Danny Gvf - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Watchingovergvf Masterlist:

Watchingovergvf Masterlist:




A/N: Hey guys, I’m gonna do my best with keeping up with updating my masterlist as I go. If you have any questions or concerns please message me. Also, my suggestions are always open, I would love to hear some of your ideas or just chat. Enjoy!!!


Mess Makers~

Sweet Nothings~




Mahogany and Teakwood~

It’s Always Been You ~

It’s Always Been You Pt.2~


Family Firsts~

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2 years ago

Family Firsts-Danny Wagner

Family Firsts-Danny Wagner

A/N: Hey guys! My first Danny fic. Tbh i don’t love this fic, I was having a hard time writing it. Ultimately, I decided to just post it. I promise i will write way better Danny in the future. I actually already have some ideas for some more Danny stuff. Give me feedback or some ideas, i would love that. Enjoy!!

Warnings: fluff fluff fluff.

“Are you sure I look okay? It’s not too much?” you question as Danny grabs his coat.

“Baby, you look fantastic. How many more times do I need to tell you that, before you believe me?” he says. “I just want to make a good impression. This is the second time I’ve met your parents, not to mention all of your extended family. I want them to like me,” you whine, nerves thumping under your skin.

He pulls you close, rubbing soothing circles into your hips. “First of all, my parents adore you. Josie won’t stop bugging me about bringing you over more. Plus, it doesn’t matter what my family thinks of you, I happen to like you too much to get rid of you now,” he exclaims, a grin threating to break out over your tight-lipped face. You lightly smack his chest, pushing him away from you with a laugh. Silently, you double check yourself in the mirror, pushing your worries to the side.

“Okay, we better go now before I chicken out and play dead,” you gripe as you trot through the front door. Danny chuckles at your dramatics, very used to them now.


Upon arrival, you anxiously climb out of Danny’s car, reaching for his hand, hoping it would stabilize you a bit. The both of you stand outside of his car for a few short moments, trying to prepare yourselves. Danny cups your hands, bringing them up to his lips, gently peppering kisses onto them.

“You ready?” he asks.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you mumble under your breath.

Walking up to the doorstep, you and Danny share small smiles towards one another, hoping to relieve some tension. Danny’s parents met the both of you at the door, with big welcoming smiles, begging the both of you to come in. The both of you are pulled into tight hugs by both parents. Danny’s mom telling you how happy she was that you came. His father insisting that he take all of your bags for you.

Both you and Danny make your way into further into the house, greeting everyone you come across with a polite hello and smile. Walking into the kitchen, you spot Josie from a mile away, shimmying through the group of people to get to her. She wraps you into a tight hug. “Just so were clear, the booze is that way. You’ll need it, I promise,” she laughs out. Laughing along with her, Danny goes to grab the both of you something to drink.

A few minutes later, dinner was set and ready for everyone attending. Danny quickly offers to fix a plate for the both of you, as long as you find you both a good seat. Claiming two spots across from Josie and her mother, you begin to catch up with the both of them. Shortly after the conversation is moved to another part of the table, Danny comes back with plates filled with food. You quietly thank him as he sits down.

After listening to Danny’s parents tell past Thanksgiving tales, a question is thrown your way.

“So, Danny, how long have you and y/n been together? How did the two of you met?” they ask. You shift in your seat a little, adjusting to all the attention on the both of you.

“We’ve been together for about three years now, quite a long time for someone to put up with me,” he says with a wide grin. Everyone shifts their gazes onto you. “If I’m being honest we didn’t really meet in the most romantic way. I had gone out with a few friends to a local bar, to celebrate my birthday, and it just so happened that their band was playing there that night. My friends had made me wear one of those silly birthday crowns and sashes. I had had a few drinks and my friends decided to make their way onto the dance floor, but I wanted to stay back and just watch the band play. The band finally took a break and went up to the bar to order some drinks, when a certain curly headed drummer walked past me, giving me a gentle smile. He asked if he could sit down with me and we just talked about anything and everything until their break was up. He griped about not wanting to leave me, but happily went back after I told him I wanted to hear the play some more. It was my birthday after all, how could he say no to that. I ended up staying until after their set was over, and he came back to sit with me. We talked until the bar made us leave, because they were closing. Of course, Danny the gentlemen, walked me to my car, and asked if he could take me out on a proper date. I teased him a bit, but eventually gave in. That was that, here we are three years later,” you said.

