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Glass Joe Masterlist

Glass Joe Masterlist

Glass Joe Masterlist
Glass Joe Masterlist
Glass Joe Masterlist

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Glass Joe Masterlist


(Request) (Very Fluffy) Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons


(Working on it!) (Request) (Fluff) Busy Weekend - Glass Joe X Reader

Glass Joe Masterlist

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Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons

Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons

Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons
Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons
Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons

Requested by: I forgor Warnings: None Readers Gender: Gender Neutral Fanfic Type: Headcanons Fanfic Genre: Fluff Word Count: 436

Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons

• Not to stereotype or anything, but Joe's such a gentlemen.

• Through out first meeting his S/O to dating them he's quite a wholesome man (cough).

• Does whatever he can to make his S/O the happiest possible.

• Joe doubts himself sometimes thinking his S/O would be better off with someone else more successful.

• But his S/O remindshim of how much they love him for who he really is, even if he may not be the best boxer in the WVBA, but he's got the heart and spirit of a true champ.

• Has a thing of leaning against his S/O wether they're taller or shorter then him.

• Joe pretty much coos out praise and nicknames in French toward his partner (doesn't matter if his S/O understands what he says or not, cause they'll most likely know what he's doing just by the tone of his voice alone).

• Joe's favourite spots to kiss his S/O are their hands, cheeks, and lips (sometimes the side of their neck if he's really feeling affectionate or wants attention, and gentle whispering against their ear.).

• Joe just loves taking his S/O to cafe's whenever they go on a date. The atmosphere is just so calming and nice, it's the perfect place to hang out!

• Joe and S/O talk for hours whilst eating bread, croissants, and wine.

• Joe's subtle on his teasing. Unlike Don and Tiger being absolute teases when they can be toward their S/O's, Joe does it when it really counts, and hits his  S/O hard, and it's an absolute joy for Joe to see their reaction every time.

• If his S/O wants to learn French from Joe, he'd be absolutely flattered to teach them (he would also blush really hard from them wanting to get closer to him this way).

• I can imagine a scenario were Joe's S/O walks up to him one day, thinking of what they wanted to say in French to him, something really romantic. They try to mutter out what they wanted to say in French and they end up messing up feeling too embarrassed to continue anymore. Joe's heart would just melt seeing them trying to attempt it. Even if he only understood like half of it, he knew what they were trying to say. Joe finds it absolutely adorable and so sweet praising them for their efforts.

• So what's Joe like around the other boxers with his S/O? Pretty much the same as when they're not around them (may or may not get more protective around his S/O when Aran Ryan's around, he doesn't trust him nor like him).

Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons

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