Karma - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

karma: okay....tell me...instan the original owner of firescaped why did you do this chart? instan: cause one works under me and molts control now... instan: but as much as...molts bf causes trouble with his pranks i dont really mind those two as long as their not assholes like you then were fine... karma: go fuck yourself instan: cant im not into that! haha! karma: ....moving on... karma: why are you enemies with [REDACTED] specifically? instan: i get it molt causes some uh...destruction...outside of firescaped of course but...that guy he's crushing on...i can sense something from him...and its not good...i just want to be cautious about [REDACTED]...and i hope even if he doesnt accept to date molt i hope that he wont trick molt into...taking us down per say....cause i love working with molt, i made him after all...but i just dont want him to end up in the wrong hands of a relationship....but if theirs a little sliver of good in that man...i suppose i'll let him slide for now...but until then i do not trust him or any of his crew, friends whatever! i just dont trust him....just like how i dont trust you...karma.... karma: ok ok i get it you hate me, [REDACTED] and like 2 other cogs but you may leave now because thats all of the confessions/interviews for right now until molt makes like some more refs of his other cogs... karma: oh and i hope your happy [REDACTED] since you wanted this information about these cogs that like your other cogs or hate your other cogs....

something im not giving you context for

remember its just a theory a ga- karma: ok stfu we get it its not like you said it 4 fucking times on instagram sheeeesh ok says the plant who surprisingly has crushes anyways this is more of a confession on why the fuck my characters like so and so fyi the characters that my characters mention will in fact be censored!! for uh reasons...ANYWAYS karma: i hope you know your in this too ah fuck- karma: SO LETS START WITH YOU SINCE YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF!! karma: so why do you hate [REDACTED] so much ayy? ...cause from what i've been told by [REDACTED] that [REDACTED] i think likes likes [REDACTED] which uhhhh is why im not gonna kill him BUT I MAY UH arson :] karma: lord you need lessons on how to be a villain OK BUT WHY DO YOU LIKE [REDACTED] HUH?! ARENT YOU LIKE ASEXUAL?! karma: when they look like a badass woman then im into it besides i can fight for her since theres others who love her, also about the asexual thing- i've been questioning the sexuality so you like woman? karma: i am pan congrats ig- but yes i like woman its not like i got divorced by a woman before YOU WERE MARRIED?! karma: yes now shut your trap unless you want to go into detail on [REDACTED]~ ...no...NOT HERE ANYWAYS! karma: oh but i bet you want [REDACTED] sooo dead now do you?~ besides he's stealing [REDACTED] from you~ dont you want him dead? to have [REDACTED] do you know how to kill [REDACTED]? he is uh...you know karma: i've killed many cogs in my time of course i know how to kill [REDACTED] do you want me to teach you on how to be a villain?~ m-maybe... karma: hmm...tomorrow then maybe- ANYWAYS I WE GOT SO OFF TRACK!! UH UH UH ok Mrs. Wishes wishes: please just call me Wishes ok wishes...why do you hate [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED] and [REDACTED}? wishes: well you see those three boys look like some trouble and that woman...doesnt look so friendly...all of them remind me of well MY EX HUSBAND karma: sup ### wishes: this is why your luck is ####... karma: uh huh go suck a ##### wishes: *gasp* karma: ok this post is getting too long i suggest a part 2 besides its like 12:36am for you- uh yea ig i will do this tomorrow?

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6 months ago

where have i been? under a rock?/hj

haha no- but /hj anyways where have i been? uhhhh playing toontown doing VRClash meetings, doing vrchat in general, talking to ttcc artists for once since im just such a pussy, getting shit to work for pngtube stuff aaaaand twitch! last two mid goals were 110 followers and 130 follower on twitch and guess what? we reached that goal!! now i have 2 pngtubers of a plant and a tiger toon plant guy for pngtuber art and my oc made by me, tiger toon oc made by me but the art made by someone else tbh their name is like sigmaalpha on twitch lol uhhhh vrclash was...interesting...lots of people were missing, reaver kept getting stressed, the game was confusing and stressful everyone tried to have fun but it sucked ass, at the end of the day me and @chiprevvingtoncogger were thrown into the elimination challenge i unfortunately won (i had to go up against my bf sadness) though i won, but i aint happy abt it kinda- oh well my bf, merk, will be in the audience cheering me on and yaaaaa

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9 months ago

De um tempo pra cá, desde que eu parei de ser boazinha demais, o karma parece estar sendo um amigo muito fiel. Nesse último ano eu vi acontecer coisas que nunca aconteceram antes. Parece que as coisas param de ser inconsequentes quando você para de deixar passar batido.