Everyone coed at the two of you, grinning at the both of you. Danny rubbed at your knee softly, happy that you felt comfortable enough to tell that story to his family.

Once dinner was over, the both of you began to say your goodbyes, exhausted and full to the brim with food.

Starting your drive home, you look over at Danny, eyes full of love.

“Do you think they liked me?” you asked.

“Are you kidding me, every last one of them couldn’t stop talking about how much they loved you. You have nothing to worry about, my love,” he says.

“I do think my grandparents wanted to have a stroke when they heard we met in a bar though,” he says with wide eyes. The both of you busting out in laughter. “Thank you for coming, babe. It really meant a lot to me,” he says, gazing into your eyes.

“You’re my family now Danny, I’d do anything for you. Even if it means getting grilled by your family. I’d do it again and again for you if I had to. Plus, it wasn’t so bad, your mom knows how to make a mean dirty Shirley, what more could I ask for,” you exclaim, grinning at him.

“You’re so ridiculous. I love you so much you weirdo,” he sighs in content.

“I love you too weirdo,” you say, pulling him into a kiss.

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2 years ago

just sat down and rewatched red rocks again. can confirm that i am still in fact a whore. i need to be sedated.

Just Sat Down And Rewatched Red Rocks Again. Can Confirm That I Am Still In Fact A Whore. I Need To Be

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2 years ago

It’s Always Been You- Sam Kiszka

Its Always Been You- Sam Kiszka

A/N: Hey guys, i’m back with a new Sam fic. I deeply adore Sam and have been wanting to write more for him, so here’s the result. Also, i pretty sure i’m gonna do a part 2 to this, but only if enough people genuinely enjoyed the story. As always, I hope you enjoy and I would love to hear your feedback or just chat about anything and everything!!!

Warnings: Alcohol consumption. Miscommunication a tad bit.


Four Months.

It’s only been four months since you’ve seen the boys, but it feels like it’s been years.

Due to their crazy tour schedule and your seemingly never-ending work days, the five of you haven’t been able to see each other. You would get the occasional call or text, but that’s as good as it got.

But that would all change tonight.

The boys finally got a break for Christmas and had been home with family for the past few days. Of course, not being able to sit still for very long, they all decide to throw a New Year’s Eve party, which they graciously invited you to.

Thrilled was an understatement.

You missed both Jake and Josh worrying over you like mother hen, or telling you all about their latest adventures. You missed staying up all night with Danny, talking about anything and everything until the sun hung high in the sky. And Sam…

Well things with Sam where a bit more complicated. See, Danny and Sam happen to be your best friends, always have been. The three of you were attached at the hip for god knows how long. While you missed them both deeply while they were away on tour, you missed Sam a bit differently.

You couldn’t exactly put your finger on when you fell in love with Sam, but it’s been a very long time, to say the least. Of course, you have never shared this information with him before, in fear you would ruin everything you’ve built with him. You had come to terms with hiding your feelings at all costs.

Which leads us back to the present, you were anxious as fuck.

Were you excited? Yes. But, that didn’t stop the pounding of your heart as you quickly got ready.

Smoothing out your dress in the mirror, you look at yourself. The red long-sleeve dress had been the right choice for tonight’s events. After sliding on your shoes, you get a text from Jake that he is outside waiting for you.

Scurrying around your apartment, making sure you have everything. Finally, you trot out the front door in search of his car.

Climbing into the back seat, you grin at Jake and his girlfriend. They both complement your attire for the night, claiming the red suited you best.

“We missed you, Kid. It feels like it’s been years since we have gotten together. Danny and Sam have been itching to see you since we stepped foot into town” Jake says. You agree full heartedly, already giddy about seeing them all.

The ride is short, but full of laughter due to Jake recalling stories from tour. Once the three of you rounded the corner to Sam’s house, your forgotten anxiety seems to find its way back to you, pounding its way to your chest.

Jake and his girlfriend walk ahead of you, while you attempt to catch your breath. Eventually, you follow behind them, all the way up to the front door. The door swings wide open, with Danny standing in the doorway. He greets Jake and his girlfriend, not expecting you behind them. The minute he spots you, he scoops you up into his arms, squeezing you tight. “Bug, holy shit! You’re here. I missed you so much” Danny says, after reluctantly setting you down. You nudge his side, “I missed you too, Dan. It’s been way to long. Now be a good friend and show me where I can get a good drink” you smile at him. He chuckles at you, looping your arms together and leads you in the direction of the kitchen.

