Gray Tal - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

6 months ago

Adira, Gray, Paul, and Hugh would definitely watch Eureka (a TV show on Amazon Prime.) Why? Because of this:

(Wiki States "Deputy United States Marshal Jack Carter stumbles upon Eureka while transporting a fugitive prisoner (his own rebellious teenage daughter Zoe) back to her mother's home in Los Angeles. When a faulty experiment cripples the sheriff of Eureka, Carter finds himself quickly chosen to fill the vacancy. Despite not being a genius like most members of the town, Jack Carter demonstrates a remarkable ability to connect to others, keen and practical insights, and a dedication to preserving the safety of Eureka.

Eureka takes place in a high tech fictional community of the same name, located in the U.S. state of Oregon and inhabited by brilliant scientists. Camouflaged by an electromagnetic shield, the town is operated by a corporation called Global Dynamics (GD), which is overseen by the United States Department of Defense. The town's existence and location are closely guarded secrets.")

Part 2 soon

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6 months ago

Part 3

Gray's favorite character would be Jack Carter who is the show's protagonist. He is Eureka's Town Sheriff, and is the kinda comic relief.

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4

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6 months ago

Worms for my favorite Worms! And yes Adira and Gray would love sour gummie worms.

Worms For My Favorite Worms! And Yes Adira And Gray Would Love Sour Gummie Worms.

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5 months ago

I bring you this:

Disco Does DnD
Welcome to University Rio Del Mar! Watch Live, 1pm PT/4pm ET on @Twitch!

I just found this out i shall watch it later.

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5 months ago

Okay, I want to know the fandom's opinion of who is who but there are three unnamed Tal hosts. They have names but for three of them, it's not stated who is who.

We know who and how Kasha Tal (1st), Senna Tal (5th), Gray Tal (6th), and Adira Tal (7th) looked like but not Jovar Tal (2nd), Madela Tal (3rd), Cara Tal (4th).

These are the photos of 2nd-4th Tal Hosts, Who do you think is who?

First Post / Poll PT.1 / Poll PT.2 / Poll PT.3

Okay, I Want To Know The Fandom's Opinion Of Who Is Who But There Are Three Unnamed Tal Hosts. They Have

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5 months ago

On Tumblr For A Month!

I can't believe I've been on Tumblr for a month now. My first post was just something stupid! It was a headcanon that Adira Tal would love fluffy socks! I was so scared to post anything but I did and @sadmushroomgoblin was the first person on Tumblr to notice me and it was really scary that they were GoblinOfTheWords. They are the reason I have an AO3 account now! I desperately need their fics lol.

But Tumblr has allowed me to meet with people who love Star Trek Discovery, EPIC, and the Arrowverse. People who love characters as much as I do! Like @weltato! I must thank @ashlexzz for starting a Gray Tal fic with me! I even met people who just joined and also loved Star Trek Discovery! Such as @ajtal!

Being on Tumblr made me a bit more comfortable with showing my ideas to people who would like them. I even started posting my own fics! I also get to fangirl over things with them which is the best!!!

On Tumblr For A Month!

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5 months ago

This is a funny coincidence or @porthos-stew heard @ashlexzz and my prayers but last night we were talking about how much we love Porthos Adira and Gray Tal art and five minutes after we posted our fic. Porthos posted after over a year!

This Is A Funny Coincidence Or @porthos-stew Heard @ashlexzz And My Prayers But Last Night We Were Talking

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5 months ago

Which Tal Host Do You Think Poll Results

Hello everyone! My "Which Tal Host Do You Think" poll post has finished! The results are In!

The First and Second polls will have to be redone again as both won the name of Jovar Tal. The First poll runner-up was Madela Tal. The Second poll runner-up was a tie between Madela Tal and Cara Tal.

While the Third poll won with the name of Madela Tal!

I will redo the first two polls again while removing the name Madela Tal as the name had an overwhelming percentage for the name in the Third poll. It had over 50% of the vote! Thank you for being a part of this poll!

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5 months ago

Hi! Adira Tal would read Sprik fanfic. This came about from a convo with @ashlexzz. I showed Ashlexzz Coleydoesthings (fanfic youtuber very good go check her out) I showed them this video


Me: Put Adira in it lol.

Ash: I CNAT U WANT ME TO DRAW THEM IN TGAT SHIRT I can't so u want me to draw adira with what shirt

Me: DO IT!!! Just Adira then gray is the most normal fanfic shirt ever.

Ash: hmmm I'll do it:333

Me: I mean it would be funny but only if you want to man. LOL. Their reading Sprik fanfic lol i am killing myself.

Ash: I think imma do adira with That or naw:3 GIGGLING okay imma put that in art I should draw for later:33

The shirt says "probably reading smut".

I can't do this anymore! I am so tired and laughing so much. God Damnit I will regret this in the morning I can just tell. If you see art of this I am sorry!!!! Also tag me Ash.

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5 months ago

Gray Tal does yoga. He also forces Adira to join him, and they are dragged into doing it against their will.

I think Hugh would introduce Gray to yoga, and then they would do yoga together. Paul would also be doing it against his will. Paul and Adira wallow in pain and does not have flexibility.

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