School Of Dragons - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
I Know Many Of My Followers Not Know About This Game Or Even Care About It, But It Will Shut Down, Got

I know many of my followers not know about this game or even care about it, but… it will shut down, got many memories, good and bad, still appreciate every single one, if anyone here that plays and likes this game wants to save it, please sign this petition:

It can be free or with donations

This campaign needs you now
Save School of Dragons

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1 year ago

I picked Dart and fell in love

I Loved This Moment When You Got To Pick A Night Light To Have For Free And To Train, And I Picked Pouncer
I Loved This Moment When You Got To Pick A Night Light To Have For Free And To Train, And I Picked Pouncer

I loved this moment when you got to pick a night light to have for free and to train, and I picked pouncer when i went through this quest originally and he has been my favorite ever since

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1 year ago

I didn't play School of Dragons before it's shutting down, and I'm sad because of that.

I play this game for so long, so many years. I haven't played this game for a while because of my works. And I didn't notice that they gonna shutting down this game until today.

I tried to play the game of the last time, but I can't get in the game! I don't know why, but I'm sad that I haven't said farewell any of my dragons, or take the last flight with them.

So, I want to farewell them in this post. I don't want to forget any of them.

My first dragons, Chaka the Rumblehorn. I'm glad to have she in my first day.

My beloved partner, Pyro the Deathgripper. I never regretted for stealing him from Grimmel.

Silverwind the Deadly Nadder.

Loog Laik the Hideous Zippleback.

Rona the Gronckle.

Vipery the Monstrous Nightmare.

Moo the Whispering Death.

Coldy the Groncicle.

Sparkling the Armorwing.

Bias the Eruptodon.

Tempest the Singetail.

Elderwood the Sentinel. This gramps is my latest member and I really love him.

And all of my baby.

Charzam the baby Gronckle.

Mew Meow the baby Hideous Zippleback.

Breath the baby Boneknapper. I want him to grow up so bad.

And the little Fightmare that didn't hatched...

"Thank you... For everything..."


I’m Sad. I still didn’t hatch my flightmare’s egg, I still didn't get my beloved Pyro into his titan age, I didn't have the last flight with Pyro... And I’m sad I didn’t stay with my dragons in the last time.


Edit: I can get back to the game! And I found mistaken some of my dragon's name, I have to fix that-

Also, I hatched the little Flightmare before it shut down. His name is DarkNight!

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1 year ago

Thank you for everything, School of Dragons.

Goodbye and thank you. I have so much great memories with my dragons.

At least, I stay with them all before it's end.

Thank You For Everything, School Of Dragons.

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1 year ago

🎃!Happy Halloween!🎃

I just wasted all of my strength in Domenic story and don't have enough energy to do anything right now so... I'm gonna my old Halloween art from my DeviantArt here. I hope you like it!

On of my Oc in Halloween costume!
!Happy Halloween!

This art is from School of Dragons Halloween event Dreadfall 2022: Grave Danger.

I like that event, I think the story is really good. It's really scared me out when I played in the midnight-

!Happy Halloween!

...I missed flying with my Dragon ;(

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1 year ago

School of Dragons is being shut down

Putting all my Dragons and OCs here

Goodbye to My OC Character

Nadia Zapura Drekimakt

Raised Hunter turned Dragon Rider

School Of Dragons Is Being Shut Down

Goodbye to My First Dragon: Blizzardflew

A Titan Deadly Nadder

School Of Dragons Is Being Shut Down
School Of Dragons Is Being Shut Down
School Of Dragons Is Being Shut Down

Technically, my first dragon was a Gronkle but that was when I started out as a guest. So

Goodbye to my Gronkle: CuddlesR

You were the cutest Rock eater

School Of Dragons Is Being Shut Down

Goodbye School of Dragons hope the best and thank you for the memories.

P.S: Probably going to update with more photos of OC and Dragons.

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9 months ago

I miss SoD SO MUCH!!!!

Had A Dreadstrider In School Of Dragons, His Name Was Phantasmist And I Loved Him So Much I Mourn Him
Had A Dreadstrider In School Of Dragons, His Name Was Phantasmist And I Loved Him So Much I Mourn Him

Had a dreadstrider in school of dragons, his name was Phantasmist and I loved him so much I mourn him in a black gown and look out my window with a longing expression for my glowing beast

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1 year ago

poll time!

personally I loved pixie hollow and poptropica. I fully expect club penguin to win this, but maybe I'll be surprised. please reblog for sample size, I'm really curious to see the results of this one!

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1 year ago
I Would Say Goodbye My Sweet Friend, But Goodbyes Have Always Made My Throat Hurt.

I would say goodbye my sweet friend, but goodbyes have always made my throat hurt.

So for now I will say I’ll see you around and thank you, thank you for being with me for almost a decade, for bing there in my ups and downs. I always went back to you and your fellow dragons. Have fun in your own hidden world and take care of the others.

