God Someone Write This Or I Will And It Will Not Be In Order - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

You know what I want in life?

More Skull from KHR

we already have the HP/KHR crossovers and the BAMF!Skull but we don’t have this;

Southern Skull

like American Southern,

give me the accent, the condescending compliments the subtle insults— and better yet, almost all of the Arcobaleno have no idea that he‘s being completely insincere and calling Reborn a b*tchy little hoe in between all those ‘Honey’s’ and ’darlin’s’ —

Right up until they find out the Carcassa is a branch of an American mob family (that Skull may or may not lead) and someone enlightens them that those flowers Skull gave them that They put in the vase in the dining room were basically telling the receiver to go fuck themselves and that Skull is apparently the most passive aggressive motherf*cker alive

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