Goodbye School Of Dragons - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I didn't play School of Dragons before it's shutting down, and I'm sad because of that.

I play this game for so long, so many years. I haven't played this game for a while because of my works. And I didn't notice that they gonna shutting down this game until today.

I tried to play the game of the last time, but I can't get in the game! I don't know why, but I'm sad that I haven't said farewell any of my dragons, or take the last flight with them.

So, I want to farewell them in this post. I don't want to forget any of them.

My first dragons, Chaka the Rumblehorn. I'm glad to have she in my first day.

My beloved partner, Pyro the Deathgripper. I never regretted for stealing him from Grimmel.

Silverwind the Deadly Nadder.

Loog Laik the Hideous Zippleback.

Rona the Gronckle.

Vipery the Monstrous Nightmare.

Moo the Whispering Death.

Coldy the Groncicle.

Sparkling the Armorwing.

Bias the Eruptodon.

Tempest the Singetail.

Elderwood the Sentinel. This gramps is my latest member and I really love him.

And all of my baby.

Charzam the baby Gronckle.

Mew Meow the baby Hideous Zippleback.

Breath the baby Boneknapper. I want him to grow up so bad.

And the little Fightmare that didn't hatched...

"Thank you... For everything..."


I’m Sad. I still didn’t hatch my flightmare’s egg, I still didn't get my beloved Pyro into his titan age, I didn't have the last flight with Pyro... And I’m sad I didn’t stay with my dragons in the last time.


Edit: I can get back to the game! And I found mistaken some of my dragon's name, I have to fix that-

Also, I hatched the little Flightmare before it shut down. His name is DarkNight!

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