it that way uwu 🌸

big thank you to everyone that has drawn my lil child! it's a pleasure 💕

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1 year ago


I forgot to many months has it been..




I redesigned all of them :33

Polar- False Dream(DreamxFell) shipchild (She/her/it/it's)

Rainbow- Inkmare shipchild (he/him/they/them/it/it's)

Walts- Colormare shipchild (he/him/they/them/it/it's)

Scribble- Errorink shipchild (She/Her/Xhe/Xer/it/it's)

Sundust- Pixiedust(dreamxdust) shipchild (she/her)



Risk - Reaper x Dust shipchild (he/him/they/them/it/it's)

If anyone is curious.. this is what they used to look like:


I'm upset it has a picture limit I wanted to send scribble picture 😞😞

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9 months ago

I lied... 😋🔥

I Lied...
I Lied...


Doodles :3

I Lied...
I Lied...
I Lied...

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11 months ago
I Drew How I Imagined @moonamite Shipchild Of Dealer And Ava Would Look When Slightly Older, Like 9 Or

I drew how I imagined @moonamite shipchild of Dealer and Ava would look when slightly older, like 9 or so

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6 months ago

lol created a Scogan fankid shortly after watching D&W. In fact, I created a whole bunch :D. And for some reason, my brain made it so that:

-two (or well one ig bc their just variants of each other) have scruffy bird wings on their back’s, with one of them having been born from a accidental soul bonding/mating ritual while the other just kinda spawned in ggbffgvv

-one is a violent & world ending villain w/ a symbolism & ‘tinkering’ (AKA dissecting bodies) obsession

-another one is a born-20-years-old clone who eventually figures out a personality & becomes a monotonous metaphorical (bc their super tall & cryptid looking) little shit who also has a world-threatening-villain variant (who also happens to have a kaiju-esc form??? what?????)

-another two are quarter slightly-horrific-alien from a post secret invasion type A.U

-another one is basically in the situation of Paul from dune, making them a cult leader + ‘commander’/contract partner with an eldritch abomination/shifter/spirt(??) (who is also an ironstrange fankid wth)

-another one is a from a fdugding M.L.P pony looking A.U (Y’know those crosship posts on Deviantart where they use M.L.P pony bodies as bases for the characters??? Anyone???????) who is part symbiote & can sense/predict other’s emotions and/or actions

-(you know the drill) another one is from an canon divergence X-men 97’! universe & has horrifying/ragged movie monster teeth + an unhinging jaw (their 5)

-another one has the FUCKING ABSOLUTE SOLVER AS THEIR POWERS (why?????? bc after watching the murder drones final, my thoughts were like: “he hey image if Logan was the A.S host lmao???” (Idk I luv puppet &/or janky movement animation 😁😋✨))

-yet again, another one is an edgy assassin/sort of anti-hero in the future-current reality of a Logan! reincarnation A.U :DDD

-another one (last one fn I swear) is just baby :D. Who’s currently living in an demonic/infection A.U apocalypse with their mum (who is Scott) yaaa:3

lmao I have no idea why my brain made them those ways I swear fhgbfgggf 🥲🥲

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6 months ago

mmmm thinking of potential MegOp fankids…

Current brainstormed kiddies: (lol most of them are just names that randomly popped into my head <]])

-Callisto (post! T.F.P not R.I.D2015)

-Embers (post/canon divergent(??)! T.F.A)

-Orion Spark (T.F.P)

-‘Rocky’/Coldstar (IDW/M.T.M.T.E comics)

-Hyacinth (post! T.F.P or T.F.A)

-Artemis (post! T.F.P or T.F.A)

-Aster (idk???)

-Mercury (post maybe????! T.F.P)

-Perseus (T.F.P)

-Apollo (post! T.F.P or T.F.A)

-‘Apex’/‘Rogue’/Fighter (post/canon divergent! Bayverse)

-Nari (canon divergent! Beast Wars)

-Thyorllæ/‘Shadowquake’ (post??/canon divergent (basically an A.U)! G1 & Beast Wars) (they don’t rlly count as a MegOp fankid bc B.W! Meg’s is a separate character + Optimus Primal is a descendant but I digress :7)

-Tarnished (Unicron trilogy (tho mostly Armada))

-‘Scout’/Lawlight (Unicron trilogy (tho mostly Energon))

-‘Hera’/Temporal (Unicron trilogy (just Cybertron))

-Caine (R.I.D2001)

-Ariadne (original continuity)

-Nebula (G1)

-‘Casey’/Cassowary (R.I.D2001)

-Sonia/Selene (canon divergent! Bayverse)

-Ashwell (ffffhgg idk what that name is 🫠) (original continuity/soft body)

-Woven (canon divergent! T.F.A)

-Pollux (R.I.D2001)

-Lilac (post/canon divergent! G1)

-‘Low’/Hestia (original continuity/soft body)

-Cether (canon divergent! IDW)

-Isodaetes (original continuity)

-‘Flow’/Flowstone (original continuity/soft body (kinda??))