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6 years ago

Donald Trump & The 'Alpha Male' Era

Donald Trump & The 'Alpha Male' Era

The recent rise in momentum of the #MeToo Movement, & the swelling #TimesUp Movement caused me to reflect on how they became so popular. To get a holistic view, I turn to history. Western Society holds the “Alpha Male” as the natural leader of The Masses, but it is the same Alpha Male Types that are being exposed as liars, cheaters, & sexual deviants... How did THEY become ’The Chosen Ones'?

The Alpha Type is traditionally known as a Man of strength, intelligence, & IMPULSE. When we look at this Personality a little closer, we find that there is more than one Alpha Male ‘Type’. Intelligence is a common denominator, but [display of] strength & impulse varies. We already know who they are. We have names for them like: Psychopath, Sociopath, Little Emperor, Brainiac, Warrior, Vigilante, Hero, Adventurer, Head of Household, Ladies Man, among others. What they ALL have in common, are the ideas of domain & property.

The Alpha Male & Female are a Western Phenomenon. That does not mean that Every Caucasian exhibits Alpha Behavior, but it does mean that Every Alpha is of Caucasian Descent. I submit that 'Alpha Behavior' exhibited by Black & Brown People is learned behavior. In their Natural Environment, these individuals would have faced a Council of Elders, or a Tribunal to explain their actions. True Alpha Types are individualists- they are not beholden to any protocol that does not benefit them.

Looking back through History, we see that the prototypical Alpha Male was most likely Alexander of Macedonia. He was an intelligent warrior, but he was also a megalomaniac with a 'God Complex’. His successor, Ptolemy I Lagus craved deification enough to 'persuade' a group of Memphite Coptic Priests to craft the 'god’, Serapis Soter in his honor. A deity meant to equal Ausar (Osirus) & Ra (Apis), Serapis Soter (Serapis The Savior) has been worshipped through The Ages, as “The God of the Alpha Male”. His philosophy is: Might makes Right.

Over the Centuries, the Alpha Male gained Global Dominance by means of Terror (Vandalism, Barbarism) & Military Might. If we credit Alexander w/ initiating this trend, when he entered Kamit (Ancient Egypt) in 332 B.C.E.- 2018 A.D. marks 2,350yrs of Alpha Male Domination. Over the Millennia, the Alpha Male learned to respect Religion’s influence over The Masses. To garner support, they rationalized their quest for World Domination, was in the name of their Alpha Male God. They were Chosen to fulfill a Destiny.

Their Philosophy goes against the Laws of Nature; Nature has been cruel, & has left him wanting... As a result, Western Civilization expanded- to the chagrin of the rest of The World. Over the last 2,350yrs, untold Millions of Land & Sea Creatures have been exterminated to the point of Extinction. Human populations have also been exterminated by the Millions. Afrikan & Aboriginal Tribes like the Herero & Tasmanian, along w/ many Aboriginal Cultures in The Americas have been slaughtered to Extinction by Fortune Hunters, posing as Explorers.

This Personality Type needs to be worshipped, sometimes above all else. His Religion encourages dominance of Individuals over one another; w/ an 'Ultimate Alpha' (The Uber Mensch) standing over all other Alpha Types. The Masculine- Feminine Duality Principle found in ancient Spiritual Systems are ignored. In fact, Alpha Male Religious Systems completely remove the Female Persona from the Devine Equation. We are left w/ a 'Father God', a [Male] Prophet, & a temperamental, unpredictable Mother Nature- that needs to be conquered by Determined Men.

Women are generally respected as Child bearers; Alpha Males are big on genetic survival. Otherwise, Women are viewed either as Commodities, or necessary inconveniences to be tolerated. As such, Women in these Societies are pushed to the extreme of [accepting their] victimhood, or the opposite extreme of the 'Alpha Female'... I believe the middle ground for Women may have been the various Sisterhood Guilds (Covenants), that "The Church" (all denominations) associated w/ Witchcraft & Devil worship. This, is most likely where The Women's Movement (against Alpha Men) started.