“You know, I’m not the only one who missed you. Sammy boy did his fair share of pinning for you as well” he says teasingly.

Okay. To be fair, you didn’t mean to tell Danny about your small Sam predicament. The both of you had a movie night at his house, that turned into drunken confessions at three a.m. He managed to coax the truth out of you and now he won’t let you forget it.

You roll your eyes at Danny and begin to reply, but instead you get pulled in the other direction. Josh bear hugs you and mumbles under his breath about how much he missed you, and couldn’t wait to show you some of the music they had been working on. Rubbing at his back, you gently pull away. You tell him to go drink some water. He grumbles at you, telling you to find him later for a dance and then he stumbles off.

You make it into the kitchen, spotting the makeshift bar on the counter. After successfully making something that doesn’t taste horrible, you stand observing the room, that is until you hear an all too familiar laugh. Butterflies find themselves fluttering inside your stomach. Whipping your head around just to spot Sam chatting it up with some guy you’ve never met before. You decided to find him later, not wanting to interrupt.

You find yourself on Sam’s back porch, gazing at the night sky all alone. Leaning up against the railing of the porch, you hear the backdoor open and close. Figuring it was probably Danny, you don’t make a move to turn and see for yourself. Suddenly, you feel fingers wiggling at your sides. You squirm around in their hold, wanting to see who the culprit was.

Of course, it was him.


He had the stupidest grin spread wide across his face. Sam pulled you close, hugging you tightly.

He missed you, you missed him, nothing needed to be said. The embrace was evident enough.

The both of you slip from each other’s grip but remain side by side. The two of you begin sharing stories of anything and everything that happened while the two of you were apart. After gasping and laughing at each other’s stories for what felt like hours, the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, gazing at everything, but each other.

“Bug, I…” Sam calls out to you.

The backdoor busts open and Jake comes staggering out. He starts screeching at you in his iconic British accent, demanding to have one dance with you. Never being able to say no to any of them you reluctantly agree.

Glancing back at Sam, you ask if he is tagging along, but he somberly declines, clearly wanting a moment alone. You nod, but begin to worry you may have caused his saddened mood.

The night carries on with the silliest of antics.

Jake spins you round and round. Josh keeps your cup full. Danny cheers along, encouraging Jake’s ridiculous behavior. All the while, Sam sits in the corner, wishing it was him you were dancing with.

It’s about thirty minutes till midnight, and you’ve managed to pull Jake off of you for the time being. Once again you find yourself on the back porch, alone, but not for long. Sam finds his way back outside eventually.

He sits a bit of distance away from you and lights a cigarette. The both of you are tense and silent, a completely different atmosphere since the first time on the porch. Eventually, you get sick of the silence cornering the both of you.

“Sam, did I do something wrong, you’ve been avoiding me all night since the first time we came out here. You can talk to me, whatever it is” you glance over at him, only to find that he was already looking at you.

He stands and closes the space between the two of you. Reaching his hand over, he pushes a stray hair behind your ear. He gazes at you saying, “I don’t think I can, Bug”.

The two of you stare longingly at each other for what feels like a life time.

You sigh, not wanting to push him on the matter. “You don’t have to but know you can tell me anything, no matter what” you say.

You start to make your way back inside, but before you can even make it two steps away, Sam is tugging you back into him.

“It’s just… I haven’t seen you in months, despite my attempts to push you to the back of my mind, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Every single second of everyday, my mind was full of only you. It always has been and it kills me to watch you from afar. I’ve been so anxious all week because I knew you were coming tonight. And when I caught a glimpse of you tonight, in that pretty dress, all I could think about was how much I would regret not telling you how I actually feel. You haunt my mind day and night, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. It’s always been you, always. I love you, Bug”.

You stare at Sam in disbelief. Bring your hands up to his face, cupping his jaw. “I don’t know what to say, I….” you whisper.

“You don’t have to say anything, I just couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t tell you” Sam shoots out.

“No Sam, I...”

“I understand if you only see me as a friend, I just wanted-

“Sam!” you holler at him.

He snaps his mouth shut looking down at you.

