ushsblog - Ushs

He/She | My original language is Spanish đŸ‡ČđŸ‡œ | I comment on STF stuff, make some drawings from time to time and write fanfiction on AO3 under the same name ⭐

193 posts

Ushsblog - Ushs - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Oh, you reminded me that I had this thing I did during a class...

Tw barechest below too

Oh, You Reminded Me That I Had This Thing I Did During A Class...

I was actually practicing bodies and then my brain whispered: put Greylock's face on it


barechest below b careful

Barechest Below B Careful

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5 months ago

Reblog to hug the person you reblogged this from and tell them that everything's going to be okay

5 months ago

It sounds like you could be a musical prodigy tbh

Fun fact about me, I'm obsessed with color blue. I love blue.

My Backpack? Blue. My clothes? Blue. My school paintings? All fucking blue (Partly true). I have to use other colors because, of course, they don't let me use blue all the time so I have several pieces in different shades of blue. Purple blue, greenish blue, pale blue, etc. But blue.

Fucking love color blue. Simply worderfull.

All my friends at collage when I go to paint a new piece tell me: let me guess, it's going to be blue.

Of course it's gonna be fucking blue.

Blue is the best color and I'm not going to argue about it.

@lyncaa @all-myloving-hunny @usernose

(screw it what's a fun fact about yourself also @ people I'll go first I'm allergic to myself






@multifandomcutie13 )

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5 months ago

i can't shut up about th russian language so you have to listen.

if greylock was a russian schoolboy his peers would 100% call him Ochko as a mocking nickname

'ohcko' is like a singular form of 'ochki' which means glasses. well, like in english, glasses don't have a correct singular form, so if you say 'ochko' you kinda associate it with one lens of glasses instead of one pair. which greylock's monocle is.

but the true meaning of the word 'ochko' is ANUS.

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5 months ago

Cedric The Sorcerer's age debate; 22 or 37?

This is an old debate in the fandom in regards of Cedric's age. I'm not really sure why is this such a big thing, but it is... I have some theories I'll be leaving for later in the post.

We have two different points of view: Cedric being around 21-25 or being 30-40.

Cedric is 21-25 years old theory:

The arguments used to defend this opinion are in this specific YouTube video:

My theories about why his age might got confusing for a part of the fandom:

Imagine you're watching a show for a long time and since the beginning you always saw a certain character in a certain way (in this case, having a certain age), and the creators of the show confirm without warning that your view was wrong the whole time, specially if the show left that info so ambiguous and open for interpretation for such a long time. It's frustrating and you might find it confusing and think it makes no sense, but in Cedric's case, the show never really implied the fact of him being in his 20s.

There is also that other group of people who saw Cedric as young as a way to justify his innapropriate shipp with Sofia. When the fans of this shipp discovered that he was 40 they denied it to themselves. I found some posts here on Tumblr about this some time ago that I'll add later in the post. That's one of them: (credits of two of Craig Gerber's tweets screenshots that I added to the post)

Okay, I had asked Craig how old Cedric was in Once Upon a Princess and he had answered me. Tiffany answered me with a guess and soon after

Edit: and you know what's funny? The YouTube channel that made this video is called "Cedfia Enthusiast". How ironic.

Cedric is 37-41 years old semi-canon:

We have three different semi-canon sources of this information: Craig Gerber's twitter, the STF pitch bible and Disney Junior instagram account.

Why are they semi-canon? Because all of them are directly related to Disney Junior but doesn't count as canon, and I'll explain why.

Craig Gerber's Tweets:

Cedric The Sorcerer's Age Debate; 22 Or 37?
Cedric The Sorcerer's Age Debate; 22 Or 37?
Cedric The Sorcerer's Age Debate; 22 Or 37?

This last screenshot was found by @shychick-52

I like how he choose the words "probably closer" because he's not saying that this information is exact.

Why it's semi-canon: Craig Gerber usually told a lot of stuff to STF fans on twitter, and some of the info he shared was later denied in the show (probably due to the fact that the writers were still deciding if it would be in the show or not but in the end they decided that it wouldn't... still, it's coming from the main writer of STF).

Sofia The First Pitch Bible:

Cedric The Sorcerer's Age Debate; 22 Or 37?

