Gov And Dc Are Seperate People As Always - Tumblr Posts

DOODLE DUMP!!!!! I guess he deserves some different hairstyles :/
Idk why i dont know how but Gov has been bumping around in my empty little head like the DVD logo, but atleast you all get some doodles!! Yayyyy!
Buff Gov, 😼
(Under the cut ofc cuz hes shirtless but its just his back)
cuz like, he’s the literal personification of the US government, the most powerfull country in the world so he would have atleast a lil muscle like? AND the tattoo of that specific eagle makes sense to me cuz symbolism and allat (And him & Greg as little blobs of silly ness cuz why not)

Ayyyy im back again!!! For the past 2 Months or so school was hard, but now im like 2 days away from summer break so i can back to drawing silly states yay
These doodles (although very lazy, sorry) were inspired by (and have direct quotes from) @flarefoxxx ‘s amazing fanfic “Workplace crush”, cuz Gov/Greg has been making my brain rot for these months that I’ve been inactive and i just needed to draw something with these two (and so help me god i will combust if someone makes a fanfic of these two getting together) 😼
Important to mention that the designs that i do for the states may change a lot throughout every drawing of mine as im gonna study anatomy AND do some research about each state during the summer to try to find out kore about them
(And please if you want to ask me to draw something pls dont be afraid to drop it in my ask box, i have almost 0 ideas of what to draw 😿)