“Are you kidding me” you chuckle out. “Sam, I’ve been in love with you since we met, dumbass. It’s always been you Sammy, always”.

The New Year’s Eve countdown begins.

10, 9…

You both grin at each other, realizing just how infatuated you are with one another.

6, 5...

“Bug, can I kiss you?” he asks.

2, 1…

“Please do” you whisper, tugging his face down to meet yours.

Cheers are heard all across the house, making toasts to the new year. The both of you stay in your little bubble, not wanting to interrupt it quite yet.

Reluctantly, the both of you pull away from one another. Sam pulls you tight into his chest, whispering melodic words and promises of love.

The outside world long gone, being responsible can wait another day.

The both of you gaze into the sky, watching fireworks, utterly in love with one another.


A/N: Part Two???!!!! Hope you enjoyed🫶

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2 years ago

It’s Always Been You, Pt. 2- Sam Kiszka

Its Always Been You, Pt. 2- Sam Kiszka

A/N: Hey guys, I made a part two to my favorite Sammy fic. I suggest you read part 1 before reading this, just because it may confuse you a bit. I’ll link part one underneath the authors note. Also, there may or may not be a drunken dance battle between Jake and Josh, but you’ll have to find out for yourself lol. I’m hoping it lives up to its standards. Love you all and hope you enjoy!!!

It’s Always Been You Pt. 1

Warnings: alcohol consumption. it gets hot and heavy towards the end, but no official smut.

New Years.

A night that has changed the trajectory of life itself, at least for you.

You and Sam remain tangled in each other’s arms out on his back porch. Giggling into one another, relishing in your giddiness.

Eventually the both of you decide to head back inside, wanting to wish loved ones a happy New Year. You mostly wanted to find Danny, having not spent New Year’s apart. The both of you quickly decide to keep your relationship between the both of you, wanting to relinquish in the secrecy a while longer.

Once back inside, you have to pry Sam off of you. Quickly, he begins to pout, clearly upset about the agreement to split up. Bringing his hands up to meet your mouth, you gently kiss his knuckles. Sam’s pout fades away, but your kisses create a new disaster in his mind.

Utterly entranced by the woman he loves most, Sam reluctantly leaves your side in search of his brothers, and you in return attempt to find Danny.

Sam finds Jake ( or should I say Oliver) and Josh in the center of his living room, dance battling their way into 2023. Clearly the twins were beyond the point of slight intoxication.

After what felt like hours of searching, you find Danny tucked into a corner, watching the twins dance about. You slide into Danny’s side, wrapping your arms around his hip. Danny holds you tight to his side. He kisses the top of your head, wishing you a happy new year. You and Daniel have been best friends for a long time, words no longer need to be shared to know just how much you appreciate each other. That’s why the two of you sit in comfortable silence, praying that the new year is filled with new memories together.

Eventually things calm down a bit, the party starts to dial down in numbers. Once all the partygoers say their goodbyes, only six of you remain. Josh, Jake, and Jake’s girlfriend find refuge on a makeshift pallet in Sam’s living room. Your slung across the couch, with your feet laying in Danny’s lap. Sam is sitting across the room from you, but his eyes haven’t left yours since you sat down. You can’t stop giggling, because Sam keeps staring you down and smiling wide.

Once the sun starts to rise, everyone is peacefully sound asleep. Ringing in the New Year is going to hurt like a bitch, I’m afraid.

A few weeks have passed since your relationship with Sam began. The two of you have managed to keep your blooming relationship between you to. Not for fear of criticism from the others, but just enjoying the secrecy of it all.

After that night, you’ve found yourself staying at Sam’s house much more often than not, soaking up any time you have together. Being Sam’s girlfriend came with all the pluses. Waking up to him gazing down at you, washing and braiding his beautiful hair for him, and dates in the park with Rosie. Dancing with Sammy in the kitchen, at Midnight, had to have been your favorite memory. You love everything Sam, whether it actually be him or something that reminds you of him.

Same goes for him of course, Sam basically worships the ground you walk on. You’re the light of his life and he will never get enough of you. Sam pined for you for many years, the last thing he wants to do is make you feel unloved by him. That’s why, he goes to the greatest lengths to provide you the love you deserve, nothing less.

Josh has finally requested you come to the studio to hear some of the new music, after having begged you at the new year’s party to promise you would.