Over the Centuries, Women gained momentum; becoming louder & bolder in asserting themselves. Alpha Men were caught in a conundrum- They need Women for breeding, but they frowned on Women having Freedom of Expression. The flood gates opened after WW II; Women were hitting the workforce en masse, & the 1950s ushered in the Birth Control Pill. Now, Women can afford to make their Own decisions. The next hurdle, may have been repeal of Anti Miscegenation Laws, in 1969. Women not only had Free Love, but were now free to express Who to Love.

If one assumes that Women these Alpha Types choose as mates, are likely to be oppressed; one can also assume that other Women, within his reach, are likely to be violated. We can empathize (to a degree) w/ the plight of these 'mates', but We also point out Women who were terrorized, sometimes mercilessly by these Men. The list of so called 'Gentlemen', from every Industry, that have been called to account for their behavior towards Acquaintances, Associates, Clients, Colleagues, Congregants, Co-Workers, Customers, Employees, Friends, Guests, Interns, Neighbors, Patients, Students, & Subordinates is staggering! Looking at how this 'System' works, may be the best way to understand how this can happen.

The Alpha Type is cunning. He uses force when necessary, but he is an excellent recruiter. The truth is, We live in an "If you can't beat em, join em" Society. The Cultural Mantras are: 'Fake it, 'til you Make it', & 'Get in where you Fit it'. Many weaker personality types have benefited from the exploits of Alpha Men. In return, these types may turn a blind eye to an Alpha's 'indescretion'. Men that behave this way, are classically known as "Opportunists". They regularly use Alpha Male tactics to exploit Women for sexual gain. Bill O'Reilly, Harvey Weinstein, Matt Laurer, Charlie Rose, & Larry Nasser fit these models.

They are able to get away w/ many indiscretions, mainly, because they are viewed as the 'Lesser Evil'. As bad as the above are, their Bosses are much worse. Men like Roger Ailes, Steve Wynn, & Les Moonves are examples of 'Moguls'. These are the Captains of Industry that behave above The Law. It almost seems like the same drive that makes them wealthy, makes them morally bankrupt. They honestly believe they can buy their way out of any situation. The backlash from #MeToo, has been traumatic for these men used to having their way.

Through their exploits over the last 500yrs, 'Alpha Types' have collectively amassed the Lion's share of Global Wealth (currently in use). In that regard, They are better known as 'The 1%' or 'The Globalists'. They have created a System that allows them to continue unaffected, while "Proxies" take the brunt of any attack against them. With each generation, Proxies rise through the ranks, until reaching their own level of prominence. The Family names are a literal Who's who in All areas of Industry.

In America, following the "Panic of 1837", Morgan, Rockefeller, Harriman, Vanderbilt, & Carnegie are among the families that rise to prominence. Behind them came Hearst, Getty, Ford, Roosevelt, Bush, Kennedy, et al. Current times seen the rise of Bloomberg, Buffet, Clinton, Gates, Soros, along w/ the Entertainment Moguls. In this current Generation of Proxies rising to prominence, Trump stands out. On the surface, he comes across like a modern day John Jacob Astor- loud, obnoxious, & intolerant; but Astor was really rich!

Like Astor, Trump markets himself as a 'Self Made Man', but he doesn't deny that he rides on his father Fred's coattails. He bodaciously stamps his name on All of his Projects; using 18K Gold letters to imply that he either has the 'Midas Touch', or that he is the 'Gold Standard'. Roy Cohn & Wilbur Ross should get the credit for making Donald Trump Who & What he is- Cohn, for getting Trump out the Outer Boroughs & into the Manhattan Market; Ross for getting him out of Bankruptcy.

Donald Trump has made his brashness a literal trademark. He comes across like a Don Rickles impersonator, but Rickles was a Comedian. Real Estate Moguls shouldn't mimic 'angry clowns'. Like a lot of Modern Day Alpha Men, Donald Trump needed a 'boost'. The current climate of competition for Education, Jobs, a Home or Apartment, has Alphas crying foul! They are supposed to have an easier way than Everyone else. It is ordained (in their Laws).

In this regard, Society is mimicking the Greco Roman Model. We have reached a level of specialization, that naturally triggers the decay of a Culture. The Alpha Type may be a Natural Leader, but there hasn't been a need of [Real] leadership for 100yrs. Domestic Terrorism & Chemical Warfare have washed the Fighting Spirit out of many, including Alphas. Today's Society, is a Stimulus based 'Construct' that relies on Wall Street, Hollywood, & Dwight Eisenhower's "Military Industrial Complex" to keep The Masses in line w/ The Agenda (Capitalism, Racism/ White Supremacy, New World Order, ect)...

