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3 years ago
Youre The One I Want

you’re the one I want

cabin days with bestfriend!josh you are in love with

a/n : this is my first time writing for gvf or at all on here so pls be kind and any support would be appreciated <3333

cabin get away with bestie josh would include

so so so many long hikes with you complaining and him yelling from ahead how awesome the view is gonna be

lots of hugs and hand holding with you blushing your ass off

him trying to surprise you with breakfast in bed but ends up messing it up and delivering what’s left to you while pouting like a lost dog

going to the lake and he can’t stop looking at you bc he just thinks you are so beautiful

getting insecure when the boys come to go skinny dipping and josh reminding you that your perfect to him and everyone else

sitting outside smoking a joint and accidentally telling him how you feel

You sat next to josh on the porch swing passing a joint back and forth waiting for the boys to bring some equipment to practice.

“Do you believe in soulmates?” you say randomly after taking your third hit. It was getting to you now and all you could focus on was the was cloudy feeling in your head and the way josh smiled at the sunset.

“I believe we make soul connections with multiple people throughout our life. I don’t think all soulmates are necessarily romantic. We meet so many people I doubt we could have just one soulmate” he blurts out while rocking the swing lightly with his legs. “So yes?” you ask giggling at his rambling on the subject.

He looks at you and smiles like he knows something you don’t, making you laugh uncontrollably with the help of the joint being passed around. “Any soulmates you have right now Mr.Philosopher” you whisper in a sarcastic sultry voice leaning into him.

He looks at you and smiles “Lots of platonic ones like Jake and some people i’ve met on tour. Including you” he says gently. You lean back and frown at the use of the word “Platonic”. Sitting up and handing him the joint you whisper more to yourself than him “Oh”.

“Did i say something wrong?” he asks eying your frowning form apologetically. You look at him while getting up wiping a few stray tears “I just read this wrong i’m sorry” you say before the water works start and walking into the house only wanting the comfort of your bed and sleep.

It must have been 3 hours or so and you wake to a starry night and the boys rehearsing an unknown song in the basement. You walk to your bathroom and take in your from. Tear stained face, your usual tan skin looking paler and more blotchy than before, and you hair tangled from falling asleep in such an unflattering position.

You knew you had fo freshen up before seeing the boys and especially josh, but were you really ready to after humiliating yourself like that.

After about 15 of pondering and another 20 showering and getting dressed you decided to head down and watch them rehearse. Much to your delight danny’s girlfriend was downstairs already snacking on some popcorn. “Y/n! Your finally awake! I was so looking forward to escaping these weirdos” she says with genuine excitement. You smile at her and take a seat next to her on the small couch.

“At your service m’lady” you say softly while getting under the blanket with her. After knowing her all these years you never could quite get around her bright personality. You make eye contact with josh while he scribbles something down in a thick worn journal.

“What’s up y/n? You came in so silent i didn’t even notice you” Sammy says giving you a a big hug. Out of all the brothers you have to say Sam was your little therapist bestie. “McKenzie literally shouted when i came and you didn’t notice?” you say laughing softly. “Yeah but when is she not shouting or being loud” he says throwing some unknown object at her making her scream. “See” he saying smirking at you.

“Let’s take 5” josh offers to the boys who happily oblige. Yoi walk over to the fridge offering all of them water trying to make yourself useful. When you reach josh standing alone in the back of the room, your eyes avoid his own. “Look at me please” he says softly. Your eyes slowly reach his face. Your taken aback by how sad he looks. You frown hoping you aren’t the cause of your best friends displeasure.

“Talk to me” he whispers on your ear so only you can hear. “I’m sorry josh” you say feeling guilty for the tears welling in his eyes. He sighs and looks behind you, a faraway look in his eye. “Please don’t be sorry baby” he says in his normal voice level. You walk to the couch and he follows. You were lucky everyone else had ventured upstairs, you definitely couldn’t have whatever talk that’s to come with prying eyes.