You agree to go, but not until later that evening because you have work. Watching the time slowly tick bye, you ask yourself why the universe is out to get you. You and Sam hadn’t seen each other all week, due to conflicting work schedules, so your practically jumping out of your seat excited to see him. Of course, you get a text from him basically begging you to get out of work early to come see him, but you begrudgingly decline, not wanting to lose your job.

Once getting off work, you make haste in getting home to change into something more comfortable. You go with good old reliable, selecting some comfy pants, a cropped tank, and a sweater. Its basic, but you look cute as fuck anyway so who cares. Many would say she looks ready for bed, but Sam thinks she looks heavenly.

You arrive at the studio and struggle to navigate what room they are in. Sooner than later, you hear Josh chatting away with someone, so you seek out his voice.

Upon arrival into the small yet cozy studio room, you spot Josh on the phone. Immediately, you scan the room for the man you’ve been dying to see. Only to find he is sitting inside the booth, clearly setting up to play his parts. Swooning at the sight of Sam, you stand and admire the man you love, taking in his beauty. Sam hasn’t spotted you yet, too caught up in the task at hand.

Danny lays across the small couch, eyes closed shut. Jake is nowhere to be found at the moment. You dart straight towards Danny, poking at his chest. He jerks awake, looking around in surprise. He relaxes when he realizes it’s just you. Danny pulls you down onto the couch with him.

“Hey Bug, I figured you wouldn’t show, considering how exhausted you sounded over the phone,” Danny whispers, not wanting to disturb Josh on the phone. “And miss seeing your brilliant mind at work? I don’t think so Wagner” you chuckle out. The two of you catch each other up on what’s been going on the past few days, not having seen each other for a while. Danny is in the middle of telling you about Jake and Josh’s ridiculous argument that happened the other day, when you hear it.

Sam has started to play. He looks lost in the music, becoming one with it. You can’t help but gawk in amazement. Sure, you’ve seen him play and perform thousands of times by now, but this feels different, maybe even new.

Danny smiles at you, knowing how you feel for Sam, (but not knowing about your relationship lol sorry Dan).

Almost like Sam could feel your eyes on him, his eyes shoot open. His movements falter, but only for a quick second. Quickly, you turn back to meet Danny’s eyes, all flustered and blushing. Danny snickers at your behavior. After what felt like a lifetime, Sam’s playing ceased.

You remained planted in your seat, chatting with Danny. You felt like prey, feeling Sam’s eyes all over you. Danny excuses himself, claiming he needed to go get ready to play his part.

Just like that you were alone, but not for long.

Hands find their way to your head, caressing your hair. Your breath hitches, not expecting him to be behind you.

“I’ve missed my pretty girl,” Sam whispers into your ear.

Fuck me, why is this man so perfect you think. Your hand goes in search of his wrist, fingers grazing his rough skin. You tug at his hand wanting to see his face. Sam plops down right in front of you, grinning.

This man is going to be the death of me.

Sam scans the room, making sure no one is paying the both of you any attention. He reaches across the space between you, tucking some of your hair behind your ear, so he ca get a better look at you. While he tugs his lip between his teeth, you smile up at him, resisting the urge to pull him into a kiss.

Eventually the both of you pull back from one another, but remain close enough to feel his side against you. Sam asks about your week, wanting to know every detail. The two of you quietly talked until Danny started to play within the booth. Josh gets to work on mixing some stuff up. Sam slyly guides his hand next to yours, reaching his pinky out to hook it with yours.

The palpable tension only seems to grow thicker as the both of you remain side by side. All the sudden, you jump from your seat, making the excuse that you need to find a bathroom. In reality, you need a moment to yourself so you didn’t combust from Sam’s teasing actions. Looking back at Sam, you find his eyes boring into yours. You rush out of the room. After making it to the bathroom, you stand staring at yourself in the mirror. Your cheeks are stained red and your hair is disheveled. After a few minutes of hyping yourself up to go back in there, you find yourself stepping out into the empty hallway. Rounding the corner, you get tugged back into someone.

Sam pulls you back into the bathroom. He makes quick work of shutting the door, and then proceeds to push you up into it. Sam smiles at you before diving into the crook of your neck, leaving savory kissed across the open canvas.

“Looks like someone is excited to see me,” you say sweetly. You can feel his smirk against your neck. He pulls himself up to meet your eyes and smiles.



