Grape Sherbet - Tumblr Posts

Cannot wait to see what I’ll get!
Part 4 coming tomorrow!

Journey..?? What journey??
And that’s it for the 16th birthday posts. After this will just be the rest of the story arc.
That is awesome!! Thank you!! 😁

Art Request for @ask-grapesherbet by @pixelrhys
Want to request yourself? Check the pinned post for instructions on how to!

Well, I guess I’m going to the pony prom this year! Even though I’m a little late… 😅
((Sorry for not posting in a month, I didn’t have the energy to continue working on the mirror story arc. I’ll try this month to post more things though.))
How the heck did I not see the Polaroid camera going off? XD
I must have been too distracted with skating. I mean come on, roller skating at a 80’s themed prom is fun!

Cameos @ask-grapesherbet and @keirastarlightdraconequus

Cameo @ask-luciavampire

Featuring @ask-forestville 's Johnathon Ebony and my OCs Daisy Daedal and Caricature

Cameos @ask-princess-lilly and @asktheartpone
Pony Prom Polaroids 2 of 4
Forgive my lateness, but I'm gonna finish all four comics even if prom's over- hopeful before the week ends. I'm just stubborn that way. XD

My commission from @jannelle-o! This is awesome, thanks Jannelle! ^.^

Part 7
((About time I update, sheesh 😓))

The first of the new wave of warmups! We've got Nitrox (on Twitter) and @ask-grapesherbet (I want to try to do more loose coloring on these, like, maybe 2-3 per character.)

Happy Halloween! We’re the Powerpuff Girls! I’m Blossom, our friend Bumbleberry from the Summer Ponies ((another blog I moderate)) and my sis Candy Cloud as Buttercup!
(Password is “summer” without the quotation marks)
Update: The blog is public now ;3
The post that I was featured in was featured in this post.
Kewl :3

I posted 299 times in 2022
That's 156 more posts than 2021!
193 posts created (65%)
106 posts reblogged (35%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 299 of my posts in 2022
#mlp ocs - 168 posts
#mlp:fim - 155 posts
#mlpfim - 109 posts
#daisy daedal - 104 posts
#mlp oc - 66 posts
#sheriff the western warlock - 33 posts
#sheriff warlock - 32 posts
#bananas investigation - 30 posts
#rose moon - 26 posts
#terra - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#i dunno why i decided to start a new ask blog when i can barely answer asks on the ones i have
My Top Posts in 2022:
"Sooo...word's been going around the Banan Superstore that you went out on a date with Banana Pie himself once, and I'm slightly curious," Twila glances aside, shiftily, before focusing her attention back on Daisy, "If it's not too personal to'd it go?"

Daisy Daedal: But he wasn’t… unattractive, and he did make me laugh sometimes. So I talked it over with some friends, and eventually decided to give it a try. Little did I know that some of my friends weren’t sure I was going to be ok….
<Splunge Sheep: Quick aside! If you're not familiar- or want to re-familiarize yourself with this super old storyline, here's the master post! It might help with the context under the cut below!>
<Splunge: You all caught up? Good! Let’s get back to Daisy’s narration.>
Daisy Daedal: Kitzumi was worried how long everypony was taking, so she had Twizilla…
See the full post
54 notes - Posted August 22, 2022

Cameo @twila-bloggin

Featuring @ask-shutter-ghost and my OCs Rose Moon, Caricature, Daisy Daedal and ???
See the full post
56 notes - Posted July 9, 2022

Cameos @ask-grapesherbet and @keirastarlightdraconequus

Cameo @ask-luciavampire
See the full post
57 notes - Posted July 4, 2022

Cameo @asktheartpone

Cameos @sullensharkstallion and @askinquiry
See the full post
67 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022

Featuring @asktheartpone's Wilted Rose...

... and my OC Caricature!
See the full post
72 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →

Merry Christmas and Happy Hearth’s Warming everyone!

Hope y’all have a great new year’s!
Wow your tall im only four do you think I'll ever grow up to be just like daring do even tho I'm still learning magic?


So…. I’m a pegasus now. Princess Celestia was the one who made me into one.
Do you like it ?

Wow that is awesome!! Thank you! ^^

I’m here!
what if everyone added their ponies to the void with me 👀

Finally, here’s chapter one of the “Through the Mirror” story arc!
Chapter 1
After I was given my bag, I stood in front of the mirror, extremely nervous. “Well, here I go.” I said nervously. My family waved bye to me and I waved back. And there I went, into the mirror!
“Ohh… where am I….”
As my eyes slowly opened, I looked around. I saw grass, a sidewalk, and a large school. “Where am I….” I then looked at my hooves- no wait, these are hooves, they’re… hands?!? I wasn’t even a pony anymore?? What the hay?
After I looked at my hands, I had gotten up on my hands and feet and started trotting out towards the school, until a tall girl with pink hair saw me. She gave me a strange look. “Um, hello?”, she almost whispered. I looked up and started to blush. Good going Grape. “Hello” I responded, “I’m sorry about what just happened.” I blushed even harder and I stood up, badly wobbling. The girl helped me stay still. “That’s okay.”. “Who are you anyways? You look familiar.” I asked. The girl started to look pretty nervous. “I-I’m… Flu-Flutt-Fluttershy…” “Oh yeah, that rings a bell! Nice to meet you Fluttershy!” I shook her hand very slowly. I understand that she’s very shy. “What’s your name?” “My name is Grape Sherbet.” “Wow” responded Fluttershy, “You have a yummy name. I must try that someday!” I grinned. I was flattered. “Where am I?” I asked Fluttershy. “You’re at a high school called Canterlot High.” Canterlot High? I swear that name rings a bell…
After that, the two of us went inside Canterlot High. Not being used to walking on my twos, I was really struggling. “Would you like to see Princess Twilight?” Fluttershy asked me. “Sure” I responded. We found Princess Twilight Sparkle inside the school, just flipping through a book. “Hello Twilight” Fluttershy said to Twilight. “Hello Fluttershy. Who’s that next to you?” “Oh this is my new friend Grape Sherbet.” Twilight came over to me and shook my hand. “Pleasure to meet you Grape!” “Pleasure to meet you, Princess.” I responded back.
What if I glued shut your butt?

I wouldn't be able to poop! >~<
(Sorry for the year late response!)
((Also it's sloppier because I drew this in Gimp 2.8, and I'm of course not used to drawing on it. :/ I'm sticking to SAI, at least I'm more familiar with the program.))
Since today’s Grape’s birthday, I minus well reblog the very first drawing that was ever made of her!

So while in the hospital, my grandparents and aunt mailed me cards and even made drawings! Seriously, I smiled so much when I first saw the cards and these drawings.
The pony on the bottom is a OC that my aunt made for me. She came with everything, but a name. So I’m naming her Grape Sherbet! 🍇🍦