treegirl-love - Writing, and sharing stuff I think is cool
Writing, and sharing stuff I think is cool

38 posts

Treegirl-love - Writing, And Sharing Stuff I Think Is Cool - Tumblr Blog

4 years ago

Arsinoe Raised by The Arrons

Hell that what it’s gonna be. 

Genevieve tries to make a dress Arsinoe gives her HELL  for the rest of her life

Other fun shanagins ensue with Aronoe being a strong poisoner gifted in making poisons and eating them.

imagne the gave noir (or whatever it’s called) poisoned food and Arsinoe  she’d eat it ALL 

and Mr. Chatworths and Natalias agreement would happen (maybe) which means billy and Arsinoe 

Which means no dead Natalia! 

And maybe the sibling would meet and have a good relationship with no hurt Kat.

And no being thrown down The Breccia..... but that means not cute moments.

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4 years ago
A Aromantic Planet (probably Already Done)

A aromantic planet (probably already done)  

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4 years ago

Love Calculators Be Like:


Me: So I have 100% chance with anyone even though I’m not romantically interested in people interesting.

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4 years ago

Bonus 2.0: The guy who cheated on the strongest naturalist in generations

A summary of the three dark crowns suitors

The twins that are actually cousins

That one guy who supports murder

Arisone’s soulmate 

Bonus: the guy who through the love of his life of a cliff 

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4 years ago


Me: *pisses off a guy*

Also me: * starts reading a book*

Him: *steals my chromebook*

Me: keep it just give it back for school work

Him: *utterly confused*

Him: *steals my water bottle*

Me: *shrugs*

Best Freind: insert name I need to show you something

Me: *Closes book & walks toward them*

Him: *steals my book*

Me: *turns around and gives him death glare*

Him: *runs away* 

Me: *chases him*

Best Friend: Give up Guy! She may be the slowest in the grade but when you steal her book you either get tackled or die

Two minutes later

Me: I got my book

Guy: is sitting panting 

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4 years ago

A summary of the three dark crowns suitors

The twins that are actually cousins

That one guy who supports murder

Arisone’s soulmate 

Bonus: the guy who through the love of his life of a cliff 

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4 years ago

The suitors

So each generation knows less and less about Fennbirn existing.

So suitors come from the same countries.

So that means they could be marrying their cousins or in laws.

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4 years ago

Why don’t we talk about Fenn?

Why don’t we talk about Fenn?

i haven’t read Five Dark Fates yet or finished Two dark crowns but why?

I need some headcanons about this child.

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4 years ago

Illian the Blue Queen

Daphne: Illian became the mist

Me: how does a person become most like, she was making a storm not mist like you get mist when a cloud hits the ground so..... What?

Brain: It’s magic you ducking idiot.

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4 years ago

Fenn Milone

Madrigal: Lets name him Fennbirn

Two Dark Reigns: It’s a common name for boys, for the island they are named.

Me: But the islands a goddess 

Three dark Crowns: yes 

Me: What? 

These aren’t the actual lines from the book

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4 years ago

Wolf & Dave

Dave: When will you listen to me?

Wolf: when your right.

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4 years ago

Two Dark Reigns Be Like

Pietyr: We must get them out of you!

Katherine: No I need them.

Pietyr: There killing people left and right!

*Looks at the body of the kid and Madrigal*

Katherine: *scared shrug*


Pietyr: *starts doing the exorcism 

Dead Queens: what does this idiot think he’s doing?

Dead Queens:*try to kill him*

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4 years ago

At School

Me:*looks at friends*

Friends:* are cuddling in the middle of our break right beside the door* Me: *sits down next to them*

A person: that’s pretty gay

Me: Let the gays be gay 

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4 years ago

Internet And Tumblr Don’t Mix

Me: Let’s look at tumblr

Wifi: cackles evilly

Me: Shut up, you’re not ruining a perfectly good day.

Tumblr: Sorry none of your images or text will load

Me: *screams in agony*

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4 years ago

Billy and Mirabella

Me: Billy, *deep breathe* you must have trust in the girl who survived and Great brown bear!  Billy: *makes an agreement to be Mirabella’s king consort*

Me: You have got to be kidding me!