The both of you fall into a fit of laughter.

You gently push at his chest, moving past him to situate yourself on the bathroom counter. He quickly slots his way between your legs, rubbing shapes into the tops of your thighs. You wrap your arms around the back of his neck, pulling him flush against you. You peck the tip of his nose, before guiding his lips towards yours.

While it may look like the two of you are making out in a bathroom like hormonal teenagers, (because that’s exactly what your doing), intimacy with Sam was never awkward. The both of you laughed and were silly even during moments like this. Sam has always been playful and helped you learn how to relax. You loved him even more in moments like this.

You frustratingly pull apart, needing air. He leans his head against yours, both of you panting. You hope the overwhelming euphoria you feel with Sam never ends. Wide grins splay themselves across your faces. You yank Sam close by his collar, pushing your lips against his. The bathroom door swings open.

“Oh…. Oh god sorry. I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you both were in here.”

Jake had to make his inevitable entrance at some point, why not now?

You and Sam pull apart, eyes wider than your heads. You both look at Jake, then each other. You start hysterically laughing, which makes Sam die out laughing. Jake continues to stand there, awkwardly chuckling. Once you’ve calmed down, you assure Jake its fine. He agrees not to say a word about the two of you, as long as you start locking doors. Jake closes the door, rushing to get out of the weird situation he just walked in on.

You and Sam sit silently, processing what just happened.



You both grin at each other, realizing what must come next.

“We have to tell them now,” Sam grimaces out.

“I know, but can we just have a few more minutes in our bubble?” you plead.

“I thought you’d never ask, my sweet Bug,” he pulls you close, smiling wide into another loving kiss.


Hope you enjoyed!!!

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3 years ago

It's the way I'm 99% dedicated to josh but Jake has a fucking gorilla badussy ultra sonic maximum strength E6000 glue grip on that 1%

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3 years ago

I really wanna write, because I have so many good fic ideas but I have about 4 essays to write that are all 10+ pages. If only my professors would accept a josh fic instead of arguing a case using the feminist theory 🙄😤

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3 years ago

Hypothetically speaking. If I were to hypothetically finish my final today, would anyone hypothetically want a hypothetical fic? And hypothetically would you prefer a hypothetical Sammy, Danny, jake or josh fic? This is all hypothetical though.

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3 years ago

Someone pleAse yell at me and tell me to get my shit done so I can write some good soup for y'all

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3 years ago

I'm in the mood to write!

Give me some writing prompts in my ask please!!!!

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3 years ago

As I'm sitting here eating my fruity pebbles cereal for breakfast at 11:21 on a fine Friday, I had the thought that Josh and Sam would 100% vocally criticize my life choices at this moment. While Danny and Jake would ask for a bite of my fruity pebbles.

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3 years ago
I Want To Send This To Every Single Mutual I Have. I Appreciate All Of You, And The Amount Of Love I

I want to send this to every single mutual I have. I appreciate all of you, and the amount of love I have for all of you is insane. Thank you for being you. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being kind.

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1 year ago

You can’t tell me the outfit wasn’t put into Sims4 for Josh Kiszka

You Cant Tell Me The Outfit Wasnt Put Into Sims4 For Josh Kiszka

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1 year ago

i need danny wagner in a way that’s concerning to feminism.

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3 years ago
working with the boys!oneshots

working with the boys would include

sammy whining and complaining every…single…time he thinks the outfits don’t look flattering on him ( him just being his dramatic self)

jake constantly trying to teach you guitar and you finally saying yes after monthsssss of his constant attempts.

josh finding inspiration in everything around him and always coming to you for the approval of his favorite ideas

danny always trying to help you get ready as fast as possible when your late to recordings, rehearsals, and mic checks

sammy always having sleepovers at your apartment and doing his skincare routine with you

danny, mckenzie, and you going mini golfing on days off

josh always offering to ride you home and you making fun of his driving “skills”

danny and you ( the active social media starz 😻) always begging jake to change “the pants”

the boys inviting you on camping, road, and hiking trips

taking josh with you when you go clothes shopping because this boy has immaculate taste

jake taking you with him on snack runs when you hang (+🍃) with the boys and letting you have aux

jake and josh letting you do their makeup because they think they look different and josh “deserves to have a moment of individuality without jake copying him every 5 minutes” (get it…they are five minutes apart…)

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