Gore Movie - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

For more context, I've already watched a considerable amount of disturbing movies. I want to know if this one has some meaning (or at least a plot) or if it's just a compilation of gore scenes made for perverts with disgusting fetishes (*ahem* Lucifer Valentine *ahem*).

For More Context, I've Already Watched A Considerable Amount Of Disturbing Movies. I Want To Know If

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6 months ago

Watching Begotten (1989) so you don't have to

Watching Begotten (1989) So You Don't Have To

I decided to watch it on "Effed Up Movies", since they're not afraid to show the original, uncut versions of lots of disturbing movies. The entire film has 1 hour and 12 minutes, but because it's supposed to be disturbing I quess they would feel like three hours.

The site provides us with a short summary, but I decided not to read it because Spoilers. However, here it says that the actors are playing God, Mother Earth and Son of Earth respectively, which already sounds quite interesting.

TW: Gore, Rape, Sexual Violence, Self-Harm, Necrophilia & Torture.

-1:11:31: Like a flame burning away the darkness/Life is flesh on bone convulsing above the ground.

The movie has a very eerie, melancholic atmosphere, which can be both peaceful and uncomfortable depending on how you view it. The film seems to be made in the late 1890s to early 1900, judging by the b/w pallete and the poor camera quality, where you barely distinguish any sort of details. None of the characters is talking, there's barely any background music and the nature sounds are the main soundtrack.

We see a small, seemingly abandoned house, where a man tied to a chair whose face is covered by a cloth mask is suffering. There is blood everywhere. Blood flowing from his mouth, blood splashing on the walls and floor, blood on his clothes. The man then proceeds to stab himself repetitively and takes out his own organs. He doesn't seem to be in pain as much as any other person in his place would be. However, the entire moment isn't presented in the same grotesque, horrifying manner many people would think of. It's rather disgusting and repulsing, and a short view of his feet defiled by his fecels as he's excreting only adds to this impression.

A woman wearing a masquerade mask that covers only her eyes suddenly appears. She walks around the room until she notices him, then takes his penis and starts to rub it until it ejaculates. She lifts her skirt and fills herself with his sperm, impregnating herself. She's already pregnant when she's burying him, since we get some quick shots of her enormous womb as she's looking at his coffin. Months later, she gives birth to a deformed child, whom she abandoned.

We see him as an already grown man, covered in mud and laying on the ground. He has violent spasms, moving his limbs and chest erratically. He finally opens his mouth and lets out a deep growl, probably taking his very first breath. Despite being already physically developed, he looks like a Frankenstein-like type of figure, meaning that he thinks and acts like a child since the world is still new to him.

A group of mysterious people wearing robes with hoods pass by him, carrying lanterns and rods. They look like some sort of monks, of perhaps the members of an obscure cult. They're surrounding him, all of them starring at his throbbing body. They bind him and carry him away, as he's still shaking violently. They proceed to torment him, covering his mouth so that he would no longer scream, beating him, torturing him, cannibalizing him. He's then covered with some sort of a robe as the mysterious group of men drag him towards a fire. We get an explicit scene of him laying on his back and spasming as the top of his head is slowly melting. Meanwhile the mysterious men are stabbing him, causing him to vomit.

The group of men then returns him back to the forest and leave him alone for a while. His mother turns back to him and puts a rope around his neck as if he would put a dog on a leash, forcing him to crawl behind her.

The mysterious group of men observe her and watch them for a while. They then seize the mother and hit her son in the head, making him bleed. One of them cuts his genitalia for no particular reason, then hits his mother with a rod too. The woman falls unconscious, and they begin to undress, grope, mutilate her privates and force themselves on her. They repeteadly stab her to death. We get a short yet visible shot of them ejaculating on her corpse as well.

In the next scene we see her son kneeling next to her body and mourning her, before the men take her away. Now, we don't see clearly what are they doing to her, but honestly I would prefer not to graphically describe this moment, especially because it possibly involves necrophilia and grotesque fetishes. Finally, they throw her remainings into a cauldron and carry it away.

Meanwhile, her son is crawling on earth, until some men from the group find him, put him in a sack and beat him until he dies. We see two men carrying the cauldron until they reach a spring. On the other side, the rest of the group pulls out the son's organs, put them in pouches and squeeze them with the rods.

In the final scene we see his corpse laying on the ground, probably in his birthplace.

This movie can be interpreted in a lot of way and it clearly covers a lot of religious and philosophical subjects. To put it shortly the main themes are the death of religion, the abuse of nature by humankind and overall a nihilistic outlook on what life ultimately is. Feel free to form whatever opinions you want to about it.

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