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4 years ago

Breccia Domain

Katherine: gets get thrown into the Breccia

Natalia: tells him what happened Peityr: *sweats* SH*T!

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4 years ago

Spoliers for two Dark reigns and the last couple of chapters for one dark throne

Me: poor Jules

Mom: what happened this time

Me: Joseph died Mom: shouldn’t it be poor Joseph 

Me: no Jules is gonna be really upset

Mom: I thought Natalia was your favourite character

Me: yes but she’s dead too 

Mom: ....

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4 years ago

Langst (gets dark)

 He watched his friends talk happily about things he just tugged is on his string it was no longer a bright beautiful red now nothing more than a dull white.

A tear rolled down his face, he found the body, Keith’s adopted family did not even grieve, he was nothing more than a pond in the game to them, but to Lance he was his fellow knight fighting together until the end just as Keith said....

Yeah the end came sooner then then they thought. Lance did not even feel the tears rolling down his face. He was Keith’s ocean his calm. Keith was his fire the reason he went on, his fire, his heart.

“Lance are you okay?” Lotor asked.

Lance suddenly felt sick to his stomach. He was not even dazed by Keith decease, he was Keith’s adopted brother! He was not fazed by the knife in Keith’s back, literally and figuratively.

“I’m fine” he said. He saw Hunk’s face disappointment, he wasn’t telling the truth, he lost his soulmate the one person he was supposed to be there for.

The bell rang a chorus of byes and see you later later happened Lance walked to his house by himself. Keith would usually accompany him now he was all by himself.

He had a brief conversation with his mama. Before leaving to his room.

The weapon he was holding was Keith’s his mom’s knife the second most precious thing in the world to him given to Lance, the first most important thing to Keith. He would see him again after this. 

White slowly turning to red once more.  His white string. The reason he was outcast. The marker of loneliness, forever by himself least he’ll be with him after this. Now red once more.

The face of his dreams wrapped his arm around him a soft smile on his face Keith. 

“I love you Lance”

“Love you to”

Soulmates reunited once again.

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4 years ago

Three Dark Crowns

Fennbirn: All Woman Are QUEENS!

Mainland: If she breathes she’s a thot!

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4 years ago

A Voltron Rant

In Voltron season 8 episodes 9 & 10.

The old Paladins meet their predecessors and each talk to them.

Battle skills, entities inside them, kindness, their relationship with their daughter, their leadership skills because of their lineage.

Lance wasn’t the only one thrown under the bus, Keith was to.

Keith: “no we won’t give up!”

Zarkon: “that’s your galra lineage. It’s what makes you a great leader of Voltron. You and I share that trait...”

I just sat there like “so your putting all of Keith’s leadership abilities on his heritage, so what about Shiro?” Where’d the character go? Oh wait with season 4.

Like yes Galrans are good leaders (Lotor, Sendak, Ranveig, Zarkon -before the quintessence poisoning-, Kolivan) but still it kinda just sucks that he got all his leadership skills stuffed into the fact of being Galra.

I would have loved it if it was something like ....

Zarkon: that’s what makes you a good leader your undying love for your family, friends and fellow Paladins.

I would have cried if that was said because it was probably true for Zarkon just as much as it is for Keith.

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4 years ago

Klance/Laith Soulmates

He couldn’t do this right now he just couldn’t. He heard Lance calling him back. He didn’t look back he wasn’t ready yet he’d told Blue -no Lance- that. He continued to walk away he didn’t know to where he just needed to leave. The tingling sensation on his wrist just wouldn’t disappear he knew Lance was writing to him trying to understand, talk it out still be friends but more, soulmates were meant to be romantic, -though rarely they would be platonic- he knew Lance would want more eventually, but he can’t well not yet.

He looked at where his walking had brought him The Blade of Marmora, the Martial art school run by the Marmora family, his family. He took out his key and opened the door he closed it without looking back by reflex. He unlatched the door labeled staff room, the soft scent of lavender mixed with lemon that most people thought it odd or weird smell on the other hand he adored it.

