Ghost Trick - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago

Bird Brain

A blue blur flittered past Jowd’s face and onto the head of a green haired, very short man.

“Damn Bird!”

“She doesn’t do anything, Jowd.”

“Except bother me”.

“She just sits on my head,” Pigeon Man protested. “If you don’t like it, that’s your problem”.

“She sits. On your head.”


“That’s all?”


“She doesn’t eat, sleep, anything. She just sits on your head.”

They both knew where this was going. Jowd was going to make a snarky comment. Pigeon Man braced himself in the silence before the storm.

“So, like pige-on, pige-off except it doesn’t”.

“That was so bad.” Pigeon Man replied, slightly underwhelmed. “I thought you could do better”

“Hey, I’m just making these up on the fly!”

“Yeah, well toucan play at that game”

Jowd’s face switched from a smile to mocking surprise. “This is cruel, you’re robin me of my jokes!”

“They’re very cheep”.

“Owl say so”.

“Wouldn’t it be Owl’d?”

“No time for grammar when you’re punning on a roll, Bird Brain”.

Pigeon man rolled his eyes. “Crow up and get out of here”.

“Never” Jowd was smirking now, and with another snarky remark they would be laughing, but he was waiting. The time had to be right. The stage had to be set for the ultimate joke.

But his face dropped as he realised…

“I’m out of bird puns”.

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8 years ago
Sorry About The Long Pause, I Lost My Sketchbook And It's Taken Me A While To Get A New One. But Anyway,

Sorry about the long pause, I lost my sketchbook and it's taken me a while to get a new one. But anyway, have another Sissel!

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2 years ago
When In Doubt, Draw Ghost Trick

when in doubt, draw ghost trick

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2 years ago
Oh Man, I Love That Game Where You Play An Amnesiac And Team Up With A Detective In A Cool Jacket To

oh man, I love that game where you play an amnesiac and team up with a detective in a cool jacket to solve the mystery of Who You Are, and solve other mysteries along the way.

What was it called again?

bonus:no text

Oh Man, I Love That Game Where You Play An Amnesiac And Team Up With A Detective In A Cool Jacket To

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2 years ago
She Might Sense You

She might sense you…

-look who is back with their obsession again :)

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2 years ago

ghost trick asks a very important question and that is 'what would happen if you threw a hard hat at someone at around the same speed and velocity as a bullet' and the answer is 'they would not feel very good i think'

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2 years ago



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2 years ago

ghonst track

I am not joking when I say that the best game of 2023 is going to be Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. There is a reason we dont shut the fuck up about the game. It is the most tightly written story ever put in a video game, which is unbelievable to experience.

Not only is it tightly written, the plot is excellent. Not only is it tight and excellent, it is supremely well paced. I beat the game in a 12 hour session when I was supposed to be studying for midterms in college. I only meant to take a look, but good God it sucks you in.

If you like ace attorney play this game

If you have never played ace attorney play this game

If you have never played a video game play this one

If you like puzzles play this game

If you like dogs play this game

There is no person who has finished ghost trick and said anything less than "that was a very good video game"

I truly deeply am begging everyone to play this fucking game

Get the HD release on switch, pirate the original DS release, I dont care, I just NEED people to see one of the greatest games ever played and truly see what a story told well in a game can be.

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2 years ago
A digital portrait of Sissel from Ghost Trick. He is rendered in a painterly style attempting to emulate the art style of Disco Elysium. The rendering is somewhat messy, and he is cast in a bright blue light. The colors are very bright and saturated.
A digital portrait of Lynne from Ghost Trick. She is rendered in a painterly style attempting to emulate the art style of Disco Elysium. The colors are somewhat dulled, with brown shadows and yellow lighting.
A digital portrait of Cabanela from Ghost Trick. He is rendered in a painterly style attempting to emulate the art style of Disco Elysium. The image is predominately blue, with dark blue shading across most of the image. The bright red scarf is the point of highest contrast.

Guy who has only played Disco Elysium: I'm getting a lot of Disco Elysium vibes from this game.

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1 year ago
HAPPY GHOST SWAP @playghosttrick!!! Disco Crossover, You Say... I See... Cockatoos. Majestic Cockatoos.

HAPPY GHOST SWAP @playghosttrick!!! Disco crossover, you say... I see... cockatoos. Majestic cockatoos. And a very disco crossover. Nothing like it, baby!


HAPPY GHOST SWAP @playghosttrick!!! Disco Crossover, You Say... I See... Cockatoos. Majestic Cockatoos.

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1 year ago
Ghost Trick

ghost trick🎉

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1 year ago




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1 year ago
Ghost Trick Moment

ghost trick moment

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1 year ago

i looked up what people were saying about the ending of ghost trick and this screenshot out of context is killing me

I Looked Up What People Were Saying About The Ending Of Ghost Trick And This Screenshot Out Of Context

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1 year ago

what if a man made a horrible mistake that would haunt him forever? and it was literally haunting him. he's a ghost. he haunts this world, and he has seen what happens when the world forgets him. he knows what it's like to not have a body, now. he can still move his around but it's just a damn puppet. can't eat, can't sleep, can't talk to loved ones because there aren't any left. can't do anything but mourn the life he could have had, mourn how much better life could have been if anything had been different that day. and what if this grief controlled him? haunted him really, haunted his narrative, made him feel like he was less than himself. every action he makes now is done because of that one moment that changed his life. he can barely even remember what things were like before. but he carries on anyway. he still hopes that things can be better for him, that things can change, that maybe he'll have something to look forward to for once. a new life. something. anything. please, just anything to try and cover up that gaping hole where a heart used to be, anything to hide the pang of loneliness that solitude brings. no matter what the cost is he at least deserves another chance, right? right? now. picture this. what if the same thing happened to a dog?

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