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5 months ago

Your help saves my children and my family from war, hunger and genocide

Hello, I am Mohmmad AL-Swasy ,l am from in the north of Gaza Strip. Despite my feeling of shame, I am writing this letter and appeal after hesitation and confusion.

Fear forced me to tell you that I have been living through a genocidal war for more than 10 months. Many times I stayed with my family after the destruction of our home and the martyrdom of my relatives, as we suffered from hunger, poverty, and lack of the minimum necessities of life, and we fled to many places. I am still afraid of losing any member of my family during the journey of displacement and suffering. There is no safety anywhere in Gaza. We have lost everything, our health, our dreams, our future, our ordinary life. I never expected in my entire life to ask for something like this or financial assistance from anyone, but the current situation Disastrous and crazy, as my family and I need this money to escape this nightmare and cross the border at a cost of approximately $75,000 in lives. Now I have no options so I created a GoFundMe link for Your Humanity to support me and my family to survive

Your Help Saves My Children And My Family From War, Hunger And Genocide

This fundraising campaign is a last resort for me to help us escape the war and reunite with the family, finally I am collecting these donations to escape with my family from this war and try to reach safety

Donate to Your help saves my children and my family from war, hunger a, organized by Mohmmad Abad AL-Swasy
Hello, I am Mohmmad AL-Swasy ,l am from in the north of Gaza … Mohmmad Abad AL-Swasy needs your support for Your help saves my children and

Your help and contribution means a lot to us, as it means compassion and solidarity for justice, and any donation from you will enrich our lives.

Your Help Saves My Children And My Family From War, Hunger And Genocide
Your Help Saves My Children And My Family From War, Hunger And Genocide

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5 months ago

Help me save my family's life

Hello, I am Abdallah al swusiis ,l am from in the north of Gaza Strip. Despite my feeling of shame, I am writing this letter and appeal after hesitation and confusion.

Fear forced me to tell you that I have been living through a genocidal war for more than 11months. Many times I stayed with my family after the destruction of our home and the martyrdom of my relatives, as we suffered from hunger, poverty, and lack of the minimum necessities of life, and we fled to many places. I am still afraid of losing any member of my family during the journey of displacement and suffering. There is no safety anywhere in Gaza. We have lost everything, our health, our dreams, our future, our ordinary life. I never expected in my entire life to ask for something like this or financial assistance from anyone, but the current situation Disastrous and crazy, as my family and I need this money to escape this nightmare and cross the border at a cost of approximately $49,200 in lives. Now I have no options so I created a GoFundMe link for Your Humanity to support me and my family to survive

Donate to Help save my family from war and famine, organized by Abdallah Sweissi
Hello, I am Abdallah al swusiis ,l am from in the north of Gaza Strip. Despit… Abdallah Sweissi needs your support for Help save my family f

This fundraising campaign is a last resort for me to help us escape the war and reunite with the family, finally I am collecting these donations to escape with my family from this war and try to reach safety

Help Me Save My Family's Life

Your help and contribution means a lot to us, as it means compassion and solidarity for justice, and any donation from you will enrich our lives.

Help Me Save My Family's Life

Help Me Save My Family's Life
Help Me Save My Family's Life

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1 year ago

﴿ وَقُل رَّبِّ ٱغۡفِرۡ وَٱرۡحَمۡ وَأَنتَ خَيۡرُ ٱلرَّٰحِمِينَ ﴾

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6 months ago

أُقيـمَت الصلاة وإنتظم المصلوُن ساووا الصفوف ثم تمزقت الأجساد صَلّوا صلاةَ مودع وودعونا 🥺💔 إنا لله وإنّا إليه راجعون

مُصلّون يسجدون للّٰه السجدة الأخيرة، وكان الفجر مُرتقَاهُم إلى الجنّة!

١٠٠ شـ*هـيـد ارتقوا زُمَرًا إلى ربّهم، من مدرسة التابعين إلى رحمة اللّٰه، بعيدًا عن هذا العالم منزوع القلب! ولا زال الجُبناء يستهدفون المدنيين، ولا زلنا نشاهد.