You can find the whole STF Pitch Bible in these two posts: part 1 and part 2

The Sofia The First pitch bible is a document with the "sketch" of the show, inclusing characters, appearances, plot, places, that stuff, including the ages, and a lot of info got changed from this document since the show was still being created and it was in constant change; for example, Cedric's parents had other names and they were supposed to be dead, but in the show they're called Winifred and Goodwyn and they're very alive. So the ages mentioned in that document are also not exactly canon, but directly made by people involved in the show to organize stuff, so it is related to canon in a way. It's extra content? For sure.

Disney Junior Instagram post:

Cedric The Sorcerer's Age Debate; 22 Or 37?

This is the link to the post in case you want to see it.

The Disney Junior instagram page made a meme base for the followers to add their ages, names, favorite Disney character, and share with them via Instagram. The Disney Junior account itself tried with their characters as an example, including Cedric, and they said that his age is 41. But even though it was made by the Disney Junior Instagram account, the account is only responsible for making posts to promote the shows, the info they share is not considered canon, and Cedric's profile wasn't even correct because it said he would like to be a "magician" (he is a sorcerer) and his favorite Disney character was "Dr Facilier", when clearly it was always Merlin (he is a huge fan of Merlin in the show itself).

Arguments used to defend this info:

Sofia is said to get older as the show goes on, which means that four years have passed. I'm not sure if this information is canon or not (since her being 16 during STF: RM is not confirmed) but it's mentioned in different sources, and reinforced by Disney Junior's Instagram account (semi-canon)

Cedric The Sorcerer's Age Debate; 22 Or 37?
Cedric The Sorcerer's Age Debate; 22 Or 37?

The first season starts with Sofia being 8 and Cedric being 37. In the last season, she would be 11 and he would be 41, which makes the argument that he is 41 years old viable because Disney JR is referring to his age at the end of the show.

Cedric and Roland's age is close to one another: Cedric and Roland were children at the same time in the show, and Roland is the father of two 12 year old children. For Roland to have two 12 year old children and be Cedric's age at the same time (I'm talking about the supposed 22 year old age), he would need to have children before he even got to his 20s (or even 15), which does not make sense at all, specially in a toddler's show. In fact, Roland was a full adult when Queen Lorelei got pregnant and died after giving birth.

Cedric The Sorcerer's Age Debate; 22 Or 37?

It's more likely that Cedric is around 37-41 since this information is coming from three different semi-canon sources, like the meme says: "If I had a nickel for every time [Cedric is said to be 37-41 yo], I'd have [three] nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened [three times]" (Dr. Doofenshmirtz)

The show doesn't give concrete arguments for Cedric being in his 20s, in fact the information the show gives about his age is open to interpretation, it also welcomes the idea of ​​him being 37-41 as it doesn't go against that thought either. Even though it's not canon, if there was a scoreboard, it would be written "20s- 0 | 37/41- 3"

Thank you for reading the post, I'll add more stuff if I need to.

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5 months ago

Thank you for your good wishes, I passed the test!

I was very nervous but I spoke. I think not so well because they told me I should use more vocabulary but yes. I think my problem was that I didn't know what to think about the topic lol

Even if it had been in Spanish, I wouldn't have known what to say ahaha

I felt like Cedric in that scene where he makes his magic show to Magnus and the words fail him

Thank You For Your Good Wishes, I Passed The Test!

I'm pissing myself of nerves because in less than half and hour I have an oral English exam and,

Well, I post things in English and stuff like that, but speaking it makes me very nervous because I don't know how to pronounce it and literally the whole room + outsiders are there.

I'm Pissing Myself Of Nerves Because In Less Than Half And Hour I Have An Oral English Exam And,

I'm afraid I'll forget what I have to say. I wish this was about talking about stupid headcanons and not defending social awarness.

It's something very easy but it makes me nervous. I'm also a bit clumsy when it comes to speaking and I even got stuck in Spanish, how do they expect me not to get stuck in English? Waaaah

5 months ago

I'm pissing myself of nerves because in less than half and hour I have an oral English exam and,

Well, I post things in English and stuff like that, but speaking it makes me very nervous because I don't know how to pronounce it and literally the whole room + outsiders are there.

I'm Pissing Myself Of Nerves Because In Less Than Half And Hour I Have An Oral English Exam And,

I'm afraid I'll forget what I have to say. I wish this was about talking about stupid headcanons and not defending social awarness.

It's something very easy but it makes me nervous. I'm also a bit clumsy when it comes to speaking and I even got stuck in Spanish, how do they expect me not to get stuck in English? Waaaah

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5 months ago

Discussion, I think

Do you think Cedric cries easily? I've been thinking about this lately.

