Ghost Pidge - Tumblr Posts

Meant to post this last year but that didn’t happen so… its happening this year!
Along with some Halloween VLD Headcanons/Shenanigans!
Lance running down the hallways chanting “THIS IS HALLOWEEN”
and everyone is just like “??? I don’t even remember when we left Earth?”
Lance found some digital watch in his jacket pocket (still working, miraculously). It reads “October 30th”
“Oh shit! We only have one day to prepare!!!”
Everyone is panicking Well only Hunk, Pidge and Lance are
Keith is low-key huge fan of Halloween
but he keeps his panic on the down low
“What is this Halloween you speak of?” #cluelessAlienFamily
Cue the collective gasps of horror
Lance, Pidge and Hunk making this huge last minute presentation explaining Halloween. Horribly. (Good on Hunk’s part tho)
“Well that sounds lovely! I want to participate in this festival!” “*groans* Allura… It’s not a festival…!”
“But we have to wait until next year. It’s too late to make costumes and decorate the castle.”
“Nonsense! We can be prepared by tomorrow night!” “??? What.”
Coran showing some nice device that basically makes a holographic costume
Everyone making their costume in secret
“What do you think everyone is gonna be?”
“Isn’t Keith always in his Halloween costume? An angsty emo kid?”
Lance basically initiating the first ever “Best costume Contest” in space
Allura dimming the lighting system and giving it an eery look and setting up the decorations with the mice, Hunk and Shiro’s help
(It’s Halloween night and the big costume reveal time!)
Lance walks in all confident as… a Vampire! In a long midnight cape, silver hair, shiny ivory fangs, blood red eyes, fancy shirt and pants. He even conjured up a cup of blood-coloured substance
“Lance you look awesome dude! Even better than last year” says Undead Pirate Hunk. Grayed skin with patches of green along with some bones peeking through, ripped white tunic tattered in blood, black pants and a chewed up pirate hat
“You both look wonderful!” Cue in Allura as a mermaid. She used the colour scheme from her dress to turn her hair psychedelic, the markings on her face became scales, her neck and right below the ribs have gills.
“Cool Allura! You’re a mermaid!” Hunk obviously complimented
“What’s a… Mermaid…?”
“Mhm girl, you can have my trident anyt—”
“Lance.” #DadVoice
Shiro as Frankenstein. All his scars from his time as a Galra prisoner have been connected and turned into stitches of different colours of grayed skin and a huge silver screw protruded his head. He got inspired by his Galra prisoner uniform, so that’s basically his outfit
“Isn’t everyone lively? This reminds me of… (enter some Altean celebration)”
“Coran… Are you… Santa Claus?”
“Is this not a costume for the festival of Halloween?”
“No! That’s Christmas!”
“What’s Christmas?”
*collective groans*
(And here comes some KLANCE BCUZ I’M TRASH)
“Where’s Keith and Pidge? I don’t see them.”
“Who cares? Keith is probably some lame thing emo people dress up as.”
Cue Keith strutting into the room like a boss ass bitch
What is he? A goddamn witch. A hot goddamn witch. A witch in a deep purple skin clinging muscle shirt with a matching witch hat, elbow length gloves of the same colour, bright red earrings, a silver cartilage earring and clad in black leather pants with knee-high boots. Did he make his violet eyes glow?
Lance.exe has crashed
Hello, this is Lance Sanchez and I would like to perform “My Poor Bi Heart” by Me
That is so not fair, how can he be so hot?
Lance jokingly trying to flirt Keith, you know, like a vampire…? (JUST ADMIT YOU LIKE HIM! GDI LANCE)
Cue the corny/cringy pick-up lines
“You look fangtastic. How about joining me for a bite?”
“I’m a vampire on the streets, but a real devil in the sheets”
“They say my blood is the sweetest. Wanna find out how the rest of me tastes?”
Keith flirting back after a plethora of lines. Lance.exe has crashed (again)
“Better watch out, poison is not the only thing I do that can kill.”
After a build-up of sexual tension… Keith goes “Why tf not?” and kisses the vamp
“Looks like you’re under my spell now.”
“If I was a vampire, I’d bite you. Oh wait I am.”
“Okay, Dracula, Save it for later.”
Rip Lance
“And you said he would not look hot.”
Ghost Pidge with a new invention ― invisibility cloak
Spying on Klance from the very beginning
Everyone got a new arsenal of blackmail against Keith and Lance, but only Pidge uses it
HP Voltron crossover?
When Harry went to Hogwarts there was a group of ghosts they were..... strange to say the least. No one only a few ghosts knew their names, and they wouldn’t tell a single soul their name’s. They went by Paladins of the colour of the lions that followed them, the sixth went by advisor and the last Shiro but no one could find their names in history books. A group of seven, five followed by lions.
The lions had a ghostly hue with a bright colour emanating off of them.
Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, and the assumed pride leader, Black. Black was the biggest followed by Yellow, then Blue, followed by Red, and finally Green. Each followed a ghost with mysterious ease, sometimes looking at people if considering them for something but never deciding.
