desired-fantasy-writings - I Consume All That Is Fictional (Requests Open!)
I Consume All That Is Fictional (Requests Open!)

Full-Time Procrastinator - Fictional Multifandom Blog • I post whenever I don't have a schedule. • SFW and NSFW blog. No kiddos allowed 18+ only. This is stricly an adult only fictional multifandom writing blog. Minors who follow or reblog any of my work will be blocked.

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Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons

Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons

Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons

Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons
Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons
Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons

Requested by: I forgor Warnings: None Readers Gender: Gender Neutral Fanfic Type: Headcanons Fanfic Genre: Fluff Word Count: 436

Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons

• Not to stereotype or anything, but Joe's such a gentlemen.

• Through out first meeting his S/O to dating them he's quite a wholesome man (cough).

• Does whatever he can to make his S/O the happiest possible.

• Joe doubts himself sometimes thinking his S/O would be better off with someone else more successful.

• But his S/O remindshim of how much they love him for who he really is, even if he may not be the best boxer in the WVBA, but he's got the heart and spirit of a true champ.

• Has a thing of leaning against his S/O wether they're taller or shorter then him.

• Joe pretty much coos out praise and nicknames in French toward his partner (doesn't matter if his S/O understands what he says or not, cause they'll most likely know what he's doing just by the tone of his voice alone).

• Joe's favourite spots to kiss his S/O are their hands, cheeks, and lips (sometimes the side of their neck if he's really feeling affectionate or wants attention, and gentle whispering against their ear.).

• Joe just loves taking his S/O to cafe's whenever they go on a date. The atmosphere is just so calming and nice, it's the perfect place to hang out!

• Joe and S/O talk for hours whilst eating bread, croissants, and wine.

• Joe's subtle on his teasing. Unlike Don and Tiger being absolute teases when they can be toward their S/O's, Joe does it when it really counts, and hits his  S/O hard, and it's an absolute joy for Joe to see their reaction every time.

• If his S/O wants to learn French from Joe, he'd be absolutely flattered to teach them (he would also blush really hard from them wanting to get closer to him this way).

• I can imagine a scenario were Joe's S/O walks up to him one day, thinking of what they wanted to say in French to him, something really romantic. They try to mutter out what they wanted to say in French and they end up messing up feeling too embarrassed to continue anymore. Joe's heart would just melt seeing them trying to attempt it. Even if he only understood like half of it, he knew what they were trying to say. Joe finds it absolutely adorable and so sweet praising them for their efforts.

• So what's Joe like around the other boxers with his S/O? Pretty much the same as when they're not around them (may or may not get more protective around his S/O when Aran Ryan's around, he doesn't trust him nor like him).

Glass Joe Relationship Headcanons
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Great Tiger Relationship Headcanons

Great Tiger Relationship Headcanons

Great Tiger Relationship Headcanons
Great Tiger Relationship Headcanons
Great Tiger Relationship Headcanons

Request by?: I forgor

Warnings: None

Readers Gender: Gender Neutral

Fanfic Type: Headcanon

Fanfic Genre: Fluff

Word Count: 388

Click here to go to the Great Tiger Masterlist!

Great Tiger Relationship Headcanons

• He won't let anyone stop him from teasing his S/O any chance he got.

• An absolutely ruthless tease, even more then Don Flamenco is.

• Tiger loves pampering his S/O, wether it be gifts, food and affection.

• Is quite flirtatious, even more so a bit touchy. 

• Physical affection is everything to him to the honest. 

• Tiger has a way with words as well. With a voice like his there's no doubt that it would make anyone flustered and feel like they're under his spell. 

• Depending on height different, Tiger leaves soft kisses to the forehead, hands, neck, and lips if his S/O is short. If his S/O is tall? Well nothing would change since he can levitate and all.

• Tiger's S/O is one of the few people to ever see or touch his beautiful brown locks of hair (once enough trust is built among each other of course).

• Tiger will use his clones to mess with his S/O, wether to tease them or just annoy them for fun. 

• Why travel by airplane or car when Tiger's S/O has a magical man right in front of them? They can literally go wherever. (But if his S/O wants to take a longer look around them they'll travel by his magic carpet). 

• (What Tiger's doing with his magic is t o t a l l y legal guys). 

• Since Tiger is very popular in his home country Mumbai, India, his S/O should expect the press to get on their ass, and whenever they do Tiger just teleports the both of them away. 

• Tiger gets annoyed by this every time cause all he wants to do is show his S/O the wonders of his home country then worry about the press later. (Putting on disguises or something would be the only way for Tiger's S/O and him to explore his country fully without getting bombarded on).

• Is quite cocky inside and outside the ring. (I believe it's cause of his magical ability, but I could be wrong). With that in mind, Tiger will not hesitate to show his full extent of his magic around his S/O to impress them (if they're interested to see that is). 

• What's Tiger like around the other boxers with his S/O? Even more of a tease and a flirt. It's a way to show off, but he also just doesn't give a damn what the others think like Bear does, so he's obviously a huge fan of PDA.  