Because we've seen Cedric be dramatic throughout the series, and he's certainly emotional, but we haven't seen him cry. (Which I understand, and it's a good thing because honestly, I wouldn’t have liked seeing him cry.)

Discussion, I Think
Discussion, I Think

But I wonder. My personal idea and headcanon is that he does cry, but only when he's alone. I feel like he would be the type who doesn't let anyone else see him cry.

And somehow I also came to think that if that is the case, it was probably because since he was a child he did not want to let other children see they made him cry with what they did to him.

Discussion, I Think

What do you think?

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5 months ago

Lol, I didn't remember that haha

Discussion, I think

Do you think Cedric cries easily? I've been thinking about this lately.

Because we've seen Cedric be dramatic throughout the series, and he's certainly emotional, but we haven't seen him cry. (Which I understand, and it's a good thing because honestly, I wouldn’t have liked seeing him cry.)

Discussion, I Think
Discussion, I Think

But I wonder. My personal idea and headcanon is that he does cry, but only when he's alone. I feel like he would be the type who doesn't let anyone else see him cry.

And somehow I also came to think that if that is the case, it was probably because since he was a child he did not want to let other children see they made him cry with what they did to him.

Discussion, I Think

What do you think?

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5 months ago

Discussion, I think

Do you think Cedric cries easily? I've been thinking about this lately.

Because we've seen Cedric be dramatic throughout the series, and he's certainly emotional, but we haven't seen him cry. (Which I understand, and it's a good thing because honestly, I wouldn’t have liked seeing him cry.)

Discussion, I Think
Discussion, I Think

But I wonder. My personal idea and headcanon is that he does cry, but only when he's alone. I feel like he would be the type who doesn't let anyone else see him cry.

And somehow I also came to think that if that is the case, it was probably because since he was a child he did not want to let other children see they made him cry with what they did to him.

Discussion, I Think

What do you think?

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5 months ago

Omg, I was so scared that I accidentally deleted the draft I had and thought I had lost it forever

I got it back but what a horrible feeling

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5 months ago

Why did you start watching STF again? Because I have this weird theory that most of us watched some of Cedric's edits and ended up here.

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5 months ago

Yes me too, although I saw the ones in the account "We hate wormwood" (amazing edits) and I saw STF out of curiosity

Now here I am

Why did you start watching STF again? Because I have this weird theory that most of us watched some of Cedric's edits and ended up here.

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5 months ago

Why did you start watching STF again? Because I have this weird theory that most of us watched some of Cedric's edits and ended up here.

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5 months ago
Be Careful This Bitch Is Lying Theres NO Caterpillar In Ur Hair. In Fact When You Start Trying Shaking

be careful this bitch is lying theres NO caterpillar in ur hair. in fact when you start trying shaking it off he'll try to stop you bc what if you accidentally hurt it and something gross stays in your hair? LIAR HE JUST WANTS AN EXCUSE TO TOUCH YOUR HAIR. AFTER HE DOES IT HE'LL SHOW YOU THE CATERPILLAR HE “SAVED YOU FROM”. HE CAUGHT IT IN THE BUSHES BEHIND AND HID IT IN HIS SLEEVE

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5 months ago


Your phone battery percentage determines what year of the 1900s you'll live in.

How screwed are you?

5 months ago

Good evening, everyone! I'm here cause I just remembered that I can literally draw anything I want.

And my brain said: Greylock fantasizing-dreaming about Cedric.

A few Cedlock drawings (Warning for suggestive content)

Good Evening, Everyone! I'm Here Cause I Just Remembered That I Can Literally Draw Anything I Want.

Good Evening, Everyone! I'm Here Cause I Just Remembered That I Can Literally Draw Anything I Want.

Greylock looks distressed because I wanted something along the lines of him fantasizing about something out of his reach, and all that.

Good Evening, Everyone! I'm Here Cause I Just Remembered That I Can Literally Draw Anything I Want.

Here complete

I like tormenting the poor man with dreams that trouble him, though perhaps these are in a better sense than others I've put him through

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5 months ago

Uuuh, love that idea! Yes, Antonio as Calista

Idk, I was just listening to the song and suddenly Cedric appeared in my head lol

You all, imagine young Cedric singing "Waiting on a miracle" of Encanto. Yes, that's all, thank you very much for your attention.

5 months ago

You all, imagine young Cedric singing "Waiting on a miracle" of Encanto. Yes, that's all, thank you very much for your attention.

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5 months ago
ushsblog - Ushs