As I stated earlier, the Alpha Type, is an individualist by nature. He created the Concept of Europa- to establish a Group Identity & the Philosophy of White Supremacy- to excuse his 'Animal Nature', or lack of Humanity. He prides himself on his ability to dominate; however, the rest of The World follows a protocol of Civility. The ability to negotiate via The Art of Persuasion, or Rhetorical Skill, is greatly respected. In the case of the Alpha Male, The Historical Record tells the same story in Every Region- a Lifestyle before & after Alpha Types appear.

Every Nation that the Alpha Male 'discovered', has suffered a loss of their Social Mores. The Alpha Invaders possess superior Technology, but lacks Culture. As a result, they tend to follow & adopt the local customs of the Societies they invade. Even when Alphas were relatively civil, Native People died from diseases that they carried. During their tenure, Alphas have lived a lifestyle of excess that has left Planet Earth worse for wear... It appears that 2,350yrs is long enough. Multiple Events seem to be converging on Alpha Males simultaneously; front & center, is the #MeToo Movement.

The greatest challenge to the Woman's Movement, to date, has to be the issue of Rape. It has been a 'Tried & True' weapon of the Alpha Male for Millennia. That said, a New Day is dawning. Men are being held accountable for their [past] actions. Women are gaining momentum, as they stand up to the men that have Sexually Assaulted them. The spike in the number of attacks on Women Nationally, is more than a coincidence. The resilience of Women, collectively fed up w/ the status quo is awesome to watch, as they take to The Streets in Every City. The Men look befuddled, like they honestly don't know what is going on.

If Alexander of Macedonia represents the initial bookend of Alpha Male Rule, Donald Trump makes a fitting conclusion. The Social Climate surrounding his Presidency mirrors the overall decay of Western Culture Globally. Trump's exceptionalism, is in how quickly he triggered the Social 'tailspin'. He generates Hope in his followers, but unlike Obama, Trump uses his platform to create divisions.

He skillfully works the emotions of 'Ultraconservatives' looking for scapegoats to excuse their own mediocrity; while giving others permission to [outwardly] express their xenophobic bigotry. Combined w/ Mass Shootings & attacks on Women, it looks like Alphas are resorting to Domestic Terrorism, in an effort to make a 'Last Stand' of sorts. Their actions are pretty blatant at this point. Fear mongering, is a classic Alpha tactic for creating discord. In the end, Alphas believe that Proxies may catch a little Hell, but the Power Brokers will remain untouched.

The Alpha Type's disdain for Nature, is evident in their disregard for The Environment. They sacrificed Land, Air & Sea, in the name of Profit. The result: Air Pollution, Acid Rain, plus Heavy Metals & other 'Contaminates' in the Soil & Water Table. Human exposure to them has lead to Birth Defects, Organ Failures, & various Cancers... The Alpha answer? Population Control. They have engaged in Eugenics Programs over the years to 'Thin the Herd', & bolster their numbers, but they are as susceptible as their target group.

'Mother Nature' appears to be responding Globally to the Alpha's assault on the Land, Air, & Sea: Europe is on fire, from Siberia to Greece. Hurricanes, Monsoons, Tornadoes, & Typhoons are occurring more often, & for longer Seasons. Earthquakes & Volcanic events are happening more often, & w/ greater intensity. The animals also appear to be making a Stand- We are hearing more stories of Raccoon, Black Bear, & Coyote attacking residents in the Outer Suburbs. Shark attacks have risen dramatically... Over the last 10Yrs, Society has added 'Polar Vortex' & '500yr Storm' to it's working vocabulary.

The Alpha Male is presented as the individual at the Top of the Totem Pole. He is supposed to be the Best among Us. The Truth however, is that the 'Alpha', is really a prototype of Humanity. Alpha, means First, not Best. The Alpha Male's rise to prominence, is basically due to Bullying. The more genteel, or refined Types of Humanity have been 'Out Nastied'... A byproduct of the Alpha's Individuality, is Egocentrism- They are self motivated to a degree that makes ''God fearing" people uncomfortable. Alphas simply leverage that 'discomfort'. They have also been able to recruit Opportunists along the way, that are self motivated enough to conspire against their Kinsmen.