And thank you. Thank you to Piff. Thank you for the memories. Thank you to all of the School of Dragons staff and developers for making a game so worthwhile I cry when it’s gone. Thank you. ❤️

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2 years ago

Introducing! My titan wing Stormcutter Kuvar

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2 years ago

Meet DeathStinger!!! I just got him and I'm already in love!!😍😍😍

Meet DeathStinger!!! I Just Got Him And I'm Already In Love!!
Meet DeathStinger!!! I Just Got Him And I'm Already In Love!!
Meet DeathStinger!!! I Just Got Him And I'm Already In Love!!
Meet DeathStinger!!! I Just Got Him And I'm Already In Love!!
Meet DeathStinger!!! I Just Got Him And I'm Already In Love!!

My as well call me the School of dragons photography queen😌👑

Click for better picture 📸

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2 years ago

DeathStinger's Backstory

DeathStinger's Backstory

When Airis, Hiccup, and Fishlegs are fighting Griselda's Goregripper no one notices the second Goregripper standing in the cage that Griselda's Gorgripper came out of. When the Goregripper standing in the cage sees this tiny human defeat this giant Goregripper he decides he won't attack like he's been raised to do. As he slowly walks out of the cage Hiccup and Fishlegs notice him, and start saying they need to knock him out as well before he attacks them, however Airis notice he is acting exactly like WarTooth was when she was stranded with him on those small islands. She tells Hiccup and Fishlegs to back off and that she's got this. As soon as Airis touches the Goregripper he melts into her touch. Right then and there the Goregripper decided to stay with "this nice human". During the next few weeks the newly named DeathStinger follows Airis around like a lost puppy, the only down side is that he growls at anyone who gets to close, but Airis and her dragons work hard to train him to be the best dragon he could possibly be.

DeathStinger's Backstory

Click for better picture 📸

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2 years ago

Kuvar's Backstory

Kuvar's Backstory

When Airis went out exploring one day with Aspyn she stumbled upon a dead adult Stormcutter. Looking closer she seen it was a female, worrying that it might have a baby somewhere near by she went to look in the cave just behind the Stormcutter, however when she heard footsteps she ran and hid in the brush with Aspyn. Much to her surprise Airis seen her father walking out of the cave dragging a small Stormcutter behind him. Her anger rose when he threw the Stormcutter on the ground in front of him and raised his axe. Airis quickly had Aspyn shot the axe away and stood in front of the small Stormcutter. Her father yelled at her for getting in the way of him "riding these beast from this world", however when Airis took off her helmet and revealed herself to him he stood there speechless. Airis was no happier than he was to see the man she ran away from for almost killing Aspyn. Will anger her father retreated knowing he couldn't fight his daughter and her dragon as well. When Airis turned to the small Stormcutter she realized it was actually a teen that was just way smaller than normal. The poor thing was cowering in fear, but with patience she was able to half hold the small Stormcutter and comfort it. The later named Kuvar didn't stay small for long however, because of the strong bond between Airis and Kuvar he turned into a Titan wing, becoming one of the biggest Stormcutter's to ever live. Kuvar trusted Airis with his life and she trusted him with hers.

Kuvar's Backstory

Click for better picture 📸

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2 years ago

Love this animation so much 😫😵‍💫😍

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7 years ago
Nikora Stole-Your-Queen (actually Its Stormheart) From School Of Dragons And Mala. Queen Mala.Anyway

Nikora Stole-Your-Queen (actually it’s Stormheart) from School of Dragons and Mala. Queen Mala. Anyway that’s better than Dagla :^} m I r8

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6 years ago

Apparently I'm into 3D now as well.

Before I spam my pencil sketches I did a lot last times, I'd show something more complicated I was working on.

Do you know this guy? Harald Forkbeard from School of Dragons. No less cheeky and sly antagonist, on pretty much RTTE lvl. Someone even called him "diet Viggo" which got me so hard xD

Apparently I'm Into 3D Now As Well.

Anyway, this is him now, feel old yet???

Apparently I'm Into 3D Now As Well.

Okay, joke. It's just me, stole the model from the game, rigged it at first, but then went farrer and remastered it. And added face controllers, able to animate him now.

Apparently I'm Into 3D Now As Well.

At least now I know I can make models that will look good after.

Apparently I'm Into 3D Now As Well.

Yay for me.

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6 years ago

Update, pirates invaded into open space and shamessly dancing in there

Update, Pirates Invaded Into Open Space And Shamessly Dancing In There

Apparently I’m into 3D now as well.

Before I spam my pencil sketches I did a lot last times, I’d show something more complicated I was working on.

Do you know this guy? Harald Forkbeard from School of Dragons. No less cheeky and sly antagonist, on pretty much RTTE lvl. Someone even called him “diet Viggo” which got me so hard xD

Apparently Im Into 3D Now As Well.

Anyway, this is him now, feel old yet???

Apparently Im Into 3D Now As Well.

Okay, joke. It’s just me, stole the model from the game, rigged it at first, but then went farrer and remastered it. And added face controllers, able to animate him now.

Apparently Im Into 3D Now As Well.

At least now I know I can make models that will look good after.

Apparently Im Into 3D Now As Well.

Yay for me.

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