GREYLOCK!!!!! - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

What other characters,besides the main cast, do you think could be better explored in Sofia the First?

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6 months ago
And This

and this

And This

made these last night + some other but i like these. cool brush + im glad i found a way to increase the canvas size in photoshop w/out making it all blurry

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1 year ago


Decided to do some stuff on the Greylock Tapes. Like other mutations the survivors had that we didn’t see in the pictures shown.

Warning! Body horror galore below the cut!

Thomas Rockford

Decided To Do Some Stuff On The Greylock Tapes. Like Other Mutations The Survivors Had That We Didnt

Other mutations: Just ever so slightly taller than he was before the incident. Adrenal glands are also discolored and dysfunctional, which causes the random outbursts.

Samuel Washington

Decided To Do Some Stuff On The Greylock Tapes. Like Other Mutations The Survivors Had That We Didnt

Other mutations: Mutated thalamus produces psilocybin nonstop, which causes the constant delusions and paranoia. One side of the jaw is also grossly elongated, and flesh around the shoulders is sloughing off.

Ramón Herrera

Decided To Do Some Stuff On The Greylock Tapes. Like Other Mutations The Survivors Had That We Didnt

Other mutations: Aside from the broken-looking neck, several organs have fused into one large sack-like structure that produces a highly acidic compound (it’s not puke anymore) that must be expelled every now and then. This compound, as it evaporates, emits a highly potent nerve agent that is structurally similar to Novichok. Arms and legs are slightly atrophied due to lack of use.

Charles Flemming

Decided To Do Some Stuff On The Greylock Tapes. Like Other Mutations The Survivors Had That We Didnt

Other mutations: Aside from the obvious, his brain is relatively untouched and he would be more talkative (though he’d mostly beg for God to save him and the other patients) if his vocal cords didn’t crap out. Even though he’s still mostly sane, his ‘attack and eat on sight’ thing is less a sight thing and more a physical proximity thing, and he seemingly blacks out shortly before going on the attack. His feet are also digitigrade, like the feet of a dog or wolf (long feet, heel always off the ground). This means he’s REALLY fast once he starts running.

Scott Oakhurst

Decided To Do Some Stuff On The Greylock Tapes. Like Other Mutations The Survivors Had That We Didnt

Other mutations: Sociopathic narcissistic asshole before he mutated, and he’s even worse now that he’s a metahuman freak. That large wounded eye of his was not there before. He lost the old one five years prior to mutating. His new teeth are also self-sharpening, meaning that whenever he shuts his mouth, the teeth get sharper as they rub against each other. The bones in his fingers also burst through his skin and basically became claws. And not only is his increased bite force strong enough to crush bones like crackers, but the motherfucker chewed through a wooden door made from Australian Buloke like a beaver on steroids during the April 6th, 1987 incident.

Eduard Kowalski

Decided To Do Some Stuff On The Greylock Tapes. Like Other Mutations The Survivors Had That We Didnt

Other mutations: In comparison to the others in terms of psychology, the original Eduard Kowalski is just not there anymore. Physically, those eyes of his should be functionally blind, consisting mostly of scar tissue and… something else. However, he can see in the infrared spectrum of light just fine, so he isn’t blind. Plus his arms are a lot longer than they were prior to mutation, and in comparison to the anatomy of normal people, his proportions are more similar to those of gibbons than people. And as for his newfound ability to get people to do just about anything using only his words… Those eyes of his might have something to do with it.

John Rafferty

Decided To Do Some Stuff On The Greylock Tapes. Like Other Mutations The Survivors Had That We Didnt

Other mutations:

Poor little Johnny…

Poor weak, pathetic little Johnny…

Too afraid to be himself…

Too weak to be anything else…

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5 months ago

Even though I've drawn him a few times now, Greylock's hair still gets on my nerves.

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1 year ago

nothing like eatin' pie, and watching Wendigoon talk about analogue horror, or as the auto generated captions say, analogue horse, or analogue [___].

anyway, I played hl1 for the first time because it was free today.

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6 months ago

Hi folks!

So, as some may know, the state of analog horror discord servers is. Well. Not Great lmao

So I decided to try my own hand at it and made a server of my own that I will aim to lead better than a lot of the ones that exist(ed) out there. For the most part. I do not hold accountability for when the shadows start biting.

Check out the Analog Hive community on Discord - hang out with 10 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

I also made a whole bunch of emotes (still working on more cuz these are super fun to make) so come look at them or I'll be sad /j

Hi Folks!
Hi Folks!
Hi Folks!
Hi Folks!

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