Agents Of S.h.i.e.l.d. - Tumblr Posts
6x06 spoilers
IDSimmons was so detailed. All here fears from past events could be seen. All mashed into one creature.
The gold paint on her forehead from when she as under the control of Kasius.
The bone knife from when she was on Maveth.
Her dead self from the Framework
Hurting Fitz.
And I bet that if you looked at her leg, there would be a bullet wound from when the Doctor shot her.
Our girl has been through some shit.
Simmons: You are avoiding your problems.
Fitz: What?
Fitz: No, I’m not!
Fitz: Can we talk about this tomorrow?
this was the first episode where i was finally convinced that skye can be useful in a truly useful way sometimes.

you must live till you die you must fight to survive
Touche, and apologies. I think I worded my reblog pretty harshly and with the wrong word to describe how I felt about Skye.
I'll explain a little more accurately why my post was so charged. I guess I was referring less to the success of her past endeavors with the team (all of which were no doubt very helpful to them in critical moments) and more to the very stark improvement in her emotional maturity. Before, she was very much portrayed as someone who was somewhat childish despite her many talents and treated as such even by Coulson (who reacted to saving her life in an extremely fatherly and maybe even patronizing manner until he broke the news about the treatment to her). The show kind of rubs that in the viewer's face (think back to her persistent need to look up her origins and the team's subsequent response to her ulterior motives - she has to spend episodes upon episodes proving herself again to them and the show didn't quite balance that very well with other subplots) to the point that it became irritating to see her modus operandum.
But I felt that in the latest episdoe, Skye finally came into her own, so to speak. Instead of reacting due to stress or letting her emotions get the best of her in a situation where most people, let alone a relatively inexperienced agent, would have already broken down and been found out by Ward, she pulled it together and is holding her own for the sake of the team and using her skills with finesse. Her actions are no longer imbued with an inherent sense of recklessness or immaturity colored with a combination of her skill and beginner's luck, but rather her true abilities as a SHIELD agent.
hamsterfactor reblogged your photoset and added:
I was gonna let it pass, but fuck it. I made this...
This too. The way he talks. Is the way I think.
"Are you gonna shoot me if I come out? Cause then I won’t come out"
Coulson I love you.
I just saw Captain America : The Winter Soldier and I just realized....
Peggy Carter helped found SHIELD after Steve “died”.
It was founded at the camp that Steve trained at.
On marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, Agent Ward says “Someone really wanted our initials to spell SHIELD”
Peggy created and named the entire spy organization after STEVE’S SHIELD.
That was one of the most evil things they ever did in the history of EVER.
me after AOS season finale



Grant Ward | Marvel | Not my gif | Requested
*Grant pins you down on the floor by the shoulders and locks your legs with his knees*
You: *glares at him* Let go of me you jackass!! *tries to push him off but he won’t budge*
Grant: *smiles smugly down at you* Not gonna happen, baby. *smirks* Reminds me of the old days.
You: *yells at him* What old days? The ones where you pretended to care and betrayed the team and I!? Or the ones where you told Hydra all our secrets?!
Grant: *sighs and looks down at you* I didn’t pretend to care, okay. I mean, at first I did but then you all grew on me. *slightly smiles down at you* Especially you.
You: *scoffs* You really think I’m going to believe anything you say right now! You betrayed our trust! You betrayed me! I can’t believe I actually thought you cared. * tries to turn away from him*
Grant: *turns your face to him* Hey! Everything I said to you was true. When I told you how I felt about you, it was all true. I never lied about that. *Slowly loosens his grip on your shoulders* Which is why I want you to come with me.
You: *frowns* What?
Grant: *helps you sit up* I want you to come with me. Leave S.H.I.E.L.D. and come with me. Once I finish helping Garrett we can leave. We’ll start of fresh in another country. *holds onto your hands* Come on, baby. We can be happy, just the two of us.
You: * looks him in the eyes and smiles slightly* Yeah, *nods* yeah I’ll go with you.
* ‘Can’t believe Coulson’s plan actually worked,’ you think as you leave with Grant. *
Request are OPEN!
I love this trend 😂

these are so much fun to make 😭
As a person who’s read the Ghost Rider comics (Robbie Reyes version), I never realized the differences between the Agents of Shield Show until now.
I’m like, wait a minute…that isn’t right.
Lol, I think it’s ruined it for me a little
You know, I was re-watching Agents Of SHIELD (I totally ship philinda) and I was on Season 3, Episode 13. Hunter is a fucking climate change activist. Who would have guessed?
who would have guessed?

^^ Hunter recommending to Fitz the documentry on the amazon rainforest and climate change.
OK guys, can i just add something real quick?
agents of SHIELD has SO MANY star wars references. LIke tons.

i swear that every season in agents of shield just gets even worse
like ive just finished season 4 and now *spoiler warning* theyre on a space station!!!!???!!
and what happened to my fitzsimmons???!!
Sorry just had to put that out there. to make everyone a bit happier:

we are rescued by fitzsimmons
ok so in season 5 we see hunter again.
and he and fitz communicate via a football magazine? and so hunter saves fitz by becoming his lawyer?
just me who wants to
a) laugh
b) cry
c) die
like the fitz and hunter bromance is too much for my fangirl heart.
^^ this is the scene btw
hunter is and will always be my fav character in aos. periodt