Alpha Types have maintained a firm control, but they are being attacked Socially, Environmentally, & Biologically. Ironically, the Biological Front was brought on by their Environmental exploits. Alphas subscribe to a Philosophy of White Supremacy, but that belief is genetically untrue. These same people are The First to be affected by the toxic environment that they created. The number of food allergies, cases of Autism, & Special Needs births are All relative. Their Birth Rate, is on a steady decline. Geneticists speculate that Alpha Men may be completely sterile by 2070. That may explain Hollywood's passion for Cryogenics, Robotics, & Human Cloning.

Alphas are not blind. They see the Writing on the Wall. They believe that they are prepared; that they have amassed enough Resources & Influence, to endure the coming Social Change. Afterall, they have weathered Cultural Storms in the past. When the dust settles on the New Social Order, Alphas will call a mulligan & begin anew- They have a Formula... It appears that Nature has a Formula of Her own. Today's Women are motivated; they are rising to prominence in Every Industry. Women represent the majority of High School, College, & Advanced Degree Graduates, so it's safe to assume that Women WILL be the Future Leaders.

I find it intriguing that Women are becoming more aggressive, while Men- Alpha Men in particular, are having testosterone issues. It's like a biochemical 'balancing of the scales' is happening before our eyes. Alpha Types are obsessed w/ maintaining their position, so we are bombarded w/ advertisements for male enhancement drugs; sadly for them, it's the 'Law of Diminishing Returns'... Alpha Types wanted it All. They desired Omnipotence. They desired Servants- whether serfs, slaves, or share croppers. They have no desire to share resources. There has to be a price to pay, for such a total disregard of Planet Earth (Geb). Even the Atheist believes in the Law of Karma.

The Fate of Alpha Types will depend on their ability to share. The current State of 'The World', is a direct result of the Alpha Male's inability to share w/ his neighbor. Poverty, is an Alpha Male creation... The Global Calamity unfolding, could very well be a critical test for the Alpha Male Power Brokers. Are they capable of sharing Resources & Influence? They may have little choice.

We respect their Right to Exist, & understand their (inherent) need to preserve their genetic pedigree, but they created the environmental conditions that now threaten their future generations. If they don't change their method, they face sterility & certain extinction; just like the [other] homonids that came before them. Regardless of what the Alpha Type does, Change is in The Air... Maybe it's just me, but it looks like Mother Nature is calling on Women to clean up a Man made mess.

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2 years ago

A Quick Thought...

Been laying back 'In The Cut', watching The World do its Thang... The issue of Mass Shootings in AmeriKKKa can B polarizing, but Professor Black Truth made an Excellent Point about Police Training & Protocol. The tragic School Shooting in Uvalde WAS NOT the 1st Time that Police failed 2 follow Training Protocol. From Columbine 2 Parkland, We see a hesitancy on the part of those Officers 2 ENGAGE armed assailants, despite their Training. On the flip side of The Coin, We see an almost OVEREXUBERANCE on the part of Police Officers 2 Shoot & Kill unarmed Black Men, Women, & Children.

The recent shooting of Leonna Hale, an unarmed pregnant Black Woman by Missouri Police is the latest example of what We call Double Standards. According to witnesses, Leonna was shot 5 Times by Officers, after showing compliance by raising her hands to show she was unarmed. When ordered 2 lay on the ground, she responded that she was pregnant. We know that hormones run rampant during pregnancy, so that may account 4 her attempt 2 run. That said, She wasn't given the Benefit of The Doubt that so many Armed White Men have received.

According 2 Prof. Black Truth, when the Police were questioned, the Female Officer involved said that she fired on Ms. Hale because she 'feared 4 her life' (Tried & True excuse amongst White Supremacist Women). The Male Officer said he 'believed that she had a weapon'. Was this b4 or after Leonna raised her hands? Why did she need 2 B handcuffed AFTER being shot 5 times? How is it that an armed White Man generates more restraint than a pregnant Black Woman? While i'm on The Subject, why R Anti- Black Hate Crimes considered 'Unfortunate Events', but simply cussing @ Asians, European Jews, & White LGBTQ... individuals R regarded as 'Bonafide' Hate Crimes?

