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An old drawing I made of Katsumi from @actuallyrea magical girl series Prism!!!!
MY ocs always pass by at least one of my Besties. Is a whole queer conference about the plot and design.
Prism Jojo Stands
Inspired by Ginja’s oc in other magical girl series I got bored and decided to make jojo stands for their oc’s
Hokoto Kusanagi Stand Name: Uncaged Avian (Free Bird) Stand appearance: Free Bird Manifest as feminine avian humanoid, the feather that adorn the stand are photo, when activating act 2 the photos show Kaleidoscope images. Stand ability: Free Bird act 1 is able to take pictures of individuals and with said image is able to exert some level of control over them or if it of the person face see through their eyes or talk through their mouths. Free Bird act 2 the pictures taken by this stand can warp the reality to an extent, or disorient foes Not an actual ability but Hokoto can use Free Bird to see Stand stats: Free Bird Act 1 Destructive Power- C Speed- C Range- D Stamina- A Precision- B Development Potential- B Free Bird Act 2 Destructive Power- B Speed- D Range- B Stamina- D Precision- C Development Potential- C
Yu Uyeda Stand Name: Vermin Group (Rat Pack) Stand Appearance: The stand takes the form of a white robotic mouse without a face Stand ability: Rat Pack can change the appearance of itself, its user or someone of its user choosing gaining the ability of said person Stand Stats Destructive Power- C Speed- A Range- D Stamina- C Precision- D Development Potential- B
Eimi Tenko Stand Name: Rock Reynard (Stone Fox) Stand Appearance: A humanoid fox shorter then Eimi Stand ability: Stone Fox can mark a target or it user giving them an orbit. Destructive power- B Speed- C Range- B Stamina- A Precision- D Development Potential- A
Katsumi Karayami Stand Name: What New Pussy Cat Stand appearance: Stand Manifest as a golden cat with rainbow accents Stand ability: A similar stand to an OC of mine “One Great City” act 1 with the ability to manipulate objects it touched mostly to strike individuals at a distance or create a dome (basically earthbending but with everything the stand touches). A bit of a cop out but I didn’t know how to correlate her power to a stand power Destructive Power- A Speed- B Range- C Stamina- B Precision- B Development Potential- D
Azumi Urumi Stand Name: Little Rabbit Stand appearance: The stand manifest as two playboy bunny girls holding jump rope handles in each hand Stand ability: Basically a deadly double dutch. Through either walking between them or Azumi activating them the stand begin to double dutch with semi unbreakable ropes that will gradually pick to point of being able to slice things. Destructive Power- A Speed B Range- F Stamina- A Precision- B Development potential- E