He walked past his Ojichan’s -or Kolivan as him and Acxa had started to calling him by his first name- desk a picture of himself with Acxa next to him their one of their mother’s hand on each of their shoulders his uncles Thace and Ulaz standing next to mom and Regris in between them Kolivan and Hal-aneoji -Antok- had arms around each other shoulders. All of them smiling a rare sight.

He sat down and finally looked down at his arm the words made him frown slightly ‘why did you leave?’ Lance’s writing was messy and Keith could feel the pain and hurt radiating off of it. ‘I told you I wasn’t ready yet’ he new Lance would almost immediately write back ‘but why?’ 

Why? A simple question with a very complicated answer. Keith was scared that’s why, he didn’t want Lance to leave mom had left and chosen to take Acxa with her -Keith knew that was what his dad told him a it was a lie but, still- then dad left for a bar and only came back when the someone lit the house on fire came in when everyone told him not to and threw Keith out. Then the foster parents left, or just weren’t there for him, and then the Shiroganes came Mrs. Shirogane died Shiro and him got separated in the system -they meet back up a few years back when Keith moved into town-. And then Keith found out the entire time he was in the system Kolivan and Antok were trying to get custody for him. Unable to because they weren’t citizens of The United States Of America.

During the time when he lived with the Shiroganes he found out and was so confused as to why? -why did it take so long to find out? why couldn’t they just have picked him up or something? Why not mom where was her and Acxa in all of this?- After Mrs. Shiroganes death, the Marmora family got custody, he moved to Korea and they became his family. They moved to Texas started a martial art school, Ulaz got a job as a doctor, Antok and Kolivan as security guards, Thace as a cafe worker, along with Regris who meet his soulmate Ilun.

Through it all there was a constant his soulmate nicknamed  ‘Blue’ or ‘Sharpshooter’ who he always told everything, the one person he new he could trust, the eye of the hurricane, the silence in the screams.

He thought Lance knew that so when he came and he figured it out Keith ran, he left his soulmate the person who has always there for him person he would talk to when he felt insignificant, he left like everyone did to him.

Now he sat there Lance waiting for an answer so enthusiastic about meeting his one true love, his other half and he just straight up left.

‘Cause I was scared. Scared you would leave, and then I left you, I’m sorry.’ He didn’t say sorry often the red ink was there for a moment before he realized what lance would ask or think about doing. He knew Lance was probably just gonna ask to meet up. Keith heard the door open. Immediately recognizing the voices Lance’s and Acxa’s. Of course his twin sister betrayed him. He walked out of the staff room.

“Hi Sharpshooter.”

Acxa just smirked and walked out.

“Hi Samurai, do you wanna talk? Or something?”


Got all Japanese and Korean words from google translate so please correct me if wrong.

Hal-Abeoji is Korean for Grandpa 

Ojichan is Japanese for Grandfather

Edit: I actually forgot to add a title I was laughing after I added one.

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4 years ago

HP Voltron crossover?

When Harry went to Hogwarts there was a group of ghosts they were..... strange to say the least. No one only a few ghosts knew their names, and they wouldn’t tell a single soul their name’s. They went by Paladins of the colour of the lions that followed them, the sixth went by advisor and the last Shiro but no one could find their names in history books. A group of seven, five followed by lions. 

The lions had a ghostly hue with a bright colour emanating off of them.

Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, and the assumed pride leader, Black. Black was the biggest followed by Yellow, then Blue, followed by Red, and finally Green. Each followed a ghost with mysterious ease, sometimes looking at people if considering them for something but never deciding.

They each stayed at a table two at the Slytherin table, one of which had the Paladin name of the Red Paladin he was with tall and lanky with freckles covering his body, short hair, a few big scars, and rumour had it that in life he had beautiful eyes that seemed to hold an entire ocean, he appeared to wear a long cloak with robes underneath along with some armour, the reputation he carried for being a massive flirt was no lie he would flirt with any year seven even went after the Blue and Black Paladins -he failed with Blue not Black- he also bore a marking of what appeared to be a bruise of a rope on his neck. The Red lion would follow him around purring and nudging and -rarely nipping- for attention. The other a smaller person half the time you could here them teasing each other, she had short hair that makes her look like a boy, she also bore similar scars but had less as if protected or missing during all the important battles, she wore the same outfit as the other Paladins. Her own lion would stand there and observe with here for what appeared to be hours on end. From what Harry had learned from Hermione -who had been told a bit by the Green paladin for her amazing aptitude for knowledge- she was the youngest Paladin.