The 1st Amendment protects The Right of Racists of ALL ETHNICITIES 2 throw Racial Slurs @ Black Americans, but is SILENT when Blackfolk R implicated. This move on the part of 'Minorities' 2 jump on the Anti- Black Bandwagon will have serious consequences, when the pendulum swings back towards Them. It's ironic how these Groups can speak on White Supremacy & Structural Racism when it directly affects them, but R mostly silent when acts of Anti- Black Racism make their way into Mainstream Media. Black America has been @ The Vanguard in the fight against White Supremacy for 146Yrs.

Over those years, (Indigenous) Black Americans have fought not just 4 Our Right of Expression, but 4 the Rights of EVERY GROUP that has been marginalized by the Forces of White Supremacy; both @ Home & Abroad. Most of the so called 'Black & Brown People' that immigrated here, owe Black America a HUGE 'Thank You'. Before 1965, the majority of immigrants coming 2 AmeriKKKa came from England, Germany, & Australia. The U.S. Government had a STRICT POLICY that limited the # of 'non- White' immigrants allowed into The Country. The Civil Rights Movement opened the door 4 them. Black Immigrants in particular, numbered less than 1% of the overall Black population back in 1960. 2day, they number around 10%.

We fully understand the circumstances that motivated many of these people 2 seek a better life here. We're simply pointing out that We have been fighting This Fight 4 so long, that it's part of Our Cultural Identity & Lineage. These 'Minority Groups' have very short memories- They somehow forgot how They ALL rode on Our Shoulders, b4 The U.S. Gov't decided 2 GIVE them the benefits & privileges (Affirmative Action Initiatives) set aside SPECIFICALLY 4 Us. They have lived their 'American Dream' @ Our Expense 4 so long, that They actually believe that They have a Social Position over Us.

As White Supremacist activity rises (as it ALWAYS does during Times of Recession), We will see more attacks on 'Soft Targets'. Black America got caught up in Bill Cosby's perspective of The American Dream, but We NEVER aspired 2 Collectively integrate into White America. We have a genetic memory that reminds Us of why We NEED 2 have Our Own. This makes 4 a Hard Target. The Suburban Enclaves of Black & Brownfolk, who lived among Us, but couldn't wait 2 get AWAY from Us, will B the targets. They don't see it coming, but WE DO! We will watch how They respond. Historically, their recourse has been to FLEE, or look 2 Us 2 Stand w/ Them; but They didn't want Solidarity w/ Us, They wanted SUPERIORITY over Us... Now They will have 2 fight Their Own battles.

-Good Luck w/ That.

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2 years ago

White Supremacists R a funny breed... They talk about Christian Values; some can quote The Bible by chapter & verse. But when it comes 2 Blackfolk, they suddenly can't remember their Judeo- Christian Values. They can't even acknowledge the biblical description of Jesus having 'Skin of burning copper & hair like lamb's wool'... The Pope may have blessed Mussolini's Tanks, but I NEVER read how Jesus condoned Man's inhumanity against his fellow Man.

It's pretty obvious that White Supremacy is a BELIEF based on fear, & insecurity. Superior Beings don't need 2 resort 2 violence & terrorism, Cowards do.

-Just Sayin'

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2 years ago

So lemme get this straight: The FBI has been invading the Privacy of Blackfolk 4 over 100Yrs w/ NO REPRISAL, but we're supposed 2 feel someway bcuz FBI Agents 'invaded' Trump's Florida Residence?

-Miss Me w/ this nonsense!

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10 months ago

Vivek Ramaswami: The Perils of 'Race Neutrality'

Vivek Ramaswami: The Perils Of 'Race Neutrality'

Vivek Ramaswami's interview w/ Ann Coulter killed many birds w/ One Stone. Her blatant Racism & his acceptance of it spoke Volumes. Vivek has been pushing an Anti- Black Narrative for several years; I have personally said that he WILL become a victim of the Institutionalized Racism that he marginalized & dismissed. Ann Coulter is NO DUMMY! She tested his 'Race Neutral' stance from the start of the Interview. When she told him Point Blank that she agrees w/ him on many issues, but won't vote for him because he's 'Indian', Vivek didn't blink. He later commented that he 'respected her Courage to speak honestly'(???). THIS is what separates Black Americans from 'Brownfolk', & why ANY Black & Brown Coalition is just a pipe dream.

