Graphs - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Studying Graphs In R - Calculus 2 Class

Studying graphs in R³ - Calculus 2 class

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5 months ago

Interesting, never considered it that way

Theory: The City's Food Crisis

So I noticed a strange correlation between age and height in Project Moon's games. Which is very unusual given that almost all the characters are adults who've presumably finished growing. Of course, what I noticed intuitively would really need hard proof to back it up, so I made my partner enter the data for every character in Library of Ruina (barring those of unknown height, age, or gender). He then made these charts which I found very sexy of him.

Theory: The City's Food Crisis
Theory: The City's Food Crisis

This is a pretty strong correlation between age and height, the exact opposite of the way it tends to be IRL in Asian countries. Food availability/quality tends to be the largest limiting factor on height, and historically, that's been pretty bad in East Asia. That's why over the 20th century, average height in Korea shot up 10% for men and 15% for women (compared to 3.5% for both in the United States).

I believe this is evidence of a food crisis occurring in the City. If I wanted to look into it further, I could break it down by decades or by nest vs backstreets, but I think this is a good example of PM's insanely detailed worldbuilding. IIRC, they mentioned a need for vast amounts of food in Yi Sang's chapter, and here's the material effects of that shortage.

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2 years ago
The People Have Spoken! Here Is The Total Length Of The Remaining Dracula Daily Entries!
The People Have Spoken! Here Is The Total Length Of The Remaining Dracula Daily Entries!
The People Have Spoken! Here Is The Total Length Of The Remaining Dracula Daily Entries!
The People Have Spoken! Here Is The Total Length Of The Remaining Dracula Daily Entries!

The people have spoken! Here is the total length of the remaining Dracula Daily entries!

scroll if you don’t want to know - I am unsure about tagging this as a spoiler as it only relates to the story in a meta way

Total, the journey takes us 189 days, 111 of those have entries (58.73%)

We have 34 days left until the last entry November 7th, 22 of those days have entries (64.71%)

There are only 3 breaks left, from 10/07 to 10/10, 10/12 to 10/14, and 10/18 to 10/23

Bram’s longest on streak was 19 days - 09/17 to 10/06

Bram’s longest off streak was  11 days - 06/06 to 06/16

The longest remaining day is Sunday 10/30 at 4,983 words (10 to 20 pages ~30% of the longest entry 10/03)

There are 29,117 words left till the end (There has been 131,000 so far)

Google says it takes around 5 minutes to read 1,000 words

October 31st has 420 words (yes really)

Let me know if there’s any more data you want! I love making graphs!

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7 years ago

Trig Space

In trigonometry class today my teacher was talking about csc graphs and that they went to infinity through the space time continuum. The girl across from me said “What?” All I was wondering was if he watch Doctor Who.

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