Groaning And Clawing At Post - Tumblr Posts
S1 Dean meeting later seasons Sam through time travel hijinks and being horrified but how meek and passive he is.
S1 Dean not understanding how his beautiful, snarky brother could have turned into this cowering man who’s too scared to even look Dean in the eye. This Sam dosent make snide comments or playfully sassy remarks. This Sam dosent play footsie or pranks on Dean. This Sam dosent roll his eyes at Dean’s dumb jokes or laugh or make his signature bitch face. This Sam doesn’t smile or rant about whatever true crime article or book he’s reading.
This Sam flinches and watches everyone (including Dean) carefully out the corner of his eye and barely eats or sleeps and keeps his head down, his way too long bangs falling over his eyes.
And older Sam dosent understand why this Dean is being so nice to him. Patting his arm and letting him have his last fry and ruffling his hair and saying “good job” and “nice one” when he cuts a vampires head clean off or makes a break in their current case.
Just hmmmmmmmm younger Dean and older Sam yumyumyum