I have said a few times that Black Immigrants & Brownfolk don't have the same experience as Black Americans. We have an American Experience of Institutionalized Systemic Racism that has endured for Centuries. From the American Constitution, to Local Law, legislation has been put in place w/ the intent of marginalizing Black America as a Collective. For example: Property Taxes are lower & Insurance Rates are higher in Black Communities, compared to similar situations (same Property Lot size, same Vehicle) in Non Black Communities. This is by legislative design. 'People Of Color' don't share that experience. Like Irish, Italian, & Eastern European Immigrants, these Folks experienced a Period of 'Social Hazing' by the Mainstream, but are eventually included into American Society. They know Discrimination & Prejudicial Bias, but few experience the level of Systemic Racism that Black America faces daily.

Vivek Ramaswami's Case is worth noting. He's a 2nd generation American- a child of Brahmin Parents; both w/ Post Graduate Degrees (like Nimrata 'Nikki' Haley & Kamala Harris). He was born & raised in Ohio, attended Private School, & was able to amass Hundreds of Millions of Dollars at QVT Financial (managing their Biotech Division). By all accounts, Vivek is living The American Dream. His brief Public School Experience in Cincinnati has obviously affected his view of Black Americans. He has gone out of his way to slander the Black American Experience; marginalizing Our History & Our Struggle, but his Family arrived in the 1980s. He positioned himself in Conservative Politics & rose to prominence spewing Anti- Black rhetoric. Conservative News Media Outlets gave him a wave to ride, but he Wiped Out in the Iowa Primary.

Despite visiting all 99 Counties, Ramaswami received a meager Return on his Investment. Iowans liked his talking points, but weren't comfortable w/ his Religion (Hinduism) or his 'Brown Skin'. The conversations that his Wife had w/ Iowan Voters were cringe worthy! Many looked her in the eye & stated their mistrust of his 'dark complexion' & questionable Christian Values; this despite Vivek touting his Jesuit Education non-stop on the Campaign Trail. Black Americans (other than Sen. Tim Scott) would've been insulted, but Vivek & his Wife apparently took it on the chin. He dropped out of the Race after Iowa, & predictably kissed the ring of Donald Trump. Throughout his Presidential Bid, Vivek Ramaswami sounded like he was auditioning for the Office of Vice President more than President.

Donald Trump recently had an Event at Mar A Lago that Media is calling a 'Vice Presidential Sweepstakes'. Ramaswami was among those being considered. It appears that his interview w/ Ann Coulter was an effort to beef up his Social Capital among MAGA Republicans, but Coulter deflated his Trial Balloon before he could reach a proper threshold. I personally find it comical. Vivek got so wrapped up in his perceived White Privilege, that he didn't realize what he REALLY had was Anti- Black Privilege. He thought that his wealth put him in the Ballpark, but didn't realize that most Americans don't know much about Hedge Funds or Biotech. Vivek literally flew beneath the radar, but his glaringly Non- White features overshadowed his rhetoric.

Like most 'People Of Color', Vivek Ramaswami failed to understand that AmeriKKKa sees him & his demographic as nothing more than a 'Buffer Group'. Their arrogance & smugness towards Us, blinds them to the fact that they are tools of Benign Neglect Policies; set up solely for the purpose of marginalizing Black American efforts to exercise a Right of Expression... Middle Class & Poor Whitefolk are becoming aware of just how much money this demographic earns; i'm anticipating a pushback at some point. AmeriKKKa IS NOT a Democracy, it's a White Supremacist Capitalist Republic. In This Land, The Wealthy Rule & Wealthy Whitefolk (i e. WASPS) are at the top of the Totem Pole... To date, the average Asian American Family earns more than the average White American Family. Black America knows FULL WELL what happens when Whitefolk begin to think that a Non- White Population may B outperforming them. For their own sake, Latinx & Black Immigrants should pay close attention.

When We factor in the Sabre Rattling between The U.S. & China over Commerce & Taiwan, plus rising tension between The U.S. & Hindustan/ Bharat over alleged Election Tampering, there may B some blow back on Asian Americans; especially during a Time of Economical Uncertainty- think Japanese Americans during WW2... Chattel Slavery has provided Black Americans w/ a unique perspective that Immigrants don't have. Whitefolk regarded Us as Sub Human (3/5ths of Humanity), so they weren't discrete about their actions around Us. This gives Us an intimate understanding of HOW AmeriKKKa moves. We warned these 'People of Color' about the folly of Race Neutrality, as We warned Poor Whitefolk about the folly of choosing White Privilege over Progressive Politics 135Yrs ago (i.e. The Populist Movement). NO ONE took heed to Our Prophecy- that American Capitalism WILL come for them, once We're neutralized. As always, it's Profit over People.

