Gotta Show Those Assholes How To Take You Seriously And All - Tumblr Posts
Is torture like a power thing, or a sex thing for you? (Or I guess there's always both)

“You make it sound so bad, like I’m a dominatrix working at Pandora’s Box instead of being a perfectly respectable businessman. Sometimes it’s important knowing how to send a message, something which you’ll find is a necessity in my line of work.” Roman sighed, breathing out a lungful of smoke before setting his cigar aside and stubbing it out. "I don’t know what sort of kinky shit is running through your head but rest assured I’m usually too busy to waste time getting my rocks off like that, not that I’m opposed to mixing business with pleasure on occasion. Gotham’s a rough place so it’s nice when the work feels more like play, that sort of thing.” Power? he had plenty of that without having to resort to torture, his reputation more than enough to loosen the tongues of his rivals’ more stubborn henchmen and other foes. Sex? It certainly spiced things up in the bedroom but he liked to keep that seperate from work since it was a whole different ballgame... “You see, the reason why I’ve come so far here in this lovely little city is because I’ve got the drive to do what few other men will. In the hands of others, torture’s just a tool. Me on the other hand? Now I’ve made it into an art. Even the most hardened thugs you’ll find out there on the streets’ll start sweating bullets when you ask what Black Mask does to those who cross him or gets in his way. Makes things a whole lot easier on everyone when they understand what to expect, I think that’s pretty fair.” Picking up a fresh cigar, he lit up the end and inhaled deeply, relishing the intoxicating wave of tobacco flooding his veins. It didn’t provide quite the same hit as peeling off some sorry bastard’s face but it did good enough.