• And besides, he sees his S/O as his glorious majesty after all, and he'll treat them as such no matter who they're around.

Great Tiger Relationship Headcanons

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Neon J Masterlist

Neon J Masterlist

Neon J Masterlist
Neon J Masterlist
Neon J Masterlist

Please read the rules before requesting!

Neon J Masterlist


(Request) (Fluff) Neon J with shy S/O (Request) (Fluff) Neon J with S/O who has random mood swings (Fluff) Neon J's reaction to receiving flowers from his S/O (Request) (Fluff) Neon J with a super serious S/O who cracks up at the silliest things (Request) (Fluff) Neon J with a silly outgoing S/O

Neon J Masterlist

Tags :
(Most) NSR Characters Reaction To Receiving Flowers From Their S/O

(Most) NSR characters reaction to receiving flowers from their S/O

(Most) NSR Characters Reaction To Receiving Flowers From Their S/O
(Most) NSR Characters Reaction To Receiving Flowers From Their S/O
(Most) NSR Characters Reaction To Receiving Flowers From Their S/O

Request by: I forgor

Warnings: None

Readers Gender: Gender Neutral

Fanfic Type: Headcanon

Fanfic Genre: Fluff

Word Count: 1028

(Most) NSR Characters Reaction To Receiving Flowers From Their S/O


For being the chillest dude in the city, he honestly grows confused, yet flattered. He isn't much into flowers, but he appreciates them never the less with a growing blush on his cheeks. He's never gotten flowers from anyone before, but he'd rather buy his S/O flowers instead cause he loves to see their reaction (including giving them lots of kisses right after.)

DK West

Same as Zuke (cause he's his older brother obviously, duh) but acts very excitable as he picks his S/O up in a big bear hug. He's quite surprised they did something quite out of the norm, but he appreciates their enthusiasm when they show him the flowers with a jolly yet anxious look on their face. 


Oh boy. If you thought she was already cracked, she'd be even more cracked tossing the thought of personal space out the window when her S/O gives her flowers. She's always excited getting anything from her S/O in general really, but the flowers they picked out were her favourite colour (and they smelt nice.) Since she lives in a sewer, she couldn't keep the poor things alive. Zuke told her so after all.


Poor thing grows into a blushing mess, basically speechless. She's just so appreciative while loving the generous gift. The flowers that her S/O gifted her gave Eve the inspiration she needed for her next art piece. This new sense of inspiration lead Eve to taking the flowers (including their S/O) to her studio and started a new project that evolved all around them, the flowers, and every amount of love Eve has for her S/O into it. 


Doesn't seem amused or impressed by them at first, but she takes the flowers from her S/O and thanks them anyway. Tatiana is quite a softy when she's alone so when no ones looking (including her S/O) she's able to finally use a somewhat-expensive-vase that was the perfect size for the flowers, leaving them in her office. When her S/O comes up to her office, they seem them on the table while Tatiana admired them. Let's just say after that happened Tatiana and her S/O have an "argument" about who's the cutest one now in their relationship. 

Neon J

He finds it weird at first (regardless of his S/O's gender) Neon only acted like this not to hurt their feelings of course, but this was just something he wasn't used to. Time passed by until Neon grew flustered, but his S/O caught him read-handed, pulling him into a hug. Neon J admits it while hugging them back, no longer being able to hide it behind his tough exterior anymore.

Rin (1010)

Would be in complete shock. He thought it was supposed to be the other way around. The bouquet of camellia's where beautiful to his eyes though. He's quite flattered either way, (and very blushy) and doesn't know what to say or do. Being the emotional robot Rin was, he almost bursts into tears, but holds them in and brings his S/O in a bone crushing hug after snapping himself out of his shocked state.

Zimelu (1010)

His face is as bright as a lava lamp once he sees a bouquet of amaryllis's in his S/O's hands. He felt strange receiving flowers, but thankfully takes them into his hands with a quick thank you. He basically turns very tsundere. He won't admit it, but after he received the flowers, he immediately looks for a vase and got them all nice and pretty on his nightstand right by the window, admiring them.

Purl-Hew (1010)

Acts very tsundere receiving the flowers. They were gorgeous blue flowers. He tries to hide his blushing, bright cheeks, but fails miserably. He also tries to hide a growing smile on his face. If him and his S/O are alone, he'd hold them close and kiss them all over their face. Since he's too shy to speak at that moment, his actions spoke for him.

Haym (1010)

Knowing how Haym is receiving any gift from his S/O, he was a thrilled blushy boy after receiving the bouquet of blue violets. Yeah, they'll die eventually, but it's the meaning behind the flower and the thought that counts! Haym showers his S/O with affection after receiving them.

Eloni (1010)

Doesn't know how to react to the bouquet of pink roses. He was pretty shocked. His cheeks grew the brightest they've ever been, blinding their S/O's eyes slightly. He apologizes and says he can't help it with a giant smile on his face while picking up his S/O to take them to his room to shower then with affection.