They each stayed at a table two at the Slytherin table, one of which had the Paladin name of the Red Paladin he was with tall and lanky with freckles covering his body, short hair, a few big scars, and rumour had it that in life he had beautiful eyes that seemed to hold an entire ocean, he appeared to wear a long cloak with robes underneath along with some armour, the reputation he carried for being a massive flirt was no lie he would flirt with any year seven even went after the Blue and Black Paladins -he failed with Blue not Black- he also bore a marking of what appeared to be a bruise of a rope on his neck. The Red lion would follow him around purring and nudging and -rarely nipping- for attention. The other a smaller person half the time you could here them teasing each other, she had short hair that makes her look like a boy, she also bore similar scars but had less as if protected or missing during all the important battles, she wore the same outfit as the other Paladins. Her own lion would stand there and observe with here for what appeared to be hours on end. From what Harry had learned from Hermione -who had been told a bit by the Green paladin for her amazing aptitude for knowledge- she was the youngest Paladin.
The Slytherin’s had bragged at least several times that both of their Paladins were pure-bloods, when the Paladins found out the Slytherins ended up having a very large mess in their common room for seven months, they never did it again.
On the other end of the spectrum at the Hufflepuff table were two resided.
The Yellow Paladin and the Black Paladin.
The Yellow Paladin had a bandana wrapped around his head, short hair, he had a smile on his face all the time except for when he was worrying, the fact that he had some scars but not as much as the others, he always had a spark in his eyes at the feast, he would help the house elves cook, you could always tell when he did everyone went hard on grabbing as much food as they could. He was quite chubby though no one said it aloud apparently, one year someone called him “fat” the Paladins made that person suffer for the rest of their time a Hogwarts. The Yellow lion would follow purr nudge and listen to his rants about the food. The Black Paladin was the second smallest of the group with a mullet -as of from the 80s though probably much, much older-, he had eyes that would slit and glow yellow when extremely mad, there was a scar that went up his left cheek down his neck, some people say Shiro gave it to him then it was debunked the fact they are half brothers, to quote Ron “no one in their right mind would maim their sibling” Shiro had looked so ashamed as Ron said that, when he wouldn’t come to dinner the Red Paladin or one of the others -most of the Red Paladin- be playing with a small cat most people theorized that he’s an animimagi he denied as the black lion just rubbed her face against his hand.
Whenever Slytherin and Hufflepuff had a quidditch match or one was beating the other at the house cup it seemed a flare was sparked between the Red and Black Paladins that had many insults thrown and often the Green Paladin would scream at them to “SHUT UP AND KISS ALREADY!” to which a truce came into existence to bring down the Green Paladin. To which they would kiss over her head and at the same time ask if she was happy now? The answer would always be “it was worth it” or “put me down or I’ll skin you two dead!”
At the Ravenclaw table two people sat there the ‘advisor’ and the Blue Paladin or Princess, they had somewhat of a father daughter relationship.
They had bright hair and two weird markings under their with pointed ears.
The Blue Paladin had a crown with long flowing hair her cheek markings always glowed a bright pink, she wore a dress and a cloak cut of at the elbows she had a hole in her stomach an assumed stab wound, she could so regally like royalty which she apparently was it made total sense she usually was the peace maker between the Paladins, she and the Blue lion would often mother the rest of the Paladins and lions -except for the Blacks that was the Reds job- but would not hesitate to tease them, all of the Ravenclaws respected her who wouldn’t she’s smart intelligent and beautiful, also because boys fell at her feet. The advisor had blue markings, with a fancy suit -”not this century!” “Ow you’re kidding me Black” “none of us are!”- he often would speak in charms and potions on things that only the Flitwick and the seven years -Hermoine and a couple Ravenclaws- could understand, he would also spout things like Yalmors and Weblums along with balmarans, no one except the other Paladins, Luna, anyone who read the Quibbler, and Dumbledore would understand.
The last Paladin was Shiro he had a scar right across his nose and his right arm was missing no one knew how but then again no one knew much about them. He was the Black Paladins half brother and now and again you would see him leave the Gryfindor table to talk to Hufflepuff Paladins other times all the Paladins would sit a table and just talk.
The last thing Harry expected to find when he was looking for a place to host the D.A. meetings were the two of the Paladins laughing and talking.
“Keith ha! we are definitely gonna win against Hufflepuff!” “What makes you say that Lance? You gonna cheat?” He saw the Black Paladin - no Keith- talking to who he assumed was Lance.
“No I’ve already got the most competitive Hufflepuffs head out of the game.”
“Really?” Keith said raising an eyebrow.
As he watched Lance lean down and kiss Keith. Harry almost immediately backtracked walking out of the room. Two thought repeating in his head ‘nope nope nope’ along with ‘I know to Paladins names’
Ummm sorry if I misrepresented any characters been awhile since I read Harry Potter.