You both sit in silence for a few minutes before he swallows thickly and speaks up. “I never meant to upset you. Seeing you cry like that. I-i never want to be the cause of your sadness baby.” hr says letting his tears flow freely down his face.You smile at the use of the pet name he used so frequently. You turned to him and tried your best to speak clearly with your tears.

“I’m sorry josh. I took this the wrong way and it’s my fault. I cant get mad that you don’t feel the same” i say somberly. Josh looks at you bewildered. “I do feel the same about you y/n. You have been there for me and with me 110% sine we met. You are my best friend and my other half. I should have told you years ago” he says getting himself worked up.

You look at him with adoration and relief. How is this man real. “Are you gonna say something?” he asks eyeing you like you might disappear randomly. “Your the one i want”

Youre The One I Want

a/n! ok i hope this is a good first post:)) i know my writing isn’t it’s best and this feels a little rushed but there’s more on the way <33

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3 years ago
working with the boys!oneshots

working with the boys would include

sammy whining and complaining every…single…time he thinks the outfits don’t look flattering on him ( him just being his dramatic self)

jake constantly trying to teach you guitar and you finally saying yes after monthsssss of his constant attempts.

josh finding inspiration in everything around him and always coming to you for the approval of his favorite ideas

danny always trying to help you get ready as fast as possible when your late to recordings, rehearsals, and mic checks

sammy always having sleepovers at your apartment and doing his skincare routine with you

danny, mckenzie, and you going mini golfing on days off

josh always offering to ride you home and you making fun of his driving “skills”

danny and you ( the active social media starz 😻) always begging jake to change “the pants”

the boys inviting you on camping, road, and hiking trips

taking josh with you when you go clothes shopping because this boy has immaculate taste

jake taking you with him on snack runs when you hang (+🍃) with the boys and letting you have aux

jake and josh letting you do their makeup because they think they look different and josh “deserves to have a moment of individuality without jake copying him every 5 minutes” (get it…they are five minutes apart…)

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3 years ago
Sammy Having A Crush On You Would Include

sammy having a crush on you would include

sammy taking so so so much interest in your hobbies

always bringing your favorite snacks to 🍃 sesh

taking you to meet his brothers

him letting you pick his outfits

ranting to danny when he is especially in his feels

doing face masks together and his skincare routine all the time

danny always making jokes about you 2 getting together

teaching you piano

spending the holidays with his family

josh flirting with you over the holidays and sam literally going insane

jake trying to mysteriously hint that sam likes you and failing

sam telling you he likes you on Christmas eve

going downstairs the next morning holding hands and sam telling everyone that your his girlfriend ( as if they didn’t already think ur together……)

relation ship blurb

bc i’m super nice and awesome and i love sam

sammy coming home with a foster cat during lockdown and not telling you

“SAM” you screamed running for your shared room tripping over everything in your way. “Everything alright?…” he says eyeing you down.

“Sam did you leave the window open last night or something” you said pointing your finger at him harshly. “No, why? Did the boogie man get in and chase you down the hall?” he says laughing and getting off the bed.

“It’s s not funny same i saw something run across the kitchen floor. What if we have like….a small family of raccoons or something” you say waving your hands around for dramatic flare. You knew it was unlikely there was “a family of raccoons” in your house but why not.

“Oh that’s just little sam” he says casually leaning back into the wall next to you. “What exactly is a little sam?”you say turning to look at him. “It’s our cat” he says like it’s something your supposed to know.

“ Sam we don’t have a cat” you say looking at him like he has horns. “Yes we do, i got him this morning. i’m surprised that you are only noticing him now”

a/n: i’m really not good at writing anything but one shots so pls don’t mind it. if anyone has any writing tips or anything pls message me!! hope u enjoy <3

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3 years ago

sam kiszka is my worst nightmare

Sam Kiszka Is My Worst Nightmare

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