DJ's reaction was... not too pleasant at first. He acted like his egotistical self, but he was a bit more rude about it (cause of his masculinity, but he wouldn't tell his S/O that) He kept calling them simpleton, but not in a joking way like he usually would. This left his S/O saddened, feeling tears start falling down their eyes. They begin to walk away as the flowers plopped on the ground. After hearing them leave, DJ huffs, feeling bad that he reacted the way he did. He turns around in his chair to see the flowers on the ground. They were a mixture of colours just like the galaxy. DJ then realized he fucked up, getting up to grab the flowers and looked for his S/O. He felt his heart sink as he quickly grabbed his phone to call them. Not to get too personal or anything, but when his S/O picked up, DJ was already driving to their house to cater and love them to apologize for him being such an asshole. 


This rat of a man acts quite tsundere. He acts like he's upset and despises the flowers, but truly he doesn't. He's always appreciated and loved plants, but he wouldn't tell his S/O that so they could embarrass him even more with their way of expressing their love and affection for him.

(Most) NSR Characters Reaction To Receiving Flowers From Their S/O

Tags :
Don Flamenco W/ A S/O Who's Introverted And Not Good At Relationships

Don Flamenco w/ a S/O who's introverted and not good at relationships

Don Flamenco W/ A S/O Who's Introverted And Not Good At Relationships
Don Flamenco W/ A S/O Who's Introverted And Not Good At Relationships
Don Flamenco W/ A S/O Who's Introverted And Not Good At Relationships

Request by: I forgor

Warnings: None

Readers Gender: Gender Neutral

Fanfic Type: Headcanon

Fanfic Genre: Fluff

Word Count: 633

Don Flamenco W/ A S/O Who's Introverted And Not Good At Relationships

• You'd think a person like Don and his S/O would never meet, let along even date, but it somehow ended up working out. 

• Despite their differences in the social aspect of things, they surprisingly got along very well. 

• Once his S/O started opening up to him a little while after Carmen broke up with Don, he went completely over heels for them (it didn't happen over night though obviously).

• Who would have thought behind his S/O's stand-off-ish attitude and always avoiding any type of interaction or attention when they could would be this... complex? Interesting? Compelling? Even more so beautiful/handsome? Basically Don saw his S/O almost like a completely different person then who he first met. 

• Don officially knew his S/O was truly the one when he went against the first match with Little Max and knocked off his toupee. Don obviously freaked out and saw Carmen stomp off in a huff, and he felt completely shatter right then and there. 

• Even when he was feeling the way he was, and one of his worse flaws about him was revealed to the public, his S/O didn't leave once, not even having a face of disgust or resentment. Since they saw Carmen leave because of what happened as well, all they did was smile sadly toward Don, giving the look of "forget her you can do this". 

• Something in Don's heart that night sparked something in him, making him even forget Carmen walked out on him, but in the heat of sadness and rage he didn't realize it was him falling in love all over again.

• Even with Don's new rage he didn't win against the smaller boxer, leaving Don ashamed and absolute defeated from Little Mac taking his belt and knocking off his toupee, and guess who stayed by his side? His S/O. 

• Don never forget that night, asking his S/O out a couple months later. Even if it was S/O was hesitant about them being together explaining to Don about how bad they were with relationships, and how they weren't a people person, Don shut their self-doubting ass up by giving them the most passionate kiss he's ever given anyone. 

• With that kiss alone and how furious Don was at their self doubt, his S/O said yes in the most sweetest, angelic way ever while flustered (all it did was cause Don to furiously kiss them again and again).

• Now that the two were together, they improved from each other really. Don's S/O was slowly getting better with people, and even made efforts to learn to be a better partner, and Don became more considerate and patient. 

• Even if there were some arguments about either his S/O not texting him if they're out for long periods of time, keeping things that bother them inside themselves, or just straight up forgetting what even giving affection is like and ignoring Don sometimes, but in the end they both learned from it either way. 

• Don is still super affectionate and always teasing his S/O, and willingly tells everyone and the press how amazing of a person they are (since his S/O doesn't want to be on camera, he'll respect their wishes).

• When they're alone Don goes haywire on teasing and flirting with his S/O, causing his S/O to get "annoyed", brushing everything he says off (it's only because they're embarrassed and actually really loves all the love and praise that they receive from Don, but they don't want to admit it).

Don Flamenco W/ A S/O Who's Introverted And Not Good At Relationships

Tags :
Eve Masterlist

Eve Masterlist

Eve Masterlist
Eve Masterlist
Eve Masterlist

Please read the rules before requesting!

Eve Masterlist


(Request) (Fluff) Eve's reaction to receiving flowers from her S/O (Request) (Fluff) Eve with a super serious S/O who cracks up at the silliest things (Request) (Fluff) Eve with a silly outgoing S/O

Eve Masterlist

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