-Prometheus (canon divergent! T.F.P)

aaaaaaaand that’s all I got rn :D

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6 months ago

SaneGiyuu joint-mission AU where they meet a weird kid who suspiciously looks like them while in mission

The kid, who looks nowhere near age 7, has snowy white hair and pretty blue eyes. he has a tiny scar by his right cheek

I like to think he has Sanemi's personality

Nothing funnier than the kid looking like Giyuu with a wig but has Sanemi's attitude, anyway,

This kid claims that Sanemi is his father and Giyuu is his mother.

Those two idiots are dumbfounded and very shocked.

The other pillars are also making fun of them, because those two, are very much, virgins.

Then everyone finds out that the kid is from an alternate universe where Giyuu is a woman, and she is married to Sanemi. Together they had this boy named Nagi.

However, his parents are dead in his universe after fighting Upper Moon Two, who targeted his mother and tortured her (killed her) in front of Sanemi.

Then Sanemi and Giyuu later on knew from the kid that the reason his parents died was because he tagged along with them in that particularly dangerous mission and his mother and father ended up trying to protect him. Nagi would've died too if Gyomei and Shinobu didn't arrive.

His scar was from the moment Giyuu took a blow that was supposed to be his. She used her 11th form but still Douma's attacks were too strong.

Nagi blames himself for his parents' deaths.

Anyway, just a picture of the kid being hugged by two people who look like his parents, but aren't his parents, is just. Just...

I want to write this soon. Someone please talk to me about this.

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6 months ago

lil pup <333

guess who's back—

me! kinda, for now at least... I swear I'm not dead, school's just been keeping me on a tight sched recently 😭 I'll post more soon, but anyways new hyperfixation!

have a poolverine/deadclaw fankid, cuz those old men are slowly taking over my mind.

Lil Pup

[inspo from "The Pieces Left Behind" by Fighting4Fandoms on Ao3, highly recommend go check em out!]

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6 months ago

mhmhn post-T.F.P-but-only-kinda-R.I.D2015 A.U where instead of being revived, Optimus escapes the ‘Prime void’ (which in my hc, is just a somewhat conscious Unicron using his energy to trap & mess with / manipulate O.P’s captured spark) & is able to get to the living world again (after somehow reviving themself idk) only to discover that their sparked w/ Megatron’s sparkling & then basically just wandering around the universe, avoiding all cybertronian contact they can, along with birthing & caring for their’s & Meg’s bitlet that the now parent O.P (going under their old destination Orion) names Zagreus

(ghghggghg totally not foreshadowing for any horrible tragic event to come nope nu uh never ;33 💞💞💞)

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6 months ago

in my latest T.F.P/R.I.D2015 A.U, when I say that O.P avoids all the contact they can w/ other cybertronians + Cybertron, I actually mean almost. While running around in space, helpless on what to do with the situation he’s currently in AKA rapidly developing baby cooking in their chest, O.P had the GREATEST luck of all to be able to make some friends/acquaintances w/ various spaceship crews & either solo or smallish groups of travellers. Said groups were obvs very wary &/or hostile towards Optimus/Orion at first, but most of them quickly put their varying opinions of the so-called ‘heroic’ war legend aside when it was discovered that lil’ old Op’ was sparked. And great Solus and all things forged, THE MECH’S ALL ALONE AND SPARKED!?!??????!!!!!!???? WITH NO THOUGHT OR IDEA ON WHAT THEIR GOING TO DO ONCE THEY GO INTO LABOUR IN THE [MIDDLE OF NOWHERE SPACE WITH ALSO NO SIRE TO HELP AND NO EXPERIENCE WHEN IT COMES TO BIRTH APART FROM RETURNING INSTINCTS!!!!!!??!!?!!??!!????!??????!!!!!!!]

Ye, the whole situation of O.P’s acquaintance with these mecha is very much somewhat comforting &/or sweet but still a very complicated, ball of yarn-type mess lmao

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7 months ago
Afterdeath Doodles With Goth!

afterdeath doodles with goth!

in my mind all ship children were made through magic residuals and NOT mpreg, but if that’s ur thing then ur free to imagine qhatever but now onto thine headcannons

geno, who undoubtedly suffers with his mental (and physical) health, goth would be there like a ray of hope in his life, bringing him happiness in the ways reaper cannot. like you know cute little bundle of joy they created and what not. idk how to explain it exactly so hopefully u get what i mean! but anyways geno wouldn’t want goth living in the save screen with him and have him experience his bleak reality, so goth would primarily stay with reaper and his papyrus in reapertale


Afterdeath Doodles With Goth!

i find them having a whole bunch of ship children as a gag a lil funny so there’s them being overrun with children

reaper belongs to renrink

geno belongs to crayonqueen

goth belongs to nekophy

rhe various ship children ur gonna have to just look up for urself ngl

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3 years ago
Aaaaahhhh My Goodness, I Love Them! Their Name Is Caos, He's A Fluffykiller Child But Was Raised By The

Aaaaahhhh my goodness, I love them! Their name is Caos, he's a fluffykiller child but was raised by the the fluffynightkiller trouple.

In this drawing, he's grieving because he lost one of his brothers.

Also, thanks to @help-im-a-gay-fish, thanks to them, I saw the possibility for fluffynightkiller to exist, and I love it

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