حقيقة لا أعلم كم مرّة حدث مثل هذا الفعل، لكنّي أعلم علم اليقين أنّهم ليسوا أرقامًا، إذ كانوا بشرًا مثلنا، وربّهم ربّنا، وفَجْرهم فَجْرنا، وكانت لهم حياة، وقصص، وأحلام مثلنا وأكثر،

فيا رب اجزهم بما صبروا جنةً وحريرًا، وحسبنا اللّٰه ونعم الوكيل

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6 years ago

اللهم غزه واهلها وجميع بلاد المسلمين

اللهم عليك بهم فأنهم لا يعجزونك

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1 year ago

‏اللهم مع هذا الفجر أنصر عبادك المستضعفين في فلسطين وارحم ضعفهم

اللهم احفظ فلسطين و اهلها

اللهم انصر اخواننا المرابطين في فلسطين

اللهم ثبت اقدامهم و انزل السكينة على قلوبهم وايدهم بنصر من عندك

اللهم اجمع كلمتهم و اجمع صفوفهم

اللهم احقن دمائهم و احفظ ارواحهم و استر اعراضهم

اللهم عليك بالمعتدين فإنهم لا يعجزونك و أرنا فيهم عجائب قدرتك

اللهم أنزل عليهم بأسك وغضبك يارب العالمين

اللهم كمَا جَعلْتها برْدًا وسلَامًا عَلى سيدنا إبراهيم؛ فاجْعلها بردًا وسلامًا عَلى عِبَادِك من أهل غَـزَّة

اللهم كُن لهم عونًا ونصيرًا وأمِدَّهم بمدَدٍ من عندك يا ذو القوة المتين يا قويّ يا عزيز 🤲🏻

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1 year ago

‏{وَلَا تَحْسَبَنَّ اللَّهَ غَافِلًا عَمَّا يَعْمَلُ الظَّالِمُونَ إِنَّمَا يُؤَخِّرُهُمْ لِيَوْمٍ تَشْخَصُ فِيهِ الْأَبْصَارُ}

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حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل 💔

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1 year ago

‏تقبّل منا قليلنا

نحنُ الذّين جِئناكَ بالدُعاء

وهُم جاؤوك بالأرواح يا الله 💔

‏اللهُم سدّد الرمي، وثبت الأقدام، واربط على القلوب، وقوِ العزائم

وحقق النصر يا رب 🤲🏻

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1 year ago

‏تخيل تكون رايح تغطي خبر صحفي

تلاقي أشلاء عيلتك هي الخبر الصحفي

«الصحفي معتز العزايزة»

ربنا يثبت عليه عقله ودينه ويصب عليه الصبر صبًا 😢

يا وجع القلب 💔💔

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1 year ago

لسنا بأجسادنا معكم نقاتل لكن دُعائنا بالنصر لكم سلاح 🇵🇸

اللهم إنا نستودعك اهلنا في فلسطين - غزة كن معهم يارب

اللهم أمطر على القدس فرج و نصر عظيم تطهره من رجس المعتدين 🤲🏻

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11 months ago

للفجر رائحة شهية وصوت عذب من السماء ليخبر أهل الأرض أن الله أكبر

‏اللهُمَّ أطعم أهل غزَّة، وأشبع جائعهم، وهون عليهم صيامهم

اللهُمَّ أطعم أهل غزَّة، وأشبع جائعهم، وهون عليهم صيامهم

اللهُمَّ أطعم أهل غزَّة، وأشبع جائعهم، وهون عليهم صيامهم

اللهُمَّ أطعم أهل غزَّة، وأشبع جائعهم، وهون عليهم صيامهم 🤲🏻

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9 months ago

‏اللّٰهُمَّ جُندك الذي لا يهزم وكن لهم عونًا ونصيرًا 🤲🏻 🇵🇸

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