-The pendulum swings both ways.

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6 months ago

Safe 2 say that P. Diddler should've stayed OUT of America... I half expected him 2 join Russell Simmons in Indonesia.

Yet another example showing how 'Rap Moguls' have DOLLARS, but not much SENSE. Why do U need 1,000 bottles of baby oil & lubricant My Dude?!

-Just Sayin'

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1 year ago

Wann kommt endlich mein gutes Karma zurück?

Ich versuche trotz allem immer nur gutes zu tun und zu geben. Ich versuche immer ehrlich und aufrichtig mit meinen Intentionen zu sein. Ich versuche so stark mir mein warmes Herz nicht nehmen zu lassen. Jeden Tag auf‘s neue Versuche ich ein besserer Mensch zu werden und dennoch passieren täglich Dinge, die es mir so schwer machen nicht genauso Kalt wie ihr alle zu werden.

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2 years ago

idk how to feel about reading about revenge and karma in fanfics.. i'm madly cackling at least a few times a day.. does this have to stop? my family already thinks i'm mad xd

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2 years ago

Y por más que tratas de hacerlo bien, no salen las cosas como querías que pasaran.


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1 year ago

Do dad mk and macaque grew more closer? And if yes does wukong feel jealous and maybe sad but also kinda feel like he deserves it if you know what i mean?

I would say yes.

Although well, their relationship is almost like the series and what is to come. Macaque was present at the most crucial moments in his life during these 17 years, so they are closer than at the beginning of their first interaction.

And yes, Wukong is jealous, or rather, feels replaced.

Ironic, isn't it?

As for whether Wukong feels like he deserves it. That remains to be seen.

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5 years ago
Some Phoenix Stuff Because The Animation Is Amazing.You Can Truly Never Have Enough Faker In A Worlds
Some Phoenix Stuff Because The Animation Is Amazing.You Can Truly Never Have Enough Faker In A Worlds

Some Phoenix stuff because the animation is amazing.  You can truly never have enough Faker in a Worlds song music video.

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3 years ago

now assassination classroom got me fucked up 😭✋

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1 year ago

i just saw a car covered in conservative stickers but part of the license plate said blm

bahahahaha karmas a bitch

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5 months ago
DxP REWRITE - Soft Words
DxP REWRITE - Soft Words
DxP REWRITE - Soft Words
DxP REWRITE - Soft Words

DxP REWRITE - Soft Words

Based on many real conversations 🩵 Also Gen 8 tent because that was the BEST, dammit. Makes me wanna sign in to Sword again just to camp out, play with my Pokémon & make curry. 🍛

Sasha (Glaceon) isn’t trained like Rain is to notice / respond to Ansy’s moments where she disassociates or gets lost in a memory or feeling, but he’s picked up on it over the few years Ansy & Ikrit’s been together. I’d imagine he can be sensitive to her feelings like his trainer, too. ❄️

🔼 Diamond x Pearl REWRITE 🔽

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DxP REWRITE - Soft Words

Huehuehue, been a while since Ansy made her “kill ‘em with kindness” face 😇⛈️ Also, meet Cumulus ⚡️

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idk but i really hate when people say "Karma's a bitch" because no, she's not. if you're nice, then she's nice. so if Karma's been a bitch to you, maybe you should reevaluate yourself and find the root of the issue

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5 years ago
AJR New Album Is Great And I Wanted To Make Something In Their Style To Commerate It. And The Feelings

AJR new album is great and I wanted to make something in their style to commerate it. And the feelings it provokes in me/reasures that it's okay to have them. Cause man their lyrics really resonate with me and remind me that I'm definetly not the only one dobbering in the middle of the vast deep ocean. - - - - - - - - - - - #ajr #ajrbrothers #ajrart #ajrmusic #art #watercolourpaintings #neotheater #neotheaterart #neaotheateralbum #bloodsea #overwhelming #originalart #feelings #nextupforever #mylegos #karma #100baddays #myfavouritecolourisyou #wowimnotcrazy #red #theclick #burnthehousedown #goodmusic #causeimweak and #whatswrongwiththat #soberup #theentertaimentishere (bij Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxAz2pdFKcC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1symddsn68za0

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8 years ago

-Como cuando ves que el jugo que ibas a tomar esta vencido <3

foxapartament - 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐬𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞,

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