Grant Ward Imagines - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago
Grant Ward | Marvel | Not My Gif | Requested
Grant Ward | Marvel | Not My Gif | Requested

Grant Ward | Marvel | Not my gif | Requested

*Grant pins you down on the floor by the shoulders and locks your legs with his knees* 

You: *glares at him* Let go of me you jackass!! *tries to push him off but he won’t budge*

Grant: *smiles smugly down at you* Not gonna happen, baby. *smirks* Reminds me of the old days.

You: *yells at him* What old days? The ones where you pretended to care and betrayed the team and I!? Or the ones where you told Hydra all our secrets?!

Grant: *sighs and looks down at you* I didn’t pretend to care, okay. I mean, at first I did but then you all grew on me. *slightly smiles down at you* Especially you.

You: *scoffs* You really think I’m going to believe anything you say right now! You betrayed our trust! You betrayed me! I can’t believe I actually thought you cared. * tries to turn away from him*

Grant: *turns your face to him* Hey! Everything I said to you was true. When I told you how I felt about you, it was all true. I never lied about that. *Slowly loosens his grip on your shoulders* Which is why I want you to come with me.

You: *frowns* What?

Grant: *helps you sit up* I want you to come with me. Leave S.H.I.E.L.D. and come with me. Once I finish helping Garrett we can leave. We’ll start of fresh in another country. *holds onto your hands* Come on, baby. We can be happy, just the two of us.

You: * looks him in the eyes and smiles slightly* Yeah, *nods* yeah I’ll go with you.

* ‘Can’t believe Coulson’s plan actually worked,’ you think as you leave with Grant. *

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7 years ago
Grant Ward | Marvel | Requested | Not My Gif
Grant Ward | Marvel | Requested | Not My Gif

Grant Ward | Marvel | Requested | Not my gif

“Thanks again, for doing this, “ you say to your old friend. It was hard to convince him to do this considering Grant’s past. You knew that his team would give him hell for what he was about to do.

Joshua Foley sighs and rolls his eyes. “ I’m only doing this so that I won’t have to owe you anything anymore.” He steps into the room and looks at you. “Why can’t you ever date one of the good guys for once.”

You roll your eyes and say, “ Because the bad guys have all the fun. Now, can you do this? I’m sure your team is already wondering where you are.” You stand next to the bed where Grant’s body lays and look at Joshua expectantly.

“Fine,” says Joshua. He steps forward and places his hand on Grant’s chest. Grant’s body lurches forward and a deep breath is taken in. You’re sat next to him in seconds and Joshua steps back, “ If you ever need anything else, don’t call me.” 

You don’t even notice Joshua leaving the room, your eyes trained on Grant’s face. He’s sitting up, deep breaths taken in and out, eyes darting all across the room until they finally meet yours. There’s a sense of recognition and in a hoarse voice says, “Y/N?”

You smile at him and place your hand on his cheek, slowly caressing it. He leans towards your touch and closes his eyes. “Welcome back, baby.”

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6 years ago
Grant Ward | Marvel | Not My Gif | Requested
Grant Ward | Marvel | Not My Gif | Requested

Grant Ward | Marvel | Not my gif | Requested

Working at The Hub, there’s something odd happening each week. Whether it’s some thirteen year old boy from Queens trying to hack into the S.H.I.E.L.D. database or aliens falling from the skies, there’s always something going on that needs multiple agents to drop what their doing and put a stop to it. However, you are never one of them. 

You’re job is to oversee agents on their potentially dangerous missions and calmly stay on comms as they get the job done. Which is exactly what you were doing not even 5 minutes ago until you were hastily pulled out by your SO due to S.H.I.E.L.D Team 616 needing you. Your SO pulls you towards another set of comms across the room while he quickly debriefs you on the current mission status. 

Agent Grant Ward was in the middle of an operation when something triggered a panic attack that no one on his team can seem to stop. Agent Garrett, who was Ward’s training officer and mentor, was radio silent and Agent Coulson can’t seem to get through to Ward. All Grant could keep saying is “Where’s Y/N? Where’s Y/N?”

You’re in disbelief at first as you know exactly who and how Grant Ward is. “Ward? That one never panics. Are you sure you have the correct agent?” Turns out, the panic attack was due to remembering a mission that went south. He had you on the comms then, and hearing each other's voices kept you both going no matter how scarring the event was. Once your SO confirms that the agent is in fact Ward, you quickly take over the comms and call out to him. “Ward? Hey, Ward can you hear me?”

Shallow breathing is heard through the comms when you hear softly, “ Y/N? Y/N? Is that you?”

Smiling slightly to yourself, you respond, “It’s me, Ward. I need you to take some deep breaths for me, okay. Just listen to my voice and breathe. I’m here, Ward.”

Other communication agents have briefly stopped what they were doing to listen in but you paid them no mind as all your attention was on Ward and Ward alone. You could hear as he started to shakily take those deep breaths you had asked of him and faintly heard as he talked through the comm, “Stay with me?”

Sighing to yourself in slight relief, you get yourself comfortable on your seat as you smile, “Even if it will take all night.”

Requests are OPEN!

A/N: To the person that requested this, I hope it came out as you expected it. :) Also thanks for all the detail, it’s what I hope all other requests from others are like lol.

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