Ghost Bride PSTD Came Back To Him - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #10

Child’s Curiosity

Grim: Why’s the sky blue?

Idia: Oh that’s a good question! When light enters the earths atmosphere blue waves scatter the most, so that’s what we see

Grim: And why does the moon have all those spots?

Idia: Aw, because of craters and volcanic planes

Grim: Where do we go when we die?

Idia (Awkward): …Oh, uhm… well-

Grim: And why do bad things happen to good people?

Idia: Uhh-

Grim: And also, why do you wear the same thing all the time?

Idia: What? (Looks at his outfit) I don’t- Uhh-

Grim: -Do you ever go outside?

Idia: U-Uhh yes, I-I do-

Grim: Why is it so dusty in here?

Idia: It is? What-?

Grim: Do you ever notice you walk REALLY weird?

Idia: W-what?

Grim: Why’s your head on fire?

Idia: Uhm-

Grim: Why do you buy things and never use them?

Idia: Okay, look-!

Grim: Why do you stay up so late?

Idia: Listen-

Grim: Why do you order food all the time?

Idia: Hey-

Grim: Can’t you cook? Y/N at least knows how to make some good grub

Idia: Hold on-!

Grim: Why aren’t you married yet?

Idia (Throws Grim out of his room):



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