The Slytherin’s had bragged at least several times that both of their Paladins were pure-bloods, when the Paladins found out the Slytherins ended up having a very large mess in their common room for seven months, they never did it again.

On the other end of the spectrum at the Hufflepuff table were two resided.

The Yellow Paladin and the Black Paladin.

The Yellow Paladin had a bandana wrapped around his head, short hair, he had a smile on his face all the time except for when he was worrying, the fact that he had some scars but not as much as the others, he always had a spark in his eyes at the feast, he would help the house elves cook, you could always tell when he did everyone went hard on grabbing as much food as they could. He was quite chubby though no one said it aloud apparently, one year someone called him “fat” the Paladins made that person suffer for the rest of their time a Hogwarts. The Yellow lion would follow purr nudge and listen to his rants about the food. The Black Paladin was the second smallest of the group with a mullet -as of from the 80s though probably much, much older-, he had eyes that would slit and glow yellow when extremely mad, there was a scar that went up his left cheek down his neck, some people say Shiro gave it to him then it was debunked the fact they are half brothers, to quote Ron “no one in their right mind would maim their sibling” Shiro had looked so ashamed as Ron said that, when he wouldn’t come to dinner the Red Paladin or one of the others -most of the Red Paladin- be playing with a small cat most people theorized that he’s an animimagi he denied as the black lion just rubbed her face against his hand. 

Whenever Slytherin and Hufflepuff had a quidditch match or one was beating the other at the house cup it seemed a flare was sparked between the Red and Black Paladins that had many insults thrown and often the Green Paladin would scream at them to “SHUT UP AND KISS ALREADY!” to which a truce came into existence to bring down the Green Paladin. To which they would kiss over her head and at the same time ask if she was happy now? The answer would always be “it was worth it” or “put me down or I’ll skin you two dead!” 

At the Ravenclaw table two people sat there the ‘advisor’ and the Blue Paladin or Princess, they had somewhat of a father daughter relationship.

They had bright hair and two weird markings under their with pointed ears.

The Blue Paladin had a crown with long flowing hair her cheek markings always glowed a bright pink, she wore a dress and a cloak cut of at the elbows she had a hole in her stomach an assumed stab wound, she could so regally like royalty which she apparently was it made total sense she usually was the peace maker between the Paladins, she and the Blue lion would often mother the rest of the Paladins and lions -except for the Blacks that was the Reds job- but would not hesitate to tease them, all of the Ravenclaws respected her who wouldn’t she’s smart intelligent and beautiful, also because boys fell at her feet. The advisor had blue markings, with a fancy suit -”not this century!” “Ow you’re kidding me Black” “none of us are!”- he often would speak in charms and potions on things that only the Flitwick and the seven years -Hermoine and a couple Ravenclaws- could understand, he would also spout things like Yalmors and Weblums along with balmarans, no one except the other Paladins, Luna, anyone who read the Quibbler, and Dumbledore would understand.

The last Paladin was Shiro he had a scar right across his nose and his right arm was missing no one knew how but then again no one knew much about them. He was the Black Paladins half brother and now and again you would see him leave the Gryfindor table to talk to Hufflepuff Paladins other times all the Paladins would sit a table and just talk.

The last thing Harry expected to find when he was looking for a place to host the D.A. meetings were the two of the Paladins laughing and talking.

“Keith ha! we are definitely gonna win against Hufflepuff!”  “What makes you say that Lance? You gonna cheat?” He saw the Black Paladin - no Keith- talking to who he assumed was Lance.

 “No I’ve already got the most competitive Hufflepuffs head out of the game.” 

“Really?” Keith said raising an eyebrow. 

As he watched Lance lean down and kiss Keith. Harry almost immediately backtracked walking out of the room. Two thought repeating in his head ‘nope nope nope’ along with ‘I know to Paladins names’

Ummm sorry if I misrepresented any characters been awhile since I read Harry Potter.

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